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17 And Want My Passport And Nationality Back.

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Ok, here's my story. I was born in Thailand and lived there for 5 years, I had a Thai passport and nationality. My father came along from Kuwait and took me and my mother away from Thailand. And I've been stuck in Kuwait since I was 6. I hate it here. I miss my family back in Thailand and the problem is that I have a Kuwaiti nationality here because of my father which stops me from having a passport unless he says so until I'm 21. I want to get my Thai passport renewed, I'm wondering if it's possible when I'm 17 and with no parents. My mother is still Thai but it's complicated with her because this country is so rich she is willing to give up her freedom for some reason, so she's not helping me out until I'm done with uni that this country is funding. All I have is, my old Thai passport that expired 10 years ago and an original Thai certificate document. Also I wonder about my Thai nationality, since I am a minor and my parents never renounced my Thai nationality when I got this other one, it still means I'm Thai right? And I'm still allowed to a Thai passport? And if I have to wait till I'm 18 I'm good with that too cause it's only 2 months away but the sooner the better, my grandparents are really old and I want a chance to see them before they start forgetting me.

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Go to the Thai Embassy in Kuwait, a Friend of mine just got her Thai & Citizenship papers passport from their embassy in Stockholm after growing up in Sweden (born of a Swedish Father & Thai Mother in Stockholm) so you shouldn't have a problem, especially if the Kuwaiti Gov. allows dual Citizenship like most countries do. Just take all the paperwork you have with you re your Thai National Status.

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Yes the first step would be a visit to the Thai embassy in Kuwait but age may be a problem.

Usually Thais under 20 require the parental consent regarding passports. But since the OP has already a Thai PP, albeit expired, it may be easier for him to obtain a new one.

If this does not work then write to the consular section of the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs in THAI and explain the situation and ask for advice.

Find the contact info at their website: http://www.mfa.go.th/


Edit: reply to 'likewise': No need to give up his Kuwaiti nationality!

Edited by opalhort
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I wish you all the best on this. If you have success on your passport, word of advice tell NOBOADY not even your mom just get on the plane and leave. You may even after getting a new passport have a problem leaving because you are not 21 and could be questioned.

Edited by gotlost
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Funded education and family support may not seem like much today. However, once the formal educating is finished, it can be worth sooooo much, depending on the rest of your choices in life. I hate to say it but...."if I had it to do over again.....yes, I'd do it different...."....I think.

Choose wisely friend. Some of our choices affect the rest of our life.

No idea about your line of questioning, sorry.

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I'd think twice to give up Kuwaiti nationality to become a 3rd world citizen. :rolleyes:

Well here's the situation for me, I hate the country, I hate the people, I hate the laws, I hate inequality, I hate the fact that I need more proof to do ANYTHING just because I'm a girl, and I hate being here means I'll be kept with my so called father who won't even give me Kuwaiti passport so I won't travel, and I'm not even allowed a job after I graduate from school unless it's something he picks for me and not being able to marry the one I want unless he consents on it. Money doesn't make a difference to me cause I've been living in the same room with my 2 brothers and my mother while he is married to another with 3 children who live in a castle. So the option for me is, going back to the family I have in Thailand and considering my aunt owns a company who can provide me with work and education so I'll be able to get my mother and bros out. To my grandparents who nearly had a heart attack after hearing how we've been, to a life where I can be free knowing I have potential if I work hard for it, OR living with an asshol_e who controls my life till I'm 25 and even then I'll have to marry who he picks for me, it seems law here love arranged marriages cause it's convenient for men. So, each situation is different, mine is especially unique. Also I'm not planning to live in Thailand forever, I want the ability of seeing my family when I want, I want the ability to travel. I have been accepted into a scholarship to study abroad, and I wanted to go to Britain, but because of him, I couldn't it's not fair cause I shouldn't have to turn down an opportunity that I've worked for through out my 12 years in grade school.

Thanks for everyone who replied, I wanted to know if it's possible and it seems like it, I'm seriously grateful. I'll try to reach the Thai embassy here as soon as I can. And if I write to the ministry of foreign affairs does it really have to be in Thai? I can speak Thai and understand it but since I haven't been to Thailand. I couldn't keep up with the language, and lacking severely in writing and reading.

