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At some point you are going to have to pay someone for your mistake.

And look the facts are these. You are currently married to her. If you think a court in Thailand is going to award you anything you are delusional. You are not going to get her house, her pension or half her salary. Draw papers that not only divorce you from her but also establish she has no claim against you. Pay her off and in my view do it quick because if she finds a smart lawyer, she will be the one making your life a nightmare.

Fully concur. The OP needs to bite the bullet and move on with life.


Colabamumbai, most of the answers here are from people who have experienceed similar situations... if not in Thailand, then at least in what ever country they came from. How many North Americans have gone through divorces that cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars? I've had two marriages where I had to split everything that I had earned through my own hard work. The wives contributed nothing more than their bodies. I even shared all the household duties. That doesn't mean tiddly squat with the divorce courts. Everything is split in half no matter who contributed what to the marriage. In my first divorce I received half of our $140,000 home when it was sold. In my second divorce I received half of a $200,000 when it was sold. After each divorce I started again from scratch and built up my equity again. Fortunately, when my parents died they left me enough in the will to pay off my mortgage on my third home. I learned my lessons the hard way (as do most people) and don't intend making a third mistake. I suggest you do the same. Just take whatever it cost you as a lesson learned. Don't be bitter, but DO think out of your BIG head in the future.

However, if given a chance to do live my life all over again, with the same results, I would do it in a heartbeat without changing a thing. I have no regrets, and realize that both wives did me a favour in the long run. I enjoyed most of the married years spent with my wives, but you couldn't pay me enough to take either of them back.

If I have any advice to give it is to ALWAYS LOOK A THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE! We only get one go-round in this world and it's better to spend it being happy. As long as I am vertical, or horizontal by choice, then it is a great life worth living.

I'm truly sorry that you had the misfortune to marry twice, neither were right for you and neither had a job :blink:.

Coming from the UK, this sounds v unusual - but I'm happy to accept that most North American women give up their job as soon as they marry - even if it sounds odd to me. Most educated UK women prefer to continue working for their own self-esteem, but obviously Americans are different.

Those that leave their jobs once the relationship has children are a different story - they have just taken on another, unpaid role, but deserve to have this considered as 'a job'.

Having said this, I've no time at all for the v few gold diggers that think marriage is an excuse to just let someone support them! You were unlucky enough to find the 'wrong' type of woman twice......

But I agree, having got it so badly wrong before, its definitely time to just 'look on the sunny side of life'. Unfortunately many men can't afford to be so easygoing when they've made such a bad mistake/s.

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I remember you posting before about your wife selling her wedding ring and

some other bad stories, I think the signs were there a while back to take the exit.

Look mate I think you have been hustled. There are well too many mature men in

their 40s and 50s getting hustled by some very see through girls in Thailand.

Just like so many men who move to Thailand I am guessing you allowed yourself

to be hustled by some soft western woman................thing is............. if you got

hustled by a western woman then a Thai woman is going to finish you off.

Thailand and Thai women is no place for a pussy.


No photos thanks, and personal info has been removed. This is not the appropriate place for that.

Why can't he post a photo? Isn't this a place to share information? Would be nice to know what she looks like so no one else has hassles. If not, sad really

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She rushed the marriage? Don't you have a say ?

She is so stupid? That's funny.

The lawyer told you to pay her 56,000 baht so you did. Who's lawyer is he?

Keep 'em coming.

tabs - go back and read the posts more carefully. The lawyer did nor say pay the arrears, the OP had already done so.


Why are you giving more money to a lawyer (especially to one who is barely competent).

I would probably be inclined to be a little more judicious when commenting about a forum sponsor - especially when they are a lawyer and can recognise a libelous post when they see one.


An interesting mix of responses from TV members.

I think posts #24,35, 46 and 47 are pretty much all we need to read in terms of advice.

To the OP I would say "thank you" for sharing a very personal story. By doing so you knew you were laying yourself open to derision from those who know best and have never put a foot wrong.

Most importantly, your later posts suggest that you have indeed moved on. This is good because I remember the enthusiasm of your posts in the Isaan forum and how much you were looking forward to your life in Thailand with your, then, wife to be.

Yes, your words make you look foolish (especially in the eyes of the faultless ones) but you went in with your eyes open, got out at a cost of 56,000 Baht + a few expenses here and there. I, for one, would never criticise you for following the dream and I applaud you for being positive and moving on.

I wish you every happiness for the future.

  • Like 2

An interesting mix of responses from TV members.

I think posts #24,35, 46 and 47 are pretty much all we need to read in terms of advice.

To the OP I would say "thank you" for sharing a very personal story. By doing so you knew you were laying yourself open to derision from those who know best and have never put a foot wrong.

