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13 Young Thai Women Condemned To Death In China

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The story appears to be real as there are links in this thread to articles in the ThaiRath online site.

It appears the Foreign Ministry has arranged for family to vist the women and is asking for the sentences to be commuted to life instead. From what I get from a Google translation is this seems likely to happen and China is in no hurry to carry out the death sentences.

In the one of the ThaRath articles it closes with a sharp reminder to Thais to be very careful when transporting good to China. This is a good reminder, because there is a very brisk summgling trade in clothing between Thailand and China that is carried out by people hired to carry suitcases full of clothes into Thailand. Probably at least half if not more of what you see at Platium Mall is brought in that way.

Perhaps one of our Thai Language experts could do a better job of translation then what you get on Google.



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So the moral of the story...stay away from young black men?

The trouble with these convictions is whether there is enough time for a proper court proceeding. Without knowing the whole story, maybe these (or some) girls didn't know they were mules? When traveling with their companions, maybe they were victims of not knowing they were carrying when the 'young black male' stuffed his crap in the girl's suitcase?

Best thing? Don't even go to China. Never trust the Chinese. I'm Chinese and I don't trust them.

Too bad. So sad.


these poor girls need help they probably had drugs put in there bags by these black men warn all the girls to stay away from black men then it wont happen

so how about help for them or is every one just going to let them die some one who knows someone help them.

You can't just say "stay away from black men".

It's out of order man :redcard1:

Yeah and clearly forgetting the general rumours on why the chicks luv black guys to start with.......I'd go into the details but its a SCHLONG story ;)

This whole thread is starting to deteriorate in stereotyping racism the kind of thing that the board will not allow when it comes to speaking about Thai people. Mods please


send the racists back home to their trailer parks.


Never trust the Chinese. I'm Chinese and I don't trust them.

:lol:..so watch out for that guy in the mirror; he might steal your money.



these poor girls need help they probably had drugs put in there bags by these black men warn all the girls to stay away from black men then it wont happen

so how about help for them or is every one just going to let them die some one who knows someone help them.

You can't just say "stay away from black men".

It's out of order man :redcard1:

Yeah and clearly forgetting the general rumours on why the chicks luv black guys to start with.......I'd go into the details but its a SCHLONG story ;)

This whole thread is starting to deteriorate in stereotyping racism the kind of thing that the board will not allow when it comes to speaking about Thai people. Mods please

Racism is far from what my post was about, perhaps you meant the 'other' quotes that were attached to mine, perhaps you were too lazy to seek the correct post to quote, perhaps you are missing the sense of humour gene. :rolleyes:


Yeah and clearly forgetting the general rumours on why the chicks luv black guys to start with.......I'd go into the details but its a SCHLONG story ;)

This whole thread is starting to deteriorate in stereotyping racism the kind of thing that the board will not allow when it comes to speaking about Thai people. Mods please

Racism is far from what my post was about, perhaps you meant the 'other' quotes that were attached to mine, perhaps you were too lazy to seek the correct post to quote, perhaps you are missing the sense of humour gene. :rolleyes:

No, it wasn't funny.


The story appears to be real as there are links in this thread to articles in the ThaiRath online site.

It appears the Foreign Ministry has arranged for family to vist the women and is asking for the sentences to be commuted to life instead. From what I get from a Google translation is this seems likely to happen and China is in no hurry to carry out the death sentences.

In the one of the ThaRath articles it closes with a sharp reminder to Thais to be very careful when transporting good to China. This is a good reminder, because there is a very brisk summgling trade in clothing between Thailand and China that is carried out by people hired to carry suitcases full of clothes into Thailand. Probably at least half if not more of what you see at Platium Mall is brought in that way.

Perhaps one of our Thai Language experts could do a better job of translation then what you get on Google.



Searched a very slow to load Thai Rath with no luck, anyone have a link ?

As others have pointed out, the lack of other sources confirming this is cause for doubt. Against that is the fact that if this is false then China must be one of the few countries not to have Thai drug mules. Drug smuggling in China is invariably met with the death penalty regardless of nationality, 4 Japanese earlier this year, a Brit last year (a mentally deranged one at that) so regardless of what the Foreign Ministry might say mercy is a very remote prospect if the story is indeed true.

  • 8 months later...

Any news about this case ? Did they got life behind bars instead of being murdered ?

2 months ago 3 innocent Philippinos, same case like this were executed there.



It's a pitty really but it's hard to have sympathy for people that know what is going to happen if they are court and hopefully know that the chances of being court are pretty high. They must have been pretty desperate for money!

Frankly, to me it's not too hard to sympayhize. I pity those poor thai girls. They did the wrong thing, sure. Do they deserve to die for that? i don't think so and nobody with a heart would.

Yep I think I have to agree with you on this one. Although I do believe that they were not Innocent, of the knowledge of what they were doing. Offered the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Probably under a lot of pressure from their parents?

Very sad.



I wonder if the 2 black guys just caught in Thailand were the ones that used these girls as mules to carry drugs for them.


