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Gatorade, sorry but if you think death threats and the poor old bat having to have round the clock police protection " Justifiable outcry " <deleted> !!! :huh: You need help mate!


Yes she may not be a nice woman and cats have survied for weeks in far worse places than a wheely bin which is probably going to be opened in the very near future so lets drop the " cat was very lucky " crap please :sorry: I;m still waiting for one of the outraged to tell me what should have been done ?

Plus I love the " rogue employees " crap from the resort :cheesy:

Go H20, totally agree, I am also awaiting a reply from these "outraged" people? A lot of simplistic replies with no solid solutions. :rolleyes:

I have the same problem around my shop.....but the number of soi dogs has dropped due to some callous ba*tard poisoning 2 of them and 1 was strangled to death.

And as you said, there is no rabies on the Island, and I would assume that also applies to the bar girls?. :cheesy:

erm....why is neutering all stray dogs and treating any disease not a solid solution :ermm:

As I said....Simplistic answers... Which will not work in an uncaring "animal loving" Thailand.

They have no answer for their over breeding 16-18 year old daughters, so how do you expect them to give a sh*t about the dogs and cats.....PLEASE... :ermm: .:angry:

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Imjustagirl have you actually been to the rescue centre to see the conditions the dogs there live in ? As I said I tried to enlist their help to sort out my problem. After nearly a year I am still waiting. Yes in an ideal world of cotton candy and all things nice it would be great. Sadly the world we live in isn't anything like the utopia you imagine.

How many of those " outraged " posters will now offer a home to one of these dogs ? That would solve the problem ? WELL

I fed 7 dogs for 4 months and now feed 2 dogs and 3 cats. Can I put all those posting of their outrage down for one dog each ?

There are enough people on here who have emailed the resort to tell them how "outraged " they were yet I bet none have emailed the resort to say they will come and take a dog. NO ? I thought not!

I REST MY CASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Armchair outrage at its finest. :angry:

yes, i have been to the center, both of them actually several times when i have had to take a sick poisoned or injured abandoned animal there for care, and i think they do an amazing job with little resources and funds. i currently have had my soi dog 5 years as well as feed and take care of around 6 other dogs and several cats around the beach- you dont see me whinging about it and looking for high praise as your post seems to infer. i respect your kindness but i think you will find most of 'the outraged' ALSO do what you are contributing for the animals around the island.

I dont think they have emailed they will come and take a dog as the dogs are dead! I am still waiting for your genius solution to the issue - you must have one since you are so quick to dismiss any suggestions and get angry at peoples sense of humanity. You also should not be so closed minded to think that people who are so upset here do nothing - i think you will find most do as much as they can cope with! :annoyed:


Imjustagirl. SORRY! Who exactly is WHINGING on about taking care of MY dogs ?I do not have any concerns about them. What I AM WHINGING on about is all the pious pity and armchair outrage at a business that is taking care of things as it needs to ? As said I see very little reaction to asking those that are outraged to take a dog ?


You will all complain about the treatment but when it boils down to it do absolutely nothing. I sometimes think you people care more about animals than people.

I ask you if this said pack of dogs was threatening your child just what would you do ? Any of you ?

I would take anything to hand and kill them without a thought.

And I like dogs but there comes a time when you have to make a choice. I was brought up on a farm. A dog that was worrying farm animals was shot. No ifs or buts. A horse that breaks a leg is shot. Same with a bull or other large animal.

Thats me finished with this as the type of holier than thou animal lovers are as bad as the eco, tree hugging loonies. Even when the obvious stares them in the face the refuse to see sense.

And if you read the post not all the dogs are dead so still time for all those OUTRAGED to come take one.

I WON'T HOLD MY BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Imjustagirl. SORRY! Who exactly is WHINGING on about taking care of MY dogs ?I do not have any concerns about them. What I AM WHINGING on about is all the pious pity and armchair outrage at a business that is taking care of things as it needs to ? As said I see very little reaction to asking those that are outraged to take a dog ?


You will all complain about the treatment but when it boils down to it do absolutely nothing. I sometimes think you people care more about animals than people.

I ask you if this said pack of dogs was threatening your child just what would you do ? Any of you ?

I would take anything to hand and kill them without a thought.

And I like dogs but there comes a time when you have to make a choice. I was brought up on a farm. A dog that was worrying farm animals was shot. No ifs or buts. A horse that breaks a leg is shot. Same with a bull or other large animal.

Thats me finished with this as the type of holier than thou animal lovers are as bad as the eco, tree hugging loonies. Even when the obvious stares them in the face the refuse to see sense.

And if you read the post not all the dogs are dead so still time for all those OUTRAGED to come take one.

I WON'T HOLD MY BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) Ahh you see ! Gov. Crusty knew what he was doing when he invited H2oDunc to be his Minister of Environment. What a robust answer !


as i said - those outraged, and i know several of them, all have taken in dogs and cats and currently care for them so your demands for them to pick up more strays are a little extreme :bah: My answer may be simplistic but neutering is the ONLY way to continually reduce the population without killing them off.

I think you will find that the 'armchair whingers' you are referring to didnt sit back, do nothing and take this resorts actions with a shrug. The whole conclusion of this affair coming to the end the way it has is as a result of people who read the emails about what had happened and contacted the resort. They have done a substantial contribution to enlightening the hotel and other resorts that this kind of painful and cruel murder of the animals is not acceptable. If these 'armchair whingers' hadnt bothered then business as usual and poison down for the next dogs.. The whole point of all this is maybe to make people (locals and visitors) think a little more about the consequences of their actions, both for the dogs and for the image left in the mind of the tourists - and, if it is all that will work, the fact they could get punished for such an action by losing their jobs.



You're missing the point here entirely.

People are disgusted about the fact the dogs were given rat poison as a means to an end. I'm sure you will agree that bleeding to death internally in agonising pain is a terrible way to die.

Are you ignorant to the fact that animals feel pain? I also lived on a farm and saw animals put down (Horses shot, etc.) but that was a quick death, not a long drawn out one like poisoning.

