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Increasing Snootiness Of Phuket Resident Expats

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I don't think you have to look very far to realize some people are in fact financially and socially better off than others

It is their perogative to act anyway they want, we all can

People act this way all over the world, this is nothing unique to Thailand


Yes, I've noticed this trend.

Some people even love to display their wealth and exclusivity by posting pictures, all over the web, of their large, flash houses. :rolleyes:


Yes, I've noticed this trend.

Some people even love to display their wealth and exclusivity by posting pictures, all over the web, of their large, flash houses. :rolleyes:

The only people that like to show their money are those that don't have it and are in debt paying for their flash.


I don't think you have to look very far to realize some people are in fact financially and socially better off than others

please explain what "..socially better off than others" means?!

Karen.. I've only been in phuket a couple of months but I am shocked by some of the snobbish expat attitude i've experienced compared to other places I've lived in this country.


I don't think you have to look very far to realize some people are in fact financially and socially better off than others

It is their perogative to act anyway they want, we all can

People act this way all over the world, this is nothing unique to Thailand

That is true. It is a worldwide human trait. People can act anyway they want that is also true, but that does not automatically make it a desired trait. Being a ex-pat in Thailand however seems to acerbate the feeling of superiority. What is is about Thailand that generates this?? Phuket has a lot of wealthy farangs, but it has a lot of non-wealthy people also living the Island life and more power to those who can find a way to retire here. I for one relish some ex-pat being offish to me, which only confirms my thinking. We should all go to the Wat and stay there in a homeless way for a few months to get a perspective of life. That will not happen of course, but we all come from the same place and we all go to the same place. Just be happy you are in Phuket laying on the beach with your girl and I love motorbikes in Phuket, but I hate them in Bangkok- HAHA


The increase in snootiness seemed to start around the time of the real estate boom with the influx of "settlers" as opposed to those of us with more of an immigrant outlook. I normally refer to them as the "neo-colonialists" and they generally seem to hail from the remnants of the British Raj. They also seem to own the worst of the "mia falang" on the island.

Just ignore them!



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"Now it seems that people need to look down on someone. Look no further than this forum for examples."

well put, karen, well put.


The increase in snootiness seemed to start around the time of the real estate boom with the influx of "settlers" as opposed to those of us with more of an immigrant outlook. I normally refer to them as the "neo-colonialists" and they generally seem to hail from the remnants of the British Raj. They also seem to own the worst of the "mia falang" on the island.

Just ignore them!



Spot on,I agree after all we are only human, ignorant and inclined to suffer delusions of grandeur, allowable though pitiable.

Personally I prefer my wife to referred to as the "Memsahib" here in Bangkok, the term "mia falang" could remain as Phuket dialect, why not


Haven't really noticed any change to be honest. This forum and the expats I come across seem much as they used to be.

I think that it's more that people have different tastes. Eg I don't really like Rawai or Chalong and wouldn't choose to live there but that doesn't mean that I look down on people who do. Likewise it's not unusual for people to try and meet up with 'like-minded' individuals, it's human nature to prefer to spend time with people that you have things in common with.

I drive a car and would never drive a motorbike in Phuket, nothing to do with snobbery or looking down on other people, just my personal choice and mainly from a safety perspective.

I'm sure some snobbery exists of course as does plenty of reverse snobbery.

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^ Ah Mr Clease, and Mrsrs Barkers. One of the great classics. Haven't seen this for decades. Thanks for posting.

40+ years on, and some might believe its still alive and kicking in Phuket :whistling:


Can't believe you pathetic lot are discussing this.

I'm far too good to join in this thread.

I agree here, just like the old Groucho Marx comment "any club that would have me as a member I wouldn't want to belong to".

Wait a minute, does that make me a snob............????? Ah hel_l now I've confused myself, where's my Alzheimers medicine.

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There is a major difference between 'being better than' and 'being different from'. The latter, and therefor not seeking social interactions with certain others, does not implicate the former.

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some expats do not like to be put in the same basket as the guys who live in bungalows, drive 50km a day on a motorcycle going 10km/h on the right lane and wear tesco hawaiian shirt while looking to pickup every single girl they encounter in their day with their goddamn wai'ing and sawadee kapping non-stop.

Think about this before you get angry at them... that like the good black people treating those wannabe gangsters like shit.. they're tired of being associated with them.

Or the middle easterns with terrorists..

Every race/king of people has hatred toward their rednecks

i hate yet to see one of those rick phuket expats in their 5million baht cars making fun of me..

but i do try to not make farangs looks worse than they already do


Having lived here a number of years - I know my place


laugh.gifuncle ken at last ,a poster with a sense of humour thanks for the laugh. and a step back in time

mad.gif i look down on all the posters who destroy any post with stupidity and never read the text

they destroy the vision that George had when he started thai visa riley76


. They also seem to own the worst of the "mia falang" on the island.

Just ignore them!



What do you mean by that? You mean they have farang wives? Sorry I don't understand.

And yes I think people here are very diverse and so what if I want to hang out with like minded individuals? This could mean middle class working expats, who don't have bar girl girl friends and don't drink a lot. or it could mean fat property developers, rich old retirees who go to bars every night and only those with money.

