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Foreigner In Phuket Charity Drive To Save His Son'S Life

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Phuket musician in charity drive for son


Rino Mangon Vogt, who is bravely battling Ebstein's Anomaly with the support of his loving dad, Ritchie Newton.


The family is accepting all donations in their quest to raise the needed 2 million baht.

PHUKET: -- Rino Mangon Vogt, 10, is a boy who knows he could die before the end of this year.

Rino is suffering from a rare and congenital heart condition known as Ebstein's Anomaly. Usually present at birth, this life threatening anomaly can show itself at any time, even into adulthood.

The cause lies within one of Rino’s heart valves, which is enlarged and in the wrong position, causing blood to leak back into the heart. Left untreated, the heart degenerates and blood clots form, giving rise to strokes, tissue damage and, in many cases, death.

Rino's father, musician, songwriter and film-maker Ritchie Newton, is determined to save his son. He spends 18-hours-a-day working to raise the money needed for a life-saving operation for Rino.

He has formed Rino's Heart Foundation – a registered trust to handle donations – and is organizing sponsorships, performances and events using every ounce of his love and energy to raise the funds needed.

“I will never forget the night we came back from Bangkok in June after checking Rino's heart with a cardiologist. The diagnosis was devastating,” said Ritchie.

“Rino was exhausted from all the tests and went straight to bed. I felt so helpless, so angry and sad. I asked myself over and over, 'What the hell can I do to save his life?'

“I looked in at Rino sleeping... I vowed to move heaven and earth for my lovely boy. I was going to do whatever it took. I was not going to allow him to die. And this was the moment that his song came into my heart.”

The song, Together We Are Strong, was recorded by Ritchie the following day in his studio, and later with musicians from all over Koh Samui, including the choir from Rino's school.

“This was the hardest song I have ever written. I cried my heart out with every line I wrote,” said Ritchie

The song and the charity Ritchie founded aims to raise the two-million baht needed to cover Rino's open-heart surgery and the aftercare that will need to follow.

To raise more funds Ritchie is organizing Rock4Rino, an all-day family music festival on Koh Samui on October 24, as well as many other community events.

Ritchie has already approached Thai reggae legend Job2Do and has confirmed bands including Ovada Showband, Rock Angels, Siam Band and Climax Band to perform at the Samui benefit.

When asked what message Ritchie wanted to put out to Gazette readers, he said “How many parents and kids have to go through what we are now going through? We need everyone's help to reach our target, so please help us in any way at all. Remember there are lives depending on it.”

“First I must save my son, but if there is more money I want to continue helping any child who has this condition,” Ritchie said.

Visit the website rinosheart.com for more information.


-- Phuket Gazette 2010-08-17

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Good luck and I hope the son pulls through , where will the samui bash be ? Maybe thaivisa can help promote to attract more attention ....


I'm sorry for the situation that the family is in..

I shall not publish my recommendations of medical facility as I do work in the medical industry (and don't want to do any form of advertising for a serious matter like this) but the cost for the surgery is a little too high at this particular hospital, even for foreigner - I think the most expensive procedure cost 1 mil (as from my understanding from my working location price list) but I can't say I know about this particular condition.

If the child is in Thai nationality, I'll strongly recommend the family to take advantage of the 30THB Healthcare scheme and see a Doctor in a government Hospital with the diagnosis at hand. I do know that the patient will be provided care at a government hospital for sure, and some private hospitals also participate with the scheme (I'll have to re-check this on private hospitals). You will need to do some research, healthcare in government hospital is reasonably of good standards if you're at Chulalongkorn/ Sririraj Hospital. The foreigner who goes into the government hospital typically also pays a much lower fee, although slightly higher then the Thai patient.

Do check the options.

I hope the best possible outcome for this difficult time.


  • Like 1

I'm sorry for the situation that the family is in..

I shall not publish my recommendations of medical facility as I do work in the medical industry (and don't want to do any form of advertising for a serious matter like this) but the cost for the surgery is a little too high at this particular hospital, even for foreigner - I think the most expensive procedure cost 1 mil (as from my understanding from my working location price list) but I can't say I know about this particular condition.

If the child is in Thai nationality, I'll strongly recommend the family to take advantage of the 30THB Healthcare scheme and see a Doctor in a government Hospital with the diagnosis at hand. I do know that the patient will be provided care at a government hospital for sure, and some private hospitals also participate with the scheme (I'll have to re-check this on private hospitals). You will need to do some research, healthcare in government hospital is reasonably of good standards if you're at Chulalongkorn/ Sririraj Hospital. The foreigner who goes into the government hospital typically also pays a much lower fee, although slightly higher then the Thai patient.