In reference to your comments regarding the cat thrown in the bin. Are you also ignorant to the fact animals feel fear as well?

How would you feel if a giant hand came out of the sky and threw you down a dark well, then left you there for 9 hours? I bet you'd be crying like a baby.

Again, you're not reading posts correctly, you're skipping and reading the parts you want to see. Just to make it easier for you:

Original Post:

"Aug 19, Thursday

After the spate of recent dog attacks we called an emergency meeting to form an action plan.

The result of the meeting was a plan to put the dogs to sleep with some pills and then transport them to the local dog/cat rescue center.

We contacted our neighbour Mr. Dam to ask for permission for giving sleeping pill and he consented that it was a reasonable course of action given recent events."

My Comments:

"They should have gone to one of the local vets and got hold of some proper sedatives like Acepromazin, Atravet or even Ketamine to sedate the dogs.

They probably gave the dogs diazepam, that wouldn't work on them."

The plan didn't work because they didn't give the dogs the proper sedatives.

I actually have two dogs myself and they have both been neutered. The obvious solution here on Samui would be to take them off the streets and neuter them one by one.


Bluechip IT Samui Co., Ltd.

Company Registration No: 0845551000420 - Registration Date: 15th January 2008


Imjustagirl have you actually been to the rescue centre to see the conditions the dogs there live in ? As I said I tried to enlist their help to sort out my problem. After nearly a year I am still waiting. Yes in an ideal world of cotton candy and all things nice it would be great. Sadly the world we live in isn't anything like the utopia you imagine.

How many of those " outraged " posters will now offer a home to one of these dogs ? That would solve the problem ? WELL

I fed 7 dogs for 4 months and now feed 2 dogs and 3 cats. Can I put all those posting of their outrage down for one dog each ?

There are enough people on here who have emailed the resort to tell them how "outraged " they were yet I bet none have emailed the resort to say they will come and take a dog. NO ? I thought not!

I REST MY CASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Armchair outrage at its finest. :angry:


You make a lot of unsubstantiated statements and incorrect assumptions. How do you know that the posters here are not acutely aware of the conditions in the rescue centre? Most of the animals there are glad to be alive and have a much improved lifestyle over their previous one. I am in awe of the volunteers who give up their time to help.

I am one of those you describe as "outraged" and glad that I still have those those feeling to be so.

Personally I have adopted 4 strays and have had them for years, not months. Not sure what case you are resting on!

But give it a try!

You say you tried to enlist the Rescue centres help to sort out your "problem". Hope it was related to the dogs :lol:


Soi 1


August 2010

From the desk of Fido

Jeez guys will you lot just shut up?? I am a dog remember. And besides, me and my mates were here long before you lot with your fancy houses and beers and KFC. It says on my genes that I run around, chase cars, forage for food, lick my ba##s and sniff other dogs ar#es. I enjoy it. And, might I say, I am pretty good at it too.

What gives you the right to sort out my ‘problem’?? I don’t have a problem. You talk about humanely dealing with me. I am not a human, I do not need your humanity thank you very much. You talk about having me done. Well you lot can p#ss off. It will hurt like hel_l, and it sure is not a natural thing to do. You’re talking about taking away one of the many things I enjoy; that time once every few months when that bitch next door is asking for it! I sometimes wonder if that is the ONLY reason I was put on this place. Although I do enjoy a good scrap from time to time.

And when the caastration is over you want to parcel me off to the old dogs retirement home and make me think that all that is natural too. Well, let me tell you, what I do NOW is natural! What YOU want to do might make YOU feel better, but I am not 100% convinced.

Of course you can teach me to do things differently. But there has to be something in it for me. It is not going to be a one way street – I mean, what gives you the right to have the upper hand? You play hel_l when people bully you, but when you bully me, you make it all sound like you are doing me a favour!

So, if you want me to play it your way, show me a fair set of rules to play by and I think we might be able to do a deal.



PS that employee has had his cards marked – trust me!

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So if this pack of street dogs was terrorising guests and passersby, and they had rabies, what would you do to get rid of them?

I would be more worried about what I might catch off one of the girls in your bar. Doesnt mean I would feed them rat poison

What are you implying? The only thing you'll catch in my bar is a sense of humilty, respect and, probably, a clip round the ear from me.

I have seen your bar screamingeagle, I am less worried about the clip around the ear than getting a dose of clap around the rear.

Seriously though folks killing dogs with rat poisons is just not cool. Its dam_n right cruel, Anyone that thinks otherwise is a lowlife.

I would like to answer this one, but I will leave it to SE. (SE I hope you can organise a clip around the ears night?) :D Haaaaaaa

Zoo....Your last sentence I agree with.


I have seen your bar screamingeagle, I am less worried about the clip around the ear than getting a dose of clap around the rear.

Seriously though folks killing dogs with rat poisons is just not cool. Its dam_n right cruel, Anyone that thinks otherwise is a lowlife.

I would like to answer this one, but I will leave it to SE. (SE I hope you can organise a clip around the ears night?) :D Haaaaaaa

Zoo....Your last sentence I agree with.

Nah the evening should have an animal theme....how about Ride the Bull(shitter)?

Get your seats earlier!!



Could they not have beat them with a stick or something first, I usually find it works when I come across an aggreesive dog on a run, just enough to inflict a meaningful dose of pain if it so required (usually it doesnt come to that) so they dont bother you next time - a form of training if you will (awaiting comical response along the lines of if i beat you with a stick..). I agree poisoning is not ethical/fair/proportional, but these reality-disconnected animal lovers that think ... cause a lot of these problems themselves whilst presenting no alternative solution.

As for the despicable act by the thai, its happening all over the country, he's probably bewildered by the reprucsions/attention, he certainly wont be feeling any guilt, its just their way of dealing with pests - wrong, but standard..


