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Fatal Pattaya Baht-Bus Accident Caused By Drunk Canadian

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This roundabout has always been an accident black spot.

Strange how everyone is blaming the Canadian man here, I dint see in the article that he has been convicted (yet), just because he was drunk (although that is meant to be an offense here of course and he will ultimately pay dearly for it) it does not mean he caused the accident though.

This is as far as I know the only real main road roundabout in Pattaya. The Thai drivers are always totally confused when approaching it, with no one knowing who has any right of way.

The law is: "GIVE WAY TO THE TRAFFIC ON YOUR RIGHT WHEN ENTERING THE ROUNDABOUT" if that rule was applied there would be less accidents and perhaps this nasty one could have been avoided.

I would bet money that the taxi "songtaow" was coming from 2nd road and did not give way, or even slow down, the (speeding?) Canadian would have been on taxi,s right side who was probably already making his (perfectly legal) turn to the right to go to Naklua or go streight on down to beach road.

(Of course it would be interesting to know more facts rather than the PDN reporters assumptions)

The city council should install big signs at the approaches to all roundabouts, saying in Thai and English: "GIVE WAY TO TRAFFIC ON YOUR RIGHT"

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When a falang is involved its per definition his fault. Btw how many Thais knows the rules driving in and out of a roundabout ? I have seen very few including bath bus drivers - they are ruthless and often drunk

All my respect to the injured and dead. R.I.P.


I agree roundabouts are difficult even for sober people who aren't familiar with them. This is a true story. An old college friend of mine had a relative who was on the front lines in World War 2 and survived it, but the first week back home in Boston, he died in a car crash in a roundabout.


I don't understand,he couldn't drink and drive in his own country why think it is ok to do it somewhere else. To me that is showing no respect to the law,

And to the people the past away and are injured,


The law is: "GIVE WAY TO THE TRAFFIC ON YOUR RIGHT WHEN ENTERING THE ROUNDABOUT" if that rule was applied there would be less accidents and perhaps this nasty one could have been avoided.

I think you will find that all the signage in the world would not have prevented this p!ssed up dope head doing what he did.

At the speed he was alleged to have been travelling, I think he was trying to be clever in 'cutting the corner' to Beach Road.


This roundabout has always been an accident black spot.

Strange how everyone is blaming the Canadian man here, I dint see in the article that he has been convicted (yet), just because he was drunk (although that is meant to be an offense here of course and he will ultimately pay dearly for it) it does not mean he caused the accident though.

This is as far as I know the only real main road roundabout in Pattaya. The Thai drivers are always totally confused when approaching it, with no one knowing who has any right of way.

The law is: "GIVE WAY TO THE TRAFFIC ON YOUR RIGHT WHEN ENTERING THE ROUNDABOUT" if that rule was applied there would be less accidents and perhaps this nasty one could have been avoided.

I would bet money that the taxi "songtaow" was coming from 2nd road and did not give way, or even slow down, the (speeding?) Canadian would have been on taxi,s right side who was probably already making his (perfectly legal) turn to the right to go to Naklua or go streight on down to beach road.

(Of course it would be interesting to know more facts rather than the PDN reporters assumptions)

The city council should install big signs at the approaches to all roundabouts, saying in Thai and English: "GIVE WAY TO TRAFFIC ON YOUR RIGHT"

The Pattaya One News quote says he was coming round the roundabout the wrong way "anti clockwise" no amount of "Give Way" will prevent that. You can not turn right to go to beach road you have to go round the roundabout clockwise. Maybe there are others who require a brush up on their driving skills re driving on the left side of the road and roundabouts.


Oh aren't we all jumping on the righteous indignation bandwagon about the bad FARANG who was drunk and speeding and killed people?

It is most certainly deplorable and I do not defend his actions whatsoever, but come on!

If this was an accident with a drunk and speeding Thai smashing his car into another Thai and killing him/her, it would not even register in the news. And it happens every day.

<deleted>! Its a tragedy but not news.

