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Japanese Community In Chiang Mai

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Hello :rolleyes:

Do you have any idea where the Japanese community socialise in Chiang Mai ? (except Japanese restaurant), is there any cultural center or something else?

I would like to practice Japanese language :D

Thanks for your help :D


Just wondering how many Japanese residents there are in CM?

There is one in my Moo Baan , who bows profusely whenever he sees me walking my dog.

Thing is his wife speaks no Japanese, and he speaks no Thai.....how on earth does that work :blink:

Sometimes i have a job telling the Japanese from Thais to be honest :(


Just wondering how many Japanese residents there are in CM?

There is one in my Moo Baan , who bows profusely whenever he sees me walking my dog.

Thing is his wife speaks no Japanese, and he speaks no Thai.....how on earth does that work :blink:

Sometimes i have a job telling the Japanese from Thais to be honest :(

Defiantly enough for Japan to have a consulate in Chiang Mai.



Just wondering how many Japanese residents there are in CM?

There is one in my Moo Baan , who bows profusely whenever he sees me walking my dog.

Thing is his wife speaks no Japanese, and he speaks no Thai.....how on earth does that work :blink:

Sometimes i have a job telling the Japanese from Thais to be honest :(

There are a large number of Japanese expats here that speak neither Thai or English. I've seen them at Immigration, Tops and Rimping. I wonder how they are able to deal with day to day life here.

Sometimes I see older Japanese men with VERY young girls in their school uniforms on shopping sprees at Kad Suan Kaew. Very strange...


There are a large number of Japanese expats here that speak neither Thai or English. I've seen them at Immigration, Tops and Rimping. I wonder how they are able to deal with day to day life here.

Sometimes I see older Japanese men with VERY young girls in their school uniforms on shopping sprees at Kad Suan Kaew. Very strange...

Me thinks that they are exporting a bit of Japanese style to CM. :unsure:

If there is an increase in the number of uniformed girls carrying designer handbags then you will know that Shibuya style has arrived.



Hello mypet ( does that mean "not too hot" ? )

There is a language school (?)/library and social group that meets with some regularity on the ground floor of Nakornping Condo ( just off Huay Kaew Rd, opposite the Shell petrol station, west of Central shopping mall ). I would definitely follow this one up. If they're closed at the time of your visit then suggest you speak to the Condo office for more information.

Good luck.



Chiang Mai has huge Japanese community! There are several large Japanese factories outside of town that bring in all their middle management and families. The majority live in the larger condo buildings such as Hillside Plaza, Floral Condo, etc. The wives don't work, and really don't socialize outside the Japanese community. Because the husbands get driven to work by company vans, the wives have use of the vans during the day and usually plan various day trips together, each day a different wife has 'command' of the company van (and driver) and can choose where the group should go if there isn't a group plan. There are lots of older Japanese retirees around town too, and they are actually more open to meeting western people and socializing than the younger folks. Still, the best place to meet and talk with all of them is in the supermarkets. For some reason, people are more open to strangers talking to them in supermarkets... :jap: They are less intimidated.


There are two Japanese expat organisations in Chiangmai that I know. One is called CLL. I understand it has offices at Nakornping Condo and so, presumably, is the one to which Swazibird refers above. Unless your spouse is Japanese, you should expect to have almost no chance of joining it, as it is very much for Japanese. The other is called 日本人会. It has offices located next to the Kazokutei restaurant.


Just wondering how many Japanese residents there are in CM?

There is one in my Moo Baan , who bows profusely whenever he sees me walking my dog.

Thing is his wife speaks no Japanese, and he speaks no Thai.....how on earth does that work :blink:

Sometimes i have a job telling the Japanese from Thais to be honest :(

There are occasions when it could work quite well!!!

1. When she phones to tell you to come home from the pub as your dinners getting cold

2. when she tells you about how little housekeeping she'e got

3. any information about your mother in law.

4. when she tells you to clean the car/do the gardening or fix that leaking pipe

5. Particularly for the Japanese - when she asks you what you did in the war

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