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The entrance is on the west side of the road opposite a large K-Tech sign. After you drive past the lake the road veers left then take the first right turn. Follow this paved road straight almost 2 Km to the end.B)

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I'll be there but I think the wife is going to skip this one.

I'll be bringing pulled BBQ beef and buns for southwest style BBQ sandwiches, maybe another dish and I will bring a couple of two litter bottles of soda.


Are there barbecue facilities there or do have to buy one of Kandahar's barbecues :)

I don't recall anything a westerner would consider a BBQ pit. Since it is for Thais I assume they would bring the little clay things or the 55 gal. drum type with them.

Everyone needs one of Kds BBQ pits although I am still trying to talk him into a smaller version.

If he comes maybe he will bring one for advertizing although it may take 4 grown men to lift it into a PU. Built to last.:)

I may bring a little portable LPG camping grill, just in case.

If anyone is going to be in need of a BBQ grill for heating their dish or cooking, let me know. I can bring a grill and charcoal for that purpose.


We will be there. Two people. We will be bringing some Chicken Korma I bought from SausageKing and we will be making rice. A couple of bottles of softdrink too. We will heat the stuff at Po' family house and hope it stays warm enough.


We will be there. Two people. We will be bringing some Chicken Korma I bought from SausageKing and we will be making rice. A couple of bottles of softdrink too. We will heat the stuff at Po' family house and hope it stays warm enough.

It is a picnic. No problem.:) Don't worry about the small things like warm enough.:jap:


Weather report still looking good, actually better, 25C and sunnyB)

Good Luck with that weather Report Scorpio1945 :) Its persisting it down here in not so sunny Phayamengrai.

I cant make it this time, but while your all out and about can you see if you can find a suitable site for a stoneing.

I'm thinking a high wall something like the walls at the Old prison but not with Historical Value. Somewhere we can stone Off-topic posters to death for their Sins. It has to have a large open area for spectators , a stony area would be excellent.


I once knew butcher who backed into his meat-grinder. He got a little behind in his work.

Years later, I met a Chinese chef who backed into his meat-grinder. He got a little behind in his wok.


Weather report still looking good, actually better, 25C and sunnyB)

Good Luck with that weather Report Scorpio1945 :) Its persisting it down here in not so sunny Phayamengrai.

I cant make it this time, but while your all out and about can you see if you can find a suitable site for a stoneing.

I'm thinking a high wall something like the walls at the Old prison but not with Historical Value. Somewhere we can stone Off-topic posters to death for their Sins. It has to have a large open area for spectators , a stony area would be excellent.

I will keep an eye out. :) It may leave TV with only 3 or 4 posters though. The bug up the butt people will have to bring their own throne like chairs though.B) .


Speaking of chairs, I have three picnic tables that will seat a total of 20 that can go if they are needed AND if someone has pickup trucks to take them in. My Suzuki isn't large enough to haul them.


Speaking of chairs, I have three picnic tables that will seat a total of 20 that can go if they are needed AND if someone has pickup trucks to take them in. My Suzuki isn't large enough to haul them.

There is seating for 12 around the 3 small tables and seating for 16 or so in the covered area for those that don't mind eating of a plate on their lap (me) I will bring a couple of folding camping chairs bought for this purpose and your previous suggestion of tail gate eating is quite appropriate for a picnic. :jap:

Don't be too nice, you will make the rest of us feel bad.B)


We will be there. Two people. We will be bringing some Chicken Korma I bought from SausageKing and we will be making rice. A couple of bottles of softdrink too. We will heat the stuff at Po' family house and hope it stays warm enough.

Great. I don't know what Chicken Korma is so that is perfect. Also been wanting to take a nibble of SK's fare.:)


We will be there. Two people. We will be bringing some Chicken Korma I bought from SausageKing and we will be making rice. A couple of bottles of softdrink too. We will heat the stuff at Po' family house and hope it stays warm enough.

Great. I don't know what Chicken Korma is so that is perfect. Also been wanting to take a nibble of SK's fare.:)

Just got back from the Pot Luck. Great afternoon, scrummy food and nice to meet some of you from the forum. You couldn't have organised better weather as well. Thanks again Scorpio for getting it started. Don't leave it too long till the next one. Harsu


My father and I also really enjoyed this afternoon's Pot Luck.

Nice to meet everybody and I am really looking forward to the next one.

Great location , the weather was perfect and the food was delicious.

Thank you scorpio 1945 for all your effort.


My father and I also really enjoyed this afternoon's Pot Luck.

Nice to meet everybody and I am really looking forward to the next one.

Great location , the weather was perfect and the food was delicious.

