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Years ago I had a similar thing happen whilst touring Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok, I guess they were hoping the had grabbed a tourist and they started asking me questions in english and I responded in Thai. They asked me how long I had been in Thailand and I replied 3 days and then they asked me how many times had I been to Thailand and I replied, "First trip". They were perplexed :blink::lol:

Then I fessed up & they took off to find another farang that wasnt so complicated :lol: . But as I say, that was years ago.

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So I was sitting in a coffee shop, doing some work, minding my own business when two students asked if they could sit down and have me participate in a survey.

I was reading a book.

Are you busy sir? Can we ask you some questions?

I'm busy sorry.

You're busy....?


I was quite offended,

Actually they seemed quite offended.

It's impolite to interupt people doing their work/relaxing.

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When I used to live in BKK, near Sukhumvit, I was always being asked questions about "Why did I come to Thailand? How long was I staying? What was I interested in - culture, temples, food etc?"

After a few "It's OK, I am not a tourist I live here" moments - they still persisted in the questionnaire.

So - the only way to get them to leave me alone in the end was to reply " I am here for the cheap alcohol, great food and endless sex." They would ask for my name and address - I gave them my next door neighbor's details and he is still eternally grateful to me. (Luckily it was not video'd.)

Strange but true.

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Walking back from paying my electric bill yesterday by the moat (CM) a Thai guy sitting on a bench calls out as I pass.

"Hey, where you from?"

"Hang Dong"

tick tick tick "Where you from?" (obviously that didn't compute)


"My sister, she speak very good English. Very much English" (rudely points at a 20 something woman sitting on the side of the moat on the grass a few metres in front of him with his foot) "I give her you if you want?"

"Erm?" (OK, is he going to give me to her or her to me...?)

"I give her she to you" (OK her to me - got it)

[switched to Thai] "No Thanks. I have one already at home. Bye."

He: Perplexed face...

Me: Saunter on.

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I got caught by a group coming out of Central World. Their English was horrible. I barely understood the questions.

I got caught by a group in China a few years ago. They wanted a pic of a foreigner using the subway. Lots of pics, but did not want any of wifey!?!?!?! I felt like a star!

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Looked for Him today by the moat, I guess someone already took him up on the offer. (jk)

It was down a bit from Mad Dogs - towards the corner (away from Taipae) just before that wardrobe shrine thingamejig overhanging the water - don't worry I'm sure he will be back when he's restocked :D

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Remember, some of them are doing this as asassignments from their University. (Though I doubt that was the case with the guy offering his 'sister' ) "Go out and interview a farang! Get some authentic English!" :D

I always balk when they pull out the video camera. I don't want to be on you tube.

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It used to really annoy me being asked the same questions over and over - ''Where you come flom?', 'How long you stay Thailand?', 'You like Typhoo?' - not just from students but other random people. Now I just have fun by giving them the most ridiculous answers I can think of. I come from Transylvania, I've been in Thailand for 98 years and I prefer Tetley. It's amazing how many people have no idea what the joke is.

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