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Hi there,

I have a 2008 toyota fortuner 3.0 d4d full option done 60000 km with it

i have a question i think my multi info display has malfunctioned or is inaccurate

As when i press foot little bit goes as low as 2 km/L when i keep the engine idle it goes to 50 or even 90

But when i heard fortuner diesel gets around 10 km/L but even if i floor little bit it goes as low as 2.3

and it shows my average to be at 6.4 km/L at just 54 avg speed

Can someone tell me whats wrong



I have Isuzu D-Max 3-Litre Turbo-Diesel. When I floor the accelerator, the reading is only 3k/litre or less, on overrun it's 50k/litre and on stationary tickover it's 99.9, so your readings don't look unusual. You should work out your average on a tankful, and see what you get. On my last tankful it was 11.29, I've had as much as 13.


The displays will not be accurate vs measured fuel usage. Fill the tank and look at kilometers driven, do math and you get accurate numbers. I have seen the display work fairly well, while cruise control is engaged, on interstate highways where you travel for hours with little interruption of traffic flow. Your reading sound normal from what I have observed.


After 7000 km mine is showing an overall average of 10.4 km/L, perhaps you need to wear lighter shoes when driving? rolleyes.gif

I do see figures as low as 3 km/L for the current usage when accelerating, it's a 2 ton truck though so that's not surprising at all.


After 7000 km mine is showing an overall average of 10.4 km/L, perhaps you need to wear lighter shoes when driving? rolleyes.gif

I do see figures as low as 3 km/L for the current usage when accelerating, it's a 2 ton truck though so that's not surprising at all.

My friend i really think something is wrong with my display as when my fortuner is stopped in traffic and its idle it shows 99.9 litrel/km when i floor little bit it goes to 20 and how in the world its possible 99.9 l/100 When the engine is idle


Yeah !! wrong place " Thailand motor Forum " is what you want, maybe.

I aIways say why do you go and buy a Rolls Royce and question what it does to the gallon or " Litre ".


My friend i really think something is wrong with my display as when my fortuner is stopped in traffic and its idle it shows 99.9 litrel/km when i floor little bit it goes to 20 and how in the world its possible 99.9 l/100 When the engine is idle

My friend, every answer you've had to your original query has been logical and accurate. If you can't understand or accept what you've been told then either go to a dealer and get them to explain it to you, or go buy a donkey.


After 7000 km mine is showing an overall average of 10.4 km/L, perhaps you need to wear lighter shoes when driving? rolleyes.gif

I do see figures as low as 3 km/L for the current usage when accelerating, it's a 2 ton truck though so that's not surprising at all.

My friend i really think something is wrong with my display as when my fortuner is stopped in traffic and its idle it shows 99.9 litrel/km when i floor little bit it goes to 20 and how in the world its possible 99.9 l/100 When the engine is idle

It doesn't sound like there is anything wrong to me. When slowing down off the throttle the display on mine increases from whatever it was at cruise to 50 km/L, then up to 99 km/L and finally returning to 0.0 after I have been stopped for a while. You are writing l/100 but it seems to me as if you have the display on km/L. If you think it is broken then go to your dealer to get it checked.


Got to agree Gippy, he has the readout selected to current usage. He needs to select average usage that will show around 10 KM/L


Got to agree Gippy, he has the readout selected to current usage. He needs to select average usage that will show around 10 KM/L

I have the same meter in my 2010 VIGO 3,0 auto 4x4 4 door. Done approx 15k km, and have looked at it on occasions. Usually I prefere the outside air temp displayed, and measure milage every time filling the tank by dividing litres on covered km. Having 2 trip km meters, I always reset one when filling up, do the same on my bikes.


For mixed city/highway driving, 13.4 is about average. Straight highway you will probably see 16 and straight city driving will drop you to around 11. I always reset my tripmeter and fuel consumption displays after each fillup.


A couple of week's ago I did a trip of 498km fuel used 41lt 12 + km to the lt, the display read 10.1. Today did a run full tank 240km filled up on my return 14.5lt over 16 km/lt was going slow though and very little trafic display 10.1km/lt so dont think there very accurate. Just a toy.