To Fido:

Thanks for reminding us that YOU have some habits and that WE have some habits.. You are talking about a "deal" - and this is the deal my female (street/beach) dogs have with me: I got them castrated and they are greateful, not having to care for litters twice a year. Hence they take care that no stranger is entering our premises. Sometimes when it's low like now they misunderstand and try scaring away even potential guests ... but then I am there to explain and when people become guests they are accepted. Both of your mates hate genuine breeds. The barking is horrendous when shepherds cross the beach below. It's impossible to calm them down but I can explain to the guests. If mixed breeds are roaming on the beach it's different, one stays up, the other goes for a play.

Both are here now for 9 rsp. 5 years. Fortunately nobody tried to poison them. And all three of us think we are a very good team.


Was Hitler justified in gassing men, women and children because the right anesthetics were expensive?

Why would the absence of an 'alternative' acceptable to certain posters on here be the single judgemental justification of the infliction of such distress, pain and slow death on another creature?

I would suggest if anyone feels so strongly that their time here in paradise is so inconvenienced by the actions of a hungered animal that in place of abusing Gods gift of intelligence by 'tricking' the unfortunate creature that they instead allow it the dignity to fight fairly for its own right to also live its time here by fighting fairly to the death by hand......


Well done on posting this Mick. I received the e-mail two days ago and promptly sent a response to the above hotel.

Poisoning dogs with rat poison is an evil deed, it's a horrible death.

In my opinion the person responsible should be fed rat poison to see how they like it. We could all gather in a crowd and watch them foam at the mouth whilst they bled to death internally.

Sickened and disgusted,


yep got the email chain. i agree. i think the poisoner should litterly taste his own medicine


If you can get a politician to issue a media statement that stray dogs are the reason for the drop in tourist numbers it may result in a 'crackdown'.

Haven't had a decent 'crackdown' announcement for a while now.


Just spoken to my wife, currently back in her Isaan village who has just told me the regular pick up truck is touring her village today to buy unwanted (not necessarily stray) dogs.

Apparently they are taken back to Sakhon Nakorn to be killed and eaten.

This is not unusual, a pretty regular occurence apparently and the donors are paid with either baskets or washing bowls not cash.

Abhorent to us Westerners, but a way of life of those from SE Asia.


A lot of blame has to lie with all the do gooders out there, they feed these feral animals and help them to live in places such as this resort, tourists come along plus quite a few mongs that live here and think that feeding them helps, the best thing would be to put a row of bowls filled with doggy food on the beach or any quiet area then shoot the lot of them. that can't be seen as cruel can it?

anybody thinking of complaining about my morals can pay my hospital fees from when i was bitten and vaulunteer for a screw driver to be pushed into their leg, on both sides as thats what it feels like.

the dogs at the end of my lane don't come near my motorbike since I pepper sprayed them a couple of times.

stop feeding the dogs they are just overgrown rats


A lot of blame has to lie with all the do gooders out there, they feed these feral animals and help them to live in places such as this resort, tourists come along plus quite a few mongs that live here and think that feeding them helps, the best thing would be to put a row of bowls filled with doggy food on the beach or any quiet area then shoot the lot of them. that can't be seen as cruel can it?

anybody thinking of complaining about my morals can pay my hospital fees from when i was bitten and vaulunteer for a screw driver to be pushed into their leg, on both sides as thats what it feels like.

the dogs at the end of my lane don't come near my motorbike since I pepper sprayed them a couple of times.

stop feeding the dogs they are just overgrown rats

You sound like a really top bloke :blink:


A lot of blame has to lie with all the do gooders out there, they feed these feral animals and help them to live in places such as this resort, tourists come along plus quite a few mongs that live here and think that feeding them helps, the best thing would be to put a row of bowls filled with doggy food on the beach or any quiet area then shoot the lot of them. that can't be seen as cruel can it?

anybody thinking of complaining about my morals can pay my hospital fees from when i was bitten and vaulunteer for a screw driver to be pushed into their leg, on both sides as thats what it feels like.

the dogs at the end of my lane don't come near my motorbike since I pepper sprayed them a couple of times.

stop feeding the dogs they are just overgrown rats

I know all the do gooders out there will be up in alms over these posts, BUT BAD LUCK. I think your proposal is sound but a bit unsavory to most.

These dogs that obviously do not have owners (collar and name tags attached) should be rounded up and either like a previous post said.. shipped off to Sikornkorn or Sakhon Nakorn etc and given to the community as food. (It is quite acceptable to eat dogs throughout Isaan)

They are just pests here, attacking people, scrounging through the rubbish, attacking motor bikes, causing accidents, barking at anything that moves. The list goes on.

As far as the employee at this hotel is concerned, he is just being made a scape goat to appease all the do gooders.

I have been feeding one of these "strays" for quite some time now and just today the ungrateful bitch bit me on the hand. So off to Sakhon Nakorn for this one.:angry:

PS. I love all animals, but in their place. Just riles me to see the way the Thais treat them.


It's easy and humane. One by one put them in your truck and then drive over and release them on the other side of the island.

Where they will cause problems for someone else. Great idea.

Rat poison causes as agonising death. It stops the blood clotting so the animal bleeds to death internally.

So it's bad to do with dogs but fine and dandy for rats? I know Matt didn't say, but is rat poison OK for rats? Did an earlier post mention Buddhist thought?

By the way, the Dog and Cat "Rescue" Foundation is very hit or miss when it comes to acting. I don't get the impression they really want to pick up any animal unless they absolutely have no other choice.

I guess my feeling is that if the dogs in question were owned by someone (and I mean ownership in the sense of being responsible for them, not just setting out some food once and a while), then that owner should be tasked with their control or removal. If they are strays, eg "beach dogs" that have become either violent or ominous, then I see no real problem killing them -- whatever method is easiest (they will eventually be put down anyway since they do not sound like animals that can be or would be assimilated into someone's home life).

Also, I love the part about making the alleged perpetrator do "community service." That made me laugh out loud.

"Doris! Get the rat poison, there's

one of the buggers in the bedroom!....."



Rather than getting involved in the 'what do you do with the stray dogs?' debate, I'd like to bring the thread back to the dogs in question.

Malee, <deleted> and Chock Dee were not strays. They belonged to Mr Dam who had lovingly brought them up after adopting them when they were younger. They had all been abused before that.

