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Happy Birthday Singapore - You Suck!


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Sorry to hear about your story, thats dreadful, I have seen immigration in Australia do similar too.Best thing that Thailand could do is build the Canal from the Andaman to the Gulf they discussed years ago so all shipping could bypass Singapore, lets see how that would change things.

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I believe forged passports/travelled under previous names is suspect in this case. There again, immigration officers are the most powerful people behind the desk when it comes to your point of arrival into a country - it is their sole discretion whether to allow you to step onto their soil. I had the same experience when I once landed in Los Angeles - I was "bundled" into the immigration office, refused entry and was told to catch the first flight back or wait for an "immigration" judge to decide if I was allowed entry. NO REASON given whatsover - and I had the required visa in place, and been in the USA umpteen times. It being a weekend and I didn't fancy staying in their office for the next 48 hours, i decided to fly back and I did not say USA sucks; maybe the immigration fellow sucks - because he didn't like my face? Maybe same case for your fiancee...? Politeness and humility goes a long way when you land in any country, and perhaps this would have helped getting her entry, rather being loud and pushy. By the way Singapore's birthday is 9th August, not 14th - YOUR birthday. And by the way, I cut my green card into two several years later when they (USA) gave me PR

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I feel sorry for you after reading your topic . I'm sure there are some parts that you missed typing. They {Singapore} will not banned your girlfriend for nothing. There always be a reason WHY.

Singapore is a very strict country that is why people feel so safe here. I assumed that your girlfriend is already "blacklisted" that you know earlier. I agree with you by stating the laws below your topic.............relax mate. What other sees this topic?

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@sunnyhor you are correct she is not banned or blacklisted, but that is what the officer said to me, we received a letter saying she did not meet the standards to allow entry or something like that

@exterminator you know I was polite up to a point but when they are rude first, it's pretty hard to keep my cool. I'm sick of the profiling, and you can see other readers are too. Right after 9/11

US Customs took some heat for their attitude and profiling. The public complaints and outcry caused them to rethink how they handle visitors. At that time USA did suck for people considering on

visiting there. You can see I visited Singapore before. I'd love to again, as soon as they change their immigration policies. I still don't understand why they don't do VISA applications.

Does anyone else see how wrong it is to allow someone to travel all the way to Singapore and then turn them around? If they want to control entry like UK, USA, China etc.. hold interviews.

@rgs2001uk when I said "being American", I meant as a guarantor of her financial stability, I should be sufficient for a 4 day stay

I fully understand the ability of the customs officers, I have traveled the world and I show respect to them. I guess you had to be there to see the rude attitude and the way

they grabbed her arm right from the start. If anyone has a love one handled like that, and you can keep your cool, great for you. Personally, I think if you let this behavior

happen you are encouraging it to happen again.

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I sympathise Oakweb, me and the girlfriend have had similar problems last year with her being dragged off for interrogation and finger-printing for the heinous crime of wanting to visit a country for a holiday. After half an hour or so they relented and let her in, but she was pretty shaken by the experience and we've not been back since.

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I sympathise Oakweb, me and the girlfriend have had similar problems last year with her being dragged off for interrogation and finger-printing for the heinous crime of wanting to visit a country for a holiday. After half an hour or so they relented and let her in, but she was pretty shaken by the experience and we've not been back since.

Thanks for that Rumblecat. I know there are others, they really don't seem to have a reason why. How about the one girl who was allowed 3 times earlier that year, and then on the 4th time denied.

"You come to visit too often". What is that about? I really think the officers there are lacking training, they should be able to provide a better reason for that traveler than you are coming too often!

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It sounds like the Singapore Government may have taken a leaf out of the Thai governments book and is having a Crackdown on young Asian Women . Maybe it is associated with a Geyling Road Crackdown . And maybe officialdim has gone berserk trying to get more brownie points. I am not infering that any of these girls refused entry are associated with the Industry but to be honest and with embarrasment Thai girls do have a reputation , especially to ignorant people.Looking for scapegoats to divert attention from some other issue is usually the way governments work . Pump up the figures for the Law 'n order figures. Make them look like they are doing their job and an excuse to increase the department's budget next year.

I love Singapore i must admitt and have only had one very minor incident , and is nothing compared to your incident Oakweb, when l was going thru transit they confiscated two bottle of Baileys that i had bought for my gf. They told me they weren't sealed in a plastic bag and no unsealed alchol can leave Singapore. I believe that whilst in Transit you are actually on international soil and i had not entered Singapore as such as so they should not confiscate them . Whilst explaining this to them i noticed that i had atrracted the iattention of several security and so just let it ride. But i was pissed and they assured me that the Baileys will not be divided up but will be destroyed. Yes ..... Sure ..... i believe that too ......... hope they enjoyed the drinking destroyed bottles.

