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The Pound Is Falling Down

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Where did you get your prediction from OP?

The fact that you consider the £ is falling would tell us either:

1) you know naff all about about currency values and what affects their relationship with other currencies.

2) you were reading your charts upside down

or more likely 3) you have been on the Lao Khao again.

Can you enlighten us as to where the figure 65 to the £ came from. I would love to know what indicators gave you that brain wave?

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Where did you get your prediction from OP?

The fact that you consider the £ is falling would tell us either:

1) you know naff all about about currency values and what affects their relationship with other currencies.

2) you were reading your charts upside down

or more likely 3) you have been on the Lao Khao again.

Can you enlighten us as to where the figure 65 to the £ came from. I would love to know what indicators gave you that brain wave?

I don't have time to answer the questions, all I can tell you is thing's are about to change.

watch this thread.

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The Bank of England discussed raising interest rates at their last review - The rate was not raised but the fact that this is being discussed suggests that it is due to happen soon. That will result in a few extra Bht to the pound. But meanwhile the Bht is perhaps still under valued and there's a Grain Fungus impacting wheat production across many producing nations - Rice is inevitably going to go up in price which again will strengthen the Bht.

I'd bet on a slight increase in the exchange rate in the near future but that the trend will continue Bht up, Pound down.

Edited by GuestHouse
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hmm, explain ? If the pound is "falling" how can it go up against the THB??? I trade currencies and futures for a living and buddy sorry to tell you but you are full of it.........

I could have not have said it better.

Someone has had one too many Jabba this morning me thinks!

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The Bank of England discussed raising interest rates at their last review - The rate was not raised but the fact that this is being discussed suggests that it is due to happen soon. That will result in a few extra Bht to the pound. But meanwhile the Bht is perhaps still under valued and there's a Grain Fungus impacting wheat production across many producing nations - Rice is inevitably going to go up in price which again will strengthen the Bht.

I'd bet on a slight increase in the exchange rate in the near future but that the trend will continue Bht up, Pound down.

I wouldn't bet on a rate rise if I were you. The BoE may be discussing it but the latest predictions are for interest rates to remain on hold for the next 4 years. Obviously that's to be taken with a pinch of salt but it makes more sense than rising them, which could see millions of feckless borrowers thrown out on the street when they cannot meet their mortgage repayments. That will be too politically damaging, although I for one would love it if the aspirational dickheads that got us into this mess in the first place paid the highest price.

I suspect inflation will be used as a tool to see us out of the financial catastrophe the country faces, so no rate rises. I can't see the pound strengthening against the baht for the foreseeable future, if ever.

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The Bank of England discussed raising interest rates at their last review - The rate was not raised but the fact that this is being discussed suggests that it is due to happen soon. That will result in a few extra Bht to the pound. But meanwhile the Bht is perhaps still under valued and there's a Grain Fungus impacting wheat production across many producing nations - Rice is inevitably going to go up in price which again will strengthen the Bht.

I'd bet on a slight increase in the exchange rate in the near future but that the trend will continue Bht up, Pound down.

I wouldn't bet on a rate rise if I were you. The BoE may be discussing it but the latest predictions are for interest rates to remain on hold for the next 4 years. Obviously that's to be taken with a pinch of salt but it makes more sense than rising them, which could see millions of feckless borrowers thrown out on the street when they cannot meet their mortgage repayments. That will be too politically damaging, although I for one would love it if the aspirational dickheads that got us into this mess in the first place paid the highest price.

I suspect inflation will be used as a tool to see us out of the financial catastrophe the country faces, so no rate rises. I can't see the pound strengthening against the baht for the foreseeable future, if ever.

GBP: 50.2138

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Intrest rates going up and down in UK sometimes does not effect things.

People who work in trading should know that, I'm wondering whose the one, quote " full of it " .

Gold is another thing no - one really knows up or down.

It has been said Pound down, Baht up. so what !!! it's what the dollar and the bath does that matters.

e.g. pound = 1.50 $ x 32 bht = 48 bht to pound.

pound down 1.48 $ x 35 bht up = 51.8 to pound.

worse I've had is 46 and the best in Sept 2005 was 75.

Edited by Kwasaki
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I like my own cooking too much. I'm putting on more pounds. I have to wait until I get back to Thailand before the pounds start falling off. I think I baht too much food. ;)


Pound for pound you are good value.

I wish I had your problem. The longer I stay here (in Thailand) the fatter I get.

Anyway - 1GBP = 51THB at Kasikorn today :partytime2:

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