The 3 dogs always slept outside the 5 bungalows on Mr Dam's property, often on the steps of my bungalow. They were our guards at night.

In the mornings and early evenings I used to take the dogs for a walk along the beach, something that I looked forward to as much as they did.

I called Chock Dee little Napoleon sometimes as he was the undoubted leader of the trio although the smallest. During our walks, he would sometimes bark at fisherman as they came out of the woods, however, he would stop if I shouted to him. Malee, the female, was one of the most affectionate and loving dogs I've ever had the pleasure to come accross, she seemed to become more and more affectionate over the 8 months I spent with her. <deleted>, although the biggest of the three dogs was the shyest. He was very wary of humans until he got to know them and indeed I had noticed recently to my delight that he was beginning to be less afraid of people in the sense that he didn't flinch in fear as often if someone made a quick movement.

I can't comment on any 'pack of 10 stray dogs' because I've got no knowledge of any 'pack of 10 stray dogs'. I've spent more time on that stretch of beach over the last 8 months than anyone and I never saw this pack of strays.

There was often another dog around the hotel in question but this came from another restaurant further up the beach. The dog I've mentioned stayed at the hotel because guests would pet it and feed it. This is also why our three dogs went to the hotel.

If the dogs were becoming a nuisance, this should have been handled in a different way. Rather than kill them, I would have happily adopted the dogs myself and moved to a different part of the island. This would have been a workable solution.

As for having to 'put the dogs to sleep with tablets' and then transport them to the rescue centre - I'm a bit confused. The hotel staff didn't need to do this.......either Mr Dam or myself could have done this......I feed the dogs every day. It would have actually been unnecessary anyway because Mr Dam has put leads on the dogs before.

Anyway, I was a bit reluctant to join this thread because it means so much more to me than a debate on animal rights/animal lovers/etc.

I simply wanted to put the record straight and tell you a little about the dogs. It's the last thing I can do for my good friends Malee and <deleted> who are no longer here.

Fortunately, Chock Dee's name was appropriate and indeed he did have 'good luck' this time.

I've attached a picture of the little guy who fortunately survived the ordeal.

post-25266-015547500 1283263187_thumb.jp

  • Like 2

Good post. I also wonder about the exact nature of this "pack." I have had years of experience of dogs in Thailand who roam at will (not on leads or fenced in) and the notion of a "pack of animals terrorizing guests at a hotel" or words to that effect, seem quite suspect to me.

I am certain that there is much more to this than meets the eye of the posted account, and I am doubly certain that we will never find out the missing links.

As I said, if there was a problem, you'd have thought that the good neighbor resort would have had a word with what had been reported as a good friend, Mr. Dam. Maybe they did and Mr. Dam didn't care what the dogs were doing or not doing (this would not be out of character here, and doesn't reflect negatively on Mr. Dam -- "pets" are not regarded here with the anthropomorphic qualities that they are in the West).

This would make for a fascinating story if we had any actual reporters on the island or an actual newspaper on the island in which to publish this.


There was such a pack of strays on that beach, I've seen them 2/3 times about a year ago, during construction of the Mai Samui hotel. They were really strong and agressive, but there was a Thai, maybe a gard or fisherman who seemed to control them a bit. Still I turned around and hopped on my bike hastily when they approached.

Efforts to ged rid of this pack may have been excusable, but there is no doubt after SJ's account that they are not at that beach anymore, so the hotel must be warming up an old story to excuse the recent killings. Very sad after hearing about SJs and Mr. Dams care for the dogs.


Rather than getting involved in the 'what do you do with the stray dogs?' debate, I'd like to bring the thread back to the dogs in question.

Malee, <deleted> and Chock Dee were not strays. They belonged to Mr Dam who had lovingly brought them up after adopting them when they were younger. They had all been abused before that.

The 3 dogs always slept outside the 5 bungalows on Mr Dam's property, often on the steps of my bungalow. They were our guards at night.

In the mornings and early evenings I used to take the dogs for a walk along the beach, something that I looked forward to as much as they did.

I called Chock Dee little Napoleon sometimes as he was the undoubted leader of the trio although the smallest. During our walks, he would sometimes bark at fisherman as they came out of the woods, however, he would stop if I shouted to him. Malee, the female, was one of the most affectionate and loving dogs I've ever had the pleasure to come accross, she seemed to become more and more affectionate over the 8 months I spent with her. <deleted>, although the biggest of the three dogs was the shyest. He was very wary of humans until he got to know them and indeed I had noticed recently to my delight that he was beginning to be less afraid of people in the sense that he didn't flinch in fear as often if someone made a quick movement.

I can't comment on any 'pack of 10 stray dogs' because I've got no knowledge of any 'pack of 10 stray dogs'. I've spent more time on that stretch of beach over the last 8 months than anyone and I never saw this pack of strays.

There was often another dog around the hotel in question but this came from another restaurant further up the beach. The dog I've mentioned stayed at the hotel because guests would pet it and feed it. This is also why our three dogs went to the hotel.

If the dogs were becoming a nuisance, this should have been handled in a different way. Rather than kill them, I would have happily adopted the dogs myself and moved to a different part of the island. This would have been a workable solution.

As for having to 'put the dogs to sleep with tablets' and then transport them to the rescue centre - I'm a bit confused. The hotel staff didn't need to do this.......either Mr Dam or myself could have done this......I feed the dogs every day. It would have actually been unnecessary anyway because Mr Dam has put leads on the dogs before.

Anyway, I was a bit reluctant to join this thread because it means so much more to me than a debate on animal rights/animal lovers/etc.

I simply wanted to put the record straight and tell you a little about the dogs. It's the last thing I can do for my good friends Malee and <deleted> who are no longer here.

Fortunately, Chock Dee's name was appropriate and indeed he did have 'good luck' this time.

I've attached a picture of the little guy who fortunately survived the ordeal.

Excellent post Somchai.

It puts things in perspective and some the posters here to shame.