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IMO there is a reason for what they are doing

I traveled once to Singapore a few years back with my Thai wife and

we did notencounter any issues what so over getting into Singapore,

while in Singapore or while leaving Singapore. it was all straight forward

I am wondering if with the new resorts and casinos if they are stopping

certain Thai's from entering Singapore fearing they will conduct activities

that certain Thai ladies are known for conducting in Nana, Patpong and

in Patong.

Just my thoughts and opinons

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Oakweb what happened to you and your g/f is awful. I can understand how angry you must be.

Even though the UK does issue visas it is no guarantee of admission to the country. That is always at the discretion of the immigration officer when you arrive. They do let people travel and then refuse entry. However, they have procedures they have to follow and can't just decide they don't like the look of you or 'you come visit too much'. having said that the thought of my g/f coming from Thailand after getting the visa then being denied entry does worry me slightly.

I've never been to Singapore, my g/f has and she said immigration were kinda rough with her, wouldn't let her in till the restaurant owner she worked for called them and verified the reason or her trip.

I must admit I've never really fancied the idea of visiting somewhere that has such strict laws as Singapore does.

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HI all I have never been to singapore I think you should send your stories to CNN and BBC news and let them report on world news. I recommend anderson cooper 360. quote name='oakweb' timestamp='1281798941' post='3816018']

I too remember no problems the other two times I went to Singapore with my fiancé, very nice custom officials. But the attitude I saw being given out at the desk, and also what the AirAsia employee had told us was an increase in Thai's being returned, this makes me believe that this is something that is happening now and is a new situation. The European girl being given a hard time about the old passport, and the other Thais my girlfriend met that from what they said also never had any problem in the country or visiting before. It makes me think that this issue is just a growing problem at the Airport, bad management, or some policy gone awry. We have friends that live there that say there are never these problems at the Bus border crossings.

Why doesn't Singapore do the VISA process like all the other places do? Why wait for the traveler to go all the way there, and then refuse them? It's just stupid, and the fact they do it with large numbers of travelers every day makes me angry. The fact they profile Thai girls like they do, also makes me angry. It's amazing to me that customs does not care that a Farang traveler to Singapore is not sufficient enough to guarantee a Thai girl into the country.

@Benjie never arrested, never a problem, remember we visited there twice before no problem. USA Visas are the most difficult to get in the world for Thai nationals. And usually once you have a USA Visa, getting other

VISAs are easier.

@QED I'm 45 and my fiancé is 32.

@balo I have no idea if they would let her in if I was of cooler head, but they can kiss my ass anyways and I hope the next Farang they take on with a Thai girlfriend they will think twice before interrogating them.

Good news on my side is even though the reservation I made through American Express said 100% non refundable for the room, after speaking with a Supervisor I was given a full refund.

I started my phone call to them by saying, "My fiancé was refused entry into Singapore since she was too sexy". They were quite accommodating. Makes me think they have seen this problem as well.

I appreciate all the feedback and posts about this, it makes me feel that we are a rather large community now. It's not my first time traveling with a Thai girl. I married my first Thai wife almost 16 years ago. 16 years ago there just were not that many guys with Thai wives/girlfriends as there are now.

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I was on a job in Singapore and thought that my wife could join me when the job was almost done. I already stood four weeks in my hotel and told the receptionist, that my wife will join me for the next three or four days till I check out.. So I had a reservation for her and agreed to pay more because the room will be used by one person more. As my wife arrived late night the receptionist denied her access to my room because that's against hotel's philosophy!!! It took me quite a long discussion, argue, to take my wife to my room, without breakfast vouchers and douple price for the room. Next day I checked out and left a letter for the management: ...."Not all Germans are Nazis and not all Thai women are prostitutes..."


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"This lady working the Customs desk, does a look at

her, then she proceeds to say "Come with me". I immediately step in and ask what the problem is, she

sternly says "Back in line". I stated, "No, she's traveling with me and I'm not going back in line. I'm going

wherever she's going".

"They can't throw me in jail for being pissed"

" I was thinking surely this is going to be resolved, I'm

an American"

You have to laugh, try that shit at JFK.

Well done Singapore.

Well said.

Sounds to me that the treatment of his girlfriend was way out of line, but the OP's attitude as shown i these quotes did not help him or her.

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This truly sucked - what an ordeal to go through!

