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True Move Or Ais For Data Roaming In Bangkok?


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From Singapore going to Bangkok for a few days. Staying in the area served by BTS. Which mobile operator should I go with for data access on iPhone while I am there? Obviously I want something with good signal and coverage. I am not talking about cellphone coverage but 3G/data coverage.

Basically, if I go with Singtel, it data roams through AIS. With Starhub, it data roams with True Move.

Any advice appreciated. Thanks!

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True is supposed to have some 3G coverage going in BKK but it's in dispute with the government about it. No real 3G net in Thailand, supposed to be first 3G auction late September, maybe have some up and running in a year. For 3G you need to go to an advanced economy like Laos or Cambodia which has had it for a while.

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True is supposed to have some 3G coverage going in BKK but it's in dispute with the government about it. No real 3G net in Thailand, supposed to be first 3G auction late September, maybe have some up and running in a year. For 3G you need to go to an advanced economy like Laos or Cambodia which has had it for a while.

Yeah, even Vietnam has had it for years.

Also, avoid True Move as they have really lousy service. Hard to connect to an AIS number sometimes and spotty signal coverage.

I have True Move and my girlfriend cannot call me half the time (she has AIS), so she has to sms me and hope I get the message. And I live on Asoke.

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The OP was asking about 3G data service, not so much phone calling...

I have True 3G and IMobile 3G (TOT) in BKK, both of which work serviceably well... Not blazing fast, but much better than standard GPRS.

But I have both on post-pay recurring monthly service... I'm not sure how/if they handle prepaid SIM cards for those for someone who's just visiting....

In the central core of BKK, I can get a 3G connection from both most of the time...except sometimes inside some/certain buildings.

Likewise, as far as calling is concerned, I've never had any problem with True dropping calls or failing to provide a connection in BKK. The IMobile calls seem to be a bit less reliable, but still not enough to cause much annoyance.

True indeed is having a dispute with the government over its 3G service, involving the terms of its concession contract. But as far as I can tell, that has yet to have any impact on the actual data service they continue to offer (and advertise).

AIS is trying to get into the 3G data market, and supposedly has a trial running, but in essence basically is a non-player at this point....except for trying to horn in on TOT's 3G network, so far, unsuccessfully, from what I read. Likewise, DTAC isn't a serious player in 3G at this point.

You have a choice, True runs their 3G on 850 Mhz, while TOT/'IMobile is on 2100 Mhz.... so the 3G bands available on your phone may influence your choice.

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Since you say you're going to be running an iPhone, I'd go with True as they have good wireless coverage across Bangkok.


With TrueMove you'll be getting a reasonably good 3G service throughout most of the downtown area, with AIS you'll be getting a much slower, and often unusable, EDGE service.

That said it does depend on your location, on the 34th floor of a condo in Sathorn I got no 3G signal with True whatsoever, but EDGE worked (just barely). It's also possible that Starhub users won't be able to roam onto True's 3G network so bring both SIM cards just in case.

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