Do check the options.

I hope the best possible outcome for this difficult time.


So sorry to hear about your son,hope he pulls through 100 % .My wife told me about this hospital that Thisismysong mentioned.(KINGS HOSPITAL) sounds very good.As many people know in thailand the private hospital(bangkok hospital,pattaya samui ,phuket where ever in thailand ,are just a money making no good bunch of thieves,)they should change the name to bangkok mafia hotel,,as from my couple of previous problems with them and many more from friends,.we all all know what there like,,staff at government hospitals(although they are under staffed),seem to care more than some of the private hospitals,money money ,money(no money no treatment),god bless you and your son.


The main advantage at the government hospital is the cost, but you'll have to give up on the level of care etc. (my answer to the post above, there're very few nurses taking care of the ward and on government holidays it's worst) Private hospital's level of care is excellent and i'll check in to my working place at anytime if i need medical treatment.

However i don't think the best surgeons are at phuket anyway, even though they speak english doesn't mean he's experienced. The main advantage at the government hospital such as chulalongkorn hospital (king's hospital) has experienced doctors who are teaching newer surgeons who only observe (like in grey's anatomy drama).

I'm bias when it comes to private hospital so i shan't comment (again due to my frequent contacts with the staff here), but stay away from bumrungrad hospital. It's the worst possible place that looks really good on the outside - magneting patients. It's really an empty shell on patient's care.

Do check out the government hospital, the bill will be much more affordable then you think. The way i see it - it lies in the hand of the surgeon and not hospital.

When it comes to heart surgery, the most important (and unpredictable bill) is the cardiac care unit.. The ICU for cardiac patients.


I'm sorry for the situation that the family is in..

I shall not publish my recommendations of medical facility as I do work in the medical industry (and don't want to do any form of advertising for a serious matter like this) but the cost for the surgery is a little too high at this particular hospital, even for foreigner - I think the most expensive procedure cost 1 mil (as from my understanding from my working location price list) but I can't say I know about this particular condition.

If the child is in Thai nationality, I'll strongly recommend the family to take advantage of the 30THB Healthcare scheme and see a Doctor in a government Hospital with the diagnosis at hand. I do know that the patient will be provided care at a government hospital for sure, and some private hospitals also participate with the scheme (I'll have to re-check this on private hospitals). You will need to do some research, healthcare in government hospital is reasonably of good standards if you're at Chulalongkorn/ Sririraj Hospital. The foreigner who goes into the government hospital typically also pays a much lower fee, although slightly higher then the Thai patient.

Do check the options.

I hope the best possible outcome for this difficult time.


So sorry to hear about your son,hope he pulls through 100 % .My wife told me about this hospital that Thisismysong mentioned.(KINGS HOSPITAL) sounds very good.As many people know in thailand the private hospital(bangkok hospital,pattaya samui ,phuket where ever in thailand ,are just a money making no good bunch of thieves,)they should change the name to bangkok mafia hotel,,as from my couple of previous problems with them and many more from friends,.we all all know what there like,,staff at government hospitals(although they are under staffed),seem to care more than some of the private hospitals,money money ,money(no money no treatment),god bless you and your son.

I know RIno, a really nice and quite brave young man.

And I know this is not an everyday typical malady that most doctors or surgeons can deal with.

That is part of the cost factor, there really is only one medico prepared and trained to do this,

and it is not as simple as saying go to the gov hospital and on the 30 baht medical care.

Sorry, that just doesn't fit the situation, or it would have been done already.


If you can publish Ritchie's web link details for payment - I for one will contribute - and I know others like "Wozzit" will - how about some of the other thousands of members? if 1,000 members all donate the 2,000 Baht each Ritchie is covered - ADMIN how about getting behind this? I'm in...


I was really concern when i read this.. i did a little asking with the cardiac doctors at my work place and they thought the best cardiac surgeon is at sririraj hospital. The king is treated by sririraj cardiac specialist and so i think it'll be an excellent choice.

I don't think the government hospital bill will exceed 300,000baht (very difficult), even if you're a foreigner.


If you can publish Ritchie's web link details for payment - I for one will contribute - and I know others like "Wozzit" will - how about some of the other thousands of members? if 1,000 members all donate the 2,000 Baht each Ritchie is covered - ADMIN how about getting behind this? I'm in...

Thank you. I definitely will, and am talking with some others who may be able to make larger donations.


Ok - here is my receipt for my 2,000 Baht! How about some of you other guys out there.... ? And donations are tax deductible. Pay it to a government or help a little boy! Kids no matter whose they are - deserve a future. Pennies on the pound guys for a life - its not even a thinking process! DO IT!!!

