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Frenchman Tried For Sexual Assault On 10 Thai Children


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There could also be entrapment/extortion in the mix - by the criminal parents.

I'm not the only one thinking about the quality of parenting shown by those that rented out their children.

Are they being pursued at all?

Not only renting out the kids and destroying the kids' childhood, and leaving psychic scars for life. I had a g.f. who was from a hill tribe in northernmost Thailand. She had no decent upbringing, didn't even have clothes until 4 or 5 yrs old - went begging for food from neighbor's houses. Her stepfather took her to Bkk when she was 11, and sold her to a bag sewing sweathouse. He then returned 3 yrs later and sold her to a restaurant (probably a front for a whorehouse). At 20, when I met her, she was a great kid - except when she got upset, she went whole hog - sometimes falling to pieces (crying, ranting) over the slightest problem. Robbing her of her childhood rendered her an emotional shipwreck.

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Unlike English Law where there is a presumption of innocence until proven guilty, in France, the accused is presumed Guilty until proven innocent.

Oh really?

From Wikipedia: In France, article 9 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, of constitutional value, says "Everyone is supposed innocent until having been declared guilty." and the preliminary article of the code of criminal procedure says "any suspected or prosecuted person is presumed to be innocent until their guilt has been established". The jurors' oath reiterates this assertion.

If it wasn't for the Thai police and media, you wouldn't know this guy's name or see this picture of him in the middle of the policemen until the end of the trial.

In addition, as in most of western countries, media in France are accountable for the privacy and presumption of innocence. It means: no parading of the handcuffed suspect by the police in front of the media.

The way it happens here is really disturbing. As soon as the police has a suspect, they will invite the press, take humiliating pictures in front of the "evidence".

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I'm not the only one thinking about the quality of parenting shown by those that rented out their children.

Are they being pursued at all?

That's the actual problem ! They probably won't be pursued at all.

One of my close relatives has friends whose 4 year old daughter was raped by her 56 year old teacher. A lot of noise and waves where made but at the end the parents walked away with 50.000 THB, the teacher received a warning and the child is left scared for the rest of her life.

As long as people don't get an education and some moral values, these things will happen over and over again.

The pink sunglasses came of a long time ago, a human life means nothing in Thailand, neither does someones feelings...

TIT, money is the only value that matters, no matter the consequences.

Sad but true.

I agree.

When it comes to child labor, my feelings are mixed.

It's our full bellys that put moral so high but when it comes to child rape/sex, there's no justification.

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even in the french prison, his life will be extremely difficult

From what I have read on the subject French prisons make the Thai prison system look like a holday resort I am suprised the harshness of The French penal system has never been subjected to assauly by the civil rights movement, anyway hope he gets a long time to reflect on his sins.

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There will always be people like this Frenchman about, which doesn't forgive him, but what sickens me the most is the Thai mother, to do this to your own children for a few Baht is worse than criminal. Whatever his sentence is, hers should be twice as bad and her children should be offered for adoption to childless people in the West, not anywhere in SEA!

Thai values, money, money, money, makes me want to throw up! Inhuman rubbish.

Maybe I get banned again for telling the truthg about our hosts, how may times have I heard such sickening stories?

Why are you here then if you feel like you are surrounded by 'inhuman rubbish'? It's extremely unfair and unjust to label 'thai people' in such a way. Let alone saying that she is more to blame than him. Are you serious? Sounds like you have something against Thai people. BOTH ARE TO BLAME.

You also seem to forget that the entire 1st world country values money just as much as thai people, it's a means to possesion, consumerism and having status by having objects. How are we (from europe, oz, the us etc) any different than thais? The difference is we actually have the money to buy things, but still many people live outside their means, to obtain status. It's human nature.

Many people in their 'moral' discussions seem to forget that Thailand is a emerging country (not 3rd world, but developing).

We generally have a much higher education level which teaches us the moral lessons of life (either directly or indirectly) and have parents who are also educated and pass these on to us. Education is the key to many things, and the fact remains that may thai people are under educated.

I in no way condone what was done by either the person perpetrating the act, nor the mother if she did in fact allow him to do things for money, however your assuming the same moral values exist (as in the Western world) in a country so diverse in both education standard and wealth/poverty.

As much as we can say we can imagine how it would be like to live on the poverty line (or barely scrape by), we really truly can't, unless you have faced daily uncertainty about food, housing, water. Just the same as the story about the girl working in a bar to support her father for cancer treatment, only to have stopped it later without her family or friends lookign down on her. Do you think the same would be thought in the western world in any situation? I doubt it. They would always be looked down upon.

