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No matter what the circumstances or news update concerning Mr.Thaksin , he should be given fair treatment in every sense ;as ' in politics ... always a dirty & mean game' not only in Thailand but it's in every nation all over the world . The fact that he has brought up Thailand to a higher level during the time he was PM ; he should be given the dued respect . Much positive growth in the country itself were seen those time & less negative social &moral degrade problems surfacing. Reflected in the local news daily , one can read about the alarming rate for drugs being smuggled into the country being reported .The Nation news reported today 'Foreign Drug Dealers are Targetting Thailand'. ' WAKE UP...............THAILAND'.

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Beautiful and insightful photograph.


How so sad that the poor and disenfranchised Thai were fooled and royally fo*ked by a common criminal - Thaksin was..... legally found guilty, yes?.... for such a small bag of Rice.

At least the current lot in charge in Krungthep seem a lot more inclined to talk rather than shoot? Yes.

Basic Economics + Rule of Law would be a good start.


the charge by the Department of Special Investigation against Thaksin was unfair



All this recent Thaksin contrition is coming from two factors.

1 )

His go for broke attempt to wrest power back failed spectacularly, yet again,

and imploded the 'legitimate' potential of his street army the Red Shirts.

He took their grass roots political movement as his own and slammed it onto the ground full force.

Because they went a few steps too far and he could be seen publicly as intrinsic to this effiort,

before and during, he is now up for charges of international terrorism, and that is something,

that CAN reach out and get him, and/or prior to that severely limit his business interests

and travel abilities.

The people most believed to be connected with the violent factions, Sae Daeng's coterie

are now more and more in the dock and willing to talk of, Thaksin, Sae Deang, and likely Panlop

and all tied up in a neat bundle.

You notice Panlop has suddenly resurfaced to rebut charges... just as Sea Deangs ring is brought in?

One must wonder who else is worried about too many meetings they shared. The Brain maybe?

2 )

The red destruction preceded by the words used by so many of Thaksin's stated partners from the red stages,

hangs Thaksin out to dry on the world stage, and he is only recently realizing how deep a hole he had dug.

Last year there was just enough ambiguity to say it was random and not a planned tactic,

and he didn't get the expected violence from the army, and so got caught serially trying to gin it up

for public consumption. Reamed out on CNN and Al Jazera. Instant credibility deficit. But people forget.

Eventually it just looked like crying wolf over and over again, but people forget.

A year later it all came together again but too obviously right after the S.Crt. took his cash, and he KNOWS that

his network of family and business interests can be clearly seen tied to this endless rally of destruction.

So he is rightly scared, that twice his aggressive plans have failed, and each time his position worsens,

this time with the potential to fall, not from power, but into the sewer of 'international terrorist pariah'.

No wonder he is attempting to make nice right now. And he will rationally do so, likely until he gets angered at

some loss; cash or face, and lash out, only to regret it days later, and start the re-spin.

He has become quite predictable, even as he imagines he is the cutting edge of new Thai thought.

Sad little man, with too much money, and not enough honor to fill a shot glass.

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He has become quite predictable, even as he imagines he is the cutting edge of new Thai thought.

Sad little man, with too much money, and not enough honor to fill a shot glass.

Amen :jap:

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There is no fairness in Thailand. he should know that, because he was in power before. This is Krama.





Also funny that the TV Reds have recently stayed away from this Thaksin verbage as well. They have been reduced to sniping at Abhisit, as their credibility defending this "devil in a blue dress" has been completely consumed.


To the remaining Thaksin apologists who still say, he did great things for Thailand when he was PM. It is true, while he was PM, he did some good things and he did some bad things. But look at his behavior in the last few years. There is no excuse for it. That is the man now, not the fantasy man/fantasy past some people irrationally still pine for.


To the remaining Thaksin apologists who still say, he did great things for Thailand when he was PM. It is true, while he was PM, he did some good things and he did some bad things. But look at his behavior in the last few years. There is no excuse for it. That is the man now, not the fantasy man/fantasy past some people irrationally still pine for.

