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Australian National Brutally Bashed & Robbed In Pattaya

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The attack is really disturbing and whoever did it must be caught

On a lighter note this picture the guy has had the living S*** kicked out of him but he can still hold on to the cigs (are they that expensive)

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Blimey it would be good when you lot realise that Pattaya. Phuket, Nana and Ko Samui are not the real Thailand.

They are areas of Thailand that the lowest form of pond life congregate (Thai and Foreigner).

And that means Upstanding people like TV posters sometimes get bashed and robbed. :whistling::lol: .

Of course i am not saying that every body who lives in these places are pond life.

There are many,many Good, wholesome Thai's and Foreigner's alike who live in these places. :D

I think you are mistaken. There is no area that can be called 'the real Thailand'. Tourist areas are one aspect, Bangkok another. The north is quite different from the northeast. Remote rural areas are quite different from the provincial ampher muangs. The deep south is different from the rest of the south. Island life differs from mainland life. These differences are all just different aspects of 'the real Thailand'.

the places i spend most time in Thailand and see 0 to 3 farangs a day not 300 to 3000 per minute is the definition same as Thaicbr i call 'the real Thailand' too. does 'out of the way' places suit you better? sorry you got whacked and robbed, yes Pattaya is 'real' but cannot comment never been there even tho stay at inlaws in north Chonburi and they suggested to.. went to Laem Mai Pheam instead, 90% Thai tourists. don;t go there tho its awful


I have the misfortune to live in Jomtien. I can leave? No, I can't. The condo I own represents most of my assets and until I sell it, which I'm trying to do, I'm stuck here.

Today 22 Aug. 2010, an average day in Pattaya:-

9.00am rang Fascino Pharmacy Central Pattaya to ask if they stocked a drug an ill friend required. They did stock it but were out of it and offered to order it. I asked if their N. Pattaya branch would have it and they said probably it did. I rang there and got a gentleman who interrupted me before I'd finished my question with "No have." I told him their Central P. branch did stock it. I spelt the name of the drug for him using the British A phonetic alphabet. This proved too much for him. Eventually he got the name of the drug (I think) and he told me to hold on. He turned on the music and left me holding. After 4/5 mins I hung up. That shop has 4 tel. numbers and I rang all four and got no reply with several attempts.

Fortunately I did get the drug in a Jomtien pharmacy. The man who needed it is a farang in his 80's and suffers from panic attacks.

At 10.00am I ventured out and took a baht bus to the Continental Bakery. When I got off I paid the driver on the driver's side. He threw a rage yelling that I had to pay him on the other side and then snatched the money out of my hand.

I ordered breakfast in the Continental Bakery stressing that I would like the bacon well done, dry (heng heng). It is usually a problem getting crispy bacon here. Sure enough it arrived done Thai style i.e. lightly cooked. I pointed this out and the staff started a loud conversation among themselves, punctuated with laughter. I was informed it was well done.

Next I went to Tesco S. Pattaya to do some shopping and afterwards stopped at the open market nearby. I then took a baht bus which stopped at the Thepprasit/Thappraya junction. The driver ordered me out. As I paid him I asked if he wasn't going to Jomtien. He snarled that I had to take another baht bus in Thappraya road. He then turned left into Thappraya road and headed towards Jomtien. (I have done this route before. If there are Thais on board you do not get dumped out at the junction.)

I am now at home and thankfully have no need to have to face the gratuitous nastiness that is the daily lot of farangs in Pattaya. I will however have to endure the screeching from the bars that have sprouted around the condo building since I bought the unit 20 years ago.

I am assured by a Thai business woman that the vast majority of Thais "hate" farangs.

My advice to anyone who isn't stuck here, as I am, is to leave, and to those thinking of coming here, don't.

I feel your pain, been here three years and lately I am ready to leave and never look back.

I have about four restaurants that I go to regularly. All are foreign owned and the owners are there all the time; otherwise the staff will screw off, give customers a hard time so there's no business and the staff can sleep all day. (typical)

Went to North Face in Central Festival Mall. I bought a bag that when I got home was too small for my work gear. I returned it the same day with the original tags still on it and the staff told me 'No refund, can exchange for the the bigger bag (which was cheaper) but no money back.

I told her I wanted to speak to the boss, Snottily she snapped, "boss not here!". I replied, loudly, "Then get off your Monkey ass and call him!!!" she called the boss and I got my refund.

