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Fed Up With Tv Idiots.


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Why are people so thin skinned (not meant as a racist comment) anyway?

It would be nice if everyone could just tough it out a little more without whining (whinging: British version) so much.

Imagine how free you could be if you didn't give a crap what others said. it is an anonymous forum, you can be ten feet tall (3.084m) if you want to.


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Don´t let the door hit you after you leave

Some people here see things not through the rose colored spectacles of newcomers.

True, but in another topic, you have one dumbass poster trying to insinuate, that another posters' sister in law may have went to another country for sex work, when it was already explained what she was doing. What could possibly be right about that? I don't see any reason to let those posts go undeleted.

That is exactly what I am saying... It is the unnecessary offensive and lewd comments that are being totally unmoderated, even after reporting, they remain, so much for 'rules of the forum'.

I just cannot for the life of me think why these sort of UNSUBSTANTIATED claims such as the above quoted example points out. You trying to say, people who have been in Thailand a long time have enough experience to be able to make these accusations about people whom they have never met??? I think not.

These forums are not correctly moderated, and if you think it is cool and interesting and entertaining to watch someone bullying another and think it is great fun... then all i can say, is that you were clearly bullied at school, and now you are one of the bulling gang.

enough said.

I think i will now start an alternative forum, if only to see how well it takes off.

Good luck we'll really miss your input! crying.gif But, if you find the post very offensive, there is the report button, the mods can't read every post. Can they?

//removed quote of deleted post flaming - admin//

Hum, have you read the rules about not discussing moderators? No insulting other members etc? Any post about an American brings the best garbage posters. Oh my the English still hate the Irish, the Scot's, the Ozzies and the Yanks. Who do they like? They don't even like each other!

As others have said, it's up to you to read or not to read. Respond or not respond. I will refrain from any insulting comments as I usually try to do, so good luck OP and ajarnpot with your new forum that has only very nice posters to your liking on it! passifier.gifsleepy.gifsaai.gif

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I agree but if there was no or little moderation then the serious weirdo's would come out. :ermm:

yes, and dont forget theres always loads of em on temporary bans. imagine if they were all let loose. the lunatics would take over the asylum.

that could be fun, and ratings would certainly go up.

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I just read the whole thread by the OP and can't believe he or she thinks TV is full of idiots,IMO it's the OP who is the biggest idiot on this thread , IT comes on TV as a new member and starts a thread to put members down and discusses moderation and also mentions that he/she is going to set up another forum to rival this one, cheers OP you've given me my daily dose of laughter for the day...

Oh by the way OP if things upset you so much on TV, doors that way.........................................................>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Close it quietly on your way out...

For those who mentioned troll ref the OP, I'm in agreement and also think the OP is a returning banned member, (TOOL)...

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='transam' timestamp='1284039718' post='3872913']

'canuckamuck' timestamp='1284038921' post='3872890']

Why are people so thin skinned (not meant as a racist comment) anyway?

It would be nice if everyone could just tough it out a little more without whining (whinging: British version) so much.

Imagine how free you could be if you didn't give a crap what others said. it is an anonymous forum, you can be ten feet tall (3.084m) if you want to.

I agree but if there was no or little moderation then the serious weirdo's would come out. :ermm:

Should readers of obnoxious or slanderous comments AS THEY interpret them ,remember that this is an open forum where people of far differing points of view coming from various angles air their views , the majority simply pass comments or opinions from thier experiences , what you read into those comments/experiences can often be the end result of your own personal bias or point of view on any given subject .

Should you require a Perfectly PC Place to Perform moderation , do as you have suggested and start up your own forum , it will not take too long before you are enjoying the Perfect boredom all alone , TV is what it is because it is just that WHAT IT IS , the choice is all yours , like it or leave it .

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Why are people so thin skinned (not meant as a racist comment) anyway?

It would be nice if everyone could just tough it out a little more without whining (whinging: British version) so much.

Imagine how free you could be if you didn't give a crap what others said. it is an anonymous forum, you can be ten feet tall (3.084m) if you want to.

Hey I'm ten foot tall!

I also have a fabulous job earning 500 000 baht a month; and my hi so Thai girl that I met at university earns 350 000baht a month with her 5 PhDs. The only thing I whine (whinge) about is that silly girl behind the counter who doesn't know she's dealing with a VIP . . . .

sheet . . . . I'm a Farang after all!

Did I mention that I only post in worthwhile topics . . . ? Sorry gotta go, my babysitter's here. w00t.gif

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The bar i drink in is full of idiots ..Danish idiots

I like Danes :D

So do i ,thats why i drink with them biggrin.gif

Don't get carried away welsh1 Danes will drink with anyone.

We call them the danish Mafia as there is so many of them... But i wish they would stop calling me a English #### all the time....well out of order if you ask me mad.gif

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Yet you have still felt the need to post on this 'joke' of a site 473 times

I see you qualify as an example of what the originator of this tread was speaking of. Good for you! By the way, I cannot wait until I get up to 473, of course it is going to take another 10 years, but I will work on it.