As an Asian myself, I have also encountered problems when travelling to western countries alone. At JFK, nearly 100 questions - in the end I had to show I paid for my own tickets and accommodation with my own credit card. Same at Schipol, although there were only about 20 questions to answer. Sydney has got to be the worst, even my luggage was opened up and all contents thoroughly inspected. Glasgow gave me an eye or two, but they were easy going. I haven't been rejected, but I understand how terrible you and your fiance must feel.

In short, and yes, this is for you Singapore immigration: even though you are immigration officers, it does not give you the right to treat suspects like criminals. You could have been more professional, just as the officers in JFK, Schipol and Sydney were.

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Maybe if you had been polite to them even after what happened they would let her in?

Just a thought.

My thoughts exactly. I know if I were the immigration official, as soon as this guy gave me lip, I'd have done the same thing.

It's a fact that lots of women enter Singapore with the intent of prostitution. This officer, for what ever reason, decided secondary interrogation was warranted, then the OP sealed his finance's fate.

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Dreadful ordeal to have to go through.

I have lived in Singapore for almost 9 years now.

Got married here to my Thai wife. I am a Brit.

I don't come across any problems at immigration but we are not on holiday here.

It seems to be drastic to "ban someone for life" because they look sexy, doesn't make sense. Then again there are a few things that don't make sense here.

You show me the perfect country and I will gladly head there.

I know that some people travel on false names and passports. Perhaps your fiance's experience was a case of mistaken identity.

It has happened to a friend I know in the Philippines.

Unfortunate and very distressing for you both.

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Oakweb, I feel for you. I truly understand your anger and frustration towards the immigration officers of Singapore. All visitors should always be treated with respect.

That said, I have to disagree with you that US Immigration got better in treating visitors post 9-11. Most visitors ,especially with Muslim sounding names still get mistreated regardless of their financial status upon arrival at American Airports. Though I love America and have many American friends (graduate of US university- 7 years), I refuse to visit America after being interrogated 5 times in five visits for over 3-5 hours each time (always professionally). I always keep my cool and I have never been denied entry but it gets tiry to answer the same 100 questions American Visa Officer asked me at your embassy when I applied for the visitor's visa. My bags always get thoroughly searched and my hotel bookings checked to make sure I do have the booking. I have to travel with my updated bank letter or bank statement to show that I do have the funds 24/7. My crime? I have an islamic name. It's the same deal I get in EU countries as well though they never denied me entry either (also now boycotted). I doubt there is anyone here who can take half the B.S. I get at EU and American airports in the name of security and visit there again. Like you, I refuse to spend my dollars in any country which treats me or my family like a criminals at their point of entry. I have no desire to live in EU or America. I live very well and own several businesses in 3 countries.

I am living in Japan now. I have never been mistreated by immigration Officers in China, Thailand, Japan, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam nor South Korea. I have never been to Singapore, but I am planning to go there next winter and would definately report back my experience here.


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I have been following this thread with interest as I lived 22 years in Singapore as a PR and some day want to go back there with my Thai wife. Back then I used the airport a lot but always alone and never had a problem, at that time the customs and immigration staff were always the very model of correctness and diplomacy, officers at that time would always be mixed teams of Malay and or Indian and Chinese but all would speak perfect English. Its sad to note that now they have problems speaking English, maybe this could be due to the influx of immigrants from China over the last ten years, since I left the population has grown from 3m to 5m in that tiny island.

I would like to think that there must have some computer mix up or similarity with names which caused the problem, but in any even if this is indeed an ongoing problem it does not bode well for the Island state.

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Oakweb, my point, agreeing with Bifftastic, is: having a visa is no guarantee of entry (as in my USA case). Whilst I sympathise with you over your bad experience at the immigration; it doesn't mean the whole country sucks. They will not be having 10 million visitors (reportedly) annually if this happens to one too many. The basic questions they ask of single young girls (regardless of the girls are sexy or not) are : What is the purpose of your visit? Do you have any friends here? (If yes, who are they/names, tel. numbers, addresses)where are you staying? Do you have a return air ticket? How much money do you have with you? Guideline I believe is you need to show about SGD300 per day x number of days. Any doubtful answers to these will certainly contribute to a "No Entry". And also, yes - if a single girl enters for too many times, more questions will be asked. I know of this as my girlfriend had been stopped and asked these questions, but was allowed entry upon satisfactory answers. Another time, I travelled with an Indonesian girlfriend, same questions, but was allowed entry for "ONE" day as she showed she was just in transit and catching a flight out the next day. It would have made the situation better if you just stayed at the sidelines without interfering; immigration officers do not take kindly to anyone butting in on their questioing.