I go to the Market to buy X, the salesman (and I use that term loosely) says "50 baht" my girlfriend cuts in "Why you charge him 50 baht when I know it's only 30 baht?" "Oh sorry farrang, 30 baht" I go back the next day by myself..."50 bath farrang" <deleted> off!

Unlike you I work off in Malaysia and Vietnam. I am so glad I'm here only 50% of the time otherwise I'd be crazy or in jail for cutting some Thai Key-Gong's throat.

I tell my friends in the states not to come here and I'm on my way to greener pastures as soon as a better deal comes up.

Cheap beer and cheap pussy is not worth getting stabbed for no reason or being fleeced by the Police on some trumped up, make0believe charge.

To Thailand, som nam na, you are getting what you deserve.

I also had troubles in Krabi last year - got bashed on the beach walking home from work. Almost murdered.

There were four similar incidents that I knew of, 2 with tourists, one with expat, one with local Thai.

None ever made the newspaper.

I love Thailand and my wife is from there.

Chiang Rai to Chiang Khong is lovely, and I feel very at home there.

Phuket, Krabi, Pattaya - I enjoy some aspects but the crime levels are ridiculous.

A month ago I ended up moving to Vietnam for work, as the protests have decimated tourism in Thailand, hence opportunities and payscales.

AMAZING how the people here in Vietnam DO smile - genuinely, and they welcome you with open hearts and minds.

The workforce are so eager to learn and genuinely friendly.

EVERY night on the walk home I get greeted and welcomed by almost all locals I pass, and invited to join the locals for beer and food.

Not to pay for it - but because they love foreigners.

My staff invite me out and insist on paying. It's a struggle to share a bill. They are proud of their country, culture and hospitality.

It's actually hard to get a night at home.

There is a distinct lack of rip-offs, nastiness and xenophobia, and nobody has tried to get me to pay money for anything.

It is easy to do stuff with little or no formality, and I'm raving about this place to all my friends.

I used to promote Thailand - and still love the place and love to go there - but with warnings about paying too much, tuk tuk mafia, scams and people always after money.

Plus of course, prices going through the roof.

Now I'm telling people that if they like Thailand, they'll LOVE Vietnam.

This is the friendliest place I have ever been, a beer costs 20 baht - IF the locals let you drink without being invited to join them.

I have to agree that Thailand is doing its best to work itself into political troubles, hateful attitudes towards foreigners, hassles and touts, constant attempts at scams and rip offs and the increasing crime rate.

If you MUST pay, Thailand is probably still the place to be. If you can bother to talk with other humans, you'll probably find women or men who actually like you here - and will spend time with you for free, because they are genuinely hospitable, want to practice other languages, and enjoy your company.

If you like beer - consider your options. 60 baht isn't cheap for a beer when you're out compared to Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

If you like to meet great women, nice guys, pay reasonable prices and have free wifi, awesome coffee, trouble free and beautiful beaches, plenty of affordable nice hotels with tremendous service - leave and try Vietnam ( Central Coast or Saigon.)

It'll be a while before you're back in Thailand. Take my word for it.

I'll be back in Bangkok to catch up with a couple of friends that can't make it way - and for some great Thai food dishes that I have come to love and that I can't get here. It will be a quick visit.

The rest of it - no competition. Vietnam wins hands down - and I didn't even know it.

All I can say is - consider your options.

(Plus - better quality of expats here in VN also. Sorry folks. If I offended anybody, they're probably the ones I'm referring to. Just read through any of the comments on ThaiVisa and you'll see for yourself. It often gets commented on, so I'm not alone in saying so.)


Blimey it would be good when you lot realise that Pattaya. Phuket, Nana and Ko Samui are not the real Thailand.

They are areas of Thailand that the lowest form of pond life congregate (Thai and Foreigner).

And that means Upstanding people like TV posters sometimes get bashed and robbed. :whistling::lol: .

Of course i am not saying that every body who lives in these places are pond life.

There are many,many Good, wholesome Thai's and Foreigner's alike who live in these places. :D

I think you are mistaken. There is no area that can be called 'the real Thailand'. Tourist areas are one aspect, Bangkok another. The north is quite different from the northeast. Remote rural areas are quite different from the provincial ampher muangs. The deep south is different from the rest of the south. Island life differs from mainland life. These differences are all just different aspects of 'the real Thailand'.

While it all may be part of the 'Real Thailand', the original poster was right - a good percentage of the scum hang around in those places. No mention of the North being the same as the South, or rural areas being the same as the city....just simple put...you hang around in these low life places rural, city, island, mainland, wherever, you're gonna see trouble.....Same in any country.