YES! Exactly. in most businesses that are performance oriented, a mantra is,

"What have you done lately?" When we look at Thaksin on this score card,

he comes up wanting on all levels and by most measurements.

There is no un-emotional Bell Curve that salvages his act,

no matter what words he chooses, and no matter how much

indoctrination as been used on his followers..


Perhaps Thaksin should get a dictionary and look up big words before he uses them. He would not have used the word fairly if he knew what it meant.

People make suggestions that he should be in the next life.

WHY :unsure:

He wants to be treated fairly for that he will have to stick around for a couple of centuries. I see an eye for an eye as being fair. He did a marginal amount of good so a thousand years is out of the question.:(

Far to much attention being given to the man. His case is in the system and it does not need constant suggestions from the public.



Wow, what a picture. Talk about brainwashed and delusion.

To me the red movment is a cult, not a political movment.

"The demagogue preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots"

Henry Louis Mencken.

  • Like 1

All this recent Thaksin contrition is coming from two factors.

1 )

His go for broke attempt to wrest power back failed spectacularly, yet again,

and imploded the 'legitimate' potential of his street army the Red Shirts.

He took their grass roots political movement as his own and slammed it onto the ground full force.

Because they went a few steps too far and he could be seen publicly as intrinsic to this effiort,

before and during, he is now up for charges of international terrorism, and that is something,

that CAN reach out and get him, and/or prior to that severely limit his business interests

and travel abilities.

The people most believed to be connected with the violent factions, Sae Daeng's coterie

are now more and more in the dock and willing to talk of, Thaksin, Sae Deang, and likely Panlop

and all tied up in a neat bundle.

You notice Panlop has suddenly resurfaced to rebut charges... just as Sea Deangs ring is brought in?

One must wonder who else is worried about too many meetings they shared. The Brain maybe?

2 )

The red destruction preceded by the words used by so many of Thaksin's stated partners from the red stages,

hangs Thaksin out to dry on the world stage, and he is only recently realizing how deep a hole he had dug.

Last year there was just enough ambiguity to say it was random and not a planned tactic,

and he didn't get the expected violence from the army, and so got caught serially trying to gin it up

for public consumption. Reamed out on CNN and Al Jazera. Instant credibility deficit. But people forget.

Eventually it just looked like crying wolf over and over again, but people forget.

A year later it all came together again but too obviously right after the S.Crt. took his cash, and he KNOWS that

his network of family and business interests can be clearly seen tied to this endless rally of destruction.

So he is rightly scared, that twice his aggressive plans have failed, and each time his position worsens,

this time with the potential to fall, not from power, but into the sewer of 'international terrorist pariah'.

No wonder he is attempting to make nice right now. And he will rationally do so, likely until he gets angered at

some loss; cash or face, and lash out, only to regret it days later, and start the re-spin.

He has become quite predictable, even as he imagines he is the cutting edge of new Thai thought.

Sad little man, with too much money, and not enough honor to fill a shot glass.

Post of the day, thanks


A BIT OF HUMOR BUT WITH A POINT: "It sounds like something 'TAKSIN' might try to convince you of..........

An 86-year-old man went to his doctor for his quarterly check-up...

The doctor asked him how he was feeling, and the 86-year-old said , 'Things are great and I've never felt better.'

I now have a 20 year-old bride who is pregnant with my child.

'So what do you think about that Doc ?'

The doctor considered his question for a minute and then began to tell a story..

'I have an older friend , much like you, who is an avid hunter and never misses a season.'

One day he was setting off to go hunting.

In a bit of a hurry , he accidentally picked up his walking cane instead of his gun.'

'As he neared a lake , he came across a very large male beaver sitting at the water's edge.

He realized he'd left his gun at home and so he couldn't shoot the magnificent creature.

Out of habit he raised his cane , aimed it at the animal as if it were his favorite hunting rifle and went 'bang, bang'.'

'Miraculously , two shots rang out and the beaver fell over dead..

Now, what do you think of that ?' asked the doctor.

The 86-year-old said , 'Logic would strongly suggest that somebody else pumped a couple of rounds into that beaver.'

