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Boy, Aged 9, Killed In Bangkok School Gang Shooting

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where are these kids getting hold of guns? <deleted>!

[sorry if that makes me seem terribly old and out of touch... :unsure: ]


black market. former red shirts;) . homemade firearms. theft.

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where are these kids getting hold of guns? <deleted>!

[sorry if that makes me seem terribly old and out of touch... :unsure: ]

most families have guns at home, almost everyone is a kind of police here. The guns are usually not kept in safe places.

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where are these kids getting hold of guns? <deleted>!

[sorry if that makes me seem terribly old and out of touch... :unsure: ]

most families have guns at home, almost everyone is a kind of police here. The guns are usually not kept in safe places.

The adults use M79 grenade launchers, and their kids in learning mode use guns...TiT...


Since when was any school worth fighting over? In civilised countries interschool sports such as rowing regattas and football matches take care of any aggressions but it seems in Thailand a 9 year old takes a blast from a shot gun carrying student (????) who fired a 'bullet'.

Shot guns fire blasts not bullets and any student carrying a gun would be fairly obvious surely? Shot gun or rifle. And as yet there are no arrests or disclosure about the assailant!

Serious problems here. mad.gif

Sorry,but fights between schools in the UK and I bet America as well have been going on for years and moved on from fisticuffs to knives to now guns over the last 20 years especially in places like South London, Coventry, Nottingham, Manchester etc.

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where are these kids getting hold of guns? <deleted>!

[sorry if that makes me seem terribly old and out of touch... :unsure: ]

Guns are everywhere in Thailand. Read the many stories of guns being pulled when a Thai loses face and he and/or his mates come back fairly soon afterwards with one.

A few months back I was on my way to give a slap to one of the coach drivers here for beating his wife while pissed in the middle of the petrol station again. At least he's been told to leave now. Before my wife told me not to as everytime the coach drivers fight the one that loses, even just face, goes back to his coach to get his gun and waves it around shit faced.

Similarly I'm told not to get involved in road rage and why Thais don't blast the horn at <deleted> driving is because anyone that stops and fights is fairly likely to have a gun.

My Thai mates words when reinforcing the above, I think it lost a bit in translation "Life isn't valued here and guns are even cheaper".

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Probably not the same students. BUT, yesterday everyone was whining and crying with shouts of "hang em high" at the teacher that was caning some high school boys. Perhaps if there was more of that caning going on there would be less of this killing going on. This is not the first young child to be killed by high school boys.

When I was in school I was spanked with a wooden board and on it beared the words BOARD OF EDUCATION!


Yes .... we can all say R.I.P. to those involved but to those in the know, this has been going on here and in Asia for years, if not decades. It is a way of life. You/We westerners/foreigners can get onto our high horses if we want to but at the end of the day we can't do anything at all and if we do do anything, it is not going to change anything locally in the foreseeable future.

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Since when was any school worth fighting over? In civilised countries interschool sports such as rowing regattas and football matches take care of any aggressions but it seems in Thailand a 9 year old takes a blast from a shot gun carrying student (????) who fired a 'bullet'.

Rowing Regattas !!! ????? <deleted>?


Probably not the same students. BUT, yesterday everyone was whining and crying with shouts of "hang em high" at the teacher that was caning some high school boys. Perhaps if there was more of that caning going on there would be less of this killing going on. This is not the first young child to be killed by high school boys.

Ever heard the maxim: Violence breeds Violence?


Ummm... An untreated diease speads. There are all kinds of "useless words" we can quote. But I doubt the boys that MURDERED that young child have very disciplined lives.

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Last Friday (27/08/10), there was also a big fight between two rival colleges, the Pathumthanee Technology College and the Ramintra Dusit Technology School. The fight took place at a bus stop outside Future Park, Rangsiit, in Pathumthani province.

Guns and knives were used. One 19 year-old student, Yootjak Khaengkhan died and two seriously injured.

Apparently these fights between the technology colleges happen quite often.


I was in a taxi stuck in traffic outside the old World Trade Centre many years ago when I heard a bang, thought it was a car accident, but it was the rear window of a bus being smashed and students from one bus were fighting with those from the other.