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I never could understand why it is that anyone would ever wear a money belt in public.

Can you imagine walking in Paris, London, or New York wearing it?


Because it is stupid. You are telling the bad guys that you have money and or valuables in the belt.

Walk in the South Side of Chicago wearing it and you will be dead.

The bad guys here just beat it up.

But seriously people, Thailand has a very very high crime rate so stay safe.

I am glad the man will recover. Certainly he is a victim and my best wishes for his recovery and for the capture of the bad guys.


Blimey it would be good when you lot realise that Pattaya. Phuket, Nana and Ko Samui are not the real Thailand.

They are areas of Thailand that the lowest form of pond life congregate (Thai and Foreigner).

And that means Upstanding people like TV posters sometimes get bashed and robbed. :whistling::lol: .

Of course i am not saying that every body who lives in these places are pond life.

There are many,many Good, wholesome Thai's and Foreigner's alike who live in these places. :D


Agree with you, but i have been to Surin many times which seems to be a nice sleepy province,(i used to think it was the real Thialand,)on the third time ,a thai on a motorbike tried to snatch my wifes hand bag that was strapped over here shoulder,,none of us wearing jewelery.as we all know you will ask for trouble in most places .it was just a case of not many farang there at all,he did not get the bag,as my 45 kilo wife held on to it for dear life(bless her),this was a man who was hoping for something big in her bag as she was walking with a farang.,we told the local police,and gave a descripton within minutes,he told her not to carry a hand bag as you will be a target,so now i leave her in her village ,and i stay in a hotel in Surin alone(couple of nice bars there),,it worked the would be robber did me a favour..,there is crime everywhere,but surely more in tourist areas ,because of the number of people(farang & thai) who are there,easier for the robbers to get away, there are bad people all over the world(and good),from small villages to big cities.but every tourist destination in many countries are going to attract more criminals,maybe this prick who tried to rob my wife got his bus fare now to travel to a tourist destination,where he can pick an easy target,because of the huge numbers of tourists,,as for farangs commiting crimes ,when they get caught make them sweat in a hole for as long as it takes ,then blacklist them.


Blimey it would be good when you lot realise that Pattaya. Phuket, Nana and Ko Samui are not the real Thailand.

They are areas of Thailand that the lowest form of pond life congregate (Thai and Foreigner).

And that means Upstanding people like TV posters sometimes get bashed and robbed. :whistling::lol: .

Of course i am not saying that every body who lives in these places are pond life.

There are many,many Good, wholesome Thai's and Foreigner's alike who live in these places. :D


Yes,for sure.

There are "holes" where the worst of Thailand is concentred.

I have heard of an unbelievable numbers of assaults in Phuket too.

In average crime in Thailand is still low compared to many countries and Bangkok itself considering its size and population, still has a low crime rate.

But it seems it is growing very fast and another thing I am more and more convinced very little percentage of crime is reported into the statistics.

When i was robbed last year in the police station they laughed at my face and told me to go away.

In a previous occasion, one policeman who lived in the same building and who was supposed to help, took 300 euros from a drawer in my bedroom.

We all should evelate our level of attention. Many incidents have happened because we (including me) think (or though) Thailand was flawlessly safe, which is not.

We are still safer than in Brazil,Jamaica,South Africa or some western cities like New Orleans,Naples or Moscow.


Everyone needs to realize that Thai people today are generally not the nice people that foreignors think.  Most are poor, uneducated, and work at menial jobs serving the rich and the foreignors.  They generally are very jealous of the discrepancy in financial means and despise foreignors.  Of course, they do smile a lot while they are trying to scounge money out of foreignors.  

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I just wonder if it because he resembles a mid-eastern man?

I can't believe the number of people harping on about how this guy looks and bringing religion into it.

How do you expect an Australian to look? They come from all over the world. The only sure thing would be an Aboriginal Australian.

I'll bet money it had something to do with insulting a ladyboy.


BTW, fanny pack is in Merriam-Webster but bum bag is not. Neither is fanny bag.

BTW, what would you expect looking in an American Dictionary. Aussies don't use that dictionary.


"Abdullah". Why? Being of possible Arabic offspring for sure there is something behind?

If the guy was a blond blueyed mate for sure he would certainly have been a victim and not a "shemale" hunter.