Most importantly, your later posts suggest that you have indeed moved on. This is good because I remember the enthusiasm of your posts in the Isaan forum and how much you were looking forward to your life in Thailand with your, then, wife to be.

Yes, your words make you look foolish (especially in the eyes of the faultless ones) but you went in with your eyes open, got out at a cost of 56,000 Baht + a few expenses here and there. I, for one, would never criticise you for following the dream and I applaud you for being positive and moving on.

I wish you every happiness for the future.

Agree. Sorry OP but as horrendous as your story is it sounds as if you've got out 'cheaply'.

Take it on the chin and learn from the experience.

These stories are two a penny here, so there's definitely a lesson to be learnt about 'trust'.

I'm not intending to denigrate what you've been through, just pointing out that its time to understand the reality of relationships here.


I would probably be inclined to be a little more judicious when commenting about a forum sponsor - especially when they are a lawyer and can recognise a libelous post when they see one.

To be fair to Sarahsbloke I believe that the Op previously stated that his 'lawyer' was a farang.


An interesting mix of responses from TV members.

I think posts #24,35, 46 and 47 are pretty much all we need to read in terms of advice.

To the OP I would say "thank you" for sharing a very personal story. By doing so you knew you were laying yourself open to derision from those who know best and have never put a foot wrong.

Most importantly, your later posts suggest that you have indeed moved on. This is good because I remember the enthusiasm of your posts in the Isaan forum and how much you were looking forward to your life in Thailand with your, then, wife to be.

Yes, your words make you look foolish (especially in the eyes of the faultless ones) but you went in with your eyes open, got out at a cost of 56,000 Baht + a few expenses here and there. I, for one, would never criticise you for following the dream and I applaud you for being positive and moving on.

I wish you every happiness for the future.

Oustanding post


An interesting mix of responses from TV members.

I think posts #24,35, 46 and 47 are pretty much all we need to read in terms of advice.

To the OP I would say "thank you" for sharing a very personal story. By doing so you knew you were laying yourself open to derision from those who know best and have never put a foot wrong.

Most importantly, your later posts suggest that you have indeed moved on. This is good because I remember the enthusiasm of your posts in the Isaan forum and how much you were looking forward to your life in Thailand with your, then, wife to be.

Yes, your words make you look foolish (especially in the eyes of the faultless ones) but you went in with your eyes open, got out at a cost of 56,000 Baht + a few expenses here and there. I, for one, would never criticise you for following the dream and I applaud you for being positive and moving on.

I wish you every happiness for the future.

Oustanding post

Absolutely, It says precisely nothing, but is sympathetic.


I would probably be inclined to be a little more judicious when commenting about a forum sponsor - especially when they are a lawyer and can recognise a libelous post when they see one.

To be fair to Sarahsbloke I believe that the Op previously stated that his 'lawyer' was a farang.

Sorry, Abrak I missed the relevance of that.

The lawyer is a Farang (with a good Thai lawyer and staff) - I just couldn't see where Sarah's Bloke had gleened the evidence for a statement about not being competent.


Not sure why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. There are always two sides

to a story. Its not always farang 'right' thai 'wrong' :crazy:

On this forum it is.



I also have experience of this scam .... and it is a scam.

I moved in with a Thai lady last year, that very weekend a bank official called at the door, asking to speak to the lady (who was conveniently out) about not making payments on her mortgage. The lady (who owned the house) wanted me to pay the mortgage payments of 10kbht a month. I don't know if the bank person was legit or not. Officials are easily bribed. I looked at the bank papers and previous letters (mortgage 1.2 million, worked out the interest payments with no capital repayments, 7000bht a month). The bank agreed to take 7000bht a month.

It is a scam, move in white guy, he pays, the trick for the white guy is to get value for money ..... 7000bht rental for a two bedroom house in the country, with a cute girl included.... seemed like a good deal to me (same as my condo rental but without the girl). 56k up front doesn't sound like much of a bargain!

Did your lady owe money, or did you make her next 6 months worth of payments, impossible to say, the trick in Thailand is never to lay out money, up front, for anything.

Sorry to say Colxxxxxxx, but the reason people think you are daft, is that here in Thailand you pay the girl after the "services" and not before. I don't think you were stupid to marry her at all. BUt why not look on the bright side, could have been worse, could have given her dad a 270k car :lol:

Congratulations. A bargain-hunter's success story. 7k/month for sex, house-keeping and accommodation brings new meaning to the term 'Bed and Breakfast Deals'

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Not sure why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. There are always two sides

to a story. Its not always farang 'right' thai 'wrong' :crazy:

On this forum it is.

