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Is There Room For A Vip Visa Run To Laos?

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I am calling for help from the good and glorious users of this fantastic and resourceful forum. Please take a minute to send me a response.

I have been in Thailand now for 11 weeks, and i love it. I have little intention of returning to the UK in a hurry.

However, there is one thing i am not a great fan of, and that is the visa run. I especially dislike the cross border hustler experience. Not because i dislike the people, after all, everyone has the right to choose how they make a living, and we all need to make a living. The truth is, i am not an ignorant person by my nature. I don't like to turn my back on people or just shun them. But I also realise if i try to explain that I am ok and i don't want a taxi to take me 300 yards or I don't need a visa application form, then a lot of the time you are just providing more opportunity for engagement (aka hassle).

So far i have done a run to Cambodia. (Aranyapratet). I hated it. The hustlers were terrible, there were scores of them and would not take no for an answer, and the police were even worse. I got my Cambodian visa which should have cost 600 Baht and a policeman pulled the 1000 baht note out of my girlfriends hand and said "It is 1000". We thought it best not to argue as he looked quite menacing. Then as soon as i had my passport back, the same policeman snatched it out of my hand and said "how long you stay?" I said "maybe one day", He replied "you only here Thai visa". I replied, "Maybe". He replied "300 baht now and we stamp you in and out, if you go through, you must stay one night minimum". I knew this was rubbish.. you can't force a tourist to stay in your country for a night. But again, I thought if we just demand my passport back and go through immigration, then this guy was going to generate some big problems for me. He wanted money and he was going to get it. So to simplify matters, i reluctantly paid the cash and he handed my passport to another cop who drove off on a scooter, to return 10 minutes later with my passport stamps in and out. I was relieved to get back into Thailand and vowed never to step foot in Cambodia again.... No... Hold on!! I never stepped foot in Cambodia then! I have a visa and a stamp in and out, but never put one toe in that country.

Anyway, i only got the standard 15 day land border stamp back into Thailand, and spent the next 2 weeks dreading the next visa run. But next time, i am going for the 3 month double entry and resolved to try Laos after reading lots of good reports about how relaxed and laid back it all is. So soon enough it was time to do the run again.

We took the night VIP coach from Korat to Nong Kai leaving around midnight and arrived at about 6am. We then took a tuk tuk to the border at the Friendship bridge which straddles the mighty Mekong river. and the timing was great. We were first in the queue at the VOA office (visa on arrival) paid our money and were over the border and at the Thai embassy in Vientiane about 45 minutes before opening, so we were pretty much first in the queue again. I handed in my documents, got my collection reciept and made for the hotel.

I couldn't believe the contrast between my experience in Cambodia (almost) and here. Laos is so much more laid back, the people are friendly, they all take no for an answer, everyone is helpful, even the border officials and the Thai embassy staff. My hotel was reasonably priced and brand new built. Vientiane is like stepping back to what BKK must have been like 30 years ago. it is quiet, clean and pretty. There are some very nice historic places to visit, and everything is incredibly cheap. (Especially the Beer Lao). The next afternoon, it was time to pick up the visa. we had to wait one hour outside the embassy, and the heat was oppressive, and the flies worse. The bad thing about the embassy, is that there is no shade at all outside the gates where the queue is. But anyway, we got in and picked up my visa and made for our return.. This is where it all seemed to go pear shaped. We got back to Nong Kai at around 2.30pm. We were told the bus was leaving for BKK via Korat at 3.30, so we thought, great so 1 hour fort food and we're on our way and back at 9.30pm.. what a result. Erm... Nope.. not exactly. At 3.30pm we were told that the bus was departing at 4.30 now. hmmm (probably not many passengers yet). So reluctantly we waited the other hour, seeing as it was the only bus to leave before 8pm, and we didn't fancy getting back at 2am. So again we waited, only to find out that it was not going to depart till 5pm, this is starting to bug me. At 5.25pm we finally pulled out of the bus station. The bus was crowded, small hard seats, no legroom, no toilet, no aircon and the Thai karaoke DVD they elected to play at full volume over and over again during the journey was to say the least.. testing!

We got to Kon Kain at around 8pm and i thought, "well at least we are making good progress"... I spoke too soon, we sat in that bus station for 1 hour for no apparent reason. My ass was aching so much and I just wanted to get home, i could not sleep for crying babies and karaoke. We eventually got into Korat at 12.30am, My heart broke for those who had to suffer further to BKK.