I do not know if there was something behind the fellow. Maybe that was his intent. B) Perhaps he was renacting the event leading up to his smackdown when he posed for this photo?:o

I do not know what his eye colour has to do with this. In any case, the typical Australian male doesn't go in search of shemales. Besides, Australian men are manly, and so too are the ladies. Or didn't you know? As soon as Aussies are spit out of the womb, they are given a beer, and a pair of flip flops. This fellow doesn't look like he likes beer. Real Australian men, straight, gay or otherwise, don't wear fanny packs over their crotch. No self respecting Australian guy has to pay for the sexual favours of a tranny. Know why? It's because Australian guys are always sexy hot. (It's in the specifications guide on how to manufacture an Australian male.) This guy is Fugly. Maybe he got trounced for being a creep and failing the hansum man test?

Do you think I am being harsh on the man? Tough, I'm sure probably clapped his hands in agreement with his fellow cab drivers, or world famous humanitarians/scientists that he hung around with when they were bashing Australians for being evil and tolerant of alternative lifestyles. When he gets back to OZ, he can show his friends and family the PDN photos and this thread. Maybe Al Jazeera can profile this case as a hate crime. He can explain to them what he was doing walking around with a wad of cash in the transvestite hooker zone.


As an English teacher I know American dictionaries and Microsoft " Word " spell check ( U.S. English ? ) never includes British English definitions or spellings BUT OED ( BRITISH!!!) includes both American and British spellings and definitions

BTW, fanny pack is in Merriam-Webster but bum bag is not. Neither is fanny bag.

BTW, what would you expect looking in an American Dictionary. Aussies don't use that dictionary.


My ex-girlfriend ended up working in Soi 6, Pattaya. I managed to enrage her Thai boyfriend by having almost free sex with her for five years but he was restrained by the thought of how much money he was going to get when I sold my house in the UK. However, I sold it but told them that it was still rented out and after I finished with girl without any dosh as compensation (I don't give money to girls who have Thai boyfriends) the Thai guy went ballistic, beating her up and threatening to kill me if I set foot in Thailand again. I have come twice since then and both times he approached the hotel owner where I was staying about planting drugs in my room (luckily they don't seem to have any serious Mafia connections and the hotel owners actually warned me off)... anyway the relevance of the above, is that the girls in Soi 6 almost always have Thai boyfriends and they get all wound up and enraged and will attack ANY farang that takes their fancy, just to prove that they are real men, etc.

BTW I did report the Thai guy to both the Thai police and Interpol, the latter as he was trying to play the big man by stealing my letters and getting his computer hacker mate to get into my UK bank records (some of the paper statements the ex-girlfriend had access to) - pointless as they have no idea where I live or where I have moved my money to. I then texted the ex-girlfriend with the info that I had alerted the police, from the safety of the UK... you can imagine how enraged that would make the Thai boyfriend, the idea of a farang setting thai police on a thai man.

Basically, then, even if you have done no wrong, you may be standing in for some other farang who has wound up some Thai men and is not available for a beating.

Needless to say, my next holiday will be in the Philippines

Why the F@$k are u having sex with a thai girl with a thai bf ( and knowing him) ? Are you that cheap u cant go out and find either a bg for a few hundred or one without a bf?

To me u come across as a total loser and I wouldn't bla,me him for having you beaten up.

perhaps he found-out about the Thai bf later? Just stop and think for a minute before you make wild accusations...

did you know she had a Thai boyfriend for the 5 years you were with her,or did you find out after 5 years,then leave her ???? amazing Thailand


"Abdullah". Why? Being of possible Arabic offspring for sure there is something behind?

If the guy was a blond blueyed mate for sure he would certainly have been a victim and not a "shemale" hunter.


I do not know if there was something behind the fellow. Maybe that was his intent. B) Perhaps he was renacting the event leading up to his smackdown when he posed for this photo?:o

I do not know what his eye colour has to do with this. In any case, the typical Australian male doesn't go in search of shemales. Besides, Australian men are manly, and so too are the ladies. Or didn't you know? As soon as Aussies are spit out of the womb, they are given a beer, and a pair of flip flops. This fellow doesn't look like he likes beer. Real Australian men, straight, gay or otherwise, don't wear fanny packs over their crotch. No self respecting Australian guy has to pay for the sexual favours of a tranny. Know why? It's because Australian guys are always sexy hot. (It's in the specifications guide on how to manufacture an Australian male.) This guy is Fugly. Maybe he got trounced for being a creep and failing the hansum man test?

