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Aqua Ear - To Get Water Out Of Ear After Swimming


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I've been a dive instructor for about 11 years. My teacher started me using a mix of 50% alcohol and 50% hydrogen peroxide. I use it after every dive and have recommended it to many others with positive feedback. It not only displaces the water, the peroxide seems to kill off the little sea beasties that get in too. Never had an ear infection the whole time I have used it.


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It's a mix of alcohol and acetic acid. I haven't seen Aqua Ear in Thailand but have occasionally seen similar products in pharmacies. Excellent stuff.

For almost 30 years, I use this mixture after getting water in my ears when showering or swimming. 5 parts rubbing alcohol to 1 part vinegar. It was recommended to me by an ETN for daily use, after I had a terrible ear infection. Never had another ear infection and you won't need to use Q-tips or anything, because you won't get wax buildup. Great daily ear care solution.
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A high alcohol content could dry the skin lining of your ear canal out and make it even more prone to infections, especially if used on a regular basis. For a self made mixture I would try equal parts of rubbing alcohol (Isopropanol 96+%), white household vinegar (4 - 5% acidity) and distilled or drinking water. Apparently the vinegar does most of the disinfection, but to be really effective the drops should remain in the ears for 5min. each. The alcohol will ensure that the ears dry out afterwards.

Good articles on the topic can be found here: Can You Prevent Otitis Externa, or Swimmers Ear? and More On Swimmers Ear

Edited by snorkelador
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Not just any alcohol by the way but Isopropyl alcohol and a 50% mix of vinegar is perfect as per my Thai/American pediatrician.. And so far it works a treat... How many 5 and 6 year olds do you know of that have never had an ear infection? Count my boys as 2 :) ..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Not just any alcohol by the way but Isopropyl alcohol and a 50% mix of vinegar is perfect as per my Thai/American pediatrician.. And so far it works a treat... How many 5 and 6 year olds do you know of that have never had an ear infection? Count my boys as 2 :) ..

D'oh! Just poured a glass of Lao Khao and vinegar in my ear! Have to drink the rest. Mmmm.

Seriously, I used neat blue alcohol, whatever it's called , and it worked really well but having read this, next time I will add some vinegar.

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