Anyway, If it had not been for that trip back to Thailand, the whole run would have been a great experience compared with the one 2 weeks prior. But where i see a bad experience, i also see a necessity to fix it. This is where my new idea was born. You see... i need to do something here in Thailand. I can't just stay here and drink beer and do nothing, and seeing as i have started, grown and run 2 very successful businesses in the past, i thought i would combine my business prowess, my tourism experience and what I see a need for, and come up with the following service. But before I 'push the button' and register and start taking bookings, i wanted to run it past all you guys on the forums. Because as i am sure you will appreciate, all business plans must start with a viability study and considerable market research.

I have spent the past month arranging, sourcing, organising and negotiating to bring the hard working farang a complete visa run come tour package to Laos with every last bit of hassle and anxiety removed. Here is the suggested itinerary.

What I want to do is run a VIP visa tour for economy prices. leaving BKK on a Sunday night at around 10pm. The coach will be totally executive with extra wide seats (almost horizontal reclining) with footstool, just like you would get in 'first class, on an airplane. There would be a light supper with a complimentary drink, and an on-board bar, with hostess service. Also there would be the latest Hollywood blockbuster with full size lcd TV screens. Also free wifi internet. There will even be a nice fluffy clean blanket to bed you down afterwards.

On arrival to the border, a Thai immigration official will board to stamp you out of Thailand (no need to leave the comfort of your air conditioned seat). Then we wlll make the drive over the Friendship bridge, no need to leave the coach when we get to the Laos VOA office, we will handle all that for you while you relax and enjoy breakfast. Then when we have all your passports back, it is time to get stamped in to Laos, for this you will need to disembark the coach. once you are all through we will make the 15 KM run to Vientiane where you will be taken straight to a very nice, new and very clean hotel to drop off your things and take a shower. At approx 08.15 you will be taken to the embassy to submit your visa applications. Then you are free to do what you want for the rest of the day. The hotel has a free broadband enabled pc in the main lobby for those who do not have a laptop.

For those who want to do a bit of exploring, the coach will depart at 1pm to take in a tour of Vientiane's places of interest, this will take approx 4 hours and a stop at a very good market will be included. In the evening there will be a trip organised to a very good eat all you can buffet and if there is a common agreement to have a bit of a 'night on the town'.. then the coach is at your disposal up to say midnight(ish).

The next day there will be a western style breakfast especially laid on by the hotel, and checkout is around 12.30pm where you will be taken to the embassy to pick up your visa. Once everyone has been sorted (around 1 hour). Then we will head back to Bangkok. You will be fed on the coach at approx 4pm and 8pm and we should arrive back in BKK at about 10pm. Again there will be a bar and snack service on board and western movies.

We are even considering smokers. There will be a 10 minute cigarette stop approximately every 90 minutes of driving time. We also want to be totally flexible on the pickups. Any passenger may join the coach at Korat and Kon Kain or anywhere we pass through en route (or within 5KM off route by prior arrangement).

Now then, the pricing. When I did my run to Vientiane, the total cost was around 3870 Baht. That included everything including the Laos visa (and I was watching the pennies). I have costed this luxury visa run to around 5300. That includes everything mentioned in the itinerary including the Laos visa which costs $40 USD alone. But excluding the bar and snack hostess service.

So that's it guys.. I have almost everything in place for this, and i am waiting to push the button and start it up. But I am too business wise to go ahead with a project until I am 100% certain there is a market, a need and a desire for this type of service. i really think there is, although I love Thailand and its rich culture, I do miss some of my western comforts, and its nice to have a bit of western living now and then without having to fly there. I am convinced there is a bit of that in all of you out there.

So please, please, please tell me what you think.

Is this service appealing to you?

Is it over the top?

Have I missed out an obvious improvement?

Do you think I have a market or is it just a pipe dream?

Will people pay the extra to go in style? (it's only once every few months)

Or will they be willing to suffer the hassle, heat, dust and flies to save just over a 1000?

Trust me, if this service existed a month ago, (that i had known about) there would have been no second thoughts about it.... I would have taken it up.

What do you think? I really would appreciate some feedback, i can take honest punches, so don't hold back. I need your thoughts.

I would like to thank everyone who posts a reply in advance for there help and feedback and all those who don't.. i thank you for allowing me to bore you for 10 minutes. I also thank Thaivisa.com for providing this fantastic platform and giving me the best possible arena to screen this idea. But most of all, i would like to thank thank my girlfriend Noon who works tirelessly to help me in my endevours as a great proactive organiser, business expert and translation intermediary.

