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Dear friends, I need some help here. I was supposed to go to nakhon phanom to look for my ex-gf that I had broken up with and lost contact with 1 year ago. However, I was not able to travel to Nakhon Phanom to look for her as I was unable to get my Thai-speaking friend to go along with me on that journey. As such, I ended up going to BKK and Pattaya with another friend. As it was our first trip to Pattaya, we had a walk around Walking Street and of course had a look around the massage joints that were there.

This is where the situation turned on its head. At one of the massage joints, I actually saw my ex-gf working at the place. She saw and recognised me and she ran off to take cover in the girls changing / dressing room. I tried to no avail to speak to her. The captain asked her 3 times but she refused to come out to speak to me. I then told the captain to pass her a message that I was going off and that she could come out and continue working. As such, I went out and waited for my friend to finish his round before going off. Well enough of my story telling, to the point now i guess.

I want to help her get out of the situation she is in. I do not know the reason why she is working in this line again (she was a legal pro in SG previously but had already left after 8 months here). I know that things could have changed alot for her from the time we finished up to now, and that is why she is back in this business again. But I want to help her get out of it. I plan to write her a letter and post to my driver / guide in Pattaya and request his help in passing it to the captain at the massage joint and hopefully, to her.

Questions that i have are:

Will she be able to return to SG (if ever at all) after having worked here before as a legal pro?

What can I do to help my case that I'm serious about her and really want to be together with her whether in SG or not?

I really want to be able to talk to her and prove my sincerity. However, this seems to be the only way i have of communicating with her. As such, I would like to maximise this opportunity so I really would appreciate any help or advice that I can get.

Much gratitude in advance.

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I have a similar case with you. I pity my ex and want to help out atleast get her to a stable point. But what the heck you cant teach an old dog a new trick. For the pass couple of months she has been complaining "no money" etc. I send down the money. The complaining is getting too much so I offered her a job she said no money to come to BKK , I sent down the money. New story came up she has to feed the kwai. I said f it send me my books she said send me back what you take from me(see my thread below). I think you will just waste your money and time like I did.

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Me too for many years I sent my g'f about 30000 a month and she told me she was helping her Brother in his bar, it came as a big shock to me when i found her still working but I hooked up with one of her friends and now we are married. She still lives in Pattya and isnt working in the bar now, I send her the 30k now and will be visitng her soon this one is a good girl and fortunately her Brother also runs a bar which keeps her busy, she only meets and greets customers.

I sure am glad Im not being taken for a sucker. :whistling:

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Me too for many years I sent my g'f about 30000 a month and she told me she was helping her Brother in his bar, it came as a big shock to me when i found her still working but I hooked up with one of her friends and now we are married. She still lives in Pattya and isnt working in the bar now, I send her the 30k now and will be visitng her soon this one is a good girl and fortunately her Brother also runs a bar which keeps her busy, she only meets and greets customers.

I sure am glad Im not being taken for a sucker. :whistling:

being in the same shoe I will hold back my chuckle.

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Me too for many years I sent my g'f about 30000 a month and she told me she was helping her Brother in his bar, it came as a big shock to me when i found her still working but I hooked up with one of her friends and now we are married. She still lives in Pattya and isnt working in the bar now, I send her the 30k now and will be visitng her soon this one is a good girl and fortunately her Brother also runs a bar which keeps her busy, she only meets and greets customers.

I sure am glad Im not being taken for a sucker. :whistling:

how many times have i heard she doesnt go with customers...........im sure every now and then its true:lol: :lol: :lol:

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She ran away, refused to talk to you (OP)

I'd say she does not want your help, end of story....

I am not sure if u noticed, but there are thousands of girls in the same situation...

If being "charitable" does it for you... you can deposit money in my bank account

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Me too for many years I sent my g'f about 30000 a month and she told me she was helping her Brother in his bar, it came as a big shock to me when i found her still working but I hooked up with one of her friends and now we are married. She still lives in Pattya and isnt working in the bar now, I send her the 30k now and will be visitng her soon this one is a good girl and fortunately her Brother also runs a bar which keeps her busy, she only meets and greets customers.

I sure am glad Im not being taken for a sucker. :whistling:

Im sure that is not your story although not the one you told here before. But there are guys enough who think that their bar girl only greets and meets customers.. but the girl forgets to say she meets them in bed.