A couple of week's ago I did a trip of 498km fuel used 41lt 12 + km to the lt, the display read 10.1. Today did a run full tank 240km filled up on my return 14.5lt over 16 km/lt was going slow though and very little trafic display 10.1km/lt so dont think there very accurate. Just a toy.

A couple of week's ago I did a trip of 498km fuel used 41lt 12 + km to the lt, the display read 10.1. Today did a run full tank 240km filled up on my return 14.5lt over 16 km/lt was going slow though and very little trafic display 10.1km/lt so dont think there very accurate. Just a toy.

Sorry, but ever thought about that the guy at the fuel station not always fills up to the same level? Some pumps are very quick and close automatic fast.

To drive 240km with 14.5 ltr. in a 3.0 Fortuner is not possible, even if you have a manual, turn of AC and cruise with 75km on an empty highway.

and to shariq607

well my MID is showing 13.4 l/100 km as avg i think its fine is this a correction avg fuel consumption of a fortuner ? its a diesel though

You wrote Litre/100km not Kilometre/on a Litre. 13.4 Litre on hundred km is quit lot for a Fortuner.

Better is to calculate it yourself:

Litre per Kilometre= Litre * 100 / km

Example: you drive 800km and fill it up with 72.00ltr = (72*100)/800=9 Litre.

Or for Kilometre per Litre: km / Litre

Example: 800/72=11,11111 km per Litre.


A couple of week's ago I did a trip of 498km fuel used 41lt 12 + km to the lt, the display read 10.1. Today did a run full tank 240km filled up on my return 14.5lt over 16 km/lt was going slow though and very little trafic display 10.1km/lt so dont think there very accurate. Just a toy.

A couple of week's ago I did a trip of 498km fuel used 41lt 12 + km to the lt, the display read 10.1. Today did a run full tank 240km filled up on my return 14.5lt over 16 km/lt was going slow though and very little trafic display 10.1km/lt so dont think there very accurate. Just a toy.

Sorry, but ever thought about that the guy at the fuel station not always fills up to the same level? Some pumps are very quick and close automatic fast.

To drive 240km with 14.5 ltr. in a 3.0 Fortuner is not possible, even if you have a manual, turn of AC and cruise with 75km on an empty highway.

and to shariq607

well my MID is showing 13.4 l/100 km as avg i think its fine is this a correction avg fuel consumption of a fortuner ? its a diesel though

You wrote Litre/100km not Kilometre/on a Litre. 13.4 Litre on hundred km is quit lot for a Fortuner.

Better is to calculate it yourself:

Litre per Kilometre= Litre * 100 / km

Example: you drive 800km and fill it up with 72.00ltr = (72*100)/800=9 Litre.

Or for Kilometre per Litre: km / Litre

Example: 800/72=11,11111 km per Litre.

Yes surprised me but as I was'nt paying for the fuel friend was, filled up and man squeezed in the last bit same on my return (Same pump) as stated 14.5 lt. I did use cruise/con 90% of the way and the road was dead flat speed 80kmh cost 434bt both got a shock as I had told him maybe it would be about 600bt. So unless my speedo/sat nav Thai sign post's are very wrong that's what I got.

A couple of week's ago I did a trip of 498km fuel used 41lt 12 + km to the lt, the display read 10.1. Today did a run full tank 240km filled up on my return 14.5lt over 16 km/lt was going slow though and very little trafic display 10.1km/lt so dont think there very accurate. Just a toy.

Sorry, but ever thought about that the guy at the fuel station not always fills up to the same level? Some pumps are very quick and close automatic fast.

To drive 240km with 14.5 ltr. in a 3.0 Fortuner is not possible, even if you have a manual, turn of AC and cruise with 75km on an empty highway.