Thank you scorpio 1945 for all your effort.

So what was on the menu Guys ?

next time, maybe I can get together with SunnyDisposition and knock up some real 'Haute Cuisine' :D


Thanks, Scorpio, for persisting in your endeavor to bring us together. Great job. I think this is the first time that I have witnessed someone sticking with it long enough to have success. And a success it was.

There was a lot of food left over. Everyone brought enough to feed themselves and a small army. Great food, too. Quite the variety. Meats, veggies, desserts, casseroles…….. There was so many entrees, I couldn't try them all and I only took a bit of each one, hoping that I could try them all. I won't try to list all of the dishes that were there. If you really want to know what type of dishes turn up, you just need to show up at the next one and see what arrives. I enjoyed bringing what I brought but I'll bring something different next time, just to change things up. And the Harsu gang shamed me with several dessert dishes. I realize I had better contribute at least one dessert next time. And it had probably better be apple pie, since my wife made the mistake of asking who wanted apple pie when the meal was finished. Everyone decided they needed apple pie and that is when she let slip that she wanted some too and was sorry there wasn't any available. That girl has a sense of humor.

A small propane camp stove showed up in case anyone needed to reheat their dish before serving but it wasn't needed. I suspect it may be needed for the next one though, if only for making a nice pot of coffee or tea after lunch. I suspect the weather will be a bit cooler. I didn't see any alcohol of any type at this gathering but if coffee enters into the menu on the next one, I'll likely bring along a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream. Great stuff in a cup of coffee on a cool afternoon.

Good company, nice conversation, some laughs. One small child was in attendance. Too bad. More kids would have had a great time there. But the one that was there had a great time anyway. Lots of room to run and be a kid and so he did and was.

Most of the attendees were TV forum folks. I think only one couple wasn't regular culprits here and came as invited guests of other forum folks. I think after hearing the forum tales, that couple may be forum outlaws in the future.

Not sure how many nationalities there were. But it wasn't a nationality thing. Everyone got on well and I think that everyone enjoyed all of the dishes they tried. The Thai wives seemed to enjoy the dishes just as much as the rest of us. I believe there were as many Farang ladies in attendance as there were Thai ladies. Unfortunately, no Thai men accompanied us.

The afternoon sun, accompanied by a nice breeze, made for perfect weather and even invited a bit of napping on a mat in the shade after lunch. Perfect snoozing weather for a guy with a full stomach. Glad my wife insisted on bringing a few pillows.

I met some folks that I hadn't met before. I think I already knew half of the attendees. We even had one family who drove from CM to attend this thing with us. I'm glad they did.

There was no fee for use of the facilities. The grounds were clean and all that was needed in the way of facilities was already in place. As much as I liked that place, it makes me wonder how many other secret gems are out there, waiting to be discovered. I'll start asking more questions of the government workers in my family about what is available out there.

Bocci ball and peytong were mentioned as games that are suitable for such an event in the future. Maybe next time. I might even put together a horseshoe set. Not sure we're ready for all of that yet, though. The conversation in the shade between all participants was probably more rewarding than being divided into opposing camps for a match of any kind.

All in all, a great, long, pleasant afternoon. The meal ended, conversation began and continued for several hours and then a rush for seconds on the food as the sun began slipping into the trees on the horizon. Packed it all up and headed for home just before the mozzies arrived and the temps began to fall. Looking forward to the next one.


My father and I also really enjoyed this afternoon's Pot Luck.

Nice to meet everybody and I am really looking forward to the next one.

Great location , the weather was perfect and the food was delicious.

Thank you scorpio 1945 for all your effort.

Kudos to Scorpio 1945 for all of the planning correspondence and good judgment it took to obtain this perfect site. As has been said the food was wide in variety as well as high in quality. Lively conversations punctuated with a bit of laughter and fact sharing about Chiang Rai's inner workings kept everyone involved. Nice to have met all of you for the first time as I am a newbie that was made comfortable with hospitality and open handed exchanges of friendly banter. Anyone that did not attend should attend the next one or they will miss out on a good bit of fun and cometary as well as a buffet of food second to none in.

Photos anyone ??? I saw a few cameras so I kept my camera in my pocket.


Perfect weather and even better food. Approximately 20 in attendance but we could have handled easily twice as many or more. Facilities were more than adequate and they even cleaned the restrooms for us and cleared a path. Some of the dishes were pulled beef BBQ sandwiches, Potatoes Au Gratin, Boston backed beans (with recipe), potato salad, deviled eggs, chicken Korma, cole slaw, killer chocolate cake muffins that may be the best desert I have had in Thailand. Several more that excapes me at the moment. All great. Too great, as it prevented me taking my walk. Maybe best was meeting three new people. :jap:

Thanks all. Reminded me of a family reunion picnic.