Edited by AmooxC
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The story of the OP seems to be of quite a serious nature and I can understand her feelings.

I think the first point of contact has to be the Thai embassy in Kuwait.

There are a number of NGOs, groups and foundations here in Thailand who may assist Thai women abroad with problems of this nature.

Does any TV member has contact info about these organisations?

Is there a sub-forum here on TV where the OP could find better help since it not entirely related to visa issues?


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The Royal Thai Embassy in Kuwait is Tel. number (96-5) 2531-7530-1, 2531-4870, visa and consular section is open from 08.00 - 12.00 (closed Fridays and Saturdays).

The embassy's website is www.thaiembassy.org/kuwait

I suggest that you call and speak to a consular officer and explain your situation and perhaps set up an appointment to meet with embassy officials responsible.

I'm not sure how helpful Kuwaiti local staff at the embassy will be, so try to get hold of a diplomatic service officer in charge of consular affairs who will be able to speak good English and understand the particulars of your situation (try asking for Mr. Perapol Berananda, second secretary at the embassy, he has an international education and speaks very good English).

Failing that, you can try and contact the Protection of Thai Nationals Abroad Division at the Department of Consular Affairs in Bangkok at these numbers: (66) 2575-1046 or 2575-1053 (but be aware that some consular officers may not be able to speak much English).

P.S. You can write a letter to the Ministry or Embassy in English if that is your preference, as all diplomatic service officers are at least marginally proficient in the language and some are native speakers.

Good luck!

Edited by looknam
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Thanks so much to everyone, as soon as I get a hold of a phone I'll try to call them, I've been thinking of walking there cause the Area is somewhat close to my school. I'll try e-mailing first, then I'll call if I have a phone, if I don't, I'll walk with my brother there.

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Thanks so much to everyone, as soon as I get a hold of a phone I'll try to call them, I've been thinking of walking there cause the Area is somewhat close to my school. I'll try e-mailing first, then I'll call if I have a phone, if I don't, I'll walk with my brother there.

If you are still in contact with relatives in Thailand, have them contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Department of Consular Affairs กรมการกงสุล) directly for you on their end as well as it might help expedite matters. The Embassy is closed on Friday, so if you are going to do a walk in you had better do it tomorrow (Thursday) during office hours but the Embassy is quite busy with visa applicants and dealing with Thai workers in Kuwait so I suggest that you talk to an English-speaking diplomatic service officer ("Nak Garn Toot") on the phone beforehand.

Edited by looknam
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If the case is as you explained, it doesn't look so good, then indeed try all you can to get your hands on a Thai passport and get out of there.

Wish you all the best, I'm sure you'll find a way to succeed.

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To AmooxC:

I think everybody here can understand your problems and reasons why you want to run away from your family in Kuwait.

Let's assume you are able to obtain a new Passport from the Thai Embassy in Kuwait.

But now you should ask yourself the following questions:

1) where do I get the money from to pay for a flight from Kuwait to Bangkok?

2) will the Kuwaiti authorities allow me to board an international flight (due to my young age and being a female) without parental consent?

3) Thai immigration at the airport may want to know why I don't have an exit stamp in your Thai Passport. How will I answer? They may want to see some sort of ID or Passport to show that I have another nationality.

4) What will I do once in Thailand? To obtain a Thai ID card I'll have to be registered somewhere in a house registration book. Are my grandparents still able to assist me in this matter considering their age?

Please think very carefully about what you plan to do and about your future.

Anyway, good luck with anything you plan to do.


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To AmooxC:

I think everybody here can understand your problems and reasons why you want to run away from your family in Kuwait.

Let's assume you are able to obtain a new Passport from the Thai Embassy in Kuwait.

But now you should ask yourself the following questions:

1) where do I get the money from to pay for a flight from Kuwait to Bangkok?

2) will the Kuwaiti authorities allow me to board an international flight (due to my young age and being a female) without parental consent?

3) Thai immigration at the airport may want to know why I don't have an exit stamp in your Thai Passport. How will I answer? They may want to see some sort of ID or Passport to show that I have another nationality.