Yes surprised me but as I was'nt paying for the fuel friend was, filled up and man squeezed in the last bit same on my return (Same pump) as stated 14.5 lt. I did use cruise/con 90% of the way and the road was dead flat speed 80kmh cost 434bt both got a shock as I had told him maybe it would be about 600bt. So unless my speedo/sat nav Thai sign post's are very wrong that's what I got.

Not possible to get this milage from Fortuner 3,0 D-4D auto 4x4. Not possible with the 200 kg lighter and part time 4x4 Vigo. Barely possible with Vigo 2,5VN manual, 60psi tyre pressure, closed windows, covered bed, no aircon, diesel freezing cold and steady 60 kmh non stopB)

Your average displayed 10,1 km/litre seems correct


A couple of week's ago I did a trip of 498km fuel used 41lt 12 + km to the lt, the display read 10.1. Today did a run full tank 240km filled up on my return 14.5lt over 16 km/lt was going slow though and very little trafic display 10.1km/lt so dont think there very accurate. Just a toy.

Sorry, but ever thought about that the guy at the fuel station not always fills up to the same level? Some pumps are very quick and close automatic fast.

To drive 240km with 14.5 ltr. in a 3.0 Fortuner is not possible, even if you have a manual, turn of AC and cruise with 75km on an empty highway.

Yes surprised me but as I was'nt paying for the fuel friend was, filled up and man squeezed in the last bit same on my return (Same pump) as stated 14.5 lt. I did use cruise/con 90% of the way and the road was dead flat speed 80kmh cost 434bt both got a shock as I had told him maybe it would be about 600bt. So unless my speedo/sat nav Thai sign post's are very wrong that's what I got.

Not possible to get this milage from Fortuner 3,0 D-4D auto 4x4. Not possible with the 200 kg lighter and part time 4x4 Vigo. Barely possible with Vigo 2,5VN manual, 60psi tyre pressure, closed windows, covered bed, no aircon, diesel freezing cold and steady 60 kmh non stopB)

Your average displayed 10,1 km/litre seems correct

I thought that as well but that what the figure's say. Going to do the same run in a couple of week's I'll give it another try. Cant do it at 60 as dose not go into top till 80kmph then it dose 1500 rpm will post later report. Dose a Vigo do the same rev's at 80kmph???

A couple of week's ago I did a trip of 498km fuel used 41lt 12 + km to the lt, the display read 10.1. Today did a run full tank 240km filled up on my return 14.5lt over 16 km/lt was going slow though and very little trafic display 10.1km/lt so dont think there very accurate. Just a toy.

Sorry, but ever thought about that the guy at the fuel station not always fills up to the same level? Some pumps are very quick and close automatic fast.

To drive 240km with 14.5 ltr. in a 3.0 Fortuner is not possible, even if you have a manual, turn of AC and cruise with 75km on an empty highway.

Yes surprised me but as I was'nt paying for the fuel friend was, filled up and man squeezed in the last bit same on my return (Same pump) as stated 14.5 lt. I did use cruise/con 90% of the way and the road was dead flat speed 80kmh cost 434bt both got a shock as I had told him maybe it would be about 600bt. So unless my speedo/sat nav Thai sign post's are very wrong that's what I got.

Not possible to get this milage from Fortuner 3,0 D-4D auto 4x4. Not possible with the 200 kg lighter and part time 4x4 Vigo. Barely possible with Vigo 2,5VN manual, 60psi tyre pressure, closed windows, covered bed, no aircon, diesel freezing cold and steady 60 kmh non stopB)

Your average displayed 10,1 km/litre seems correct

I thought that as well but that what the figure's say. Going to do the same run in a couple of week's I'll give it another try. Cant do it at 60 as dose not go into top till 80kmph then it dose 1500 rpm will post later report. Dose a Vigo do the same rev's at 80kmph???

a VIGO 3,0 4x4 auto has the same final ratio and same revs at 80 kmh. 3000rpm at 160 kmh. Other VIGOs come with different gearboxes and final ratios


A couple of week's ago I did a trip of 498km fuel used 41lt 12 + km to the lt, the display read 10.1. Today did a run full tank 240km filled up on my return 14.5lt over 16 km/lt was going slow though and very little trafic display 10.1km/lt so dont think there very accurate. Just a toy.