PS. If I get the response i want to hear, then the first trip will start in 2 weeks and we will run every Sunday and Wednesday.

Please feel free to message me or ask me any questions. i will monitor the thread several times daily.

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On arrival to the border, a Thai immigration official will board to stamp you out of Thailand (no need to leave the comfort of your air conditioned seat). In many years of exiting Thailand at the Friendship Bridge in Nong Khai, I personally have never seen this occur although I would suspect that such service is available for Diplomats, VIPs, etc.

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On arrival to the border, a Thai immigration official will board to stamp you out of Thailand (no need to leave the comfort of your air conditioned seat). In many years of exiting Thailand at the Friendship Bridge in Nong Khai, I personally have never seen this occur although I would suspect that such service is available for Diplomats, VIPs, etc.

Thank you for your comment.

Yes, well observed, and you are correct, such a service does exist where certain factors are present such as for security security precautions. However this detail is still pending a decision and is not yet confirmed. The itinerary is a suggested one. This feature is possible though, and i believe can be implemented as an initial trial. Certain criteria were pointed out, such as not having overstays present on board to name but one. Like i said, it is a detail yet to be confirmed, but at the same time, it has not been ruled out as not possible. This if allowed would not be possible for entry, due to the regulations of passport screening and photographing purposes.

These are the features that I would love to have included. I am optimistic, while at the same time realistic that not every feature will be available.

Keep the comments coming.

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1- is there a market for this?...................That is the reason for my post. I want to ask people who use this forum if they would use my service and provide the market?

2- how many other companies offer tis service?.............So far I have struggled to find any. There is a VIP service to Cambodia, but it is only to the land border (15 day stamp).

3- Does your price compare?..........Again, there is not enough competition to quantify a reasonable comparison.

4- Will people pay more for your service?........If this means will people pay 'ME. more than the competitor? Difficult to know without a tangible competition.

5- Is it worth setting up the new company for the low profit margin........ Indeed it is, and although on the face, it seems not to reflect a huge margin.. Because of my negotiating, it leaves a very desirable monthly balance sheet.

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1- is there a market for this?...................That is the reason for my post. I want to ask people who use this forum if they would use my service and provide the market?

2- how many other companies offer tis service?.............So far I have struggled to find any. There is a VIP service to Cambodia, but it is only to the land border (15 day stamp).

3- Does your price compare?..........Again, there is not enough competition to quantify a reasonable comparison.

4- Will people pay more for your service?........If this means will people pay 'ME. more than the competitor? Difficult to know without a tangible competition.

5- Is it worth setting up the new company for the low profit margin........ Indeed it is, and although on the face, it seems not to reflect a huge margin.. Because of my negotiating, it leaves a very desirable monthly balance sheet.

I have a much better idea. Get a proper visa where you don't have to leave the country. duh

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I have a much better idea. Get a proper visa where you don't have to leave the country. duh

I'm sorry... I don't understand what you mean?

What is a proper visa?

You have to leave the country to get a visa.. unless of course you know a way where everyone can get a proper visa without having to do this. Please explain what a Proper visa is as opposed to all the visas discussed on this forum. I am sure everyone would find it a great help if you share your knowledge with us..

But it remains that there are currently around 30,000 farangs doing visa runs (Embassy issued) a month, and that does not include all the ones doing the 15 day fast-track land border stamp run.

This service is for as you call it.. 'proper' visa's of 60/90 days plus. Issued from the embassy, not a passport stamp at the border.

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Excellent Idea... How will you get a work permit? There is a company in Bangkok that offers a Van service to Vientiene and back. They look after the visa and all the paper work. Two friends went and told me that one of the staff on the van actually cooked all their meals in Laos for them.

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Fortunately for me I don't have to do the 60/90 day visa run but I know a couple of farangs who would be very happy to pay extra to "travel in style" - I mean in comfort.

I've seen a few signs offering "VIP Visa Runs" - but I've never bothered looking into it as I'm ok with the visa I have so I can't tell you anything about the service the others are offering - but you'll have competition (and if your business is successful you'll have a whole lot more new competitors to deal with...).

You'll probably need to check if you need a license to serve alcohol on the bus.

You mentioned showing Hollywood movies on the trip - what about the customers who don't want to watch/hear those particular movies and simply want to rest/sleep on the trip. Will your bus also have individual entertainment sets or at least headphones? Otherwise there really isn't any big difference to travelling on a Thai bus and being subjected to the Thai movies/karaoke.