The reality is, if there wasn't a customer, their wouldn't be seller. The farang who comes from an educated, highly moral society should know better. If this happens with Thai and Thai, its a completely different story/arguement as its entirely apart of their society only. But in this story that isn't the case.

You can't have a stab at Thai people andforget that one party 'should' know better, if in fact you say 'our' morals are so much more developed than those of Thais. Clearly people from all over the world have the abilitty to lack 'moral' judgement. Some of this could result to physiological dysfucntion, but also education has to play a part in a moralistic society. This has been shown numerous times throughout 'white' history.

Again, I feel sorry for the girl, because she is really the one who gets the 'shytty end of the stick' in this situation, regardless of what happens to him or the mother. She is scared for life and that can never be taken back.

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Unfortunately this exploitation of Thai women by foreigners is not uncommon. I am a foreigner living in the country and I, and at least 4 other foreigners, know that someone here (call him "X") has been drugging and raping young Thai women for years. Can we stop it? No. Will any of the girls report this to the police? No.

What is stopping you from reporting this insider information that you have on the foreigner to the police?

Agreed. If you don't report it, your simply allowing it to happen and thus are an accessory to it.

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I guess you readers haven't been in the loop of what's going on. According to this article the UN has or will legalize child porn, prostitution...


You're right. I am out of the loop when it comes to the ramblings and distortions of the Christian Institute (referenced in the link):

Who we are

The Christian Institute exists for “the furtherance and promotion of the Christian religion in the United Kingdom” and “the advancement of education”.

The Christian Institute is a nondenominational Christian charity committed to upholding the truths of the Bible.


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That guy def has mental disorder of sexual preference, fetish. He really sickens me. As for the mother, I do feel really sorry for those who are poor, but...... sell her own daughter???? A kid??? Have no idea how people like that can live with themselves..... really hope people like that deserve to be punished & I'm sure they will, Gotta belive in Karma, it might come late, but it arrives eventually!

sorry i must be mistaken. I read that he gave the mother some money. Now the mother wants to take cival action. how does that work ? sell your kid. the have the person arrested after the kid has been assaulted.

i am not sure what sickens me more. the mother or the rapist. or both ???

Agree- the mother is a criminal... I am sure lawyers touted their services to make it click that she will benefit in court by HER actions. Now how the court treats this supposed mother will be very interesting. As she did in fact sell her 8 yo daughter.

Let's face it- if she never offerred her daughter for $20 then this ONE incident would not have happened. Obviously he (If guilty) like others he would have found other means to satisfy himself illegally.

Karma looks to have come a bit late for many...

Poor or not, there are morals that spread around the world and chidren SHOULD not be subjected to any act that takes away from their youth. Last month, while waiting at a red light in a taxi at the corner of Silom and Sathorn, a young girl (8-10 years old) weaved about cars trying to sell merit flowers. An older lady knocked on my taxi door window and regardless of the taxi drivers demands not to communicate, I did. She suggested that I could take that child for 500 Bht. She didn't say for what, but I closed the window knowing what she meant, This scene happens everywhere and there is no policing to prevent it. To fix this problem, law officials need to remove the attempt to stop the action.

I wonder how long you could go hungry for before your morals change? It's easy to say morals should always exist, but morals are fine when your feed, clothed and sheltered. Peoples morals change dramatically when your survival is not guranteed. Morals don't spread, morals form an integral part of society and are a 'learned' thing. The fact is children working in thailand is an accepted part of their society, same as China etc etc. In Western culture we have decided it is not (different issue to child prostitution). Neither is right or wrong, its just what THAT society has decided to follow.

In one way or another we are all condoning child labour, why do you think the clothes we wear are so cheap? Want hand made clothes, made in the US or AUS. You can get it, but pay 3-4 times if not more the price. Our morals are also dictated by money. We don't want to spend a lot, so we can just forget our morals when it serves us right (or when it's not right in front of us).

Children working in Thailand is a different discussion and should not be mixed in with children being sold for sex.

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I guess you readers haven't been in the loop of what's going on. According to this article the UN has or will legalize child porn, prostitution...


To refering to Dr. Judith Reisman might be a mistake.

She's well known to make accusations to left and right without having facts.

She interprets everything goverments and organisations say or state in her own way.

Just read what the gay organisation writes about her.






There's most always nothing behind what she says but some people still listens to what she and the people bhind her says.