The doctor replied , 'My point exactly.'



Suggesting that he be charged, convicted, and sentenced properly for treason - for funding and advocating violence that has cost hundreds, or thousands of lives is not advocating violence - it is advocating justice.

There is a problem with suggesting to executing someone, but not with asking for justice. I have no problem with you asking him to be charged and sentenced if properly found guilty in a court of law, including sentenced to death.

I was just trying to skip the the chase :sorry:, I'll be more verbose next time :jap:

well we found out what you said anyway :ph34r:


A firing squad is fair.

Dear Som Tum Tiger,

Nice to see you here.

More power to you!

Whatever you may think of the man he does deserve fair treatment . It is, however,unlikely that he will be able to get this in a country that mixes money, politics, the army and the judiciary. He will just have to wait until after the next election before he may be able to make a safe return.

Please tell me the country does NOT mix "money, politics, the army and the judiciary"?

He will get the trials that he deserves for doing the acts he has done in

THE SAME COUNTRY "that mixes money, politics, the army and the judiciary."

He knew exactly where he was and how it works here, he just thought he could

control it enough to win. Guess not, eh? Som nom na.

In answer to your question the UK is amongst many civilised countries that does not mix money politics the army and the judiciary even if you dispute this fact if we used your logic we would have to conclude that every country in the world's justice sytems are equally fair Including the USA , Switzerland,Nigeria, Montenegro, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran . Cearly there are different amounts of imaprtiality and fairnesss in the justice systems of different countries. He would and could not be treated with impartiality in Thailand under the current regime. His best chance is for a change of Government next year when the Thai people are finally given a vote after that I wouldnt be at all surprised if he then were to make a return.


I hate to see a 'grown-up' man CRY................ give up Taksin, and prepare yourself for what you have earned and deserve......


In answer to your question the UK is amongst many civilised countries that does not mix money politics the army and the judiciary even if you dispute this fact if we used your logic we would have to conclude that every country in the world's justice sytems are equally fair Including the USA , Switzerland,Nigeria, Montenegro, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran . Cearly there are different amounts of imaprtiality and fairnesss in the justice systems of different countries. He would and could not be treated with impartiality in Thailand under the current regime. His best chance is for a change of Government next year when the Thai people are finally given a vote after that I wouldnt be at all surprised if he then were to make a return.

Does the judiciary change whenever a new government comes to power? Or is that a red government would change laws to whitewash Thaksin's crimes?


Sure treat him fairly .................. right after he completes his two year sentence that he is running from

The conviction of Taksin is a sham. Even under Thai Law the Document that secured the conviction was that of his signing a form giving his wife e permission to buy land. Thai women cannot buy land without their husbands permission. What he did in this instance was compassionate toward a wife that was already planning her exit from the marriage. In Thai law the offence is a misdemeanor because she is considered unsuitable to to purchase crown land, even though she did it fairly through bidding at auction. Even in Thailand the highest bid always wins.

In Thailand prison a misdemeanor does not warrent a prison sentence.


A firing squad is fair.

Dear Som Tum Tiger,

Nice to see you here.

More power to you!

Whatever you may think of the man he does deserve fair treatment . It is, however,unlikely that he will be able to get this in a country that mixes money, politics, the army and the judiciary. He will just have to wait until after the next election before he may be able to make a safe return.

I totally agree that he should be treated fairly, however in there may be the catalyst for him being locked up for much longer than two years. As for mixing money, politics, security forces and judiciary, I understand that Khun Thaksin was the past master at ensuring "his people" were appointed to the most influential positions, until he ran against "the elites", who it would appear are far more influential than he is. If you think he would be able to ever make a safe return to Thailand, you are a braver man than I am and have the utmost optimism. Apart from the outstanding charges against him in Thailand, I suspect there could be an investigation by the UN into his involvement in the drugs war and extra-judicial killings. So yes, he should be treated fairly, but that means everything should be properly investigated and where applicable charges raised against him and if found guilty the appropriate sentence given. Will it happen:whistling:. Then again, how are the Yellow Shirts going to respond if he does return and what is there to stop him re-entering politics. That to me this really is a powder keg waiting to explode all over Thailand:o.