How much would it cost to buy/rent a lux bus like that?

I'm sure you'll find enough people who'll gladly travel with you. Good luck to you!

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pay your 25K baht and enroll in a Thai language school for 1 year study program. You will have to go to malaysia or laos etc to get the first Non Imm ED visa and then only have to pay 1900 every three months at the local immigration office. No more need to leave the country. Most of the schools require about 4 hours of classes per week.

All told going the school route will cost about 30 to 32K baht for 12 to 15 months. The extra 3 months if you get your last extension inside the year but at the very tail end of the curriculum period. The visa will be good up to 90 days before you need to pony up and pay the school for another year of study and get fresh papers for another extension.

A student can stay in Thailand for up to 3 years on the visa by extending it. After 3 years then need to travel to another country and get a new visa.

It's a decent tradeoff. No more need to go on visa runs and all that entrails. More money goes to local business and less to bus and border people.

You will learn much better Thai language and understand the country and people in a much better way.

btw the OP should learn to condense his writing a tad. what the heck?

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I just did the Laos visa run and had most of the "luxuries" that you are going to provide (the ones that interest me) without having to go through a broker. The only real hassles for me are going across the border both ways. It often takes hours and is hot, boring and annoying. If you can do something about that, would imagine that a lot of people would be interested.

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Indeed a fine dream however the market is pretty well sewn up so to speak, I remember some years ago a gentlemen whose name I shall not mention who had been running such an, '' inclusive you don't need to move yourself service'' for a long time. He had even as I recall refined the service so as one didn't need to leave ones abode or place of work or recreation to renew ones visa.

'Twould appear that ones passport actually travelled alone to the border and received the necessary and vital life giving blue ink stamps all on its own, travel sickness or time spent waiting was never considered a problem.

Indeed a wonderful easy and non time consuming service, alas alack the excrement hit the fan due in part to rivalry ( read jealously) and the fluctuation of currency which had a negative effect upon the ''commissions and incentive bonuses'' paid to ensure a smooth operation regarding visa renewal

Suddenly the man was out of business and had some explaining to do ,I am not sure but I think he left the Kingdom somewhat rapidly as a form of cashing in on his life assurance.

There are of course a number of matters that need to be dealt with, the cultivation of influential Thai civil servants, immigration officials and other guardians of the law, ''commissions and incentive bonuses'' need to be paid and indeed,'' quality trustworthy staff'' are needed to ensure the smooth operation on a weekly or daily basis.

After twenty years here I have seen many a good business person chasing rainbows (with the best of intentions I hasten to add) actually succeed in providing the specialised service you so earnestly desire to give to others.

My personal advice is that you would be far better employed and indeed probably somewhat more successful in establishing a, ''Pork Pie factory in Saudi Arabia rather than a, ''Visa application service'' here in Thailand.

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pay your 25K baht and enroll in a Thai language school for 1 year study program. You will have to go to malaysia or laos etc to get the first Non Imm ED visa and then only have to pay 1900 every three months at the local immigration office. No more need to leave the country. Most of the schools require about 4 hours of classes per week.

All told going the school route will cost about 30 to 32K baht for 12 to 15 months. The extra 3 months if you get your last extension inside the year but at the very tail end of the curriculum period. The visa will be good up to 90 days before you need to pony up and pay the school for another year of study and get fresh papers for another extension.

A student can stay in Thailand for up to 3 years on the visa by extending it. After 3 years then need to travel to another country and get a new visa.

It's a decent tradeoff. No more need to go on visa runs and all that entrails. More money goes to local business and less to bus and border people.

You will learn much better Thai language and understand the country and people in a much better way.

btw the OP should learn to condense his writing a tad. what the heck?

Excellent reply. Many schools will give you a one year visa, which you renew every 90 days, with the paperwork from the school, even if you enroll for 6 months talk to them, times are tough they are willing to make a deal. May not be totally honest but this is Thailand. 2 friends did exactly that, paid for a six month course with the guarantee that the school would continue to renew their visas for one year, remember you pay for the visa extension/renewal.

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A couple of years ago, when I was still doing visa runs, I did take the van service from Bangkok through to Vientianne, so some service does exist. Definitely wouldn't have called it luxury, though.

You would need two buses, I think, as you couldn't drive your own across the Friendship Bridge. Need one for Thailand and another for Laos.

Also, you mentioned an all inclusive price, including visas. However, crossing into Laos, there are different prices for their visas, depending on the passport you're carrying.

