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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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I heard about this "experiment" that singer/songwriter Ryan Adams (not BRYAN!) did.

He took the complete "1989"- album by Taylor Swift and covered it!

Each and every song!

Now: I am not really the key- demographic for Taylor Swift and what I heard so far from her, didn't really make me want to listen to more! (She's kinda cute, though!)

But I knew some Adams- songs (New York, New York, Gimme something good, So alive)...and then I saw him on Jimmy Kimmel's show, performing one of these Taylor Swift- songs, called "Welcome to New York" ...and it sounded pretty good.

So I - parallel- checked out both albums and although most of Taylor Swift's work was still not my style, there were at least 3 songs on that album of her's (Welcome to New York, Style and I wish you would) that were quiet good!

But what Ryan Adams made out of the material was just gold!

The album is fantastic - and of course, it wouldn't be, if the source material wouldn't be!

Ms. Swift writes some great lyrics!

Check out "Welcome to New York", "All you had to do was stay", "Clean", "How you get the girl" and the heartbreaking "I wish you would"!

It's really good and my personal album of the year!

Ryan Adams - "1989"

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rgs- is it misty in Bangkok yet, or is it hard to tell the mist from the smog?

Re Saen saep canal, i rode it a lot in my days at Ram, i always admired the office girls in their high heeled shoes, clambering on to the narrow edge on the side whilst the boat was still bouncing along, clutching the rope as they made their way to the middle and exit, adroit and beautiful1

BN, LOL, its neither misty nor hazy, what you refer to is the glaze of our farang whalan types and the sun glistening off their bonnets.

Ref San saep, I am always amazed at the agiity of the grapaow (bags) who walk around the edge of the boat in their non slip flip flops, none of yer H & S crap here.

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