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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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The Bonzo Dog Doo Da band were touring the States when they got stopped by a highway policeman.Noting their long hair he asked them if their vehicle was carrying firearms or drugs. When they replied in the negative he asked them how in that case did  they expect to defend themselves

Viv Stanshall spoke up from inside the bus, 'With good manners sir!'


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8 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

How can I embed youtube videos?

For mobile phone users


-Click the chain logo inbetween the smiley face and paper with magnifying glass.

-Insert url link comes up.

-Paste your youtube url.

-Press insert into post.

-Submit post.

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-Cut your url link

-Paste your url link


The media is recognised and comes up embeded into your post.



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Did a youtube search for 'This is the End' and this video was not the first thing to come up. The times they are a changing.  I'm in an end sort of mood with this referendum tomorrow. It would be nice for all this insanity to end and Thailand to move on back to freedom.



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