Do you think I am being harsh on the man? Tough, I'm sure probably clapped his hands in agreement with his fellow cab drivers, or world famous humanitarians/scientists that he hung around with when they were bashing Australians for being evil and tolerant of alternative lifestyles. When he gets back to OZ, he can show his friends and family the PDN photos and this thread. Maybe Al Jazeera can profile this case as a hate crime. He can explain to them what he was doing walking around with a wad of cash in the transvestite hooker zone.

Like you said a bit harsh but funny,:o ,ps do you think he will come to this lovely country again.lol


As an English teacher I know American dictionaries and Microsoft " Word " spell check ( U.S. English ? ) never includes British English definitions or spellings BUT OED ( BRITISH!!!) includes both American and British spellings and definitions

BTW, fanny pack is in Merriam-Webster but bum bag is not. Neither is fanny bag.

BTW, what would you expect looking in an American Dictionary. Aussies don't use that dictionary.

Perhaps British spelling will eventually disappear as a result of "spell check" usage on the Internet. It's already starting to get fuzzy, especially on International forums with people from both sides. It wouldn't be a bad thing.


and you think everything goes reported in thailand.. just look at the deaths in pattaya that are classified as suicide.


Certainly suicides are not reported in many countries in the news media. You're speculating that most suicides reported in Pattaya are murders, but you can't do that as you don't have proof.

According to the link you provided 3.7 more people are murdered per 100,000 people than in Thailand than in the United States. This is supposed to indicate that Thailand is too dangerous a place to live?

6.5 more people are murdered per 100,000 in Thailand than in Australia. Yikes! I bertter get on home.

I never said you should go home, you just should not say Thailand is a safe country. Also you have to take into account that (and i cant prove it) things are not recorded well here. Im sure things are better recorded in the West. I just posted this because i got sick and tired of people saying how safe Thailand was.

I have been coming to Thailand on a regular basis since 1998 and my first trip was in 1970. I guess I have rose colored glasses on because In all of this time I haven't been murdered or beat up and yes I hang out in Nana in Bangkok , in Issan, and around Chiang mai. Never been to Pattaya or phukeet. And no I am not saying crime doesn't exisist in Thailand but some people have a way of finding trouble.

So be safe were ever you are.

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(edited,see above)
(edited, see above)

I have the misfortune to live in Jomtien. .........Today 22 Aug. 2010, an average day in Pattaya:-

9.00am rang Fascino Pharmacy Central Pattaya to ask if they stocked a drug an ill friend required. They did stock it but were out of it and offered to order it.

At 10.00am I ventured out and took a baht bus to the Continental Bakery. When I got off I paid the driver on the driver's side. He threw a rage yelling that I had to pay him on the other side........

I ordered breakfast in the Continental Bakery stressing that I would like the bacon well done, dry (heng heng). It is usually a problem getting crispy bacon here. Sure enough it arrived done Thai style i.e. lightly cooked.

I then took a baht bus which stopped at the Thepprasit/Thappraya junction. The driver ordered me out.......... (I have done this route before. If there are Thais on board you do not get dumped out at the junction.)


I feel your pain, been here three years and lately I am ready to leave and never look back. ........

Went to North Face in Central Festival Mall. I bought a bag that when I got home was too small for my work gear. I returned it the same day .......... I replied, loudly, "Then get off your Monkey ass and call him!!!"

I go to the Market to buy X, the salesman (and I use that term loosely) says "50 baht" my girlfriend cuts in "Why you charge him 50 baht when I know it's only 30 baht?" "Oh sorry farrang, 30 baht" I go back the next day by myself..."50 bath farrang" <deleted> off!

Unlike you I work off in Malaysia and Vietnam. I am so glad I'm here only 50% of the time otherwise I'd be crazy or in jail for cutting some Thai Key-Gong's throat.

I tell my friends in the states not to come here and I'm on my way to greener pastures as soon as a better deal comes up.


If these two are anything to go by, I can understand why expats in Pattaya have a certain reputation.

One complains because a pharmacy has run out of his friend's medication, even when they offer to order it; complains again when, after 20 years living here, he still pays the driver on the road side (obviously dangerous), complains when another baht bus won't take him all the way to Jomtien, even though he has done the route countless times before and knows it is usual; and complains when his breakfast is not cooked as he wants, even though he knows "it is usually a problem" at that restaurant.

Another buys a bag he decides he doesn't want then calls the sales girl a "Monkey" and complains when he is over-charged in a market.