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My only comment on this subject is that there are a lot of posters that post to just post. They do not bring much to the thread. I have noticed a lot of posters with 5, 8 and over 10K posts(other than admins) typically are those folks. Quite honestly they must live online with not much to do. Its all good. They do bring entertainment to the board. They wait in the wings until a new poster comes online and WHAM......It's on!!!!!!!

I can see how the OP has made his/hers assessment. This site, particularly in this section, is loaded with a lot of dribble nonsense posted. I have found some threads to be excellent subjects but 1 or 2 pages in the nonsense starts and your answer, if it was a question, was done in those first 2 pages.

In the end folks have to realize that forums draw out people that like to be able to bash others without a face. Its the world of keyboard battles. It is the norm. Every forum, no matter the content , will have a large population of them. I am an admin on a diesel truck forum and have been for years and it happens there regularly. Most of it is Chevy is better then Dodge and Ford and the owners of the other brands fire back. You just have to let people post what they want within the guidelines of the site and ignore the posters that doing nothing but add jibberish non value add info or typically take a post off tangent.

Enjoy the posts as I do. As my Dad says, "Never open your mouth and remove all doubt".....jap.gif

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It seems to me that its mostly the newbies that are insulating and trollish here. During the red shirt rally we got a sudden influx of new members - which in intself is not an isue. However, it seems a lot of those kiddie posters that frequent YouTube and many forums around the net taht spit out vittiol at every opportunity - hijacking every thread they post in and attack posts and posters with bigotted insults - many of these posts are posted in the early hours and are obviously from people that have nothing to do with Thailand at all, but just use it as a playground during recess!

I've been here a fair while now (since early 2003) and I have a distinct feeling that there is a real need to boost the amount of moderators - it seems that some posts, usually the most popular/political ones, are well moderated (perhaps even overly so sometimes), but other post go wothout so much as a visit from a mod. I realise that much is reliant on reported posts, but it is not always so easy to pick a specific post when a hijacking or attack is taking place - they are not allways straight flames. I feel that the mods are sprading themselves too thin. I rememebr people gettign abnned very easily in the old days - Blue Cat, Whirlwind, and many more - seems as time has gone by people are allowed much more flaming freedom than these poor sods got.

I do not know what the banning/sinbin policy is here, but I would suggest that new m

New members getting negative points need to be looked at - and should be dealt with more severely. We need to attract the right sort of people, not the morons that do nothing to help the site and just derail the thread and upset the posters. These people should be discouraged.

The culprits seem to be the same people over and over again - there may be need to record their IP Address so when the reregister using a different Hotmail address, at least you can keep an eye on them from the go.

Why do we need more policing and yet more censorship ?

I think the opposite is the case.

TV is over moderated to the point of stultification.

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It seems to me that its mostly the newbies that are insulating and trollish here. During the red shirt rally we got a sudden influx of new members - which in intself is not an isue. However, it seems a lot of those kiddie posters that frequent YouTube and many forums around the net taht spit out vittiol at every opportunity - hijacking every thread they post in and attack posts and posters with bigotted insults - many of these posts are posted in the early hours and are obviously from people that have nothing to do with Thailand at all, but just use it as a playground during recess!

I've been here a fair while now (since early 2003) and I have a distinct feeling that there is a real need to boost the amount of moderators - it seems that some posts, usually the most popular/political ones, are well moderated (perhaps even overly so sometimes), but other post go wothout so much as a visit from a mod. I realise that much is reliant on reported posts, but it is not always so easy to pick a specific post when a hijacking or attack is taking place - they are not allways straight flames. I feel that the mods are sprading themselves too thin. I rememebr people gettign abnned very easily in the old days - Blue Cat, Whirlwind, and many more - seems as time has gone by people are allowed much more flaming freedom than these poor sods got.

I do not know what the banning/sinbin policy is here, but I would suggest that new m

New members getting negative points need to be looked at - and should be dealt with more severely. We need to attract the right sort of people, not the morons that do nothing to help the site and just derail the thread and upset the posters. These people should be discouraged.

The culprits seem to be the same people over and over again - there may be need to record their IP Address so when the reregister using a different Hotmail address, at least you can keep an eye on them from the go.

Why do we need more policing and yet more censorship ?

I think the opposite is the case.

TV is over moderated to the point of stultification.

Indeed.. then one day you will click on your bookmark link for TV and you will see a totally white screen, apart from the following message.


กระทรวงเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร ได้มีคำสั่งให้ระงับการเผยแพร่เว็บไซด์ที่ท่านต้องการเข้าชม

เนื่องจากมีรูปภาพ ข้อความ และ เนื้อหาบางส่วนที่ไม่เหมาะสม สอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่

กระทรวงเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร โทร 0 2141 6950"

Because that is what happens here when a website gets out of control, and who will you blame for that?