A lot of blame has to lie with all the do gooders out there, they feed these feral animals and help them to live in places such as this resort, tourists come along plus quite a few mongs that live here and think that feeding them helps, the best thing would be to put a row of bowls filled with doggy food on the beach or any quiet area then shoot the lot of them. that can't be seen as cruel can it?

anybody thinking of complaining about my morals can pay my hospital fees from when i was bitten and vaulunteer for a screw driver to be pushed into their leg, on both sides as thats what it feels like.

the dogs at the end of my lane don't come near my motorbike since I pepper sprayed them a couple of times.

stop feeding the dogs they are just overgrown rats

You sound like a really top bloke :blink:

would you like me to forward you pictures of my 11 year old niece's face and arm? her face is disfigured for life and she will never get 100 per cent use of her left arm thanks to an un supervised dog.

137 stitches in her face and micro surgery to repair her arm, I love animals as much as most normal human beings but feral and unsupervised dogs is a big NO NO in my book, sorry if my opinion upsets you


A lot of blame has to lie with all the do gooders out there, they feed these feral animals and help them to live in places such as this resort, tourists come along plus quite a few mongs that live here and think that feeding them helps, the best thing would be to put a row of bowls filled with doggy food on the beach or any quiet area then shoot the lot of them. that can't be seen as cruel can it?

anybody thinking of complaining about my morals can pay my hospital fees from when i was bitten and vaulunteer for a screw driver to be pushed into their leg, on both sides as thats what it feels like.

the dogs at the end of my lane don't come near my motorbike since I pepper sprayed them a couple of times.

stop feeding the dogs they are just overgrown rats

You sound like a really top bloke :blink:

would you like me to forward you pictures of my 11 year old niece's face and arm? her face is disfigured for life and she will never get 100 per cent use of her left arm thanks to an un supervised dog.

137 stitches in her face and micro surgery to repair her arm, I love animals as much as most normal human beings but feral and unsupervised dogs is a big NO NO in my book, sorry if my opinion upsets you

:) No I think you are perfectly sane starcandle and please join my cabinet as Minister of Recreation where you are free to oversee a program where exterminating them can be fun and entertaining. Has any of the do gooders seen the streets at 7am, after the strays have torn into hundreds of litterbags that leaves the roads festooned with garbage ?


A lot of blame has to lie with all the do gooders out there, they feed these feral animals and help them to live in places such as this resort, tourists come along plus quite a few mongs that live here and think that feeding them helps, the best thing would be to put a row of bowls filled with doggy food on the beach or any quiet area then shoot the lot of them. that can't be seen as cruel can it?

anybody thinking of complaining about my morals can pay my hospital fees from when i was bitten and vaulunteer for a screw driver to be pushed into their leg, on both sides as thats what it feels like.

the dogs at the end of my lane don't come near my motorbike since I pepper sprayed them a couple of times.

stop feeding the dogs they are just overgrown rats

You sound like a really top bloke :blink:

would you like me to forward you pictures of my 11 year old niece's face and arm? her face is disfigured for life and she will never get 100 per cent use of her left arm thanks to an un supervised dog.

137 stitches in her face and micro surgery to repair her arm, I love animals as much as most normal human beings but feral and unsupervised dogs is a big NO NO in my book, sorry if my opinion upsets you

:) No I think you are perfectly sane starcandle and please join my cabinet as Minister of Recreation where you are free to oversee a program where exterminating them can be fun and entertaining. Has any of the do gooders seen the streets at 7am, after the strays have torn into hundreds of litterbags that leaves the roads festooned with garbage ?

Yes it's such a great welcoming sight to Samui, just what the few tourists that are here want to see. NOT.

As Cabinet Whip, I will assist in this program. :)

  • 9 months later...

Firstly, well done and thank you to Mick for the original post on this topic, for bringing this to our attention and informing us of such despicable animal cruelty. You are to be commended along with the other kind animal lovers on here. ( bridge, boater, imjustagirl, bluechipit, zooweemama, Gatorade, keepsamuiclean, julesandmartin, BigC, somchai jones.)

I do not understand why the owner of the animal rescue center, was not willing to collect the dogs - so some of the blame for the dogs being poisoned is due to her. She mentions on her website that their animals are chauffeured in one of their air-conditioned vehicles! ...Why then could she not have fetched the dogs or sent one of her many volunteers to do so. That is partly what the kind donations to the center are meant for!

But what bothers me more is how she DID NOT STAND UP FOR THE CRUELTY OF THE DOGS THAT WERE POISONED BY THE PASSAGES SAMUI RESORT. Passages paid her a measly $100 to keep her mouth shut and shame on her for accepting, instead of speaking out about it! As a luxury boutique resort with millions generated from tourists - is that ALL they could spare for doing such a cruel and inhumane thing to these innocent dogs. So what does that tell us all then? As a business, if you have the money you can do WHATEVER YOU PLEASE and PAY YOUR WAY OUT OF TROUBLE - ESSENTIALLY USING BRIBERY TO GET YOUR WAY. How corrupt!

We should hold them accountable for their despicable actions. I urge tourists to boycott The Passage Samui Resort - they poison stray dogs! And they they pay people off to keep quiet about it! In no way shape or form should poisoning dogs be acceptable.

Poison causes a very painful death. It is an aweful death. How can you be so cruel? They die in utter agony. I can't believe how sick some people in this world can be.

In no way shape or form should poisoning dogs be acceptable

Be assured that news of this appalling conduct will spread like wild fire.

I am furious at the ill treatment of helpless animals - it may be acceptable among Thai people, but these resorts cater to the foreign tourists who would quickly cancel their booking were they to know about such cruel treatment of animals.

The power of the media is substantial and animal lovers with their facebook and twitter accounts that can really start a tide of emotion and backlash if we unite to PREVENT THE CRUELTY OF ANIMALS IN SAMUI.<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"> <br style="mso-special-character:line-break">


And this is to the ignorant, heartless, disgusting, people who left the cruel and evil comments on this page: together with Passages Resort- you should be ashamed of yourselves. Appalled, shocked, sickened and disgusted.