Sorry, but ever thought about that the guy at the fuel station not always fills up to the same level? Some pumps are very quick and close automatic fast.

To drive 240km with 14.5 ltr. in a 3.0 Fortuner is not possible, even if you have a manual, turn of AC and cruise with 75km on an empty highway.

Yes surprised me but as I was'nt paying for the fuel friend was, filled up and man squeezed in the last bit same on my return (Same pump) as stated 14.5 lt. I did use cruise/con 90% of the way and the road was dead flat speed 80kmh cost 434bt both got a shock as I had told him maybe it would be about 600bt. So unless my speedo/sat nav Thai sign post's are very wrong that's what I got.

Not possible to get this milage from Fortuner 3,0 D-4D auto 4x4. Not possible with the 200 kg lighter and part time 4x4 Vigo. Barely possible with Vigo 2,5VN manual, 60psi tyre pressure, closed windows, covered bed, no aircon, diesel freezing cold and steady 60 kmh non stopB)

Your average displayed 10,1 km/litre seems correct

I thought that as well but that what the figure's say. Going to do the same run in a couple of week's I'll give it another try. Cant do it at 60 as dose not go into top till 80kmph then it dose 1500 rpm will post later report. Dose a Vigo do the same rev's at 80kmph???

a VIGO 3,0 4x4 auto has the same final ratio and same revs at 80 kmh. 3000rpm at 160 kmh. Other VIGOs come with different gearboxes and final ratios

Yes that's what I get 3000 at 160, but as said will give it another try in a couple of week's. Interesting to find out. Did hear of a report from Toyota that they could go from Chiang mai to Buddha know's where but south of BKK on a tank full. Some one posted it on TV some month's ago, didnt beleive that either.

Yes that's what I get 3000 at 160, but as said will give it another try in a couple of week's. Interesting to find out. Did hear of a report from Toyota that they could go from Chiang mai to Buddha know's where but south of BKK on a tank full. Some one posted it on TV some month's ago, didnt beleive that either.

To Phuket in 2 door 1,6 ton VIGO (Fortuner 2,1 ton), 2,5 VN, manual, 2wd, no aircon, closed windows, 60 kmh, 60 psi in 205 tyres, homesick, tailwind, driver 45 kg, no stop redlight, freezing cold diesel and a pack of ice on intercooler, and a carrot in Phuket, perhaps in theory, probably not in real world cause you need to stop at the redlightsB)


Yes that's what I get 3000 at 160, but as said will give it another try in a couple of week's. Interesting to find out. Did hear of a report from Toyota that they could go from Chiang mai to Buddha know's where but south of BKK on a tank full. Some one posted it on TV some month's ago, didnt beleive that either.

To Phuket in 2 door 1,6 ton VIGO (Fortuner 2,1 ton), 2,5 VN, manual, 2wd, no aircon, closed windows, 60 kmh, 60 psi in 205 tyres, homesick, tailwind, driver 45 kg, no stop redlight, freezing cold diesel and a pack of ice on intercooler, and a carrot in Phuket, perhaps in theory, probably not in real world cause you need to stop at the redlightsB)

That's more than likely why I didnt belive all of it. I think it was the carrot bit, that I found not unbelieveable. Thank's for the up date.
  • 2 weeks later...

Fortuner drivers tend to be rude and too fast in many cases and that will reflect in fuel consumption. To be honest, I hate that car. Sorry for being off topic, but I could not calm down my fingers.... <_<


Fortuner drivers tend to be rude and too fast in many cases and that will reflect in fuel consumption. To be honest, I hate that car. Sorry for being off topic, but I could not calm down my fingers....

Edit,donno what happend but trying again

do you hate even the white Fortuners?

just because some aggressive drivers choose Fortuners, doesnt make the vehicle thirsty or bad

Teana, Camry, BMW525 and Accord all use 10-20% more fuel than Fortuner. Do you hate them too?:rolleyes:

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