In answer to your question the UK is amongst many civilised countries that does not mix money politics the army and the judiciary even if you dispute this fact if we used your logic we would have to conclude that every country in the world's justice sytems are equally fair Including the USA , Switzerland,Nigeria, Montenegro, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran . Cearly there are different amounts of imaprtiality and fairnesss in the justice systems of different countries. He would and could not be treated with impartiality in Thailand under the current regime. His best chance is for a change of Government next year when the Thai people are finally given a vote after that I wouldnt be at all surprised if he then were to make a return.

Does the judiciary change whenever a new government comes to power? Or is that a red government would change laws to whitewash Thaksin's crimes?

In Thailand the legal system and the electoral system are based on the British systems. Government interference with the judiciary process or the electoral process is a perversion of Thai law.


Somebody needs to do a 'chris crocker style' video on youtube, "Leave Thaksin alone" :crying::lol:

I see somebody has just done one for the Aussie Prime Minister


With a fair trial, maybe the jury should consist of family members of those killed from the parties listed in some of the above comments. This is one time a trial is not needed to see the guilt of this person. My problem is why the red shirts don't see his abuse of his actions.


3 posts deleted for advocating violence.

Thanks for that, Mario. Violence blows dead bears.

A primary concern of mine is the media's effect upon the collective human conscientiousness and I admit that I've been victimized.

When global war is justified for the purpose of 'peace-keeping' and the revolutionists become the 'bad guys' while the oppressors become heroes, I worry.

When I return to Thailand, I intend to exercise my convictions.

Foremost among these is the notion that unless I help all whom I meet, I cannot help myself.

What was Thaksin thinking?

Kind regards.


Yep, he should be treated as fairly as those executed in the so called war on drugs and the 80 or so killed in the south by loading them onto the back of a truck likes planks of timber and then transporting then kilometers stacked on top of each other.

To me that would be very fair and just and no more than he deserves.

Agreed, treat him as fairly as he treated others before. I would hate to see any double-standard.


There is no fairness in Thailand. he should know that, because he was in power before. This is Krama.




I agree - but at the risk of seeming pedantic, kramaa is a Khmer neck scarf. I think this should be karma = kam in Thai?


In answer to your question the UK is amongst many civilised countries that does not mix money politics the army and the judiciary even if you dispute this fact if we used your logic we would have to conclude that every country in the world's justice sytems are equally fair Including the USA , Switzerland,Nigeria, Montenegro, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran . Cearly there are different amounts of imaprtiality and fairnesss in the justice systems of different countries. He would and could not be treated with impartiality in Thailand under the current regime. His best chance is for a change of Government next year when the Thai people are finally given a vote after that I wouldnt be at all surprised if he then were to make a return.

Does the judiciary change whenever a new government comes to power? Or is that a red government would change laws to whitewash Thaksin's crimes?

In Thailand the legal system and the electoral system are based on the British systems. Government interference with the judiciary process or the electoral process is a perversion of Thai law.

Agree, by the constiturion the government of the day cannot interfere with the judiciary and/or the election commission. Reality is of course a very different story.

There's more than one way of skinning a cat. PT have made it very clear that they would (if they get elected with a strong majority*), take a different approach, they would railroad some form of legislation through parliament to override thaksins convictions, regardless of whether these overriding laws are morally correct / morally despicable, or whatever.

(*Many Thais fear that when the next election happens PT will go all out with whatever vote buying is necessary to buy a massive victory, then VERY quickly railroad lots of things through parliament (e.g. cancellation of the current constitution and reinstall the 2006 constitution (reduces the seriousnesss of vote buying and punishment), squashing thaksins convictions, e.g. reversal of the convictions which caused his 26 or whatever billion to be confiscated and also very quickly get the money back to him, etc) before the election commission have had time to hear all/any complaints about election fraud etc.

