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Allies Insist Thaksin Is Healthy And His Mandela Pictures Not Faked

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I doubt if Mandela or anyone is going to write to Thai Visa about the pic being fake. Anyway, who would they address the message to, if they wanted to say the pic with Elvis is fake? There are fake pics everywhere in the world, and our little world is not that important to everyone.

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Quick courtesy meeting at time undetermined. No photos taken. Now photos appear. Add it up and make what you will as indeed everyone is

Who gives a #$%^

Its all about spin, propagnda, news cycles, marketing, PR etc and people depending on their own bias will believe what they want to believe. Try asking a few or even a lot of Thai people what they think of the pic. Interestingly one opinion is well prevalent, which may be down to truth or down to someone winning the propaganda game on this one.


Here's a more mundane theory:

Maybe like what Mr. Mandela's office said, the meeting took place, fair and square,

BUT, someone forgot to take pictures

To save face, a quick photoshopped picture is made to appease team T.

Believable, but that would be one epic fail to make on the part of T.S's PR team, given how much experience and savvy we've seen so far from them. Heads will roll in an epic manner

At least hire someone else with better photoshop-<deleted> or release a higher res pic.

But to echo geriatrickid's words, things are still up in the air unless more damming, ground-breaking proof is presented

Or - no OFFICIAL photos taken, but Thaksin's people took UNOFFICIAL ones. Mandela office response is not clear on this point.


Strange how the back of Tacky's hand is 'white' and yet his fingers are 'black'!

well spotted ! looking at the difference between the black fingers and back of the Tacky's hand shows they are from 2 photos.

To me, on my fairly color-secured monitor, the fingers look to be normally shadowed. Not any black-ness to the that would suggest a 'shop' (from presumably a black mans hand...)


Thepthai doubts Thaksin-Mandela’s photos

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Spokesperson to the Democrat Party Leader Thepthai Senpong has voiced his belief that the recently disseminated photographs between ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and former South African President Nelson Mandela were fabricated.

Mr Thepthai voiced his suspicion if the photographs were edited or not because there were some inconsistencies found between the first photograph Mr Thaksin took with the South African President himself and the second one with his wife.

The spokesperson then challengingly commented that the deposed Prime Minister would likely make a video link talk showing both his face and voice clearly similar to what he did in the past in order to prove his good health condition as claimed.

Mr Thepthai speculated that the recently released photographs of Mr Thaksin was just to confirm his existence to prevent Pheu Thai MPs from defecting to other parties because earlier some groups of Pheu Thai MPs could not contact Mr Thaksin.

The photographs were lately released by former Foreign Minister and Mr Thaksin’s Legal Advisor Noppadon Pattama to prove that Mr Thaksin remains in good health and is not suffering from cancer as rumored.


-- NNT 2010-09-02 footer_n.gif


One inflammatory post discussing moderation deleted

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Canuck, if you compare to other rounded parts of Thaksin's image the ear has no color spread to adjacent pixels, as is seen around it in other parts, it is unnaturally squared or there would be some color leakage into the left dark pixels as seem in other portions of the image. Simple answer they got lazy.

The thing about the ear is that no one would be so stupid as to leave an ear square. So either the Photo shop guy is a total moron, or what we have here is just an effect of the compression (lot's of into shoved onto few pixels) that managed to pull some of the curved info into a straight line. I have seen it before, it happens. It is just a random result of repixeling. slightly curved lines can become straight when vertical/horizontal and straight lines become stepped or more straight.

That being said, the jaw line and the hands are the red flags for me.

I suspect that Noppadom hired the photoshopper.

That explains the 'moron value added' aspect.

I know the type of pixel averaging you mention.

Since similar stuff didn't happen on angled stuff in the same shot,

the fact this is a dead straight line for so long gives it away.

I think my point is towards yours, it no longer looks randomized.

But should.


What I find strange is I can see a reflection of Mandella and the books on the desk, but no reflection of Thaskin?


Fugitive ex-Thai PM: I visited Mandela

Emerging from weeks of silence, fugitive former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has appeared in Africa, where he says he is dealing in diamonds and visiting Nobel Peace laureate Nelson Mandela.

A photo of his meeting with the former South African president was released in Thailand by Thaksin's lawyer in an apparent move to quash rumours that the divisive ex-prime minister is ill – and to advertise that he's rubbing shoulders with VIPs abroad.

"I travel all the time. Currently, I'm in Africa for diamond mining," Thaksin told the Thai Rath newspaper in an interview published on Thursday. He did not specify if he was still in South Africa. He said rumours of his failing health were "lies".

Thaksin said the photograph with Mandela was taken last Friday.

full story: http://www.news24.com/World/News/Fugitive-ex-Thai-PM-visited-Mandela-20100902


South Africa




Thaksin could be dead since the April rumors. The Fiji photos is a major embarrassment to the possibly late Thaksin. It has been proof that someone impose Thaksin image into the photo of a temple. He was caught red handed because the original shot without him was found in the web. Please see both photos below.

post-98578-079201400 1283438928_thumb.jp

post-98578-097809900 1283438935_thumb.jp


Thaksin could be dead since the April rumors. The Fiji photos is a major embarrassment to the possibly late Thaksin. It has been proof that someone impose Thaksin image into the photo of a temple. He was caught red handed because the original shot without him was found in the web. Please see both photos below.