Somehow I feel that when either or both finally manage to leave they will not be missed.

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Somehow I think there is more to this Story.

I agree that is a busy area and 9 pm is hardly nighttime in Pattaya.

Probably been impolite to a katoey.


Ha-ha , normally men only wear a waste bag when they have prostate problems , then it is strapped to thier thigh , as apposed to carrying money in a 'Fanny bag' which is strapped around the waist .

Being an American it may be a 'Fanny bag' but as the guy is an aussie it is a 'Bum bag'. Fanny is our slang for pussy.

Everybody sing along now, "Looking for love, in all the wrong places...Didn't you see, he's wearin' it in front? Maybe that's why. Hugh 'n Firthy show traces...Lookin' for b*tt, while men prefer c*nt."

Bums in America don't work and hang out on skid row drinking wine, so the bag to which you refer must be the one containing their quart of MD 20- 20. Americans on the west coast, in Texas, in the upper mid-west, and in New Jersey call it a fanny pack. BTW, fanny pack is in Merriam-Webster but bum bag is not. Neither is fanny bag.

So, for Colin and the Jack Man, and some other Aussie blokes, getting bummed out, or getting a bum deal, must mean a good night out, right?

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary says it is a “bumbag” (one word) in English and a “fanny pack” in American.

A ”fanny bag” must be a cross-breed.


I donot what part of America you are from but fanny has always been a reference to a womans butt or rear end as far as I know. Setting with friends one may say, check out the fanny on that girl.


and you think everything goes reported in thailand.. just look at the deaths in pattaya that are classified as suicide.


Certainly suicides are not reported in many countries in the news media. You're speculating that most suicides reported in Pattaya are murders, but you can't do that as you don't have proof.

According to the link you provided 3.7 more people are murdered per 100,000 people than in Thailand than in the United States. This is supposed to indicate that Thailand is too dangerous a place to live?

6.5 more people are murdered per 100,000 in Thailand than in Australia. Yikes! I bertter get on home.

I never said you should go home, you just should not say Thailand is a safe country. Also you have to take into account that (and i cant prove it) things are not recorded well here. Im sure things are better recorded in the West. I just posted this because i got sick and tired of people saying how safe Thailand was.

I'm not running around saying Thailand is safe, I'm just making a point that your table doesn't make a good case for saying Thailand is much more dangerous than other big population centers around the world. Thailand is definitely not a 3rd world country either. You need to get out and see what a 3rd world country looks like before using such terminology.

As far as suicides and murders are concerned, I believe the Pattaya media report every single one, which is suprising considering it's a tourist hub and doesn't need bad publicity.


You say that Thailand is not a "3rd World country."

Technically you may be proved correct when you consider what categorises a country as "3rd World", such as GNI etc.... But what do you call a country full of poor people (except the elite in Bangkok and other cities) who have to sell (or send) their daughters to pimps in scumbag places like Pattaya so that such a daughter can send money home so that her family can eat rice twice a day? It is a 3rd World country in that sense, it is a 3rd World country in many other senses too. I'm not going to slate the country with paragraphs of what i am inferring here, because i don't wish to upset Thai people on this forum or anywhere else, but open your eyes a little wider and you, if you know Thailand well enough, have to concede that it is as near to a 3rd World country as it gets. You only have to see the poverty divide and the uneven distribution of wealth to give you a clue as to what i am saying here.

Concerning the murders that are or are not reported in Pattaya, you say "I believe the Pattaya media report every single one". You are standing by that are you? You are more than likely standing alone!

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I am another who is surprised that this sort of attack could happen at that time of the evening.

Even in low season Soi 6 is like Blackpool in August - plenty of illumination and plenty of people.

Your bum bag is normally more at risk fron khatoeys than a group of Thai males.

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Anyhoo, here's another interesting statistic I found...

We've gone over the Nationmaster gun murder statistics in this forum many times. Simply put, they are wrong. Due to translation problems, they use gun CRIMES (ie possession) for gun MURDERS. They report 20,000 gun murders per year in Thailand, when there are only 5,000 murders total. That number is the amount of illegal guns confiscated by police, not the number of murders as reported by Nationmaster and many other sources. There are no statistics in Thailand on what murder weapon was used, your link is completely wrong.