IMO she's just as evil as child molesters because of all the lies she's spreading about sexuality in general.

Don't try to scare people with untrue statements from unreliable sources, please.

Edited by MegaMik
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What I don't get is how did he got bail in Thailand to run away in the first place. ph34r.gif

I would suggest perhaps he bribed someone in authority. Thankfully such a thing would never happen in Thailand amongst the morally upstanding members of law enforcement.

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even in the french prison, his life will be extremely difficult

Yes. They don't like sexual abusers there. He will have very bad time during a long time.

But it's big shame coming again to my country anyway. I feel very sad one more time.

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TV and the media can bludgeon us all day with these reports of rats getting caught, but they will never gain my respect until they file a report on how the conditions ever got this way to attract the rats! Nor will they gain my respect until they address the issues on why these conditions have been here for thousands of years; unchanged!

I'll be the first one to say it: there comes a point when one has to ask if the conditions that attract rats are simply conditions that the inhabitants embrace and acknowledge as the norm. I believe this must be it; that the natives like to have this thing in their culture. Not only do they like it, but they protect it as well, and use it as a weapon to extort money from the rats that it attracts. Yes, it is a beautiful thing they have in the L.O.$.

Problem is; even the non-rats get collared with this embraced culture. The non-rats are not factored into this willful standard of sordid living (ranging back for thousands of years), and are more of a tolerated, amusing nuisance than anything, it seems. But we get ignored because we are too smart and well-behaved to be extorted for the most part.

I only see a Thai acting "Western" when there is a pay-off. The charade that they perform is almost always of poor quality and very unbelievable. They even make laws that say you have to pay a Thai to act Western, or you get deported, cast in jail, or fined. And this for Thais who have never traveled outside their own province and secretly despise western ways and think we are stupid! Avoid the chair and sit on the floor instead, or, don't sit on the loo seat; stand on it! It is always the same. After the money is deposited into their sweaty palms, they go back to being Thais, and any remaining charade on the contract ends forthwith with a convenient case of selective amnesia. Yes, I am implying the kind of Thais that make this land a haven for the rats of all forms (not only kid-loving rats) purely out of their innate love for these sort of conditions that they protect and defend so altruistically.

A message to the Western governments and NGO's, who think they are better than others and trample on the rights of non-rats!

You can never kill all the rats, and to focus on killing them will turn this world into a haven for paranoid, violent imbeciles, such as the kind most of you are. Any respectable pest control website will advise you to clean your house and remove any contributing factors that might cause the rats to bother coming. They will, after being invited, come and rid your house of rats, and they will offer a maintenance program, for a reasonable fee, if you are unable to do it yourself.

The interesting contrasts about Pest Control Centers, as opposed to today's Western Governments and NGOs is:

-The pest control centers do not work with INTERPOL to actively seek out all the rats in the world.

-They will not make stupid promises that they will ever be able to rid the world of all rats.

-Upon discovering a rat, they do not use tax payer's money to detain it, imprison it, or observe it, and write books and give lectures about its behavior.

-They will not actively seek laws that empower them to grow to such mega-financial proportions so that they can waste their time trying to kill all the rats

-They will not waste tax-payer's dollars on perpetuating their existence merely to survive, and carry out an impossible task

-They will not embellish that impossible task as a means to deceive people into thinking that all the rats in the world will be eventually rounded up.

-They will not create a crisis of unimaginable fear towards rats (a false flag enemy) so that you feel the need to always have them near to protect you from the rats

-Pest Control Centers will not descend on your home, uninvited, in black, attack helicopters and ninja suits, or even in the guise of greasy-palmed politicians, and turn your home inside out, and murder your family, or ignore your children's oozing, infected rat bites, in an effort to locate and kill all the rats - at the same time assuring you it is for the greater good.

These small pest control businesses know that this is a waste of time. They are more productive than that. They spend their time educating their clients on how to be clean, and to live good, hygienic lives. They teach people how to be self-sustaining and rat-free. They are glad to make regular visits, if invited, to make a former haven for rats an unsavory place for rats, and instead into a healthy and happy haven for kids and their loved ones. Pest Control Center employees lead clean lives themselves, and their example makes others willingly engage their services.

That's all you can do; unless, of course... you do not see any problem with the rats coming, and crawling all over your children, while you sleep peacefully with this knowledge!

But still...