And, of course, you'd need all the necessary licenses and permits for operating a business in both Thailand and Laos.

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This is what has become of the Thai expatriate. With all the luxury that Thailand now affords, for many it still is not posh enough or fast enough.

So many people want to live in Thailand without living in Thailand.

Maybe you ought to force yourself to do the trip rough, learn from it and be wiser for it.

But what do I know, I'm just a tool. Right Tropo?

Now, where is that guy selling queue tickets for 200B??? Hmmmm, must be around here somewhere...

PS: I'd bet that new TG/SQ airline will have a BKK-VNE route. I'd bet on it.

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As everyone says that there are already plenty of bus/vans for LAO Visa run, it is called product differentiation ...

The times for the available airline flights BKK to VNE do not co-ordinate with the visa drop-off / pick-up schedule at Thai Emb. PDR Lao so a good charter can save a day or more -- which for some is important --

Also no waiting check-out check-in 2X at the Friendship Bridge -- this is from one who has done the trip many times on the ground.

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With all due respect to Thaivisarunner he states that he has been in Thailand for around 11-12 weeks to date. Indeed the honeymoon period is still sweet and dare I say, '' the rose coloured glasses are still being worn thus shielding ones eyes from the harsh realities of commercial ventures in this country as pursued by foreigners.''

Business ethics are a trifle different from what one may have experienced in ones country of birth, the laws regarding the business enterprises one can operate as a foreigner are somewhat less than helpful regarding the shareholding and indeed ones legal rights to the company and its assets.

My wife runs a company involved in transport road haulage and I am well aware of the, ''commissions'' paid so as to ensure a relatively smooth daily operation of the business (which incidentally I am a director of). We also have a good sized farm which is much easier to operate, the production of pork, chickens and crops along with Eucalyptus trees is not fraught with many problems happy to say.

The drivers are supplied with a cash float so as they are able to deal with the instant local taxes that the police suddenly often daily apply in a random fashion and in random areas, there is also a fund for the ,'' entertainment'' of officials in many departments so as to keep the wheels of commerce oiled thus ensuring a smooth operation. One needs to of course ensure that ones drivers are not, ''milking the pig,'' a practice that indeed boosts their income dramatically but affects your income in a negative fashion, so many ways to enhance income for employees and state officials , whilst your income drops

Business ethics regarding the competition can be somewhat different , one may find a visit from an advisor of another company, one may find that ones vehicles suffer minor damage all unaccountable , one may find people suddenly leave ones employment and disappear up country , the usual excuse being, '' it is my health boss, or the leg has fallen off of my buffalo etc etc.''. Indeed a multitude of creative excuses one cannot fail to admire for their ingenuity

Sometimes one is treated to a show of ordinance from interested parties and of course ones clients staff who maybe or are responsible for logistic management matters may suddenly lose all interest in processing your monthly accounts and work tapers off too.

Paperwork as has already been said is, and becomes an even greater nightmare, your rights under Thai law are shall we say , ''minimal.''

No, Thaivisarunner, you are indeed an innocent abroad, I and I am sure many others will tell you that that wonderful dream you have will like as not turn into a massive money losing nightmare.

Many an ex-pat entrepreneur has trodden the road you wish to take and ended up with the one thing money cannot buy ''POVERTY.'' some have vanished never to be seen again, some have ended up in prison based on somewhat flimsy evidence and hasty trials.

Look to invest in an established or even establish a business elsewhere other than here in Thailand (which with due respect you are indeed showing yourself to be a trifle naive regarding business ethics and practices) live on the income you derive from your investment , life will be sweet and not fraught with problems for you.

Twenty years here, family connections are good, but I am still learning, that's why I love my day job, all I have worked and paid for is in the name of my wife and our children, as foreigners we, you and I and countless others are pretty low on the scale of fairness as you may well find out.

Take heed of the prophets of doom we may be better informed than you think.

Edited by siampolee
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Anybody can dream up a hypothetical business, and anybody can post their "interest" in a hypothetical business, but until you actually do the work, set it up and run it, hypothetical is all it is, and one thing you can be sure of is that any of your "good ideas" in your proposed service are actually possible and have a demand, they will be incorporated in the services of the businesses already operating before you get your service off the ground and your unique selling points will be gone.

That said, good luck.

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Maybe you ought to force yourself to do the trip rough, learn from it and be wiser for it.

My roughing in Asia days started in PR China in the late '80s -- everything had to be done by Telex ...

