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Does anyone have a 'laissez-passer' for the innumerable traffic stops that we get on the highway ? If so, how did you get it ?

I'm not a speedster so that is not a problem but, this business of being in the fast lane too long is really beginning to irritate me. If you pass a line of trucks that are going 50kph you get pulled over; or, if the spaces between vehicles are soooo tight that it is unsafe to slip between them, you get pulled over. I know that Thais don't seem to care and just pull in anyway but, I can't do it.

So, I'm looking for a 'Laissez-Passer'. I know they're out there.


You could a radar detector and they are still going to bust you. The law says right hand lain for passing only. When the see a big bright new vehicle all they see is money. They don't care if your Thai or farang.


Make sure your Indicator light is on when you are overtaking, that seems to work for me.

The only thing approaching a "Laissez-Passe" in Thailand is red in colour and worth about US $ 3.- .



My uncle is the head of Bangkok traffic police - I carry his card which always has worked. I'd say about 50,000 people in Bangkok are above the law- I don't feel bad being one of them.


two things work.

In the right hand lane, forever keep your right indicator on, even if you are driving in it and not simply overtaking (this obviously doesn't work if there are no cars in the left lane!). Left lane at all other times.

Second is when pulled over, simply ask for an official ticket. Refuse any other offers for express payments. Offical tickets means the coppers cut of the bribe is smaller. The longer you stall, the more willing bribers in other cars go by. They'll eventually wave you off as you will be costing them money.


My uncle is the head of Bangkok traffic police - I carry his card which always has worked. I'd say about 50,000 people in Bangkok are above the law- I don't feel bad being one of them.

keep the system working and enjoy it


don't these metal/bronze official-looking stickers that some cars have at the front also work?

Yeap they work. I have one and will put it on my next car when I buy one. I used it on my last car and never got pulled over. It worked a treat.


My uncle is the head of Bangkok traffic police - I carry his card which always has worked. I'd say about 50,000 people in Bangkok are above the law- I don't feel bad being one of them.

Can you scan his card and send me a copy. Please, Please

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