Only a few pictures, as I was too stuffed to move.:D



Here are some more pics about the Pot Luck.

I had a good timelaugh.gif Thank you Mr. Scorpio and your wife to find the nice location make we are enjoyed.

I hope we do again soon.


P.S. Next time, apple pie for sure.partytime2.gif








Looks like many of the usual suspects were there. I haven't met the short one, the tall one or the one on wheels, in the last picture of the first grouping. Maybe next time. Think I know that lazy guy passed out on the grass, however.

Just back from Hawaii and Bangkok, we were pretty much peopled out and still suffering from jet-lag.

A special acknowledgement for Scorpio's dogged persistence.


I would be curious as to the frequency that we should attemp this gathering :jap:

I would think no further than one gathering ahead. Perhaps the next one should be related to one of the upcoming holidays.

A chance encounter with Jubby and his harem, the three young-uns in particular, got the wife thinking about a combination Loy Katong/Thanksgiving gathering. Their three young pleas, for a repeat performance of a couple years ago, were hard to ignore and the wife has a new Turkey recipe she wants to try as well.

Anyway it has worked for us in the past and may work for a potluck gathering as well. This is definitely the right time of year to take advantage of outdoor gatherings.


I would be curious as to the frequency that we should attemp this gathering :jap:

I would think no further than one gathering ahead. Perhaps the next one should be related to one of the upcoming holidays.

A chance encounter with Jubby and his harem, the three young-uns in particular, got the wife thinking about a combination Loy Katong/Thanksgiving gathering. Their three young pleas, for a repeat performance of a couple years ago, were hard to ignore and the wife has a new Turkey recipe she wants to try as well.

Anyway it has worked for us in the past and may work for a potluck gathering as well. This is definitely the right time of year to take advantage of outdoor gatherings.

And I thought the conversation in Big C was about Motorbikes. :huh:

My Kids pleading for a FREE Turkey dinner ! ? ... Must have trained them well.

I'll make sure they are available ....... and Hungry B)


And I thought the conversation in Big C was about Motorbikes. :huh:

My Kids pleading for a FREE Turkey dinner ! ? ... Must have trained them well.

I'll make sure they are available ....... and Hungry B)

I think they were more interested in a party and games, like last time. The turkey is my wife's idea. We did that last year with two other couples, as I remember. Not sure if it was Thanksgiving, though. Might have been some other holiday.


I would be curious as to the frequency that we should attemp this gathering :jap:

If you can promise 'Potatoes Au Gratin' and Kd's BBQ Sandwich's , then Weekly :)

But seriously, it did look like it would be just you and Kd until the last minute. Did you get Pm's from people or did they just turn up ? . I suppose you could try monthly and see how it goes.


I would be curious as to the frequency that we should attemp this gathering :jap:

If you can promise 'Potatoes Au Gratin' and Kd's BBQ Sandwich's , then Weekly :)

But seriously, it did look like it would be just you and Kd until the last minute. Did you get Pm's from people or did they just turn up ? . I suppose you could try monthly and see how it goes.

I was fully prepared for just the 3 or 4 of us to be there since I did not personally know who the people were that expressed an interest. . Five people had said they were probably coming but did not come for some reason. One came out of the blue and was a great addition. That is why I kept going back to the free park setting idea.. No RSVP needed. If 4 or 40 poeple come it is irrelivant. Still would had had a great time. Just may have gotten that walk in.:D At someones home, different issues.:huh:


I would be curious as to the frequency that we should attemp this gathering :jap:

I would think no further than one gathering ahead. Perhaps the next one should be related to one of the upcoming holidays.

A chance encounter with Jubby and his harem, the three young-uns in particular, got the wife thinking about a combination Loy Katong/Thanksgiving gathering. Their three young pleas, for a repeat performance of a couple years ago, were hard to ignore and the wife has a new Turkey recipe she wants to try as well.

Anyway it has worked for us in the past and may work for a potluck gathering as well. This is definitely the right time of year to take advantage of outdoor gatherings.

Do you like the present location or a different one? 21st or 28th Nov. assuming we stick to Sunday. (To get the discussion going):jap:


Do you like the present location or a different one? 21st or 28th Nov. assuming we stick to Sunday. (To get the discussion going):jap:

The present location seem Ideal.

21st is Loy Katoey I believe. 28th probably better.

Not being an amateur Chef like some of you, the biggest problem for me is finding something that will travel well and won't make people sick :)

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