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Homoeroticism In English Language Teaching

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Guest IT Manager

No Moog. I'm not American, though once I wondered what it would be like to be one.

I didn't get an honest answer from myself.

But I sure as ###### am liberal. (In an American way, not the Australian way. :o

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Sad to see the bigotry in these boards...once again !

Get a life, those of you bigots ! Who cares if the teacher is gay ? As long as he is doing his job properly, who cares ?!

And....I think that the majority of the world's population have got SOME DEGREE of bisexuality in them......yes, even those who define themselves as 'heterosexual' and those who define themselves as 'gay'.

I am sick and tired of gay-bashing, Jew-bashing, Muslim-bashing, America-bashing, prostitute-bashing, etc in these boards.


Guest IT Manager

Well does this mean I am not the only one who finds it offensive? See the poll.


MOOG;I am american and I sure don't see things the way I T and DICK do, I went to a few years of school when I was a lot younger and I never had a persons of a homosexual persuasion teacher,if there had been a persons of a homosexual persuasion in the employ of the schools,they would have been ran out of town along with those on the board of edu. that hired them,but I am from the more moral part of the PNW.

as to the post that contained the part about not allowing persons of a homosexual persuasion and men that come to thailand for SEX,I think that they too should be banned,why would someone be an advantage to the betterment of any country that only comes for sex,be it straight or persons of a homosexual persuasion.

I can see nothing wrong with closeing down of all the persons of a homosexual persuasion bars and go go places,or places that cater to the persons of a homosexual persuasion trade,,I was in the filipines 50 years ago when still young and was amazed at the BENNY BOYS that were plying their wares in the open and thought then that such a thing was wierd and now it is all over and allowed to continue..maybe it is the pollution of the air and water that is effecting the mental thought process of those that condone there things and allow them to continue.so I guess that we will have to stand by and watch it happen as we are outnumbered by the mentally impared. :o

But I sure as ###### am liberal. (In an American way, not the Australian way. :o

agree with you IT - but if it wasn't for Kennet melbourne wouldn't have the grand prix (so they're not all bad) :D

Guest IT Manager
MOOG;I am american and I sure don't see things the way I T and DICK do, I went to a few years of school when I was a lot younger and I never had a queer teacher,if there had been a queer in the employ of the schools,they would have been ran out of town along with those on the board of edu. that hired them,but I am from the more moral part of the PNW.

as to the post that contained the part about not allowing queers and men that come to thailand for SEX,I think that they too should be banned,why would someone be an advantage to the betterment of any country that only comes for sex,be it straight or queer.

I can see nothing wrong with closeing down of all the queer bars and go go places,or places that cater to the queer trade,,I was in the filipines 50 years ago when still young and was amazed at the BENNY BOYS that were plying their wares in the open and thought then that such a thing was wierd and now it is all over and allowed to continue..maybe it is the pollution of the air and water that is effecting the mental thought process of those that condone there things and allow them to continue.so I guess that we will have to stand by and watch it happen as we are outnumbered by the mentally impared. :D

Kevin if the schools didn't have homosexual teachers it would surprise me. The fact you didn't know is not relevant sinply becaue it would be pretty dopey to stand up and announce the fact that they were, in case there were persons about with squirrel guns and "moonshine made them do it".

Lets face it, Alabama isn't a shining beacon of enlightenment and education in the developing world is it?

Trying to remember what they are famous for.. something about burning crosses springs to mind but not sure of the details.

Re banning people from coming to LoS for sex, please remember Kevin, you weren't always married to yuor lovely lady, and you have been coming here over 30 years from memory. So a little bit of memory before posting stuff like that.

Enough of queers, faggots etc., it's becoming tiresome to 3 posters, and at least 1 admin. Can't speak for the others but wouldnt mind knowing. In fact why not do our discussion about it here you guys. Then members get a picture of what ICQ and MSN Messenger put up with from us.




I T; I don't know much about the united states,,But what has Alabama got to do with the Pacific Northwest??

There was some awfully good moonshine made by my great grand dad and my grandpa tho,they hired a guy from Tenn. to come and show them how to make it when prohabition came in and they found out that the corn available in Oregon was to low in natural sugars to make good whiskey so they used Rye that is grown there and barley that is also grown in the area.

I did run a mafg. plant in Ala. for awhile and my son did recieve an educational scholarship to Uof A.

And I did come to Thailand many years ago,but not for the SEX,it was just nice to get away and drink without a rocket coming thru the hooch,as to sex,there wasn't a thing wrong with it in Nam,so coming here for sex would have been like leaving Burger king to go to Mc Donalds.And I also sailed the American Merchant Marine and we brought freight to Thailand. and came here to get out of the mid East on time off, but never did come here as a sex tourist,but mostly to drink,as you know, I am an alcoholic and drinking was my top priority.

and when anyone gets to expounding the virtues of persons of a homosexual persuasion,I will be there.

Guest IT Manager
There is one hetty teacher at the school. A handsome, married fellow, who is giving some thought and analysis to whether he should change to be a gay.

Moog how do you get on with the "hetty" teacher dear.

Also, OT of course, why ever did they hire you in the first place? Sounds like everyone is a raging person of a homosexual persuasion, except...oh hang on. Oh now I understand... your just winding the kids up on the board..

Stop it or you will go blind.

Also instead of becoming "a gay", he could develop some primal type of brain and endeavour to indulge in thought, then he could be seen to be "A thinker". Would that be fun?

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