Well, on the shot at the right you can really see how thin he has gotten....


wiki note: Mandela's clan name is "Madiba", an honorary title adopted by all members of his clan.

Sinawatra Alleges Madiba Visit

Flamboyant fugitive Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Sinawatra has alleged that he spent time with ex-President Nelson Mandela recently. Sinawatra told the Thai Rath newspaper that: "I travel all the time. Currently, I'm in Africa for diamond mining”. His lawyer released a photo of Sinawatra with Madiba to dispel talk in Thailand that Sinawatra was in bad health.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation has not confirmed the allegation. Sinawatra has been on the run since being ousted in a military coup in 2006. He has spent much of his time in exile sealing business deals across the globe as works to recoup much of his fortune that was first froze then seized by his political opponents in Thailand.



NewsTime (South Africa) - September 2, 2010


A couple of things this "marketing expert" could do when he has his puppy dog hold a press conference is to simply provide all details that this speculating is about. He could achieve much more credibility by simply providing the specifics of who, what, when, and where the photos are taken. This should also include the preemptive step of providing the text which provides confirmation from the person he takes the photo with (along with the means to easily verify the authenticity of this confirmation). He could also have provided the press with high resolution copies of the photo for the doubting to verify more effectively.

In other words, if he was completely upfront and thoroughly transparent whenever he holds these press conferences, all this speculation (and not only is it being done here at TV) would be avoided.

The reality is that to do so would diminish the intent in that he would have to admit that it was nothing more than a brief courtesy call done during the World Cup when Mandela likely met large number of individuals in courtesy calls.

No, he would rather shroud his presence in subterfuge and imply to his minions that he's meeting world famous leaders and holding substantial talks with them.

Far from "knowing a thing or two about marketing", what he knows well is propaganda and BS.

looks like I was right ;)

Mandela-Thaksin meeting confirmed

Cape Town - The Nelson Mandela Foundation on Thursday confirmed that fugitive former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was with Nelson Mandela last Friday. "He did see Mr Mandela," the foundation's spokesperson Sello Hatang told News24. "It was a courtesy call, no business was discussed," he said.

According to a newspaper interview, Thaksin was also "in Africa for diamond mining". The Associated Press reported earlier that a photo of the former prime minister meeting with Mandela was released in Thailand by Thaksin's lawyer in a move to disprove rumours that the ex-prime minister was ill and also to advertise that he was rubbing shoulders with VIPs while abroad.

It has been reported that Thaksin has visited South Africa previously to inspect diamond mines and travelled to Liberia, Uganda, and Swaziland for investments in diamonds and gold.



News24 (South Africa) - September 2, 2010


Photo genuine or not ....this from News 24.com

News24 and AP

Cape Town - The Nelson Mandela Foundation on Thursday confirmed that fugitive former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was with Nelson Mandela last Friday.

"He did see Mr Mandela," the foundation's spokesperson Sello Hatang told News24.

"It was a courtesy call, no business was discussed," he said.

oops ...duplicated..from previous...


I doubt whether Mandela has much detailed interest in Thai politics but nevertheless its interesting to speculate, quite apart from his recent session with Thaksin, which of the Thai groupings a statesman of his calibre, background and ideology would lend support to.Actually there's no doubt about where his sympathies would lie - which is why I suppose this incident caused such a flurry among the reactionaries on this forum and elsewhere.


I'm sure Mr. Mandela will meet with most wealthy, 'philanthropic appearing' individuals,

especially if they indicate they will make a nice donation to the Mandela Foundation.

I guy with and island, private jets and a billion Dollars US is a prefect target for a 'foundation'.

There seems little likely connection between two the men further than that.

Mandela is raising funds for his projects, he meets people with money for that end goal.

Which raises the questions:

Did Thaksin's advance team indicate a donation would be forthcoming?

And if so how much actually was donated to get Thaksin his "meet 'n' greet".

What is the going rate for a international living legend to meet with

a wanna be world player, and purchaser of likely "blood diamonds"?


A couple of things this "marketing expert" could do when he has his puppy dog hold a press conference is to simply provide all details that this speculating is about. He could achieve much more credibility by simply providing the specifics of who, what, when, and where the photos are taken. This should also include the preemptive step of providing the text which provides confirmation from the person he takes the photo with (along with the means to easily verify the authenticity of this confirmation). He could also have provided the press with high resolution copies of the photo for the doubting to verify more effectively.

In other words, if he was completely upfront and thoroughly transparent whenever he holds these press conferences, all this speculation (and not only is it being done here at TV) would be avoided.

The reality is that to do so would diminish the intent in that he would have to admit that it was nothing more than a brief courtesy call done during the World Cup when Mandela likely met large number of individuals in courtesy calls.

