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By calling everybody Asian you are taking away the individual Thai identity.

Bit racist aren't you :whistling:

Perhaps a bit. In any case, Thais are a subset of Asians, if you want to talk about the superset, the currently popular polite word is Asians. Similar to westerners in Thailand, in English westerners is the polite way to say it, farangs less polite.


Calling Asians one race is a bit ridiculous as Asia is only a geographical boundary.

Pakistanis have very little in common with Filipinos and Russians are quite a bit different than Indonesians.

It is also ridiculous to call humans a race, unless there are races other than humans. I thought humans were a species.

What is being discussed is treating people different and discriminating against people because of some cultural, geographical, or visible difference. Racism is often used to describe this, even though it is not technically accurate.

I see more racism in Asia than I see in Canada, but perhaps Canada is not a good sample of western attitude. We are not particularly hung up on race issues over there.


Calling Asians one race is a bit ridiculous as Asia is only a geographical boundary.

Pakistanis have very little in common with Filipinos and Russians are quite a bit different than Indonesians.

It is also ridiculous to call humans a race, unless there are races other than humans. I thought humans were a species.

What is being discussed is treating people different and discriminating against people because of some cultural, geographical, or visible difference. Racism is often used to describe this, even though it is not technically accurate.

I see more racism in Asia than I see in Canada, but perhaps Canada is not a good sample of western attitude. We are not particularly hung up on race issues over there.

Racist : a label given to a person, or group of people who hate/dislike those who belong to a different race. This typically applies to hatred based on skin-color, e.g., the BNP is a racist organization.


No racism in Thailand, you have to be kidding. You must never have had the occasion to see how Bangkok Thais treat people from Laos, Burma, Cambodia, or even the hill tribes with Thai citizenship. Totally expendable.

Asians in general are shamelessly racist in their attitudes to other nationalities. Class factors in too, but it works out to be the same thing.

Firstly, my opening piece mostly discussed the farang's perception of Thai racism towards farangs. So how Thais treat Burmese and Cambodians are somewhat irrelevant.

Secondly, everyone seems to be using the word "racist" to represent everything and anything that they see as remotely anti-foreigner. As an American, I see this as a misrepresentation of both the word and of the Thais. I don't know how else to explain it to you guys....


White people whine to much lol, about one little word "Farang" they will hold that against Thai people until there death in there province.

Please leave thailand.


Oh its you again:ermm:.

Farrang to me is nothing more than a word. Its not racist its just a word that describes wetsterners in a simple to use way.

I was talking to a very rich lady in Bangkok who asked if I minded being called a farrang, I said not in the slightest. She replied that its used not to offend but has been taught to them from a very early age.

When I go to pick up my GFs son the other four year old kids are shouting do farrang yai. It what they have been taught we can't change that.


People are misinterpreting OP's post. He is saying that the level of 'racism' farang experience in Thailand is less than what an off the boat Thai will experience in the West and he is saying that the word 'racism' in the English language has greater negative connotations than 'double pricing' and the other so-called racist practices against farang. I would agree with this.

The way that many farang tourists use Thailand as a place where they don't have to act the way they do at home, it's surprising that the Thai attitude isn't much worse towards us.

Thank you. This was EXACTLY my point.


My first wife could own land right away when she arrived in Holland also no strange rules about not being able to work. She als was never charged more then a full blooded dutch guy and got all the government support when she wanted to divorce me.

I would say that an off the boat Thai will have an easier time being treated as an equal then an farang here. Were there guys that looked at her as if she was a hooker.. yes there were.. i wont deny that that kind of racism happens and i wont defend it. Was she accepted in my village in Holland.. sure by everyone no problems. Were here daughters ever teased on the basis of being Thai.. never. Did they get the same healthcare and rights as dutch people.. sure. Can the get a Dutch passport now.. sure quite easy actually.

Exactly,my Thai wife has a 2 year Settlement Visa to the UK,and no 90 day check ins required.She can own land or property in her own name,Car or Motorcycle,with no letter required from Immigration.

She also gets free UK health care from day one,exactly the same as a English Person.

She can also work with no permit from day one!

She can use her Thai Driving licence for 1 year,before needing to have a UK driving test.

She also gets subsidised improver English lessons from the Government.

My English/Thai daughter gets free daily Play school tuition,and will move onto free schooling when she is old enough. Need I say more?

She pays the same price for goods and entry fees that I do,there is no double pricing here,not even for Millionaires,its illegal (and considered Racialist for ethnic minorities)

We have also not experienced Racism in any form!

Almost forgot,nobody would insult her by calling her Farang/Thai or some other Racialist label.