I never saw a Pest Control service badger and harass a white trash neighborhood to get their act cleaned up, or else. They usually just shut the ---- up and drive on by! There are more important things to do in this world than arguing or threatening a home owner who refuses to change after thousands of years of poor behavior towards their own kind, no matter how regrettable.

But then, life is full of regrets the more you stick your nose into other people's business!

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If fould guilty, there is no punishment harsh enough for these types of crimes. He should be sent to a swedish prison. Not that i´ve got first hand knowledge but from what i´ve heard, these types of criminals are at the bottom of the "food chain" and are hated by all fellow inmates. As such they get the treatment so many of them deserve

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Pedophilia and incestual relations have been a part of Thai society since before the time of Buddha. Just google these topics to see how endemic they are to Thai society. The only thing that is different now is that Thai authorities have determined what a huge cash cow it is for them. Police don't make arrests unless it is profitable or politically favorable, hence few if any Thai arrests, but many highly visible farang arrests, even though farangs probably make up less than 1% of crime against Thai children. And who do you think runs the child prostitution rings?

What scares me more than anything is the witch hunting taking place. Any farang is a target. If the police grabbed you along with a small child and paraded you in front of a camera, could you prove that you were not a pedophile??? I suggest all farangs be very careful around children here.

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Actually pederasty is a man having sex with a passive boy ........ The article seems to mention a young girl

Pederasty or paederasty (US: /ˈpɛdəræsti/, UK: /ˈpiːdəræsti/) is a (usually erotic) relationship between an older man and an adolescent boy outside his immediate family. The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) "love of children" or "love of boys",[1] a compound derived from παῖς (pais) "child, boy" and ἐραστής (erastēs) "lover"

You are correct. I misused the word. I was referring to the aspect of the younger person being pre-pubescent (which fits in the Frenchman's cases) but it is true, the word is about male to male cross generational sex, not heterosexual. Thanks for the correction of my heinous error.

i presume the heinous error to which you refer is your reference to homosexual child rape as "cross generational sex"?

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If the guy is found guilty, I sincerely hope he feels the full force of Thai law.

I think its also important to remember that these perps do not act alone - they are aided by some locals as well. Arrest the lot of them....

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TV and the media can bludgeon us all day with these reports of rats getting caught, but they will never gain my respect until they file a report on how the conditions ever got this way to attract the rats! Nor will they gain my respect until they address the issues on why these conditions have been here for thousands of years; unchanged!

I'll be the first one to say it: there comes a point when one has to ask if the conditions that attract rats are simply conditions that the inhabitants embrace and acknowledge as the norm. I believe this must be it; that the natives like to have this thing in their culture. Not only do they like it, but they protect it as well, and use it as a weapon to extort money from the rats that it attracts. Yes, it is a beautiful thing they have in the L.O.$.

Problem is; even the non-rats get collared with this embraced culture. The non-rats are not factored into this willful standard of sordid living (ranging back for thousands of years), and are more of a tolerated, amusing nuisance than anything, it seems. But we get ignored because we are too smart and well-behaved to be extorted for the most part.

I only see a Thai acting "Western" when there is a pay-off. The charade that they perform is almost always of poor quality and very unbelievable. They even make laws that say you have to pay a Thai to act Western, or you get deported, cast in jail, or fined. And this for Thais who have never traveled outside their own province and secretly despise western ways and think we are stupid! Avoid the chair and sit on the floor instead, or, don't sit on the loo seat; stand on it! It is always the same. After the money is deposited into their sweaty palms, they go back to being Thais, and any remaining charade on the contract ends forthwith with a convenient case of selective amnesia. Yes, I am implying the kind of Thais that make this land a haven for the rats of all forms (not only kid-loving rats) purely out of their innate love for these sort of conditions that they protect and defend so altruistically.

A message to the Western governments and NGO's, who think they are better than others and trample on the rights of non-rats!

You can never kill all the rats, and to focus on killing them will turn this world into a haven for paranoid, violent imbeciles, such as the kind most of you are. Any respectable pest control website will advise you to clean your house and remove any contributing factors that might cause the rats to bother coming. They will, after being invited, come and rid your house of rats, and they will offer a maintenance program, for a reasonable fee, if you are unable to do it yourself.

The interesting contrasts about Pest Control Centers, as opposed to today's Western Governments and NGOs is:

-The pest control centers do not work with INTERPOL to actively seek out all the rats in the world.

-They will not make stupid promises that they will ever be able to rid the world of all rats.

-Upon discovering a rat, they do not use tax payer's money to detain it, imprison it, or observe it, and write books and give lectures about its behavior.