It's a shame that anyone (almost) is put to death, and China is no stranger to killing people, and taking their organs. A country not to make mistakes in that's for sure.

As far as the black man thing goes. What if there happened, to be a black DEA agent down in the soi 4 to 15 area, that happened to dress like a thug. I'm not saying he actually is there, and I'm not saying he isn't..... :whistling: Let's not call the kettle black just because the skin is.


It's a pitty really but it's hard to have sympathy for people that know what is going to happen if they are court and hopefully know that the chances of being court are pretty high. They must have been pretty desperate for money!

Frankly, to me it's not too hard to sympayhize. I pity those poor thai girls. They did the wrong thing, sure. Do they deserve to die for that? i don't think so and nobody with a heart would.

Yep I think I have to agree with you on this one. Although I do believe that they were not Innocent, of the knowledge of what they were doing. Offered the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Probably under a lot of pressure from their parents?

Very sad.


Not knowing the dangers of the world outside your small world and the mean intentions one can hide is not a crime. Criminals behind know exactly who to pick for their job, after they have build up a relationship of trust, the <deleted> who have a nature of psychologically dominating over the less stronger. You can pick randomly 10 people you know very well, hardworking people who would never, never wish to commit any crime. Ask them to 'do you a favor' or just request them if being their boss -of a very decent job- it's not done to say 'NO! sorry I can't do that that's the most stupid thing I could do' etc. even more easy in the heat of the fire the airport and traveling stress etc. maybe more people then you would expect can't oversee the terrible dangers they are getting involved with. Everybody can be a victim of human trafficking and abuse by dominators, it's disgusting.


I wonder if the 2 black guys just caught in Thailand were the ones that used these girls as mules to carry drugs for them.

Is this Aussie humour or are you actually serious??


The only solution lies in the future. Thais must start to educate their own. Drug dealing is a fatal neighborhood to explore. No promises or guarantee is good enough to cover that. Basically that is the easiest way to end life. Thats all. Period.


In the whole story theres not a word if any of the men got arrested.

Under the blanket in the whole story it syas that China's justice system and prisons are not as bad as ...........

This is probably going to strike at least some on this forum as very politically incorrect comment, but here it goes anyway:

I (and others) have noticed a substantial influx of African "tourists" in BKK over the last year or so. The anecdotal stories I hear from others is they are here to push/mule drugs as well as other scams. Of course, this isn't all of them, but my own observations and experiences with them don't impress me in the least. The word I had from a Thai cop friend is they are working to weed them out. The word I also hear from many Thai ladies is they want nothing to do with them; they are way too aggressive and rude.

it's ez to " st rike" flamers the wrong way. and easy to see you aren't talking racially about skin color.

when a farang gets busted, it is a Russian, Brit, Swede for example; they don't say a white man, usually.

All the 'men' in this op are called black men, not, for example, Nigerians

The russians and nigerians criminal elements in Thailand make the NA and Europe sex tourists look like good guys

Very True, funny how that is, isn't it. Oh the drug dealer was some black guy, oh a black guy seduced her into the life style. Please, if they don't know the nationality, where is the value added to this piece by simply saying they were black?

Now that being said, I hate all shades of drug dealers and I respect China's system in that regard and I wished they would adopt similar measures in the US.


"The 13 Thai women were seduced by promises of independence and freedom, to participate in the international drug trade, schooled by false lovers who made it all seem easy and without risk. Most, or all, are first time offenders who began by being duped to become minor players in a world wide trade where the profits go to the organizers and the pain is borne by the foolish carriers."

It's the same old story, over and over again all over the world, not just in Thailand or China; it's also the same in Malaysia and Singapore or Indonesia

There are literally thousands of young women in the world who are in prison, being lured, seduced into the drugs business and used for trafficking by false lovers.

These guys and their organizations have a special "nose" spotting such vulnerable girls who have difficulties at home, school, business or in grieve of a lost love.

That these 13 girls were caught in a country like China, with extreme harsh penalties is very sad, especially since those drugs organizers/dealers know very well that they can't do it themselves or risk the death penalty.

It is THEY who deserve to go to jail or worse, get the death penalty.

Poor girls and their families.


Well said, LaoPo. China leaders do not care one bit what other countries think. They don't care one tiny bit about their own people. To them, humans are just pawns to be moved around in a big chess match. It doesn't matter if one dies or a million die. Their infamous former leader, Mao Tse Tung thought nothing of murdering a million of his own Chinese citizens to further his own ideals. And yet, he is still held in high esteem by Chinese. Very little has changed.


I don't feel sorry at all. They are drug trafficker and that is what they deserves. Sorry, I have no mercy. What if those smugger drug gets to you or your love one?

They all know what they are into. When they are caught, they will change their story and lie. This is human nature. Justice should be based on evident, and not stories published to get more subscribers.

You are simply a very discusting person and in-humane. I whish it was one of your children who were in their position and see what you say then.