Educate us! If you are so sure that Nationmaster is incorrect give us some proof. In any case, statistics differ based on the method of analysis used, so different sources of data are always going to be at odds. Then you also have stats provided by Agebcies that cannot be trusted. But you saying that "they are wrong" is not convincing anyone is it. Which figures and stats do you stand by and why? The ones that fit your own mental comfort? I'm not being facetious, i would just like to know.



You say that Thailand is not a "3rd World country."

Technically you may be proved correct when you consider what categorises a country as "3rd World", such as GNI etc.... But what do you call a country full of poor people (except the elite in Bangkok and other cities) who have to sell (or send) their daughters to pimps in scumbag places like Pattaya so that such a daughter can send money home so that her family can eat rice twice a day? It is a 3rd World country in that sense, it is a 3rd World country in many other senses too. I'm not going to slate the country with paragraphs of what i am inferring here, because i don't wish to upset Thai people on this forum or anywhere else, but open your eyes a little wider and you, if you know Thailand well enough, have to concede that it is as near to a 3rd World country as it gets. You only have to see the poverty divide and the uneven distribution of wealth to give you a clue as to what i am saying here.

Concerning the murders that are or are not reported in Pattaya, you say "I believe the Pattaya media report every single one". You are standing by that are you? You are more than likely standing alone!

I'm standing by both my comments ok dude.

T'hailand is nowhere near a 3rd world country. All I see in your post is evidence of someone walking around with his eyes shut. There are plenty of people who may agree with you, but they too have never been to a poor country. I suggest you travel a bit more. Perhaps if you actually visit Pattaya you may learn that girls are not sold to pimps and come here of their own choice. They're not as miserable as you may think and most own motorcycles too.


I have the misfortune to live in Jomtien. I can leave? No, I can't. The condo I own represents most of my assets and until I sell it, which I'm trying to do, I'm stuck here.

Today 22 Aug. 2010, an average day in Pattaya:-

9.00am rang Fascino Pharmacy Central Pattaya to ask if they stocked a drug an ill friend required. They did stock it but were out of it and offered to order it. I asked if their N. Pattaya branch would have it and they said probably it did. I rang there and got a gentleman who interrupted me before I'd finished my question with "No have." I told him their Central P. branch did stock it. I spelt the name of the drug for him using the British A phonetic alphabet. This proved too much for him. Eventually he got the name of the drug (I think) and he told me to hold on. He turned on the music and left me holding. After 4/5 mins I hung up. That shop has 4 tel. numbers and I rang all four and got no reply with several attempts.

Fortunately I did get the drug in a Jomtien pharmacy. The man who needed it is a farang in his 80's and suffers from panic attacks.

At 10.00am I ventured out and took a baht bus to the Continental Bakery. When I got off I paid the driver on the driver's side. He threw a rage yelling that I had to pay him on the other side and then snatched the money out of my hand.

I ordered breakfast in the Continental Bakery stressing that I would like the bacon well done, dry (heng heng). It is usually a problem getting crispy bacon here. Sure enough it arrived done Thai style i.e. lightly cooked. I pointed this out and the staff started a loud conversation among themselves, punctuated with laughter. I was informed it was well done.

Next I went to Tesco S. Pattaya to do some shopping and afterwards stopped at the open market nearby. I then took a baht bus which stopped at the Thepprasit/Thappraya junction. The driver ordered me out. As I paid him I asked if he wasn't going to Jomtien. He snarled that I had to take another baht bus in Thappraya road. He then turned left into Thappraya road and headed towards Jomtien. (I have done this route before. If there are Thais on board you do not get dumped out at the junction.)

I am now at home and thankfully have no need to have to face the gratuitous nastiness that is the daily lot of farangs in Pattaya. I will however have to endure the screeching from the bars that have sprouted around the condo building since I bought the unit 20 years ago.

I am assured by a Thai business woman that the vast majority of Thais "hate" farangs.

My advice to anyone who isn't stuck here, as I am, is to leave, and to those thinking of coming here, don't.

I feel your pain, been here three years and lately I am ready to leave and never look back.

I have about four restaurants that I go to regularly. All are foreign owned and the owners are there all the time; otherwise the staff will screw off, give customers a hard time so there's no business and the staff can sleep all day. (typical)

Went to North Face in Central Festival Mall. I bought a bag that when I got home was too small for my work gear. I returned it the same day with the original tags still on it and the staff told me 'No refund, can exchange for the the bigger bag (which was cheaper) but no money back.

I told her I wanted to speak to the boss, Snottily she snapped, "boss not here!". I replied, loudly, "Then get off your Monkey ass and call him!!!" she called the boss and I got my refund.

