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Is the recipe for those beans a secret ? Seriously tasty.

Sven and I were discussing how we used to eat baked beans as a last resort when the fridge was empty , in our batchelor days, after a session on the Beavers Milk . He used to eat frozen Pizza too. used to defrost in his mouth he was saying :D

Well Jubby, I admit to cooking a lot of baked beans together with "Falusausage" close to payday. But it was the Village Idiot that was eating frozen pizza direct out of the freezer. When I was young we had no Pizza and absolutely no frozen Pizza!


So that big turn out on the night of the midnight sun is to let the aroma of beans escape from Swedish houses?

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Maybe Sven can plug the potluck location into his Google map.

I have marked "POT LUCK" into OUR Chiang Rai Google Map!


Thank you, OUR good man.


Just done a search in Yahoo. for Falusausage and the top of the list is 'Cat rapes Dog' (DOWNLOAD TORRENT)

I think I need to change my search engine :(


Did you mean:Falu sausage

search results

cat rapes dog (download torrent) - TPB

please tip me of about torrents or upload crd albums or videos that not are included here, ... XXXXXXXd up but i am to buisy coressing my old falusausage to bother fixing it. ...

thepiratebay.org/torrent/4285945/cat_rapes_dog - Cached

Frozen Meat and Sausages

Veal Striploin and ribeye. Some of our Sausages. Falusausage Bratwurst Hot Dog. Pepperoni Chorizo Salami. Link to the swedish website: http://www.gourmetfood.se ...

gourmetfoodsvg.com/ba3e1570-3317-4416-bee9-7cd5a4b41226-1... - Cached

Calamity Amelie - Core Model of the Month January 2009

Calamity Amelie gives us a peak inside her world as she gives us a deep and ... send me a package of creamed macaronies with nutmeg and swedish falusausage? ...

www.thecore.nu/blog/mom/0109 - Cached

Cooking and Eating Utensils

Bacon,'Falusausage', ground beef, meatballs, pork belly, pork chops and sliced beef account for more than one-third of the intake of fried meat ...

lib.bioinfo.pl/meid:64068 - 59k - Cached



When my wife and I come visit in Phayao in Feb/March, I hope this pot luck is still a happening every month and would like to visit. My wife's cousin is the lead chief in one of the great restaurants in Sweden and works there 9 months out of the year and comes back to Phayao from Jan/Apr and always cooks for me his specialties. His Swedish meatballs are to die for and sells them on the side. For sure I would like to bring him also. I also will have about 10,000 songs-oldies but goodies on flash drives and maybe we could hook up a couple of external speakers on laptops to play some good music. I need too talk to you guys living there, retired, and make sure I have my ducks lined up prior to going to the Thai embassy to apply for a retirement visa.


After reading some of the other threads here, I realize I am spending too much money on the dishes I bring. So, next time, count on me to bring a shredded cardboard salad with Elmer's glue for the dressing.


For brian and others who might be reluctant to show up for the Pot Luck. If I can show up unannounced and not be pelted with rotten eggs, then I think it is safe for anyone. (You might lookout for Jubby but his aim isn't very good.)

Besides, don't be confused by what goes on in these pages and what goes on in real life. Even people who don't get along here, are invariably civil when they meet. Just don't walk around with your TV moniker pinned to your chest. Smile, say hello, start a conversation, and if the subject comes up, tell them who you are.

It is a lovely location with lovely people and reportedly good food. I didn't bring anythings, so didn't partake but they were very welcoming and even insistent that I try things. Maybe next time, if I am able to contribute something as well.


When my wife and I come visit in Phayao in Feb/March, I hope this pot luck is still a happening every month and would like to visit. My wife's cousin is the lead chief in one of the great restaurants in Sweden and works there 9 months out of the year and comes back to Phayao from Jan/Apr and always cooks for me his specialties. His Swedish meatballs are to die for and sells them on the side. For sure I would like to bring him also. I also will have about 10,000 songs-oldies but goodies on flash drives and maybe we could hook up a couple of external speakers on laptops to play some good music. I need too talk to you guys living there, retired, and make sure I have my ducks lined up prior to going to the Thai embassy to apply for a retirement visa.

