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Where To Buy Sandpaper? + Diy Tips Please!

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Hi all,

I am by no means a handyman, as you will gather from this question!

Been here for years, but have never seen sandpaper anywhere (then again, I have hardly ever stepped foot in a hardware store!)

Is it readily available here?

My cats have scratched the bed legs on my pine bed, and I figured I could remove the scratches, or make them less visible by using a light sanding paper and smoothing them out? Does anyone know a better way to do this?

Another problem I really need to sort out is that my aircon leaked onto a bookshelf and has made the wood swell. I guess it's plywood, and it has a black, plastic coating that now doesn't cover the swollen wood. It's a little hard to describe, as I don't know my stuff as far as this is concderned. Is there anyway to reduce this swelling, or will it recover itself in time?

Thanks for any advice,


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