I have had a young reletive of mine (female) who was forced into the same type of situation except she was forced into Prostitution in the UAE. She was also lured into it with false pretenses of fortune for her family back home here in Thailand. After she was promised a real job for 60,000 THB per month doing Thai Massage for rich Arab Oil workers, she arrived only to have her passport taken away and that is where her troubles began. Fortunatley we got her out with a very high ransom.

Poor people (if you have ever been hungry) are easily lured into these situations and especially woman as they are more prone to falso offers of love and a good life so if you think that these poor girls deserve to die then you should really pray to whatever god you follow that your karma works good for you and your family.

These are NOT situations where woman had made a sane decision here in Thailand to decide that they would become drug dealers, these situations are different so I sadly say that your judgment is one of the devils.


"The 13 Thai women were seduced by promises of independence and freedom, to participate in the international drug trade, schooled by false lovers who made it all seem easy and without risk. Most, or all, are first time offenders who began by being duped to become minor players in a world wide trade where the profits go to the organizers and the pain is borne by the foolish carriers."

It's the same old story, over and over again all over the world, not just in Thailand or China; it's also the same in Malaysia and Singapore or Indonesia

There are literally thousands of young women in the world who are in prison, being lured, seduced into the drugs business and used for trafficking by false lovers.

These guys and their organizations have a special "nose" spotting such vulnerable girls who have difficulties at home, school, business or in grieve of a lost love.

That these 13 girls were caught in a country like China, with extreme harsh penalties is very sad, especially since those drugs organizers/dealers know very well that they can't do it themselves or risk the death penalty.

It is THEY who deserve to go to jail or worse, get the death penalty.

Poor girls and their families.


Well said, LaoPo. China leaders do not care one bit what other countries think. They don't care one tiny bit about their own people. To them, humans are just pawns to be moved around in a big chess match. It doesn't matter if one dies or a million die. Their infamous former leader, Mao Tse Tung thought nothing of murdering a million of his own Chinese citizens to further his own ideals. And yet, he is still held in high esteem by Chinese. Very little has changed.

an estimated 40-60 million!


Executions that are carried out in China are a brutal affair. Some provinces use mobile lethal injection chambers in vans. But, the cheapest and most effective form of Chinese execution is a bullet to the back of head whilst being held down by two conscripts. And yes, the family are charged for the bullet. I have some high quality images of such executions being carried out. But, I can't show them here.

Murderers, drug smugglers/dealers and high level fraudsters all get the chop in China! No matter where you come from.


They must have been pretty desperate for money! ..Sad and people still doing,they don't see the consequences and the risk

No, one does have to be desperate for money at all (some are but that are more the stupid and careless holiday goers in Latin America) it can be just a part of a very normal 'normal' job such as housekeeping, to be send abroad. A criminal running a 'normal' business but who has a hidden agenda, very, very tricky, nasty and mean and most respectable people can easy become a victim before they realize when it's already too late. A Philippine female friend of mine is air traveling and carrying goods for her boss all the time. But I warned her when she went to China to meet a new guy. People can't be warned enough to not to take any goods for anybody even your boss with them, but in some circumstances you 'have no reason' to be suspicious. That are the circumstances created by the criminals behind most of this very sad stories. This people are victims of two rotten systems, very sad.


A criminal running a 'normal' business but who has a hidden agenda, very, very tricky, nasty and mean and most respectable people can easy become a victim before they realize when it's already too late. A Philippine female friend of mine is air traveling and carrying goods for her boss all the time. But I warned her when she went to China to meet a new guy. People can't be warned enough to not to take any goods for anybody even your boss with them, but in some circumstances you 'have no reason' to be suspicious. That are the circumstances created by the criminals behind most of this very sad stories. This people are victims of two rotten systems, very sad.

Having previously been a young person, I am aware of the truth in what you say. Yes, young people of sound intelligence do get duped and coerced into situations just like those that we are discussing here. I think many who sit in judgement would be surprised at just how smooth, convincing, and diabolical the people that orchestrate these 'mules' are. Because of this, China's killing of these young people will not be the deterrent they seek. Hopefully the Chinese government will realize this, someday.


They must have been pretty desperate for money! ..Sad and people still doing,they don't see the consequences and the risk

No, one does have to be desperate for money at all (some are but that are more the stupid and careless holiday goers in Latin America) it can be just a part of a very normal 'normal' job such as housekeeping, to be send abroad. A criminal running a 'normal' business but who has a hidden agenda, very, very tricky, nasty and mean and most respectable people can easy become a victim before they realize when it's already too late. A Philippine female friend of mine is air traveling and carrying goods for her boss all the time. But I warned her when she went to China to meet a new guy. People can't be warned enough to not to take any goods for anybody even your boss with them, but in some circumstances you 'have no reason' to be suspicious. That are the circumstances created by the criminals behind most of this very sad stories. This people are victims of two rotten systems, very sad.

When you have nothing and never had anything , all you have is what you stand up in, And you face a life of nothing , like many poor Thai people do , you would try anything to have a decent life, and with respect to these poor unfortunate mis informed , uneducated Lady's they got used. OK some take the risk but i don't think they know the consequences, again back to Education or lack of it , in other words they where gullible,

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