As to the 'wiser' part, I live close to the Lao border so it is (was) only a short train hop to the bridge -- Nong Khai / VNE was never a problem...

My extension of stay is now such that in theory I would never have to again exit the Kingdom -- how wise is that?

BTW I am also US FAA Licensed Pilot so that's the way I observe ...

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Actually, I have done the trip. i am also a very well seasoned traveller. many years backpacking and working around the world. I even established a backpackers lodsge and ran it for a long time in Central Africa.. Trust me... i have all the experience required, i know all about pitfalls and rose tinted glasses. I know all about bureaucracy, red tape, official paradoxes .

I am no child, i am a mature experienced and hardened businessman who works off facts, figures, ethics and above all else reality.

If I can pull off business deals in the most corrupt continent in the world and come out unscathed. i can do it in Thailand.

As for the "you will be arrested" quote. Whoever mentioned underhand or illegal dealings?

Everything i do is both legit and totally registered with the Thai authorities. When I undergo a business venture, i do it right, i do it legal and i do it realistically.

I was actually asking for ideas and improvements to work off, i was not asking for my character or capabilities to be sniped at from the sidelines. Nor do i entertain being assumed to be some sort of a 'wet behind the ears' daydreamer.

I entered the Kingdom 12 weeks ago, but I never came here for a 2 week holiday, got zapped in the heart and head by some Thai beauty queen and decided to lay down roots. I have been planning this trip for nigh on a year, and have my fingers in a few pies. so to speak. ... Honestly, i never missed the bus home....lol

Edited by Thaivisarunner
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As my grand mom would say; "JESUS H. CHRIST"!!! :whistling:

If there are enough people, you could charter a double decker tour bus from Bangkok to Vientiane Lao. Or are you tryin' to get the people doing that 15 day shit? :bah:

Find me 25 or 30 people and I'll figure it out. Start in Bangkok, and stop every 2 hours for a break at; Korat, Khon-Kaen, Nong-Khai, the border, and then Vientiane.. Sheesh. ..

It is about as far from rocket science as you could throw a pile of buffalo dung.. ;)

What you're NOT gonna do is cut into the business of ANY 'real' visa run companies here.. They're just not gonna let it happen. In fact, they'll shut you down so fast your head will spin!! ;)

Plus. .. What you do NOT have is a 'connection' at the border to 'facilitate' your crossing outta, and into ANY country. :blink: That fact, in and of itself, is WORTH its weight in GOLD!! :D Otherwise, you’re stuck at the border doing passports one by one, instead of a 'stack' at a time. B)

As an Aside; who even uses that armpit of a border at Aranyaprathet/Poipet anyway??? NO ONE except thais who want to gamble at the 7 casinos, and frickin' tourists wanting another 14 days!!! Okay, maybe Jack’s Golf uses it, and you stay at the casino hotel, while they run you passports up to Phnom Penh to get your visa, but NO ONE else uses that border. :lol: ..

If you need to get another 15 days, go to Baan Laem. There are no people, no hassle, and it is way faster, IF you know the way. .. :rolleyes:

Like I said, you find 25 or 30 people and I'll frickin' get 'em to Vientiane Lao, ALL INCLUSIVE; travel, hotel, visas in and outta Lao, and seeing as tourist visa's are free for thailand, I won't even charge you for them.. Christ, I’ll even feed you once you return to thailand in Nong Khai, a thai buffet.

You find the people, I'll give you the price per person, but it will be nearly the same as EVERYONE who already does that run. They're cutting their margins pretty close, and tryin' to make it up on volume.

Good Luck,

Now, after you’ve been here maybe 3 or 4 years, your rose colored glasses and tin-foil hat might come off, (but immediately put your tin-foil hat back on!! :ermm: ) . I know people who’ve been here 15 years who still wear ‘rose colored glasses’, maybe you’re of that ‘ilk’.

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''Fools and their money are soon parted.''


Damm good post, reality bites.

This old, '' boo bird,'' has been here twenty years and the wife has been running our business for 16 years, I may well be blowing my own trumpet, but I think possibly my, or rather our ( the wife and myself) experiences may be a little more real than some of the ''experts'' here who are advising Thaivisarunner to plunge into the murky waters of Visa supply services.

Hans Brix.

Great response, short and sweet and bang on target.


Relax -- The boo-birds saw " ... 11 weeks in Thailand ... " and took it from there ... Stick with it and there may be options you have yet to discover or ponder ...

Bankruptcy ?

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