I have said this many times, but as someone who runs a retail business and sees how many Westerners treat Thais, I am very surprised that they are not a lot more "racist" than they are.

Most of them are able to understand that just because some "farangs" are ignorant, insulting loud-mouths, that does not mean that we all are. IMHO, that shows a lot more tolerance and understanding than many of my fellow Westerners have. ;)

I see many of the same things as you do. Anyways, fair points as always UG.


Honestly, racism in America today is still worse than Thailand.

So basically you are calling thai people racists with that, let me recall the title of your own topic here: " Farangs calling thai's racist...do you know HOW SILLY YOU SOUND?" :cheesy::clap2: ok let's see at the bright side of it, we finally agree on something, "thais are racists" that's it, not all of them obviously, but it's something that you can clearly see almost everywhere you go on various degrees


and from your other post here (#87) : " Thai's are more racist when it comes to land ownership, but less racist when it comes to immigration from developed countries"

This is what I would call "grasping at straws." As usual, surayu, you're somewhere out in la-la land. You're quoting me out-of-context to demonstrate that I'm....what? Contradicting myself? I keep repeating that farangs use of the word "racist" to describe Thais attitudes (and even governmental policy) is inappropriate. Farangs want to call everything that a Thai does that's not in the farangs interest "racist." Thai visa laws? Racist. Thais love the King? Racist. Thais proud to be Thais? Racist. Thais calling farangs "farangs?" Racist. Overcharged by a street vendor? Racist. Thais staying out of the sun to avoid a tan? Racist. I can literally go on and on.


The atheist is not just against Judaism, but all organized religions.

No they are not "against" they just don't share the same views, it's not a war here, you can't make someone automatically an enemy just because is not on your side

Again, you're quoting me out-of-context and misrepresenting my comments. I was trying to make a point regarding semantics, using religion as an example. I know that atheist are, in reality, not "against" all religions.


White people whine to much lol, about one little word "Farang" they will hold that against Thai people until there death in there province.

Please leave thailand.


You just love stirring it don't you?

Same old provocative Post.


No racism in Thailand, you have to be kidding. You must never have had the occasion to see how Bangkok Thais treat people from Laos, Burma, Cambodia, or even the hill tribes with Thai citizenship. Totally expendable.

Asians in general are shamelessly racist in their attitudes to other nationalities. Class factors in too, but it works out to be the same thing.

Firstly, my opening piece mostly discussed the farang's perception of Thai racism towards farangs. So how Thais treat Burmese and Cambodians are somewhat irrelevant.

Secondly, everyone seems to be using the word "racist" to represent everything and anything that they see as remotely anti-foreigner. As an American, I see this as a misrepresentation of both the word and of the Thais. I don't know how else to explain it to you guys....

OK I will give you partial points for the fact that you are right when you say that the level of discrimination against farangs in Thailand is much less than what was exhibited by America and South Africa in their darkest days.

But let's not pretend that there weren't slaves in Thailand too. It wasn't abolished here until 1905, 42 years after emancipation in the US.

Yes farangs don't have much of a case to cry racism against themselves in Thailand, true, especially if they have big bucks, but Thailand is not a poster child for tolerance and compassion, in regards to the majority of their poverty stricken neighbors, refugees, and tribal citizens. If you don't want to call that racism that's up to you, but it amounts to the same thing.


As a Thai, I'll gladly admit that there are plenty of racist Thais, local gov't policies, etc. Plenty of socio-economic class based discrimination as well.

Big deal, welcome to the planet.


Atlast....common sense. Welcome to the planet. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

And it took a Thai to make the point.


I think you are very confused. There are different levels of racism but they are ALL racism. Lynching? Severe. Stereotypical assumptions about you based on your skin color? Mild.

This definition is interesting because it mentions that racism can also include POSITIVE stereotypes based on race such as blacks all dance great or Jews are all smart.

The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines racism as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority or inferiority of a particular racial group, and that it is also the prejudice based on such a belief.


I believe almost every child is taught in some way to become a racist in order to protect the child from the parents ignorance. At that young age it becomes easy for these young children to put people in different boxes like this one who looks like me goes in the safe box and that one who speaks differently than i do goes in the be careful box. It takes effort and learning with faith and trust to over come their ignorance in order to treat others as they would like them selfs to be treated. BR


White people whine to much lol, about one little word "Farang" they will hold that against Thai people until there death in there province.

Please leave thailand.


Like you my son is half thai, with any luck that will be the only thing you two have in common.

Btw, your screen name... Self appointed or lost a bet?