4) What will I do once in Thailand? To obtain a Thai ID card I'll have to be registered somewhere in a house registration book. Are my grandparents still able to assist me in this matter considering their age?

Please think very carefully about what you plan to do and about your future.

Anyway, good luck with anything you plan to do.


I thank opalhort has pretty will covered it. Like I said before I sincerely fell for your position. Even if the Thai embassy would give you a new passport you have a major problem of the Kuwait authorities letting you on a plane with out a Kuwaiti passport and because of your dual nationality I do not see what the Thai embassy can do for you. It seems that you are a very educated and smart young lady. My advice if the answer for leaving is no hunker down to more education for the next 3 years then when your 21 you can leave. Yes I have spent considerable time living and working in Saudi Arabia and I'm very aware of the social, religious and ethical conflicts on this subject. I wish you nothing but the best.

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To AmooxC:

I think everybody here can understand your problems and reasons why you want to run away from your family in Kuwait.

Let's assume you are able to obtain a new Passport from the Thai Embassy in Kuwait.

But now you should ask yourself the following questions:

1) where do I get the money from to pay for a flight from Kuwait to Bangkok?

2) will the Kuwaiti authorities allow me to board an international flight (due to my young age and being a female) without parental consent?

3) Thai immigration at the airport may want to know why I don't have an exit stamp in your Thai Passport. How will I answer? They may want to see some sort of ID or Passport to show that I have another nationality.

4) What will I do once in Thailand? To obtain a Thai ID card I'll have to be registered somewhere in a house registration book. Are my grandparents still able to assist me in this matter considering their age?

Please think very carefully about what you plan to do and about your future.

Anyway, good luck with anything you plan to do.


1 & 2, I have no comments.

3. Tell the Thai immigration officer that you just received your passport in Kuwait, and this is your first time traveling on it. They will stamp you in. You should receive an exit stamp out of Kuwait.

4. You will be on a house registry somewhere in Thailand, probably your grandparents house.

To AmooxC, you need a copy of your house registry page that has your name on it. Ask your aunt or grandparents to fax it, mail a copy or scan and email it to you. There will be a place in every town that can do that. Use that and a copy of your old ID card or passport to get a new ID card at the Embassy. It will take time, the Embassy in Chicago said it could take up to 6 weeks to get mine. They have to verify with Bangkok, and I believe the card is made in Bangkok for security reasons. Getting a passport should be easier and quicker, 3-7 days. They will either mail it to you or you can pick it up. Given your situation, I would pick it up so that it doesn't get mailed to your fathers house.

You are still a Thai citizen, you don't have to worry, they will help you. But there is the age thing. I think that you will have some trouble not being able to do this without your mother's help. She can sign the necessary documents for you at the Embassy, but is she willing to help?

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if the workers in the thai embassy are male and of kuwait nationality then there is the likelihood that her father or brothers will be notified by them... she has to wait until 21 to try to do something and hope that her father doesnt marry her off before hand; or she may luck out and get married off to someone who will live overseas and then from there she can go off to do what she wants...

the beduins here, and many many druze, not to mention basic arab muslem families here also have totally different ways of dealing with daughters as opposed to sons...the stories and bad consequences are endless...

it seems that the thai mother is the second wife, and has less 'say' in anything at all, no influence whatsoever, and probably has no friends in the right places to help her daughter even if she wanted to help, also, probably more worried about finances and teh realities of really leaving (and if husband catches her/them, what are the consequences)then the OP who may be correct in her feelings but not realistic enough to know what the consequences can be... the only possible way might be some kuwait womens orgs (if there are those)... kuwait isnt afghanistan but here in israel this is very similar for women in arab muslem families, even wealthy families... i personally know several (including one american woman married in to jordanian family) and trust me, daughters are not allowed to do anything w/o permission, even after age 21..

and , like here, the consequences can be fatal (death due to family honour is common enough here that it is in he news every other day.... )...

i advise, get the college degree, then try... what would happen to your mother if u were to get to thailand and didnt return?



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Are we all suckers and too simple minded for this poster?

Consider the following:

There is this attached message for me, read it and see if this is a real story and a real person in a real predicament.