All animals deserve to be treated with love. They did not ask to be in their situation and we as human beings should realize that it is our duty to take care of them. We, as humans created the garbage, traffic and crime ourselves, but what did the poor stray dogs do to deserve being in their situation?

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”

And to CRUSTY:

1) How ignorant are you to suggest releasing them to the other side of the island? How does that solve the problem?

2) You say the guests are to blame, for befriending the dogs who then hang around at the resorts – well to this I say: if they are not at the resorts where would they be? In the streets? That is worse, and they get injured there by cars and motorbikes. So, where are they expected to go? They have no homes, because of locals that abandoned them in the first place, so at least some tourists care for them, and shelter them, even if it’s for a short time, is that not better than not caring for them at all?

Remember this: The Law of Cause and Effect is Karma. When we do something ‘good’, something good comes to us. Likewise, if we do something ‘bad’, something bad happens to us. This belief is absolutely true. It is the Law of Cause and Effect at work.

How can you be so cruel and evil? As for your comment : “ exterminating them can be fun and entertaining.” How sick and despicable. How can you say such a thing?

The strays have torn into litterbags because they are hungry!!!! What do you expect them to do? It is just natural survival to find a way of getting some food, if nobody feeds them. Humans do the same thing – have you never seen hobo’s/homeless people going through garbage to find some food to eat?

And to Carmine:

You say tourists should not feed the dogs? Well, what then? Should the starving dogs die of hunger instead? Yea right. It’s even more cruel to have them starving to death. So denying them of food at the resorts will solve the problem? How??? Don’t be ridiculous.


I agree with you that taking dogs to the cage at the rescue centre to live out their days is not the best idea either. I hate the idea of a dog sitting in a small kennel/confined space at a shelter, with no sun or fresh air, for years and years on end, and very little human contact. What a life. And the shelter employees are trusted to put their food out and clean their cages/kennels daily, but who check on this? That is cruel too. And I agree, that sometimes it is kinder to do this than keep them alive and suffering, BUT, it is THE WAY THAT THEY ARE PUT TO SLEEP in some cases that is cruel. It should be done kindly and painlessly by a vet, through euthanasia. Animal euthanasia (from the Greek meaning "good death").

If only Samui’s dog rescue centre was run better, it sounds really lousy to me that they, after a year, did have not gotten back to you about the mangy dogs.

In first world countries, dogs at least have a chance to be adopted, unlike Samui, where expats are in the minority, and only a very small percentage of tourists will go through the trouble of arranging export/shipping & airfare from Bangkok to their home country for adoption.

The Samui Dog Rescue center: I know they arrange this, but I am so disappointed to hear about the apparent condition of their shelter. I had heard that they have a big shelter in Ban Taling Ngam in the south west of the island, and a small clinic/shelter in Chaweng. But your statement:” Have you actually been to the rescue centre to see the conditions the dogs there live in ?” I did not realize this and it bothers me, so I think it’s time for all dog lovers in Samui, especially if you donate, to take a drive to their bigger shelter and INSPECT it. We need to check how bad it is (and if it is true) and take action - please DO something about it if you are care.

To Mattcodes:

You are cruel and if you think that to “inflict a meaningful dose of pain if it so required so they don’t bother you next time, is a form of training – you are wrong. Do you beat your kids with a stick, or do you go around beating someone with a stick that bothers you?? Why then should you inflict pain on an animal – they have enough suffering in their lives already, without you adding to it.

To Tracer Round

So you feel it’s fine to kill a dog in any way, whatever is easiest? Why is it acceptable to you for a dog to suffer an agonizing death, just because doing it in a kind way (euthanasia) is as convenient? What has become of people? Why do you not have any compassion and empathy for these animals? Shame on you.

They suffer intense, excruciating pain for several hours before death. Furthermore, poison also kills countless secondary species—including insects, birds, fish, and mammals other than dogs—if they unintentionally ingest the poison itself or if they are exposed to the carcasses of dead dogs.

To starcandle and sevenhills :

You should be ashamed of posting such cruel and despicable suggestions. So you think the best thing is to line them up and shoot all the dogs or to shipped off for people to eat them? What is wrong with you? That is despicable, cruel, and heartless. And, in terms of the law, eating dogs is illegal in Thailand.

I was bitten by 2 dogs in Koh Phangan, and I PAID for my own hospital fees. ( around 10 000 baht) and YES I KNOW what if feels like to be badly bitten! That did not change me being a good human being. BUT I STILL LOVE AND CARE ABOUT DOGS and do what I can to help them!

Dogs can get aggressive, usually from being previously abused by humans or trained to be that way by humans. The same goes for stray dogs, but most stray dogs are not aggressive at all. I have found that if hunger is alleviated, the dog will already become placid. Then on top of that some love and care is given, the dog can easily become just like any other “loving pet dog”. Their “bad” behavior is caused by humans mistreating them – they are not born that way! Their aggression comes from hunger, pain, suffering, and abuse. And the same goes for humans – we are not born that way – we become that way due to circumstances.

Dogs scrounge through the rubbish for food, because they are hungry! If you don’t want tourists to feed the dogs and they must not scrounge through the garbage for food either, how else are they supposed to eat? You go hungry for a while and see how your mood changes!


Tourists would rather see some garbage in the road, than see animals suffering alongside the road. Abused and neglected animals in Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao has become a MAJOR concern to tourists, and tourists are disgusted and confused – Do you really think Samui can continue to promote itself as a beautiful tropical paradise with luxury resorts, spa’s and lavish “first world” lifestyles to tourists who are expecting warm, kind-hearted people in the so called “land of smiles” when they experience such a “third world, backward approach” to animal care and the constant animal neglect, abuse and animal cruelty, so many stray and abandoned dogs in terrible and tragic health, dying along the side of roads after being injured by a car or beach dogs dying before their very eyes in excruciating pain after being poisoned.

This leaves tourists will horrible memories of Samui in general and they go back and tell their friends and family and spread the word on the internet, on tourist review sites.