I go to the Market to buy X, the salesman (and I use that term loosely) says "50 baht" my girlfriend cuts in "Why you charge him 50 baht when I know it's only 30 baht?" "Oh sorry farrang, 30 baht" I go back the next day by myself..."50 bath farrang" <deleted> off!

Unlike you I work off in Malaysia and Vietnam. I am so glad I'm here only 50% of the time otherwise I'd be crazy or in jail for cutting some Thai Key-Gong's throat.

I tell my friends in the states not to come here and I'm on my way to greener pastures as soon as a better deal comes up.

Cheap beer and cheap pussy is not worth getting stabbed for no reason or being fleeced by the Police on some trumped up, make0believe charge.

To Thailand, som nam na, you are getting what you deserve.

I also had troubles in Krabi last year - got bashed on the beach walking home from work. Almost murdered.

There were four similar incidents that I knew of, 2 with tourists, one with expat, one with local Thai.

None ever made the newspaper.

I love Thailand and my wife is from there.

Chiang Rai to Chiang Khong is lovely, and I feel very at home there.

Phuket, Krabi, Pattaya - I enjoy some aspects but the crime levels are ridiculous.

A month ago I ended up moving to Vietnam for work, as the protests have decimated tourism in Thailand, hence opportunities and payscales.

AMAZING how the people here in Vietnam DO smile - genuinely, and they welcome you with open hearts and minds.

The workforce are so eager to learn and genuinely friendly.

EVERY night on the walk home I get greeted and welcomed by almost all locals I pass, and invited to join the locals for beer and food.

Not to pay for it - but because they love foreigners.

My staff invite me out and insist on paying. It's a struggle to share a bill. They are proud of their country, culture and hospitality.

It's actually hard to get a night at home.

There is a distinct lack of rip-offs, nastiness and xenophobia, and nobody has tried to get me to pay money for anything.

It is easy to do stuff with little or no formality, and I'm raving about this place to all my friends.

I used to promote Thailand - and still love the place and love to go there - but with warnings about paying too much, tuk tuk mafia, scams and people always after money.

Plus of course, prices going through the roof.

Now I'm telling people that if they like Thailand, they'll LOVE Vietnam.

This is the friendliest place I have ever been, a beer costs 20 baht - IF the locals let you drink without being invited to join them.

I have to agree that Thailand is doing its best to work itself into political troubles, hateful attitudes towards foreigners, hassles and touts, constant attempts at scams and rip offs and the increasing crime rate.

If you MUST pay for pussy, Thailand is probably still the place to be. If you can bother to talk with other humans, you'll probably find women or men who actually like you here - and will spend time with you for free, because they are genuinely hospitable, want to practice other languages, and enjoy your company.

If you like beer - consider your options. 60 baht isn't cheap for a beer when you're out compared to Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

If you like to meet great women, nice guys, pay reasonable prices and have free wifi, awesome coffee, trouble free and beautiful beaches, plenty of affordable nice hotels with tremendous service - leave and try Vietnam ( Central Coast or Saigon.)

It'll be a while before you're back in Thailand. Take my word for it.

I'll be back in Bangkok to catch up with a couple of friends that can't make it way - and for some great Thai food dishes that I have come to love and that I can't get here. It will be a quick visit.

The rest of it - no competition. Vietnam wins hands down - and I didn't even know it.

All I can say is - consider your options.

(Plus - better quality of expats here in VN also. Sorry folks. If I offended anybody, they're probably the ones I'm referring to. Just read through any of the comments on ThaiVisa and you'll see for yourself. It often gets commented on, so I'm not alone in saying so.)

A man who talks sense!!


All I can say is - consider your options.

(Plus - better quality of expats here in VN also. Sorry folks. If I offended anybody, they're probably the ones I'm referring to. Just read through any of the comments on ThaiVisa and you'll see for yourself. It often gets commented on, so I'm not alone in saying so.)

<deleted> is a "better quality of expats"? ...and if any disagrees they are the lower "quality" you're referring to.

Who do you think you are? What makes you a "better quality of expat"?

Sorry dude if I offend you, but you must be fruit loop.


BTW, fanny pack is in Merriam-Webster but bum bag is not. Neither is fanny bag.

BTW, what would you expect looking in an American Dictionary. Aussies don't use that dictionary.

Haa....yes...very well said! There is only one English language... and there is only one English language dictionary - Oxford!

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