Or is it just another, what might you call it?

if the workers in the thai embassy are male and of kuwait nationality then there is the likelihood that her father or brothers will be notified by them... she has to wait until 21 to try to do something and hope that her father doesnt marry her off before hand; or she may luck out and get married off to someone who will live overseas and then from there she can go off to do what she wants...

the beduins here, and many many druze, not to mention basic arab muslem families here also have totally different ways of dealing with daughters as opposed to sons...the stories and bad consequences are endless...

it seems that the thai mother is the second wife, and has less 'say' in anything at all, no influence whatsoever, and probably has no friends in the right places to help her daughter even if she wanted to help, also, probably more worried about finances and teh realities of really leaving (and if husband catches her/them, what are the consequences)then the OP who may be correct in her feelings but not realistic enough to know what the consequences can be... the only possible way might be some kuwait womens orgs (if there are those)... kuwait isnt afghanistan but here in israel this is very similar for women in arab muslem families, even wealthy families... i personally know several (including one american woman married in to jordanian family) and trust me, daughters are not allowed to do anything w/o permission, even after age 21..

and , like here, the consequences can be fatal (death due to family honour is common enough here that it is in he news every other day.... )...

i advise, get the college degree, then try... what would happen to your mother if u were to get to thailand and didnt return?



post-110865-034121700 1283385665_thumb.g

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If real, this is a pathetic and sensitive story.

Thaivisa is not responsible in any legal way, but in a moral way, yes Thaivisa has some responsibilities and needs to follow up the story and try to avoid any drama.

Members have to be very cautious in their advices.

Moderators could try to summarize the best advices in a way AmooxC will not be harmed.Her last post was 24 hours ago...

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I'd think twice to give up Kuwaiti nationality to become a 3rd world citizen. :rolleyes:

Take it you have never been in Kuwait.

Indeed, never been there. That's why I came back on my words after reading her reply.

Sad for the girl that she is stuck with Arabic barbarians.

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All might not be what it seems or appears.

Plse read the attached response from someone who claims to be her boyfriend.

Can you figure out now, who is who in this story or crises?

I almost gave out a name of someone who could lend her a hand there, but thanks heaven that I went a step further to verify and I received a response as attached.

Read and interpret the message yourself, alright.

I'd think twice to give up Kuwaiti nationality to become a 3rd world citizen. :rolleyes:

Take it you have never been in Kuwait.

Indeed, never been there. That's why I came back on my words after reading her reply.

Sad for the girl that she is stuck with Arabic barbarians.

post-110865-025306100 1283411704_thumb.g

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firstly, a couple of posts have been deleted becuase they were flaming & taking this topic off track.

secondly, mkawish, the reply you received is no proof that this is a troll. Regardless of whether this is a genuine request for advice or not, it is a useful topic so please stop reading & posting if you doubt the sincerity of the op.

To everyone else, please do not turn this into a arab hating thread & refrain from being offensive.


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All might not be what it seems or appears.

Plse read the attached response from someone who claims to be her boyfriend.

Can you figure out now, who is who in this story or crises?

I almost gave out a name of someone who could lend her a hand there, but thanks heaven that I went a step further to verify and I received a response as attached.

Read and interpret the message yourself, alright.

I'd think twice to give up Kuwaiti nationality to become a 3rd world citizen. :rolleyes:

Take it you have never been in Kuwait.

Indeed, never been there. That's why I came back on my words after reading her reply.

Sad for the girl that she is stuck with Arabic barbarians.

Dude, why are you quoting me? I have never contacted her except for answering to this thread.

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Don't listen to these incompetant excuses for human beings.

Now listen to your mum, finish your education and realise that you are in a position of privilidge. Getting educated. Once you have done that( got a good education) then leave the country and be in a position where you can do stuff for yourself.

ok son, get yourself educated and maybe you can help if you want, others or at least yourself

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I'd think twice to give up Kuwaiti nationality to become a 3rd world citizen. :rolleyes:

Unnecessary - Multiple citizenships and multiple passports are perfectly legal, if the documents reflect the same person, by name age date and place of birth, etc.

Minor exceptions to that rule are made for women using their married or maiden names on different passports...

Very few countries require the loss of a previous citizenship.

For example, President Obama is a multinational; British Kenyan, Indonesian and US. Legally, he can hold all three passports.

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