I cant imagine what kind of image this will leave in the minds of the tourists about Amazing Thailand as they stood there watching the dog writhe in pain as it died in front of the hotel. At least they were spared seeing


This needs to change and it starts with a change of attitude and education. Stop being so ignorant and see the bigger picture here.

No animal cruelty. STOP the abuse of animals.

Let's stand together for the sake of the animals to prevent further animal cruelty on Samui and let's start helping to create a better life for the dogs in Samui, and in so doing, improving Samui’s reputation as an island that cares for it’s animals.

And as I’ve quoted before:

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”

With my involvement in the tourist industry I will continue to urge tourists to speak out about this – my message is: DO NOT CONDONE CRUELTY TO ANIMALS anywhere, and to make use of the power of Facebook, Twitter and Tourist review sites. (tripadvisor, virtualtourist, travelfish).

Samui needs:

I ask all animal lovers out there reading this to urge local organizations to develop an effective and humane program for addressing the stray dog and cat problem in SAMUI:

*Large sterilization campaign

*Volunteer vets from overseas

*More expats giving up some time to help/volunteer on a weekly basis

*Education Campaigns for the Ethical Way to put an animal down by volunteer vets through EUTHANASIA

*A MOBILE vet clinic (fully equipped vetinary van) on Samui, Tao and Phangan

*Demand the Samui Dog Rescue center to provide better animal care and improved shelter facilities and more volunteers to regularly check on the shelter conditions

*The three animal rescue centers on the three islands (Samui, Tao, Phangan) to come together and unite to form an “umbrells committee” to help each other

*FUNDRAISING campaigne to fund ALL of the above

I’m sure PETA is not aware of this problem in SAMUI. WE can make a difference by ALL urging them to help. I am going to – will you join me?

Personalized letters always work best. Also, join PETA's Activist Network today to become part of a growing movement to help animals.

We can change SAMUI simply by standing up for what we believe in to help these animals in need.


Firstly, well done and thank you to Mick for the original post on this topic, for bringing this to our attention and informing us of such despicable animal cruelty. You are to be commended along with the other kind animal lovers on here. ( bridge, boater, imjustagirl, bluechipit, zooweemama, Gatorade, keepsamuiclean, julesandmartin, BigC, somchai jones.)

I do not understand why the owner of the animal rescue center, was not willing to collect the dogs - so some of the blame for the dogs being poisoned is due to her. She mentions on her website that their animals are chauffeured in one of their air-conditioned vehicles! ...Why then could she not have fetched the dogs or sent one of her many volunteers to do so. That is partly what the kind donations to the center are meant for!

But what bothers me more is how she DID NOT STAND UP FOR THE CRUELTY OF THE DOGS THAT WERE POISONED BY THE PASSAGES SAMUI RESORT. Passages paid her a measly $100 to keep her mouth shut and shame on her for accepting, instead of speaking out about it! As a luxury boutique resort with millions generated from tourists - is that ALL they could spare for doing such a cruel and inhumane thing to these innocent dogs. So what does that tell us all then? As a business, if you have the money you can do WHATEVER YOU PLEASE and PAY YOUR WAY OUT OF TROUBLE - ESSENTIALLY USING BRIBERY TO GET YOUR WAY. How corrupt!

We should hold them accountable for their despicable actions. I urge tourists to boycott The Passage Samui Resort - they poison stray dogs! And they they pay people off to keep quiet about it! In no way shape or form should poisoning dogs be acceptable.

Poison causes a very painful death. It is an aweful death. How can you be so cruel? They die in utter agony. I can't believe how sick some people in this world can be.

In no way shape or form should poisoning dogs be acceptable

Be assured that news of this appalling conduct will spread like wild fire.

I am furious at the ill treatment of helpless animals - it may be acceptable among Thai people, but these resorts cater to the foreign tourists who would quickly cancel their booking were they to know about such cruel treatment of animals.

The power of the media is substantial and animal lovers with their facebook and twitter accounts that can really start a tide of emotion and backlash if we unite to PREVENT THE CRUELTY OF ANIMALS IN SAMUI.<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"> <br style="mso-special-character:line-break">


And this is to the ignorant, heartless, disgusting, people who left the cruel and evil comments on this page: together with Passages Resort- you should be ashamed of yourselves. Appalled, shocked, sickened and disgusted.

All animals deserve to be treated with love. They did not ask to be in their situation and we as human beings should realize that it is our duty to take care of them. We, as humans created the garbage, traffic and crime ourselves, but what did the poor stray dogs do to deserve being in their situation?

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated

And to CRUSTY:

1) How ignorant are you to suggest releasing them to the other side of the island? How does that solve the problem?

2) You say the guests are to blame, for befriending the dogs who then hang around at the resorts well to this I say: if they are not at the resorts where would they be? In the streets? That is worse, and they get injured there by cars and motorbikes. So, where are they expected to go? They have no homes, because of locals that abandoned them in the first place, so at least some tourists care for them, and shelter them, even if its for a short time, is that not better than not caring for them at all?

Remember this: The Law of Cause and Effect is Karma. When we do something good, something good comes to us. Likewise, if we do something bad, something bad happens to us. This belief is absolutely true. It is the Law of Cause and Effect at work.

How can you be so cruel and evil? As for your comment : exterminating them can be fun and entertaining. How sick and despicable. How can you say such a thing?

The strays have torn into litterbags because they are hungry!!!! What do you expect them to do? It is just natural survival to find a way of getting some food, if nobody feeds them. Humans do the same thing have you never seen hobos/homeless people going through garbage to find some food to eat?

And to Carmine:

You say tourists should not feed the dogs? Well, what then? Should the starving dogs die of hunger instead? Yea right. Its even more cruel to have them starving to death. So denying them of food at the resorts will solve the problem? How??? Dont be ridiculous.


I agree with you that taking dogs to the cage at the rescue centre to live out their days is not the best idea either. I hate the idea of a dog sitting in a small kennel/confined space at a shelter, with no sun or fresh air, for years and years on end, and very little human contact. What a life. And the shelter employees are trusted to put their food out and clean their cages/kennels daily, but who check on this? That is cruel too. And I agree, that sometimes it is kinder to do this than keep them alive and suffering, BUT, it is THE WAY THAT THEY ARE PUT TO SLEEP in some cases that is cruel. It should be done kindly and painlessly by a vet, through euthanasia. Animal euthanasia (from the Greek meaning "good death").

