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90 Days - Reporting Of Address

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A chronolgy to start:

Mid-June: I applied for my Non-Immigrant "O" Visa in Bkk., as a pre-requisite step towards getting my Retirement Visa.

End of June: After checking with Immig. in Bangkok that it would not prejudice my application, I moved to Pattaya.

July 1: I went in to Jomtien (Pattaya) Immigration and gave them notification of my new address, using the "90 Days Notification of Address" Form. At the same time I asked them if I could finalize my Retirement Visa application there. They said no, as Bangkok had my file, and I should complete the process there (in Bkk.)

Mid-Aug.: I returned to Bkk. just after the end of the 60 day seasoning period for my money. When I filled out the forms, and they saw that I had a Chonburi address, they said that I should have gone in to the Jomtien office instead. I told them what I have stated just above, and after some reluctance, and discussion with superiors, they agreed to finalize my application, which they in fact did. At the end, they gave me a "ticket", stapled in my passport, telling me to report back there after 90 days to confirm my address.

So, this question is NOT about my Retirement Visa. I now have that, and am good for the next 13 months or so. But, I now have 2, overlapping, 90 day reporting periods for my confirmation of address. one in Pattaya that will "expire" about 42 days from today, and another in Bangkok which will "expire" in about 88 days.

Unless I received some very persuasive advice here, I am inclned to ignore the Bkk. one, since I no longer live there, and the Pattaya one will "expire" first.

As soon as I had recived my finalized Retirement Visa,I should probably have walked to the "90 Days" counter, and told them there that I am now living in Pattaya. But, I didn't think of doing that until I was half way home, and now I don't feel like going back to Bangkok just to do that. Any comments from anyone else, who has moved to a new Immigr. District, while they had an application in progress ?

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The first extension of stay is your first 90 day report so the next is due 90 days later.

I do not know why you would have a 90 day report due in Jomtien in 42 days if you have not done anything there.

I expect you made a change of address in Jomtien? That would not be the same as a 90 day address report but if you want to be 100% safe check with Jomtien and ask them what to do about your file being in Bangkok and you being there. It should be moved to Jomtien and in fact that is where you should have obtained the extension of stay.

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As you are now under the Pattaya immigration area you should go there in 42 days (they allow a period of 7 days either way for reporting. If there is any error better to go early than late. If you report in 88 days and it should be 42 then you will be fined. Go on the 42 days and if you are early no problem. As I see it though you should follow the Pattaya one to be safe.

Hope that makes sense.

Edited by BWPattaya
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Just a thought. Get yourself a re-entry permit as you'll need one anyway if you intend to travel out of Thailand during the next year. Then do a border run - not for a visa-related purpose but just to leave Thailand and then re-enter. This will negate any 90-day reporting dates that you have and your 90 days will start again from your re-entry date (as day 1).

This might not be the most efficient way to go but it would definitely work. A trip down to Jompthien Soi 5 should be your first option though, I guess. I wonder if they will sell you a re-entry permit or if they will send you back to Bangkok? In theory, you are supposed to get your re-entry permit from the office at which you're registered and I'm not sure, from what you say, which office that actually is!

You do know, I hope, that you MUST have a re-entry permit if you want to keep your 'permission to stay until' date alive when / if you leave Thailand. Also be aware that permits are no longer available at Bangkok airport, except for dire emergencies. Probably better to get a multiple re-entry permit when you do your extension, once a year. Then you can just come and go as you please.

In the event that you already have a re-entry permit then you can ignore most of the above and just go to Singapore, or somewhere, for the weekend. Makes a refreshing change from the chaos that is Thailand!



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