Subject:Credit CardFunding Type:Credit CardTransfer from:Visa Card XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5398

This transaction will appear on your statement as "PAYPAL *RINOS HEART".


Pediatiatric surgery is very different than that done on adults. There are a whole different set of variables from the equipment that can be used to the plane of anaesthesia that must be respected. The surgeon might be good, but if he/she doesn't have the support staff and equipment, the procedure will fail. Children react to drugs differently and one needs people that have experience in such aspects. That is why a hospital may be selected that seems off to those that look at it from an adult perspective.

This case illustrates the tragedy that families face every day in Thailand as they try to access affordable health care. The next time some blowhard runs off at the mouth that there are no health care accessibility issues and I tell him he is clueless, maybe now some people will understand. No child should be denied access to regular medical procedures. The quantity and specificity of drugs needed for treatment are significant. Unless covered by a health plan, the medication is unaffordable for the typical Thai national.


I was really concern when i read this.. i did a little asking with the cardiac doctors at my work place and they thought the best cardiac surgeon is at sririraj hospital. The king is treated by sririraj cardiac specialist and so i think it'll be an excellent choice.

I don't think the government hospital bill will exceed 300,000baht (very difficult), even if you're a foreigner.

Not sure where you get your figures from - 10 days in hospital at Sririraj including surgery and ICU for 8 days, cost 1M Baht which is VERY reasonable as that is the day rate in Western hospitals with operations and medical teams of this nature.


The main advantage at the government hospital is the cost, but you'll have to give up on the level of care etc. (my answer to the post above, there're very few nurses taking care of the ward and on government holidays it's worst) Private hospital's level of care is excellent and i'll check in to my working place at anytime if i need medical treatment.

However i don't think the best surgeons are at phuket anyway, even though they speak english doesn't mean he's experienced. The main advantage at the government hospital such as chulalongkorn hospital (king's hospital) has experienced doctors who are teaching newer surgeons who only observe (like in grey's anatomy drama).

I'm bias when it comes to private hospital so i shan't comment (again due to my frequent contacts with the staff here), but stay away from bumrungrad hospital. It's the worst possible place that looks really good on the outside - magneting patients. It's really an empty shell on patient's care.

Do check out the government hospital, the bill will be much more affordable then you think. The way i see it - it lies in the hand of the surgeon and not hospital.

When it comes to heart surgery, the most important (and unpredictable bill) is the cardiac care unit.. The ICU for cardiac patients.

I agree with the Bumrungrad assessment. The whole place is a con, and one would be lucky if money was the only thing that they lost there. You'd be better off going to a 5-star hotel and paying some actors to hang around and pretend to be doctors and nurses. You'd get better care, and the bill would be a lot less.


Pediatiatric surgery is very different than that done on adults. There are a whole different set of variables from the equipment that can be used to the plane of anaesthesia that must be respected. The surgeon might be good, but if he/she doesn't have the support staff and equipment, the procedure will fail. Children react to drugs differently and one needs people that have experience in such aspects. That is why a hospital may be selected that seems off to those that look at it from an adult perspective.

This case illustrates the tragedy that families face every day in Thailand as they try to access affordable health care. The next time some blowhard runs off at the mouth that there are no health care accessibility issues and I tell him he is clueless, maybe now some people will understand. No child should be denied access to regular medical procedures. The quantity and specificity of drugs needed for treatment are significant. Unless covered by a health plan, the medication is unaffordable for the typical Thai national.

We don't agree often, but on this we do.


If someone backtrack the news clipping, i think there's an article about Liver transplant done at Sririraj hospital at least then 100000baht. A 160000Baht orthopedic procedure in a private hospital for Thais, cost 20000Baht at Ramabothi hospital. (this is a fact and you may verify with a thai friend about thai prices in government hospital if not covered under the 30b scheme)

The availability of specialized medical equipment is also in Government hospital.

It's also a misconception that child's surgery option is restricted. There're lots of children in the country and the specialist are readily available with no wait-list.

The condition in question is under the universal healthcare umbrella according to my friend.

Unless the child is not a Thai, I've a slight suspision on this drive. (I'm sorry as this will reflect badly on myself if it's not a con and i'm not saying it is - i'm offering a more practical option probably at a price easily affordable)


If you can publish Ritchie's web link details for payment - I for one will contribute - and I know others like "Wozzit" will - how about some of the other thousands of members? if 1,000 members all donate the 2,000 Baht each Ritchie is covered - ADMIN how about getting behind this? I'm in...

You can count me in for 2000 baht.

WIll you guys do it through Richie's site or wait for Thaivisa to put something up?

Let me now, otherwise I can just tranfer it tomorrow at the bank.

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