And about Patong.. well you are right about that. I do look down on people who live in patong and pass instant judgement.

Who cares. I have my friends. I don't care if someone thinks they are better then me because they have more money, own a villa or 5 or whatever. I am so unaffected by it... I just hang out with like minded people. But don't need a forum to find friends.

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There is a major difference between 'being better than' and 'being different from'. The latter, and therefor not seeking social interactions with certain others, does not implicate the former.

Superb reply ! Incisive and diplomatic too !!

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There is a thread running about a meet-up for "like-minded" individuals, which kinda infers that people that don't think in a certain way are not welcome.

Anybody else noticed this increased "I'm better than you attitude"? If so, any other examples/

Oh dear, oh dear, poor old karen,you tried so hard to make a problem out of petercallens simple, innocent desire to get a few likeminded people together for some social interaction,but had your sh-tstirring post deleted,so now under the guise of this one,you are trying again to make a big scene .There are a lot of very lonely , bored ,bitter and twisted expats with too much time on their hands huh!.You could have easily just turned up on Sunday, saw for yourself that you definately do not fit the easy going, likeminded request and gone home and sulked.Your excuse for not wanting to turn up was that ''there are too many rules etc...like the military !'' You deduce this from the fact that it was encouraging ''likeminded''people. How on earth did you come to that conclusion karen? IMO, from your posting sarcastic and often smarta-se posts, you already knew that you wern't in the same boat as the guys that were organising this get together..Yes?[ I personally know these people and they are as genuine and well meaning as you will find anywhere. Fact!]

I mentioned in another post that many on this forum are full of vitriol and nastiness and as with your headline, go take a look in a mirror k/b. You to a tee! Your inability to just let these people do their own thing, without your having to keep stirring , shows us all that your decision not to attend was the correct one! We are all, no doubt delighted that you will not be there to put a downer on the afternoon.Thank you for this rare display of consideration toward others.

PS Does n;t just being an expat by definition mean you are resident.? Maybe i'm wrong and if so please define a 'resident expat'..anybody


What do you mean by that? You mean they have farang wives? Sorry I don't understand.

And yes I think people here are very diverse and so what if I want to hang out with like minded individuals? This could mean middle class working expats, who don't have bar girl girl friends and don't drink a lot. or it could mean fat property developers, rich old retirees who go to bars every night and only those with money.

And about Patong.. well you are right about that. I do look down on people who live in patong and pass instant judgement.

Who cares. I have my friends. I don't care if someone thinks they are better then me because they have more money, own a villa or 5 or whatever. I am so unaffected by it... I just hang out with like minded people. But don't need a forum to find friends.

This post seems to prove the OP's point.

Evan Johns.


What is your problem MISTER Karenbravo

The only way you would find out what people are really like is meeting them.

You chose not to.

If you really want to remain anonymous you should not put a photo of your

1980 motorcycle on this forum and keep riding it around.

Its probably the only one in Phuket


What is your problem MISTER Karenbravo

The only way you would find out what people are really like is meeting them.

You chose not to.

If you really want to remain anonymous you should not put a photo of your

1980 motorcycle on this forum and keep riding it around.

Its probably the only one in Phuket

Can't pull the wool over your eyes, eh?

Feel free to say hello next time you see me parked, though in all likelihood, it will be at a bar.


Can't pull the wool over your eyes, eh?

Feel free to say hello next time you see me parked, though in all likelihood, it will be at a bar.

You should see his boat.


Can't pull the wool over your eyes, eh?

Feel free to say hello next time you see me parked, though in all likelihood, it will be at a bar.

I said hello to you when i asked who the bike belonged to.

That will get you thinking.


Can't pull the wool over your eyes, eh?

Feel free to say hello next time you see me parked, though in all likelihood, it will be at a bar.

I said hello to you when i asked who the bike belonged to.

That will get you thinking.

Not really....there have been too many people who have asked about the bike.


Wow "decades".....!

...well been around the south since 2003...can't say I have come across the behavior you describe..except from one particular Thai lady who has been attached to a Farang for some time...looking down her nose and ignoring other Thais.

There have always been the Farangs who have that look of "I am very well off, busy and important and have no time for tourist or poor Farang plebs"

...well #$%^& them and the shiny black people carrier they road in on...lots of real nice long term expats around rich and poor...some of 'em are even on TV.. :whistling:


We should all go to the Wat and stay there in a homeless way for a few months to get a perspective of life.

Pa-lease !! I have been homeless.. You know what 'perspective on life' it taught me ?? Get a dam_n job and sort my shit out ASAP !!

Sleeping on the streets in holland at mid winter.. That aint no picnic !! Nor was Seattle in the rain !!


I tend to think that the islands geographical appeals are more defining.. Like the surin money set seem to like their enclave, the rawai / nai harn / chalong expats a bit more socially open and perhaps 'earthy' ;).. Strikes me thats its simply birds of a feather kind of deal.

I dont know if its worse than before, or just increased gravitational pull of those areas makes it more obvious and larger groupings.

Then of course places population evolve.. I was struck recently how much Nai Yang has developed and how it oddly reminded me of Rawai / nai harn of only a few years ago.

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