'marxere' timestamp='1283356848' post='3855247']

Since when was any school worth fighting over? In civilised countries interschool sports such as rowing regattas and football matches take care of any aggressions but it seems in Thailand a 9 year old takes a blast from a shot gun carrying student (????) who fired a 'bullet'.

Rowing Regattas !!! ????? <deleted>?

They still hold those and many other sports between schools in Ontario , Canada , I am not aware of any after hours fighting between local schools , there are also soccer matches and soft ball matches and all kinds of other activities for young people to take part in , in the winter it is hockey .


Tragic events like these show us the worst of the West becomes popular elsewhere in the world. Oddly enough here in Los Angeles where gangs like the Bloods and Crypts used to rule, the gang violence seems to be abating. Of course there are still the latino gangs but they do not seem to be quite as violent with the shootings as the black gangs once were. To be sure what is happening in Mexico is spilling over to the United States in violence related to human and drug smuggling but the inner city stuff that used to occur is nowhere near what it once was. I do believe that what is portrayed in movies and TV influences the youth of today. The video games are just violence and killing. I just saw the movie "the Expendables". Bad acting and bad story but lots of violence and it is grossing big receipts at the box office. Violence sells and the kids grow up seeing this from an early age, it is bound to have an effect on some.

With regard to the caning of the students in the video. While it looked like the teacher hit them pretty hard this type of treatment was not unusual here in Los Angeles in the 1950's and 1960's. I got the paddle a couple of times. Did it sting, sure. Did it leave me scarred for life, no. Some times if a student did something really bad he got two swats. The teacher gave us a choice, go to the vice principle's office and probably get your parents called or take a swat. It was a "no-brainer" for most kids. They feared the parents more than the swat. No one could seriously think from the video this was violence by a teacher against the students but one swat with a cane surely looks more like discipline than aggravated assault. Things like this are more an embarrassment for the student which surely turns into a badge of honor among their peers later on. The problem today is there are to many who will not let the students be disciplined in school. I knew teachers in an elementary school where kids were acting up and when teachers tried to talk to the parents, the parents defended their disruptive behavior and basically told the teacher to "<deleted> off". The largest problem today in schools is the parents unwillingness to get involved, apathy, or downright hostility to the school. In my opinion, bad parenting today is the biggest cause for failure in our schools. Teachers have kids for only about 6 hours a day. Parents have them the rest of the time. Why does society expect the school given about 18% of a kid's time in a week to overcome what happens in the other 82% of his time? I am not an educator!


Probably not the same students. BUT, yesterday everyone was whining and crying with shouts of "hang em high" at the teacher that was caning some high school boys. Perhaps if there was more of that caning going on there would be less of this killing going on. This is not the first young child to be killed by high school boys.

Ever heard the maxim: Violence breeds Violence?


Ummm... An untreated diease speads. There are all kinds of "useless words" we can quote. But I doubt the boys that MURDERED that young child have very disciplined lives.

The boys that murdered that young child were probably taught that violence is a legitimate way to solve problems, or to release anger. Anybody who thinks that hitting children (what a cowardly act of an adult!) is OK, should not be surprised if the children learn the lesson and apply violence when they feel it is "justified".

RIP young boy.


Technical school fighting, motorbike gangs,...yellow & red shirts...What's new in Thailand? Too much time on their hands, no righteous role models to look up to. It's a self destructing country.

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Technical school fighting, motorbike gangs,...yellow & red shirts...What's new in Thailand? Too much time on their hands, no righteous role models to look up to. It's a self destructing country.

It is not just Thailand but in many many so called western countries....here it gets a lot of press but in many countries it gets one inch on page 10 in the press...just think of the loutish behavour of the football lowlife in the UK....many cities in USA still have major problems...buy the series "Wired" and its not far off the mark in most big cities in USA ...even Australia and New Zealand often have outbreaks of youth violence...playing truant from school here is not so easy...the authorities round the louts up and make them go to school...those schools in this latest outburst are often in the headlines for similar problems...


Technical school fighting, motorbike gangs,...yellow & red shirts...What's new in Thailand? Too much time on their hands, no righteous role models to look up to. It's a self destructing country.