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Maybe she doesn't want/need helping out. Regardless, why would you want the hassle? How about a nice steady woman in a normal/boring job with no (less) baggage far away from Pattaya?

i doubt a nice steady women wants dealings with a sex tourist:lol: :lol: :lol: ..

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Just move on and forget her. She does not need your help as she is enjoying her job. Plenty of other girls around who would appreciate your help

Maybe she already as a few other falangs already helping her,,,.and with the extra money she makes massaging she dont need any extra help.rolleyes.gif

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Funny post man ...... I think I am in the minority though when I say I agree ! lol

I wanna know how he got all of his information. jap.gif

Well, frankly?

After bi/tri-annually traveling to (and eventually living for extended periods of time @ my apartment in) Bangkok for nearly the last 6 years,

(and reading TV and other Thai -related news & forums for basically the same period),

and having a monogamous, committed relationship with (an AMAZINGLY CUTE) Thai national,

it turns out that even though she isn't and has never been a sexworker (but has a career that sometimes brings her into proximity with some of them),

it's really not that difficult to make simple, accurate observations of what's going on around me.

Especially with something as obvious and omni-present as the ubiquitous sex industry, in Bangkok/Pattaya/Phuket, Thailand.

Furthermore, as to your barely veiled insinuations, I put it to YOU, sir:

Does even a utterly mediocre reporter have to fire a handgun into his own brain, in order to accurately compose a story detailing the events that took place at a (occasionally startling, and rather messy) game of Russian Roulette??

How about marine biologists? Do they actually have to be bitten (or perhaps, eaten completely) by sharks themselves, in order to compile accurate statistics regarding the frequency of great white shark attacks at the great barrier reef in Australia?

And what about Police Detectives? Do they have to actually be former criminals charged, convicted and incarcerated for Grand Larceny, in order for them to deduce who it was who robbed a bank????




Exactly. :annoyed:

::::game-clock says: BZZZT!:::: Ok, and thats all the time we have for this game! Sorry you didn't win, but come back and try again sometime! :wai:

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Me too for many years I sent my g'f about 30000 a month and she told me she was helping her Brother in his bar, it came as a big shock to me when i found her still working but I hooked up with one of her friends and now we are married. She still lives in Pattya and isnt working in the bar now, I send her the 30k now and will be visitng her soon this one is a good girl and fortunately her Brother also runs a bar which keeps her busy, she only meets and greets customers.

I sure am glad Im not being taken for a sucker. :whistling:

I know this girl I am sure and you are right she does not go with customers from her bar ,however when she is in the bar next door :rolleyes:

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Just move on and forget her. She does not need your help as she is enjoying her job. Plenty of other girls around who would appreciate your help

Maybe she already as a few other falangs already helping her,,,.and with the extra money she makes massaging she dont need any extra help.rolleyes.gif

I think it's great that so many Farangs are so generous to Thai women, spread the wealth around, good luck to the women, from the state of many of the Farangs I see with Thai women, they deserve a Medal for sticking it out, payment or no payment.

I think most of the ardent negative posts come from jealous, poorer Farangs who wish that someone would send them a few extra Baht per month.

You guys want a pension plan and as much money as you can get for your old age right ?

So why should Thai people be any different, and if I could have amassed a small fortune by shagging old ladies for money, believe me, I would have done it.

Lets put it this way, how many guys here would have liked to be a porn star when they were young, making money from sex ?

C'mon guys, be honest, most of you would have done it for free, so don't be so hard on people who do whatever it takes to get by, you, like me, are fortunate in life, we have lived in different circumstances to many.

Was your mother walking 20Kms to get clean water to drink so you never died, no, of course not, but many many people live this way in the world, and if some African Nations had women as attractive as Thai women are, they too would be full of western sex tourists complaining about how the women only want their money, but thats why the western men are there in first place ain't it !!!!!

I know many western women who work in Tokyo as hostess workers, they come from affluent countries, yet can make a fortune in the nightlife scene in Japan, good luck to them also.

So many Men are willing to put working women down, yet if the roles were reversed, how many Men would be taking women for every $ they could get ?

Men are willing to pay for sex, women know this, ugly girls can have sex by just hanging out in a Pub or club, guaranteed that if she wants sex, she'll get it, and she won't pay either, plus get free drinks.

Ugly men don't have that same luxury, so they have to pay money for sex and no free drinks, that's what pisses men off so much. laugh.gif

Edited by sillyman99
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