And there,s more, the vast majority of PT members have never contributed to any form of in depth analysis or discussion about the development of Thailand and in many cases for good reason - they got into politics for one reason only - the opportunity to get their sticky fingers into budget monies. In many cases (common in Thai politics), you have to pay large (LARGE) deposit monies to get into the club, to buy your opportunity to get your fingers into the pie. right now there are many PT members who paid their deposits but haven't yet recouped their deposits let alone hit the jackpot.

Are they going to walk aware from their LARGE deposit investments? NO!

Will these types engage in anything which will hopefully help them to get their sticky fingers into the pie, even just one time? YES!

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SomTumTiger' timestamp='1280880710' post='3793552' A firing squad is fair.

Dear Som Tum Tiger,

Nice to see you here.

More power to you!

Whatever you may think of the man he does deserve fair treatment . It is, however,unlikely that he will be able to get this in a country that mixes money, politics, the army and the judiciary. He will just have to wait until after the next election before he may be able to make a safe return.

Please tell me the country does NOT mix "money, politics, the army and the judiciary"?

He will get the trials that he deserves for doing the acts he has done in

THE SAME COUNTRY "that mixes money, politics, the army and the judiciary."

He knew exactly where he was and how it works here, he just thought he could

control it enough to win. Guess not, eh? Som nom na.

In answer to your question the UK is amongst many civilised countries that does not mix money politics the army and the judiciary even if you dispute this fact if we used your logic we would have to conclude that every country in the world's justice sytems are equally fair Including the USA , Switzerland,Nigeria, Montenegro, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran . Cearly there are different amounts of imaprtiality and fairnesss in the justice systems of different countries. He would and could not be treated with impartiality in Thailand under the current regime. His best chance is for a change of Government next year when the Thai people are finally given a vote after that I wouldnt be at all surprised if he then were to make a return.

There is not question that the UK 'mixes money, politics, the army and the judiciary'.

And let's add the banking system, and messing with the EU too.

USA , Switzerland,Nigeria, Montenegro, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran and of course these too,

each in their own way... there is no escape from this grouping: The human condition.


Sure treat him fairly .................. right after he completes his two year sentence that he is running from

The conviction of Taksin is a sham. Even under Thai Law the Document that secured the conviction was that of his signing a form giving his wife e permission to buy land. Thai women cannot buy land without their husbands permission. What he did in this instance was compassionate toward a wife that was already planning her exit from the marriage. In Thai law the offence is a misdemeanor because she is considered unsuitable to to purchase crown land, even though she did it fairly through bidding at auction. Even in Thailand the highest bid always wins.

In Thailand prison a misdemeanor does not warrent a prison sentence.

Wow, looks like we have a second amsterdam on the job.

Suggest you do more in-depth research and rewrite your analysis. Or perhaps your trying to develop capability at 'spin'.


Sure treat him fairly .................. right after he completes his two year sentence that he is running from

The conviction of Taksin is a sham. Even under Thai Law the Document that secured the conviction was that of his signing a form giving his wife e permission to buy land. Thai women cannot buy land without their husbands permission. What he did in this instance was compassionate toward a wife that was already planning her exit from the marriage. In Thai law the offence is a misdemeanor because she is considered unsuitable to to purchase crown land, even though she did it fairly through bidding at auction. Even in Thailand the highest bid always wins.

In Thailand prison a misdemeanor does not warrent a prison sentence.

Wow, looks like we have a second amsterdam on the job.

Suggest you do more in-depth research and rewrite your analysis. Or perhaps your trying to develop capability at 'spin'.

"compassionate toward a wife that was already planning her exit from the marriage"...

Not seen by anyone at all, at the time she was bidding. Purely after the fact, conjecture.

It totally surprised Chalerm and Newin in Hong kong when announced out of the blue.

And that was YEARS after the bidding, rebidding and transfer was a done deal.

And compassion for an departing wife, is not in any sense a valid excuse for breaking the law,

and even less so for the head of government of the country.

Also the people bidding against her were 'TRT partners' and knew by bidding way to low

they would let the deal fall to her, and thus have 'done a favor for the big man', that should have been repaid later....

He knew what he was signing, and gambled he could power is way past it as an issue.

He lost his bet.

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