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So I ordered a sub from all of places Subway. I used chefxp and their reason for being late was that "heavy rain and flooding" . So I also ordered room service and told them not to bother as it has not rained anytime today. So the food came about a minute ago and I am waiting for room service. LOL Ordering online whilst it seems convenient is not up to par in BKK. Luckily I am hungry and usually order things that can be stored. I can eat my stuff tomorrow but 3 hours for a subway sandwich and the claim of flooding tonight is a bit over the top if not unacceptable. Thus ends my rant.

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I have used chefxp twice. On one occasion they delivered only one item I had ordered and the rest was completely wrong (and incidentally was stone cold). On the next occasion it arrived after 2 hours and they blamed it on the restaurant. However, I rang the restaurant to check and they told me the chefxp guy had picked up my order an hour before. Presumably he'd been drinking with his friends for an hour before he decided to find my apartment, as he reeked of beer.

I would not recommend this company to anyone.

Edited by stolidfeline
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having been fans my wife and i have pretty much given up on chefxp, last time we ordered ,from a restaurant less than 5 mins from our condo, (yes we are lazey gits!) the delivery took around 90 minutes and the food was stone cold and ruined,we should have sent it back but we were too hungry. now we walk and order take-away . I think the problem seems when they are busy and its raining they must try and do too many deliveries per bike run and the food just stacks up on the bike in the pouring rain while he delivers to someone else.

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Hmm, I started using chefsxp recently and have ordered three times so far and no have no complaints so far. I also ordered today and got the same message about "we will be late due to heavy rain and floods" which seems fair enough since I was out this morning and indeed it was raining alot.

Food did come within the hour anyway.

I still prefer them for food delivery services in Bangkok thanks to variety and cheaper than Food by Phone.

Maybe I've just been lucky but will use their services as long as it's good.

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I ordered from ChefsXp tonight for BBQ Sandwich King and from call to delivery was about 45 minutes. The food wasn't super hot but still warm (Excellent though - maybe a little less sauce on the ribs?? - some people like a lot of BBQ sauce but for me plain slow cooked ribs are like a fine single malt - no ice needed!) biggrin.gif But I guess that "Heavy rain and floods" are occurring now as it is the rainy season, and that delivering food on this cities potholed (and flooded!) roads can be difficult. ChefXp dont mark-up the food. I guess they're on a tight budget. I think the best bet is to check what time you order, ask if they're busy, and make an executive decision (555) on how many restaurants/distances between etc etc that must be factored into a (Realistic) delivery time.

I find food by phone good. Maybe a little more efficient than ChefXp. However, as the food is cheaper through ChefXP, I wouldn't expect the same service - as they have less funds to pay for more staff.

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There seems to be a misconception about Restaurant Food Delivery vs. Fast Food Delivery.

Fast Food outlets are found on almost every soi in Bangkok. The food is prepared in less than 10 minutes (hence the name fast food). All are within 15-20 minutes from the customer and most use a heated element to keep the food super hot when it arrives. Most guarantee 30 minutes delivery.

For Restaurant Food Delivery, food is prepared fresh (which takes longer) and comes from a single location (in almost all cases except a few that has 2-3 locations). Preparation time alone takes 15-25 minutes and, depending on where the customer lives, the food arrives within 45-70 minutes.

ChefsXP does not use heated elements, we prefer to use a hot gel which keeps the food warm rather than artificially heating up the food on the way to you.

Salads are no good when heated up or hot. Steaks which are ordered 'medium well', will definitely be 'well done' if we were using heated elements. We know, we've tried.

The fact is, we try to maintain the food for our customers as best we can and try our very best (in all traffic and whether conditions) to arrive within the hour. Again, this is dependent on the distance from restaurant to customer.

At all times, we try to convey the traffic and whether conditions to our customers - both by calling them and by automated emails. These automated emails are sent to all customers and it could be that rain in one part of Bangkok does not mean rain in ALL parts of Bangkok.

However, there are a very few customer, which we have BLACK-LISTED which takes this to the next level.

I quote: 'There is no heavy rain or floods now in Sukhumvit. I will wait 5 more minutes, don't lie to me. It is not raining now. If my food comes after 5 minutes I will not pay. Please go fuc_k yourself if you think I am so stupid I think it is raining.'

Since we are a NO MARK-UP company, we sincerely and honestly do our business cos we love it. We do not, however, enjoy such profanity. I doubt that any company or restaurant in the world would enjoy having such customer and therefore we have opted to not serve this customer in the future.

In my 12 years of doing this business, I have BLACK-LISTED 3-4 customers like this. Thank you again for all those who understand us and have contributed to this forum.

PS: All food delivery services in the world receives a % discount from restaurants.

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There seems to be a misconception about Restaurant Food Delivery vs. Fast Food Delivery.

Fast Food outlets are found on almost every soi in Bangkok. The food is prepared in less than 10 minutes (hence the name fast food). All are within 15-20 minutes from the customer and most use a heated element to keep the food super hot when it arrives. Most guarantee 30 minutes delivery.

For Restaurant Food Delivery, food is prepared fresh (which takes longer) and comes from a single location (in almost all cases except a few that has 2-3 locations). Preparation time alone takes 15-25 minutes and, depending on where the customer lives, the food arrives within 45-70 minutes.

ChefsXP does not use heated elements, we prefer to use a hot gel which keeps the food warm rather than artificially heating up the food on the way to you.

Salads are no good when heated up or hot. Steaks which are ordered 'medium well', will definitely be 'well done' if we were using heated elements. We know, we've tried.

The fact is, we try to maintain the food for our customers as best we can and try our very best (in all traffic and whether conditions) to arrive within the hour. Again, this is dependent on the distance from restaurant to customer.