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yes ok forgive me, the whole country does not suck, their Customs desk sucks. Obviously I went there twice, I wanted to go back again.

The headline grabs your attention, that's what I wanted. I want to make sure anyone with a Thai significant other that goes to Singapore knows what to expect.

If you think your girlfriend or wife can get into Singapore, for sure, no problem, 100% guaranteed, then make the hotel reservations and the plane tickets.

But be warned, that just because your Thai significant other is with her Farang she can enter into Singapore you could be wrong. They do deny, and for no reasons other than what

has been posted in the thread so far. There are other members with the similar encounters.

This trip could have cost me well over $1600 (just 4 days, what if I did 7 days!) if I was not able to refund the hotel. Most hotel sites don't allow for refund, and Airlines for sure don't. So my post

is to allow anyone planning on a trip there to be cautious. Try to obtain a letter of entry like that one Custom officer asked for from my Fiancé. Don't risk it.

Even if you have been there before. If they do want to ask her questions, at least now you know what to expect. I had no idea what was going to happen to her behind

the doors, and sorry but that made me a bit angered. Having officers with guns taking your fiancé into a room, well maybe I have seen too many "Banged up Abroad" episodes.

Regarding her ability to pass customs. We had no reason to believe she would be picked out for scrutiny. She has credit cards, has all the answers, and I'm right there as well.

My behavior was not that unruly to deny entry. I was not a mad man screaming and shouting. I was a concerned fiancé that wanted to know why they are bringing her into a room

without me. If your significant other can be whisked away in front of you without you showing concern, then I say again, good for you. You were not there to see how scared

she looked. We didn't do anything wrong. We just wanted to visit Singapore for 4 days to go to The Sands Hotel. What is their problem!

Also she is escorted in front of all the other passengers on a flight. It's a bit dramatic on their part not just to ask the questions at

the desk where they are stamping the passports. Why make the passenger get escorted off to another desk where there are 10 officers with guns, and then into a room.

My post is a warning for others traveling there with significant Thai others. Be careful, either get a letter of permission to enter into the country ( I realize that is no guarantee

either, but it's better than arriving without it) or get a hotel that you can refund.

Or better yet, go to Hong Kong and not worry about it at all. If you want to gamble, Macau is just a boat ride away with the Venetian.

Anyways thanks for all the posts.

Edited by oakweb
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"This lady working the Customs desk, does a look at

her, then she proceeds to say "Come with me". I immediately step in and ask what the problem is, she

sternly says "Back in line". I stated, "No, she's traveling with me and I'm not going back in line. I'm going

wherever she's going".

"They can't throw me in jail for being pissed"

" I was thinking surely this is going to be resolved, I'm

an American"

You have to laugh, try that shit at JFK.

Well done Singapore.

I'm an American also and have to agree. Over the years I have spent a great deal of time in Singapore working at the various shipyards and I can attest that losing your cool and yelling will get you nowhere there or in most other asian countries. Had you shown a bit of respect the chances are good they would have let you and her through.

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Maybe, or maybe not. They refused another Thai girl on the same flight, for the reason of visiting too much. My point of the post remains clear. If you plan to visit with your significant Thai other, get a letter before going.

Or as I have said, don't go there at all. If they want to single out Thai girls like that. Don't give them the satisfaction of our business. Hong Kong is better.

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after seeing most of the posts I have to agree with some of you. I think the best thing is just to pay respect and smile some. Keep in mind everywhere in the world immigration officials see lots of people everyday.

I tend to agree with max2010 though, I think the USA and Europe are muslim / islamic paranoid. I believe the majority of muslim's are misrepresented in the view of the west in regards to getting through immigration and going to the embassy simply to get a visa. ( probably for a another different post I know ) what it boils down to

Countries in regard

1. Have to protect their citizens ( make sure they don't go overboard or become paranoid about it )

2. Make sure People entering the country are their for actual reasons stated ( not a easy task to make sure I know )

On my singapore experience with my thai wife never had any problems, I've gone to singapore every year for the last 5 years never had a problem bringing my wife.

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I strongly advice you to write in for an explanation from Singapore immigration. And maybe to the press since you felt that you were humiliate by them. I assume there is a reason "behind". Since you said your g/f wasn't "blacklisted" by Singapore.

Forward this topic to ICA Singapore and hope the authority will give us a clearer view what is "wrong" with this matter.

yes ok forgive me, the whole country does not suck, their Customs desk sucks. Obviously I went there twice, I wanted to go back again.