Facts given: Knew her 6 months and was only married for 6 weeks. That sounds like like a premeditated scam. There are few bad habits :blink: like snoring and farting that she did not find out in the 6 months "Courtship", unless he thumps her now!

If he had known her 6 weeks then married, and she wanted out after 6 months, now that is more likely to be true. There are idiots out there that "Fall in love" and dive in within weeks, and MOST of their marriages fail :annoyed: .

DECIDING FACTOR: Have you been married before, and how many times?


I'm not intending to denigrate what you've been through, just pointing out that its time to understand the reality of relationships here.

Oh really ?

It has never happened to me, did it happen to you ?


i feel for you, just let this be a lesson to any newbies reading, i have seen too many nightmares to list.rolleyes.gif


If he had known her 6 weeks then married, and she wanted out after 6 months, now that is more likely to be true. There are idiots out there that "Fall in love" and dive in within weeks, and MOST of their marriages fail :annoyed: .

DECIDING FACTOR: Have you been married before, and how many times?

I met a girl, married after 3 weeks, been married once before ..... 7 months, so far, so good ....... if it fails no big deal, no large losses, but lots of fun and drama so far. How stupid am I? (very I suppose)


i feel for you, just let this be a lesson to any newbies reading, i have seen too many nightmares to list.rolleyes.gif

Thanks I made the post not looking for help but just to advise others of this happening to them.

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In Thailand, US, or Europe I would never marry anyone I only knew for 6 months unless it was Jessica Alba but thats not happening.

Jessica's not all that btw.

And I suppose you would kick her out of bed for eating crackers?  :)

Only the once bonobo, only the once.


i feel for you, just let this be a lesson to any newbies reading, i have seen too many nightmares to list.rolleyes.gif

Thanks I made the post not looking for help but just to advise others of this happening to them.

Troll or muppet, hard to tell


i feel for you, just let this be a lesson to any newbies reading, i have seen too many nightmares to list.rolleyes.gif

Thanks I made the post not looking for help but just to advise others of this happening to them.

Troll or muppet, hard to tell

Not a troll - the throw stones and run away. This OP has returned frequently.

I suspect that you have been too idle to read all the topic, or earlier posts in the Isaan forum.

If your judgement, therefore, is muppet then but for the grace of God go all of us.


Not sure why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. There are always two sides

to a story. Its not always farang 'right' thai 'wrong' :crazy:

No one is 'jumping on bandwagons' (don't even see one to be honest) - people are just answering the querry based on the 'facts' given - if we didn't then no post would ever be answered and it would be a fairly unimpressive forum. If the wife wants to post her sode of the story, or to start a thread asking about 'how to divorce my farang husband of 6 weeks' then we will answer that too. The guy asked for help - poster are trying to give him such - if she asks, I'm sure she will get a similar response.


Or he could just go to a competent lawyer and sue for void on the grounds of fraud as per the laws?

I guess doing something reasonable would be out of the question in these kinds of cases.


Or he could just go to a competent lawyer and sue for void on the grounds of fraud as per the laws?

I guess doing something reasonable would be out of the question in these kinds of cases.

I think if you also bother to read the topic, in it's entirety, you will see that the OP has already seen a competent lawyer.


Not sure why everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. There are always two sides

to a story. Its not always farang 'right' thai 'wrong' :crazy:

No one is 'jumping on bandwagons' (don't even see one to be honest) - people are just answering the querry based on the 'facts' given - if we didn't then no post would ever be answered and it would be a fairly unimpressive forum. If the wife wants to post her sode of the story, or to start a thread asking about 'how to divorce my farang husband of 6 weeks' then we will answer that too. The guy asked for help - poster are trying to give him such - if she asks, I'm sure she will get a similar response.

Wolf the guy is not asking for help. As he has stated 4 posts above yours "Thanks I made the post not looking for help but just to advise others of this happening to them." and he has stated this several times.

He is just warning of what can happen.


i feel for you, just let this be a lesson to any newbies reading, i have seen too many nightmares to list.rolleyes.gif

Thanks I made the post not looking for help but just to advise others of this happening to them.

Troll or muppet, hard to tell

Not a troll - the throw stones and run away. This OP has returned frequently.

I suspect that you have been too idle to read all the topic, or earlier posts in the Isaan forum.

If your judgement, therefore, is muppet then but for the grace of God go all of us.

Really, so there is a high proportion of tv users who are in relationships with woman who just want their money? It would be interesting to know the proportion of tv users who do this, and try to gauge how many are into this sort of thing, you could set up a self help group something like aa, you powerless to a higher power of little brain, want to pay money to delude self into believing a relationship is being formed that is more than the sum of money entering wife or girlfriends pocket, purse etc.

Is this what you mean? dam_n if so I am gonna get back onto that thorntree thread

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