At all times, we try to convey the traffic and whether conditions to our customers - both by calling them and by automated emails. These automated emails are sent to all customers and it could be that rain in one part of Bangkok does not mean rain in ALL parts of Bangkok.

However, there are a very few customer, which we have BLACK-LISTED which takes this to the next level.

I quote: 'There is no heavy rain or floods now in Sukhumvit. I will wait 5 more minutes, don't lie to me. It is not raining now. If my food comes after 5 minutes I will not pay. Please go fuc_k yourself if you think I am so stupid I think it is raining.'

Since we are a NO MARK-UP company, we sincerely and honestly do our business cos we love it. We do not, however, enjoy such profanity. I doubt that any company or restaurant in the world would enjoy having such customer and therefore we have opted to not serve this customer in the future.

In my 12 years of doing this business, I have BLACK-LISTED 3-4 customers like this. Thank you again for all those who understand us and have contributed to this forum.

PS: All food delivery services in the world receives a % discount from restaurants.

Interesting post , responding to some mildly negative comments by talking about black-listing customers and quoting from an isolated aggressive customer call they have had in the past . whats wrong with apologizing and trying to improve?!

Edited by wordchild
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There's nothing to apologize about in this case, wordchild.

A customer uses foul language, we refuse to serve the customer. The customer instigates a topic and find followers - we're okay with that too!

We like to show facts rather than act innocent, emotional and start apologizing for things which we did not do.

Isolated is correct. As you rightly pointed out. There's one in every crowd.

No doubt you have a few things to say about ChefsXP, then again it's your choice . . . write on!

(BTW the incident happened just last night, and YES - whenever we are in the wrong, we apologize profusely and compensate for any error)

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I would say that you can only do the best that you can do. Most of the complainers on this web site are cry babies that think that someone owes them something. You are providing a service that people have an option of using or not using.

I usually find that deliveries go up when the rains get the heaviest. If someone wants to go out into the rain then they have that option. Otherwise they should be patient.

The OP and some others seem like reasonable people. Reasonable people are understanding.

If you want to be drunk, belligerant or just complain than you should also offer details of your experience and your name so that the other party has the ability to complain back. I find that there is usually two sides of every story.

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the people on this forum are angry whenever someone has a business because they are jealous. just ignore them.

some people have a good experience with a particular good or service some people have a bad one. They post their experience on here and it helps collective knowlege, I thought thats what sites like this are for!

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the people on this forum are angry whenever someone has a business because they are jealous. just ignore them.

some people have a good experience with a particular good or service some people have a bad one. They post their experience on here and it helps collective knowlege, I thought thats what sites like this are for!

Don't worry about him most normal people on the forum already ignore him.

I don't know why people would try to destroy a company out of jealousy, i think its all in the guys mind he already thinks everyone is against him so he projects that here in his posts.

Anyway you are right that is what a forum is for to get information about a service before using it. Asking people's opinion about stuff and then making up your own mind.

I must ad that mostly people tend to write down the negatives of a service as those kind of things stick.

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Been using Chefxp for a couple years and service has always been great.

I've had issues with some deliveries where the food was wrong, and in one case I got a completely stale bun on a burger. Even though these are mostly mistakes made by the restaurant, ChefsXP has always compensated me back when I made a complaint. I order a few times a week for the past 4-5 months and have only had 2-3 problems.

Good service, polite drivers for the most part.

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I've been using them regularly for over two years and found them virtually flawless. The one time they delivered (admittedly very) late in over a hundred, they offered me a 50% discount on my entire next order (not just the delivery, the whole order). Also, I live in Thonburi and they still only charge me 60 baht for delivery, unlike their main competition who not only charge significantly more for the actual food, but who also charge me 80 baht for delivery. Beirut, the Lebanese restaurant once tried to charge me 110 baht for direct delivery (ironic, since they're not even really that far away and Chef's XP charges 60 to deliver from restaurants in Sukhumvit which are much further), so perhaps the OP should be happy there are people around who are prepared to schlep their dinner all over town for a very reasonable charge instead of whining like a girl.

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Just had BBQ Sandwich King again. Arrived in about 45 minutes, still warm. Kids happy, mission accomplished :)

For some reason, though, I am still not getting emails from ChefsXP - including order confirmations. Had to go on live chat to double check and the person who answered was polite and apologetic, and confirmed that my order was on its way... now let's see if the email problem is fixed.

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Since we are a NO MARK-UP company, we sincerely and honestly do our business cos we love it.

This is kind of a hilarious statement. Like delivering food would be a passion. Kind of like hotel staff saying how they really love making up beds.

That said, your business is awesome I use it frequently. :)

Edited by peteryeah
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I've been using Chefxp for over a year now and feel that they are doing a decent job in a market that needs it. Before I moved without their range, I'd look on their services with envy.

There was only one problem (a mixup) where they offered the food for free.

No deliveries have been cold, even during the Red Shirts. I often compare my steady Chefxp experience with the many times I've had pizza companies deliver pizzas anyway but up upright.

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Used ChefsXP for another delivery today (Sandwiches from a new company called Le Petit Boulangere)

Delivered in 40 mins from call to delivery and still hot (It was a cold sandwich! :) )

Good service... and a very delicious roast beef sandwich! :)

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Need a fix of Bar B Q Sandwich King Carolina Pork Rib Sandwich. Arrived in under a hour - warm & perfect.

I sure hope Chefs XP stress driver safety - because Pizza Company drivers are completely insane. I think the company push them to get the pizza there in 30 mins or less.

Chefs XP are very good about letting you know in case of delays.

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I used them for the first time over the last 2 months, during which I made about 8 orders - good communicative service, never late and food hot enough, bar one occasion where the food I'd ordered wasn't the same standard as usual and I suspect this was more the restaurant side.

I'll definitely keep using them.

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