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Bangkok Dangerous " The Package "


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Hi to all

I am writing on a new Storyboard for a Action Movie in Bangkok and as I do know this City not well enough,

I would like to ask some Residents here for an Idea:

In nearly any Kidnapping Movie Scene, the "Bad Boys" get caught during ( or short after ) the Money Transfer, where they are able to be tracked down

The "Package" ( so I call the Ransome Money ) can be scanned for electronic Tracking Devices, this is just a HighTec Stuff - no Problem at all

I was thinking about to let my "Bad Boys" escape - at first - through the "Khlongs" of Bangkok

I am missing out the Place, where this "Package" could be delivered by - obviously - a Policeman and NOT tracked down immediately...

Any Ideas or Suggestions?

you would be very helpfull

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If you really would want to get away with a "Package" in Thailand, pick it up with a helecopter. The local boys in Brown don't have one and they would be hard pressed to catch you on their scooters. Not very dramatic for a movie but a sure fire way to get away.

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Klongs are old hat..... :rolleyes:

Take a tuk Tuk (if you can find one ) to a certain pub in Washington Sq where all the ex CIA-Nam boys live and borrow a Tesco bag for the Lute.The courier then takes a Skytrain to Phayathai and changes to Airport link to Suwanna for first flight to ...wherever ...Geneva...sort of obvious.

Meanwwhile the real money has been taken to Ekamai and the BB jumps a bus to Trat.

From there they take the ferry/fishing boat to Ko Chang ...hang out in the Paddy Pub for a couple of days then hire a boat to Kampong Som (Snooki ville) in Kampuchea....Then..from there .......... :D

Meanwhile .....

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Have them stand on any one of the small bridges over any canal in Bangkok, drop the bag with the money into a boat paasing under the bridge and the long tail boat takes off at high speed to just about anywhere through the maze of canals and would be really hard to follow as it can divert or stop or throw the money off again just about anywhere.

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Get the money in Bayoke tower ,and when all close in for the catch, jump off the balcony, open a parachute glide towards Ding Daeng where car awaits. Drive to Dong Muang still a plane and "Catch me if you can".

Good luck with coming with a good plot line to lead to that. Keep it tight and most important dont let the plot copy any movies you might have seen. Be original. If you serious about making this one happen PM me. i got a production house and all equipment in house.


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The package should be delivered to a high-tech catapult device that appears to be a trash can. This trash can is positioned about 50 meters from a khlong that is not very busy at the time of day and where it can observed from the khlong. When the package is dropped into the trash can looking catapult, the bad guy in a long tail boat fires the catapult by remote control. The package then flies to the khlong where it is picked up by the bad guy. He then takes off at high speed on the khlong and after a few turns he travels into a busy market area where he gets out of the boat and disappears into the crowd where not even a helicopter can follow his movements. He then goes to a restroom and removes the cash from the package and places it into his own bag to insure there is no tracking devices. Then, looking like any of the other of the thousands of people in the market, he departs the area on his scooter with the cash.

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bangkok dangerous sucked, this kinda crap is all the same and its a dead genre , since the 1980s been done to death you might as well play a video game at this point if your so bored as to watch such crap.

Edited by pkspeaker
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bangkok dangerous sucked, this kinda crap is all the same and its a dead genre , since the 1980s been done to death you might as well play a video game at this point if your so bored as to watch such crap.

That's pretty mean....almost everyone is slagging this guy off.....at least he's trying to make a buck, better than sitting on your bum in some sleaze bar wondering how you'll pay for the next Leo?:annoyed:

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bangkok dangerous sucked, this kinda crap is all the same and its a dead genre , since the 1980s been done to death you might as well play a video game at this point if your so bored as to watch such crap.

The original Thai version was pretty good, agree the one with silly <deleted>, whatsisname? Nicholas Cage, that's him, was pretty dire but then most of his stuff is fairly predictable

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Even the greats had to start somewhere TenCent. I've worked in TV and Film for over 10 years and know this can be a great way to get your start in the industry.

Don't give up, don't let anyone knock you down and do your best!

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Hi Folks

thanks a lot for your ( kind of ) amusing answers to my Thread - enjoyed your Thoughts, whatsoever :-)

Bangkok Dangerous " The Package" is just a working Title, nothing more

The main Basic in my Storyboard is, that the "Bad Guys" will turn into the "Good Guys" - what will come out late in the Story

Due to all CCTV in Bangkok´s public Places and all Shopping Centers, only a few Places are spared - that´s why I asked for someone,

who knows the old Bangkok Khlong Waterways and could give me some Clues about

My "Story" will combine Amusement, Action and Confusions - and dont worry about my Screen Name, BTW :-)

Lets continue......

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When you say 'storyboard', are you actually meaning script? Because it's a bit odd to be storyboarding sequences (and using these for plot development) before you have the script... it doesn't really make sense. unsure.gif

That said, a Tuk Tuk chase would be nice thanks. And the driver of one of the Tuk Tuk's has been shot, has blood in his eyes, and can't see, so his passenger has to scream directions. And the Tuk Tuk is on fire as well. And has to do the famous 'twist' jump over water from Live and Let Die. While still on fire. Obviously.

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Do you have permissions and permits to shoot the movie in the first place ? These are needed.

My God these forums really are full of wannabe know-it-all bellends.

The guy is nowhere near shooting a movie, he is merely working on ideas for one and asking for a bit of advice. And every one here who obviously knows better jumps down his throat. Negative, petty and sad.

And as for the people picking on his English.....has it ever occured to you English might not be his first language? Really, get a life.

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