Yeah? Your figures come from a newly formed, immigrant nation, so big wow. Perhaps it's YOU that needs to have your horizon expanded, eh? Tell me, how many muslim and jew marriages there are in your company? An estimation is fine.

The subject was race not religion. Islam and Judaism are religions not races, you can change your religion but not your race. By the way, I am a merchant seaman by trade and have been going to sea worldwide for 31 years, I can't be sure of course but would think it a fairly good guess that I've visited quite a few more countries than yourself. I have, over the years, developed the opinion that once people get to know one another well, friendships are more likely to result than hatreds.

  • Like 2

White people whine to much lol, about one little word "Farang" they will hold that against Thai people until there death in there province.

Please leave thailand.


You really are a very silly young man.

  • Like 2

It is also ridiculous to call humans a race, unless there are races other than humans. I thought humans were a species.

You are a little behind in current scientific thinking.  For much of the Middle Ages, the accepted "fact" was that there were three races, one for each of Noah's sons.  (which caused some consternation when the New World was discovered.)  Subsequently, it was accepted that there were 5 races.   However, as science got better and better at genetics and deciphering DNA, the idea of races has fallen out of favor, and the concept of a "human race" has gone beyond a simple phrase and on to scientific acceptance.

This is what I would call "grasping at straws." As usual, surayu, you're somewhere out in la-la land. You're quoting me out-of-context to demonstrate that I'm....what? Contradicting myself? I keep repeating that farangs use of the word "racist" to describe Thais attitudes (and even governmental policy) is inappropriate. Farangs want to call everything that a Thai does that's not in the farangs interest "racist." Thai visa laws? Racist. Thais love the King? Racist. Thais proud to be Thais? Racist. Thais calling farangs "farangs?" Racist. Overcharged by a street vendor? Racist. Thais staying out of the sun to avoid a tan? Racist. I can literally go on and on.

You are going on and on... :whistling:

Perhaps the words xenophobic or nationalistic sit better with you?

Same same but different...


  • Like 1

It is also ridiculous to call humans a race, unless there are races other than humans. I thought humans were a species.

You are a little behind in current scientific thinking.  For much of the Middle Ages, the accepted "fact" was that there were three races, one for each of Noah's sons.  (which caused some consternation when the New World was discovered.)  Subsequently, it was accepted that there were 5 races.   However, as science got better and better at genetics and deciphering DNA, the idea of races has fallen out of favor, and the concept of a "human race" has gone beyond a simple phrase and on to scientific acceptance.

If there is only one race what is the point of even having a word for it. Wouldn't human suffice?


I'm actually at work at the moment.

post-37101-003977500 1281513965_thumb.jp

Totally Obvious Caption contest time, ha ha.

Thats useful to know. Can i order a big mac and fries? Do you deliver? :D

I'm a bit peckish carmine. How was your Big Mac? :whistling:

This is what I would call "grasping at straws." As usual, surayu, you're somewhere out in la-la land. You're quoting me out-of-context to demonstrate that I'm....what? Contradicting myself? I keep repeating that farangs use of the word "racist" to describe Thais attitudes (and even governmental policy) is inappropriate. Farangs want to call everything that a Thai does that's not in the farangs interest "racist." Thai visa laws? Racist. Thais love the King? Racist. Thais proud to be Thais? Racist. Thais calling farangs "farangs?" Racist. Overcharged by a street vendor? Racist. Thais staying out of the sun to avoid a tan? Racist. I can literally go on and on.

You are going on and on...

Berkshire is quoting other posters correctly. Why cloud the issue over semantics?

  • Like 1

I'm actually at work at the moment.

post-37101-003977500 1281513965_thumb.jp

Totally Obvious Caption contest time, ha ha.

Thats useful to know. Can i order a big mac and fries? Do you deliver? :D

I'm a bit peckish carmine. How was your Big Mac? :whistling:

It appears he's not doing deliveries :lol: :lol:

Heres a question..."Is a farang Big Mac better than a Thai Big Mac?"....Whoops, you cant say that can you :o ......... If you don't like a Thai Big Mac just get on a plane and LEAVE :D


It appears he's not doing deliveries :lol: :lol:

Heres a question..."Is a farang Big Mac better than a Thai Big Mac?"....Whoops, you cant say that can you :o ......... If you don't like a Thai Big Mac just get on a plane and LEAVE :D

You've hit on a very important issue here as I can't stand Big Mac's in truth so I am looking to relocate....I thought North Korea but I hear for some reason Cuba may be free of the disease....can anyone confirm? Berkshire can you phone your head office please? :D

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