If only Samuis dog rescue centre was run better, it sounds really lousy to me that they, after a year, did have not gotten back to you about the mangy dogs.

In first world countries, dogs at least have a chance to be adopted, unlike Samui, where expats are in the minority, and only a very small percentage of tourists will go through the trouble of arranging export/shipping & airfare from Bangkok to their home country for adoption.

The Samui Dog Rescue center: I know they arrange this, but I am so disappointed to hear about the apparent condition of their shelter. I had heard that they have a big shelter in Ban Taling Ngam in the south west of the island, and a small clinic/shelter in Chaweng. But your statement: Have you actually been to the rescue centre to see the conditions the dogs there live in ? I did not realize this and it bothers me, so I think its time for all dog lovers in Samui, especially if you donate, to take a drive to their bigger shelter and INSPECT it. We need to check how bad it is (and if it is true) and take action - please DO something about it if you are care.

To Mattcodes:

You are cruel and if you think that to inflict a meaningful dose of pain if it so required so they dont bother you next time, is a form of training you are wrong. Do you beat your kids with a stick, or do you go around beating someone with a stick that bothers you?? Why then should you inflict pain on an animal they have enough suffering in their lives already, without you adding to it.

To Tracer Round

So you feel its fine to kill a dog in any way, whatever is easiest? Why is it acceptable to you for a dog to suffer an agonizing death, just because doing it in a kind way (euthanasia) is as convenient? What has become of people? Why do you not have any compassion and empathy for these animals? Shame on you.

They suffer intense, excruciating pain for several hours before death. Furthermore, poison also kills countless secondary speciesincluding insects, birds, fish, and mammals other than dogsif they unintentionally ingest the poison itself or if they are exposed to the carcasses of dead dogs.

To starcandle and sevenhills :

You should be ashamed of posting such cruel and despicable suggestions. So you think the best thing is to line them up and shoot all the dogs or to shipped off for people to eat them? What is wrong with you? That is despicable, cruel, and heartless. And, in terms of the law, eating dogs is illegal in Thailand.

I was bitten by 2 dogs in Koh Phangan, and I PAID for my own hospital fees. ( around 10 000 baht) and YES I KNOW what if feels like to be badly bitten! That did not change me being a good human being. BUT I STILL LOVE AND CARE ABOUT DOGS and do what I can to help them!

Dogs can get aggressive, usually from being previously abused by humans or trained to be that way by humans. The same goes for stray dogs, but most stray dogs are not aggressive at all. I have found that if hunger is alleviated, the dog will already become placid. Then on top of that some love and care is given, the dog can easily become just like any other loving pet dog. Their bad behavior is caused by humans mistreating them they are not born that way! Their aggression comes from hunger, pain, suffering, and abuse. And the same goes for humans we are not born that way we become that way due to circumstances.

Dogs scrounge through the rubbish for food, because they are hungry! If you dont want tourists to feed the dogs and they must not scrounge through the garbage for food either, how else are they supposed to eat? You go hungry for a while and see how your mood changes!


Tourists would rather see some garbage in the road, than see animals suffering alongside the road. Abused and neglected animals in Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao has become a MAJOR concern to tourists, and tourists are disgusted and confused Do you really think Samui can continue to promote itself as a beautiful tropical paradise with luxury resorts, spas and lavish first world lifestyles to tourists who are expecting warm, kind-hearted people in the so called land of smiles when they experience such a third world, backward approach to animal care and the constant animal neglect, abuse and animal cruelty, so many stray and abandoned dogs in terrible and tragic health, dying along the side of roads after being injured by a car or beach dogs dying before their very eyes in excruciating pain after being poisoned.

This leaves tourists will horrible memories of Samui in general and they go back and tell their friends and family and spread the word on the internet, on tourist review sites.

I cant imagine what kind of image this will leave in the minds of the tourists about Amazing Thailand as they stood there watching the dog writhe in pain as it died in front of the hotel. At least they were spared seeing


This needs to change and it starts with a change of attitude and education. Stop being so ignorant and see the bigger picture here.

No animal cruelty. STOP the abuse of animals.

Let's stand together for the sake of the animals to prevent further animal cruelty on Samui and let's start helping to create a better life for the dogs in Samui, and in so doing, improving Samuis reputation as an island that cares for its animals.

And as Ive quoted before:

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated

With my involvement in the tourist industry I will continue to urge tourists to speak out about this my message is: DO NOT CONDONE CRUELTY TO ANIMALS anywhere, and to make use of the power of Facebook, Twitter and Tourist review sites. (tripadvisor, virtualtourist, travelfish).

Samui needs:

I ask all animal lovers out there reading this to urge local organizations to develop an effective and humane program for addressing the stray dog and cat problem in SAMUI:

*Large sterilization campaign

*Volunteer vets from overseas

*More expats giving up some time to help/volunteer on a weekly basis

*Education Campaigns for the Ethical Way to put an animal down by volunteer vets through EUTHANASIA

*A MOBILE vet clinic (fully equipped vetinary van) on Samui, Tao and Phangan

*Demand the Samui Dog Rescue center to provide better animal care and improved shelter facilities and more volunteers to regularly check on the shelter conditions

*The three animal rescue centers on the three islands (Samui, Tao, Phangan) to come together and unite to form an umbrells committee to help each other

*FUNDRAISING campaigne to fund ALL of the above

Im sure PETA is not aware of this problem in SAMUI. WE can make a difference by ALL urging them to help. I am going to will you join me?

Personalized letters always work best. Also, join PETA's Activist Network today to become part of a growing movement to help animals.

We can change SAMUI simply by standing up for what we believe in to help these animals in need.

I think it is safe to state that the USA has many of your suggestion in play, and when i was living there the policy was a pack of stray dogs 4 or more was to be put down. They are a danger to children and adults.

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