Of course, we will look forward to meeting you and your gang. We'll even keep jubby on a short leash until you get used to him.


Hey, me and Geno get on fine. I'm still working on some others though . They'll come around :D

Hey VF. I'll try to improve my Aim next time :)

Nice song just sprung to my head. Don't know why. thought I'd share it B)


Hey, me and Geno get on fine. I'm still working on some others though . They'll come around :D

Have you met him in person or just via the forum? Unless you treat him differently than you do the others, he needs to be forewarned that you'll pee on his shoes when you meet him, just to leave your mark. You'll notice I still pick up a stout stick when I see you.


Stout sticks and peeing on people aside, it looks like a great day out :)

I hope I can add to the gathering when I get off this freezing cold snow bound island!

Might be a bit of a trek for me and my small tribe, we've only got the Fino for transport!

Maybe I can borrow the neighbours truck for the day. If we have to resort to the 'tractor' we'll need to set off three days beforehand!


Stout sticks and peeing on people aside, it looks like a great day out :)

I hope I can add to the gathering when I get off this freezing cold snow bound island!

Might be a bit of a trek for me and my small tribe, we've only got the Fino for transport!

Maybe I can borrow the neighbours truck for the day. If we have to resort to the 'tractor' we'll need to set off three days beforehand!

Let me know when your comming Biff. I'll arrange some morris dancing. make better use of Kd's stout stick.

teach some of these mercans and Europeens how to really party :D

As I've often said. Women are alright but you cant beat the real thing :D


It always does my ego good to know that other people notice my stout stick. But you aren't allowed to fool with it so don't go promising anything to others concerning my stout stick. You can make promises to them concerning your own stick.

Biff, the sooner you get here, the better. If I'm still here, we can probably work out some transportation for you.


Ah yes, morris dancing. Splendid idea! Tell you what, you put some flowers in yer 'at and make the best use of Marty's stout stick and I'll just eat some pie :)


Biff, the sooner you get here, the better. Amen to that brother!

If I'm still here, we can probably work out some transportation for you. We should be ok, but I'll let you know if we need some help :) thanks.


Stout stick eh Marty.

Its perfectly natural when Aroused by a Handsome Man. Ask Jingthing on one of the other forums :D

Speaking of stout sticks, did your implant surgery go okay? I meant to visit you in hospital to buoy your spirits but I was too busy at home to get away.


Ah yes, morris dancing. Splendid idea! Tell you what, you put some flowers in yer 'at and make the best use of Marty's stout stick and I'll just eat some pie :)


Stout stick eh Marty.

Its perfectly natural when Aroused by a Handsome Man. Ask Jingthing on one of the other forums :D

Speaking of stout sticks, did your implant surgery go okay? I meant to visit you in hospital to buoy your spirits but I was too busy at home to get away.

Edit: I meant to say also, I hope the implant surgery wasn't a flop. Let us know.


Maybe you could sing one of these classics?

Thanks Biff. Brilliant. I do miss the old folk songs. Scarborough fairs one of my favourites. Quite a haunting tune .

I do hope Scorpio didn't mind us hijacking his thread for a bit of banter and frivolity :)

I'm sure he'll be along to get it back on track ;)


Oops. Looks like I have to get going. Wife isn't too happy with me right now. Apparently, she asked me to wash the dishes while she was at the market, not watch the dishes. We sure have our share of communication troubles.


Maybe you could sing one of these classics?

Thanks Biff. Brilliant. I do miss the old folk songs. Scarborough fairs one of my favourites. Quite a haunting tune .

I do hope Scorpio didn't mind us hijacking his thread for a bit of banter and frivolity :)

I'm sure he'll be along to get it back on track ;)

Anything said with a presumed smile on their face is welcome here. Nice relief from the cheese posts.

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