-They will not actively seek laws that empower them to grow to such mega-financial proportions so that they can waste their time trying to kill all the rats

-They will not waste tax-payer's dollars on perpetuating their existence merely to survive, and carry out an impossible task

-They will not embellish that impossible task as a means to deceive people into thinking that all the rats in the world will be eventually rounded up.

-They will not create a crisis of unimaginable fear towards rats (a false flag enemy) so that you feel the need to always have them near to protect you from the rats

-Pest Control Centers will not descend on your home, uninvited, in black, attack helicopters and ninja suits, or even in the guise of greasy-palmed politicians, and turn your home inside out, and murder your family, or ignore your children's oozing, infected rat bites, in an effort to locate and kill all the rats - at the same time assuring you it is for the greater good.

These small pest control businesses know that this is a waste of time. They are more productive than that. They spend their time educating their clients on how to be clean, and to live good, hygienic lives. They teach people how to be self-sustaining and rat-free. They are glad to make regular visits, if invited, to make a former haven for rats an unsavory place for rats, and instead into a healthy and happy haven for kids and their loved ones. Pest Control Center employees lead clean lives themselves, and their example makes others willingly engage their services.

That's all you can do; unless, of course... you do not see any problem with the rats coming, and crawling all over your children, while you sleep peacefully with this knowledge!

But still...

I never saw a Pest Control service badger and harass a white trash neighborhood to get their act cleaned up, or else. They usually just shut the ---- up and drive on by! There are more important things to do in this world than arguing or threatening a home owner who refuses to change after thousands of years of poor behavior towards their own kind, no matter how regrettable.

But then, life is full of regrets the more you stick your nose into other people's business!

Very Impressed with the above I will have a cup of coffee and read this again, what a great comparison!! Thanks

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even in the french prison, his life will be extremely difficult

From what I have read on the subject French prisons make the Thai prison system look like a holday resort I am suprised the harshness of The French penal system has never been subjected to assauly by the civil rights movement, anyway hope he gets a long time to reflect on his sins.

French prisons are not holiday resorts


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Since people in this Country will consider money more important than other values, this and other misdeeds always happens more and more.


You mean some people? Because you are then referring to my family and people I know here and you are way out of line my friend. Most likely the parents were told that their children were being taught english or the such. You may need to consider thinking before you put it in writing my friend.

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even in the french prison, his life will be extremely difficult

Unfortunately not . I'm french and I can tell you they put all the wicked rapists together in the same jails.

So, he will not have anyone to give him hard times (to be polite !)

That is absolutely ludicrous, you might be french but have obviously lost touch with France's reality.

A) there is no such thing as a jail for rapists in France's territory. if only ! that would be considered a luxury for the current budget...

B) there are indeed special units where they get to be put together to help avoid violence against them, but that also means a total isolation and discrimation, mental, verbal and sometimes physical violence.

They are not talked to by others, insulted constantly, to which they obviously cannot respond for fear of violence.

C) Before shouting with the pack remember that 1- some of the men there are innocent, and a prisonner is still a man with human rights and 2 Sex abusers are mostly previous victims themselves.

D) encouraging the circle of abuse is definately not the solution .

E) More importantly France has not yet found finances (or will) to help/cure these prisonners (like it is done in Canada for example) and they enventually get released just because the time is done but are still suffering major personality disorders.

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Actually pederasty is a man having sex with a passive boy ........ The article seems to mention a young girl

Pederasty or paederasty (US: /ˈpɛdəræsti/, UK: /ˈpiːdəræsti/) is a (usually erotic) relationship between an older man and an adolescent boy outside his immediate family. The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) "love of children" or "love of boys",[1] a compound derived from παῖς (pais) "child, boy" and ἐραστής (erastēs) "lover"

You are correct. I misused the word. I was referring to the aspect of the younger person being pre-pubescent (which fits in the Frenchman's cases) but it is true, the word is about male to male cross generational sex, not heterosexual. Thanks for the correction of my heinous error.

i presume the heinous error to which you refer is your reference to homosexual child rape as "cross generational sex"?

OK, rub it in. I see there is no respect here granted for people who own up to their errors. Of course, cross generational sex if both parties of legal age is cool, it becomes illegal when the younger person is under the age of consent. If the younger person is pre-pubescent and two male are involved, the older person is committing pederasty. The rape part in child molest cases is usually a legal construct because the younger person is presumed unable to legally give consent because they are under the age of consent. Thus -- rape, sex forced upon another without their consent.

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