No, he would rather shroud his presence in subterfuge and imply to his minions that he's meeting world famous leaders and holding substantial talks with them.

Far from "knowing a thing or two about marketing", what he knows well is propaganda and BS.

looks like I was right ;)

Mandela-Thaksin meeting confirmed

Cape Town - The Nelson Mandela Foundation on Thursday confirmed that fugitive former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was with Nelson Mandela last Friday. "He did see Mr Mandela," the foundation's spokesperson Sello Hatang told News24. "It was a courtesy call, no business was discussed," he said.

According to a newspaper interview, Thaksin was also "in Africa for diamond mining". The Associated Press reported earlier that a photo of the former prime minister meeting with Mandela was released in Thailand by Thaksin's lawyer in a move to disprove rumours that the ex-prime minister was ill and also to advertise that he was rubbing shoulders with VIPs while abroad.

It has been reported that Thaksin has visited South Africa previously to inspect diamond mines and travelled to Liberia, Uganda, and Swaziland for investments in diamonds and gold.



News24 (South Africa) - September 2, 2010

There's both a confirmation and a denial. So I hereby heartily congratulate you on maintaining your 100% record of being correct in most, if not all things, ever. Well done. Have a cookie.


I'm sure Mr. Mandela will meet with most wealthy, 'philanthropic appearing' individuals,

especially if they indicate they will make a nice donation to the Mandela Foundation.

I guy with and island, private jets and a billion Dollars US is a prefect target for a 'foundation'.

There seems little likely connection between two the men further than that.

Mandela is raising funds for his projects, he meets people with money for that end goal.

Which raises the questions:

Did Thaksin's advance team indicate a donation would be forthcoming?

And if so how much actually was donated to get Thaksin his "meet 'n' greet".

What is the going rate for a international living legend to meet with

a wanna be world player, and purchaser of likely "blood diamonds"?

As I said earlier the reactionaries can't really process this development without becoming incoherent.The question remains which grouping in Thailand is it likely that a man like Mandela would be drawn to?


I doubt whether Mandela has much detailed interest in Thai politics but nevertheless its interesting to speculate, quite apart from his recent session with Thaksin, which of the Thai groupings a statesman of his calibre, background and ideology would lend support to.Actually there's no doubt about where his sympathies would lie - which is why I suppose this incident caused such a flurry among the reactionaries on this forum and elsewhere.

Well i don't know about how other Thai politicians might fare, but i have no doubt that if Mandela was so inclined as to carry out some in-depth research into Thaksin's background, his sympathies would be saved for causes more worthy.


I give a bit more credibility to the people of the Nelson Mandela Foundation than to the people of the Nation and the Thaksin haters (hence people who work for the government or on government projects) on this forum:

The Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg confirmed that the visit took place last Friday and that the pictures are authentic. "It was not a meeting, it was a courtesy call," spokesman Sello Hatang said. He said he did not know what they discussed.


I give a bit more credibility to the people of the Nelson Mandela Foundation than to the people of the Nation and the Thaksin haters (hence people who work for the government or on government projects) on this forum:

Indeed. Every person on Earth (or on this forum) who does not support Thaksin is indeed on government payroll. How could it be otherwise?


The Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg confirmed that the visit took place last Friday and that the pictures are authentic.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg did NOT confirm the pictures are authentic.


I give a bit more credibility to the people of the Nelson Mandela Foundation than to the people of the Nation and the Thaksin haters (hence people who work for the government or on government projects) on this forum:

The Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg confirmed that the visit took place last Friday and that the pictures are authentic. "It was not a meeting, it was a courtesy call," spokesman Sello Hatang said. He said he did not know what they discussed.

It may surprise you, but there are also 'Thaksin-haters' not working for the government or on govern. projects. K. Sondhi is one of them :lol:


As I said earlier the reactionaries can't really process this development without becoming incoherent.The question remains which grouping in Thailand is it likely that a man like Mandela would be drawn to?

A man under whose premiership Muslims were piled up on top of each other on the back of a truck and left to suffocate, I would presume.

Though I doubt he'd be drawn to anyone on the Thai political scene.


Quick courtesy meeting at time undetermined. No photos taken. Now photos appear. Add it up and make what you will as indeed everyone is

Who gives a #$%^

Its all about spin, propagnda, news cycles, marketing, PR etc and people depending on their own bias will believe what they want to believe. Try asking a few or even a lot of Thai people what they think of the pic. Interestingly one opinion is well prevalent, which may be down to truth or down to someone winning the propaganda game on this one.

Most Thai people have no idea who Nelson Mandela is.

Thaksin donated a sum to the Nelson Mandela foundation.

I had to laugh when one of Thaksin's close friends said yesterday he was suffering from prostrate gland problems but it wasn't cancer.

Come clean Thaksin, for once in your life, before it's too late.


one of Thaksin's close friends said yesterday he was suffering from prostrate gland problems but it wasn't cancer.

Come clean Thaksin, for once in your life, before it's too late.

It was surprising to read his former classmate and long-time confidant Air Chief Marshall Sumet Phomanee make those revelations in light of all the speculating going on currently in that regard.

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