The headline grabs your attention, that's what I wanted. I want to make sure anyone with a Thai significant other that goes to Singapore knows what to expect.

If you think your girlfriend or wife can get into Singapore, for sure, no problem, 100% guaranteed, then make the hotel reservations and the plane tickets.

But be warned, that just because your Thai significant other is with her Farang she can enter into Singapore you could be wrong. They do deny, and for no reasons other than what

has been posted in the thread so far. There are other members with the similar encounters.

This trip could have cost me well over $1600 (just 4 days, what if I did 7 days!) if I was not able to refund the hotel. Most hotel sites don't allow for refund, and Airlines for sure don't. So my post

is to allow anyone planning on a trip there to be cautious. Try to obtain a letter of entry like that one Custom officer asked for from my Fiancé. Don't risk it.

Even if you have been there before. If they do want to ask her questions, at least now you know what to expect. I had no idea what was going to happen to her behind

the doors, and sorry but that made me a bit angered. Having officers with guns taking your fiancé into a room, well maybe I have seen too many "Banged up Abroad" episodes.

Regarding her ability to pass customs. We had no reason to believe she would be picked out for scrutiny. She has credit cards, has all the answers, and I'm right there as well.

My behavior was not that unruly to deny entry. I was not a mad man screaming and shouting. I was a concerned fiancé that wanted to know why they are bringing her into a room

without me. If your significant other can be whisked away in front of you without you showing concern, then I say again, good for you. You were not there to see how scared

she looked. We didn't do anything wrong. We just wanted to visit Singapore for 4 days to go to The Sands Hotel. What is their problem!

Also she is escorted in front of all the other passengers on a flight. It's a bit dramatic on their part not just to ask the questions at

the desk where they are stamping the passports. Why make the passenger get escorted off to another desk where there are 10 officers with guns, and then into a room.

My post is a warning for others traveling there with significant Thai others. Be careful, either get a letter of permission to enter into the country ( I realize that is no guarantee

either, but it's better than arriving without it) or get a hotel that you can refund.

Or better yet, go to Hong Kong and not worry about it at all. If you want to gamble, Macau is just a boat ride away with the Venetian.

Anyways thanks for all the posts.

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Thanks for the heads up about Singapore's attitudes. Obviously it's all down to the sex-worker issue: Singapore has an endemic problem in its business community and parties with girls are a frequent business incentive/oiler (and look at how many Singalese there are in the average Bangkok go-go bar). Nothing necessarily wrong with that but it's all a bit two-faced when their administration tries to clamp down in public on an activity half the administration is probably up to in private.

I wouldn't be tempted to go back there anyway, it's a pretty boring place when you've seen it once. I agree with you that Hong Kong is far more interesting. However my Thai girlfriend (now wife) joined me there on business 3 years ago - her first venture abroad. She emerged from immigration in buckets of tears, having been internally searched by HK Immigration. We will not be going back there in a hurry either.

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Hong Kong.

I lived ( worked ) there for five years, I brought a couple of girlfriends over from Thailand to visit.

One occasion we were seperated at immigration and both questioned seperately, I was an id card holder and still had grief over who I was entering with, so its not only Singapore that has this sort of procedure.

She was allowed to enter but she didn't want to return after that.

Something is missing here though. To get blacklisted and never be allowed to come back means something has happened before, or as I said, her identity has been mixed up ( or possibly used by some other who has been to Singapore before and fell foul of the law). These things happen.

My friend ( as my earlier post ) is a Brit guy and was leaving Manilla when he was detained and informed that his name was on their wanted list.

He eventually was released as it wasn't him, but he was locked up while he was there.

Non the less, your experience was not very nice and certainly not expected when you are entering a country to spend your money in their country on holiday.

Sorry about the whole affair....not nice.

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Just to add.

Singapore itself is a great place to visit or work in ( if you get past immigration that is ). If some people get bored then maybe they are expecting something that is not located in the area that they are looking in.

I'm only here for a job (15% personel income tax helps), plus I get the opportunity to be able to put both my girls in good and safe schools.

Its a shame about your trip.

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I wouldn't be tempted to go back there anyway, it's a pretty boring place when you've seen it once.

Wouldn't say it's boring. Certainly one-up from Bkk. I enjoy it a lot - clean, tidy, good service - although couldn't live there. Wouldn't be going back if I was subjected to this though.

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Singapore's ok for a short trip, but I find it a bit sterile. Bangkok is much more interesting, but takes more energy and adventurousness.

I've been thinking of taking 2 Thai girls I know to Singapore, but don't want them treated like that.

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