It is not just Thailand but in many many so called western countries....here it gets a lot of press but in many countries it gets one inch on page 10 in the press...just think of the loutish behavour of the football lowlife in the UK....many cities in USA still have major problems...buy the series "Wired" and its not far off the mark in most big cities in USA ...even Australia and New Zealand often have outbreaks of youth violence...playing truant from school here is not so easy...the authorities round the louts up and make them go to school...those schools in this latest outburst are often in the headlines for similar problems...

Great points.


I warned yesterday of not caning in schools, how on earth are kids supposed to learn disciplin if there is no detterent.

I was in education for over 30 years, we had plenty of deterrents without resorting to physical punishment.


This is not exclusive to Thailand, You can read abouit this sort of thing most days in the British press, where a group have ambushed a young kid and stabbed him, it`s a very sad problem in the world to-day!

Oh, well of course, that makes it alright in Thailand.

Good thinking.


You can analyse everything you like about what's wrong with this society, but you'll always end up tying yourself up in knots. Though it's not peculiar to this particular society, if you want to probe the psychology behind the problems that have cause such violence as discussed in this forum, then start with the concept of what I call the "perverse adoration of the Thai male". Move on from there and see where you go with your research.


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very sad for the family. remove the guns and other deadly weapons.

Yes, it is sad for the family. But, to make a blanket statement of removing all of the guns and weapons is a cop-out. Instill a sense of self-worth, respect for others and discipline and the guns and the weapons will be a moot point. Parents all over the world rely upon TV, the media, the schools and others to raise their children. If children are raised in an environment that values life and respects others, it will be instilled with the children and they will carry it to adult-hood. Gangs, drugs, rivalries all existed in the towns where our children were raised and they did not fall prey to their influences. They had a strong home-life and that is what gets one through the tough times, not removing perceived threats that are inanimate objects. hel_l, one can kill with a pointed stick, a rope or anything else that one can think of. Instill respect and compassion and it will make these types of incidents more rare.


I witnessed a fight between rival school gangs back in the early nineties, but they were armed only with sticks, nobody really got hurt, and it was over as soon as it began. When did guns start to become available to these gangs?


IMHO the solution is to immediately and permanently expel any student who feels it necessary to fight for the honor of his/her school.


you are an absolute wanke_r mate in thinking that only violence or physical punishment will change peoples behavior.Most parents woud agree that at times a smack may jolt a child but history has told us that violence begets violence.I reckon you were a beaten child and it has affected your outlook.Lighten up, these kids are out of control and of course action needs to be taken, instead of beating up the kids teach them how to cooperate and understand each others differences.This will bring a far better result in the end than a beating.

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Probably not the same students. BUT, yesterday everyone was whining and crying with shouts of "hang em high" at the teacher that was caning some high school boys. Perhaps if there was more of that caning going on there would be less of this killing going on. This is not the first young child to be killed by high school boys.

You reckon more beatings is the solution? How about parents that actually pay attention to their kids?

You see none of us got to see the film clip as to what those boys did to have their teacher get to the point that would make him think he needed to cane them. Perhaps they were fighting and he knew it had the potential to escalate. Not sure just guessing. But any child that would shoot bullets at a school bus has probably never been disciplined. "Parents paying more attention to their kids". I'm guessing you haven't been in Thailand very long.

If you had read any of the articles associated with the caning story you would know that the reason the boys got bludgeoned was that they did not keep their dormitory clean.

Perhaps they were fighting
" ? NO!

Not sure just guessing
" Precisely!

Perhaps in future take 5 minutes to do some basic reading before posting your ignorant opinions.


I think crappy videos are a factor. Granted, there's no one 'silver bullet' that will make boys mature, but being fed on a steady diet of violent videos from the age they could sit up by themselves, sure doesn't do any good for a kid's psyche. Slightly less polluting for the mind, are videos which have any number of other awful messages.

Another related factor (pun intended) is the influence of elders. Whether it be top politicians or businesspeople (like Thaksin, Newin) or their parents, or other elders, ...one key messages is: Lying is ok if it makes you richer and more popular. Most other messages from elders are fraught with hypocrisy. For example, "don't do drugs" ...when nearly every adult they see drinks like a drunken fish.

Totally agree.


I witnessed a fight between rival school gangs back in the early nineties, but they were armed only with sticks, nobody really got hurt, and it was over as soon as it began. When did guns start to become available to these gangs?

They've always used guns. And often make them themselves in the school workshops.

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