Who exactly will be blamed for that??... Me???.. or all the bad, useless and insulting posters who claim that this is an open forum, so they have a god given right to inject whatever crap they want 'openly'.

Truth is, I am a webmaster and i have run lots of sites I have developed until i make them profitable, then i sell them. i can assure you, this is a very, very profitable website. The more popular it is, the more profitable it is and the more it has to be controlled.... Don't spoil it for everyone else. this is a great place to get serious and accurate answers to a question, until the fools spot the thread, and destroy it by nit-picking the replies and the posters, then all the idiots come out to play. Then the topic is lost... what sort of contribution is that? That is why the idiots need to be gone, no matter how many posts they have, or how long they lived in Thailand.

For the benefit of those who cannot read Thai, the message translates to English as:

"Sorry for the inconvenience.

The Ministry of Information and communication

has an order to suspend the release site that you want to visit.

Because it may contain text or images that it deems to be inappropriate.

For more information visit www.amd.com.

Ministry of Information and Communication Tel: 0 2141 6950.

I have built and run websites it Thailand. (for the benefit of the member who tried to educate me on that point). I know what is acceptable legislation governing content on public websites.

The insulting and criticism of Thai culture and the Kingdom and its people will only be tolerated up to a point, then it is removed.

So, before you have your few too many Changs, and come on here for a bit of sport fishing, remember..Someone is paying for this website to serve you, so don't take the p**s out of them.

This was started and in the main, is run as an information site. The idiot webboards are the other way.

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I think the OP might be a little thin skinned. Moderation is pretty good here and doesn't allow nasty comments. And, when the occasional one slips through, it doesn't last for long. Besides, a nasty comment says more about the person who writes it than it does about who it is directed at.

Thaivisa DOES however, allow debates on controversial topics. Debates by their very nature rile up people's feelings. I'm amazed at how many people get upset by someone else's point of view. When you take such a diverse group of people there are bound to be some disagreements. If you don't want a disagreement then go to one of the sub-forums that deal with specific topics... such as where to buy a good hamburger. :lol:

And, as far as starting a new forum where everyone agrees, then good luck with that. What a boring place that would be. Don't talk about it, just try to do it. Action speaks louder than words.

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Let's have a forum for newbie posters where they can all have a pleasant pat on the back from each other without being circled by the sharks constantly.......ahh no where's the fun in that? :D

i dont understand why calling someone silly when they do sikky things is frowned upon. how is anyone going to learn anything.

losing millions to lazee thai women trying to skirt thai laws that prevent farangs from owing property is downright goofy, yet we supposed to only feel sympathy?

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One possible solution is to introduce more sex related subjects

They won't let you, but they are such hypocrites, many of the Google ads are for that exact subject, which is how they make their money.

As a webmaster myself, I can tell you they could block those ads if they wanted to, but that would cut down on their income.

What a JOKE, if you ask me.

you need a 4 day holliday sir:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I think the OP might be a little thin skinned. Moderation is pretty good here and doesn't allow nasty comments. And, when the occasional one slips through, it doesn't last for long. Besides, a nasty comment says more about the person who writes it than it does about who it is directed at.

Thaivisa DOES however, allow debates on controversial topics. Debates by their very nature rile up people's feelings. I'm amazed at how many people get upset by someone else's point of view. When you take such a diverse group of people there are bound to be some disagreements. If you don't want a disagreement then go to one of the sub-forums that deal with specific topics... such as where to buy a good hamburger. :lol:

And, as far as starting a new forum where everyone agrees, then good luck with that. What a boring place that would be. Don't talk about it, just try to do it. Action speaks louder than words.

Whoever said anything about banning or weeding out disagreements... This thread has got so distorted by comments and replies by a minority of posters, that the whole thing becomes muddied, and nobody seems to know what they are talking about any more.

I am only referring to the members who read through what starts as a serious question and all its replies, and then spot maybe someone who mentions their gf, or wife or mother, as an example, then they like to poke in with an insult about the said poster's girlfriend, and maybe will insinuate something vile or perverted.... as a deliberate insult to get the blood up. then it is usually followed by a retaliation, and then followed by more idiot comments, and before you know it, the original topic is way gone.

Let's face it.... we have all seen many a thread go down the tubes this way.

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Should readers of obnoxious or slanderous comments AS THEY interpret them ,remember that this is an open forum where people of far differing points of view coming from various angles air their views , the majority simply pass comments or opinions from thier experiences , what you read into those comments/experiences can often be the end result of your own personal bias or point of view on any given subject .

Should you require a Perfectly PC Place to Perform moderation , do as you have suggested and start up your own forum , it will not take too long before you are enjoying the Perfect boredom all alone , TV is what it is because it is just that WHAT IT IS , the choice is all yours , like it or leave it .

what a lovely post!

no one understands bias more than this guy:lol: :lol:

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