Thinking outside the box. Just maybe, he could have been slipped a mickey, not knowing it, and drove off, just maybe.


Pattaya can be a fun town, but the police really need to crackdown on the drunk/drugged up driving. My guess is that everynight from several hundred to a few thousand people are pissed up, operating a vehicle and just looking for an accident.

Here is a quote from one of the articles:

Mr. Giannini was arrested by Police at the scene, who suspected he was heavily intoxicated. Inside his badly damaged vehicle were two women he had just met at a bar further up the Naklua Road.

Stupid is as stupid does... Why (I know money) would anyone get into a car with a driver drunk out of his mind?



Sure hope the apparent drunken drive had a 1st Class insurance policy "for the victims' sake" as there are going to be some big hospital and compensation bills to pay. And if he did have a 1st Class insurance policy that usually comes with a high bail amount, that bail amount is probably the only thing that going to keep him out of jail until the trial.

He was drunk or drugged up, why would the insurance honor it's policy? I don't think they will pay anything out.


why is that guy pushing that womans ribs in and out clearly several inches from where her heart is

or am i wrong again

Guess you are, time for a First Aid Course I think.

You dont do the push directly over the heart. Draw a line between the breast nipples and in the middle you push, thats just a little over where the rips meet.


Maybe it's been said already but, anyone thinking about having a drink and driving home tonight should look at the video in the OP first.


Wow, that video clip is graphic. Kind of wishing I hadn't watched it. :( But, I guess it's a good reminder for people of the damage then can inflict when they do something as idiotic as drinking & driving.

Totally agreed. I'm not hungry any more after watching the video.

My condolences to the victims, their families and friends. Let's hope that the others aren't suffering.that much. A speedy recovery for them.

As a matter of fact injuries like these people have will be a long process to recover. Please give this guy what he deserves

Tears in heaven......


This roundabout has always been an accident black spot.

Strange how everyone is blaming the Canadian man here, I dint see in the article that he has been convicted (yet), just because he was drunk (although that is meant to be an offense here of course and he will ultimately pay dearly for it) it does not mean he caused the accident though.

This is as far as I know the only real main road roundabout in Pattaya. The Thai drivers are always totally confused when approaching it, with no one knowing who has any right of way.

The law is: "GIVE WAY TO THE TRAFFIC ON YOUR RIGHT WHEN ENTERING THE ROUNDABOUT" if that rule was applied there would be less accidents and perhaps this nasty one could have been avoided.

I would bet money that the taxi "songtaow" was coming from 2nd road and did not give way, or even slow down, the (speeding?) Canadian would have been on taxi,s right side who was probably already making his (perfectly legal) turn to the right to go to Naklua or go streight on down to beach road.

(Of course it would be interesting to know more facts rather than the PDN reporters assumptions)

The city council should install big signs at the approaches to all roundabouts, saying in Thai and English: "GIVE WAY TO TRAFFIC ON YOUR RIGHT"

The Pattaya One News quote says he was coming round the roundabout the wrong way "anti clockwise" no amount of "Give Way" will prevent that. You can not turn right to go to beach road you have to go round the roundabout clockwise. Maybe there are others who require a brush up on their driving skills re driving on the left side of the road and roundabouts.

A typical mistake when you're not used to drive on the left lane. Flying with ice and alcohol does the rest.


People get drunk all over the world its nothing to do with it being Pattaya oh righteous ones.

That junction is very poorly designed. Clearly it was a roundabout at some time.

Baht buses drive like crazy in Pattaya. With the amount of money flooding in to the city it would be nice to see a public transport system.


People get drunk all over the world its nothing to do with it being Pattaya oh righteous ones.

That junction is very poorly designed. Clearly it was a roundabout at some time.

Baht buses drive like crazy in Pattaya. With the amount of money flooding in to the city it would be nice to see a public transport system.

I've only been to Pattaya once and never used or paid any attention to the baht buses. I would have thought they drive extremely slowly, as elsewhere, in order to pick up fares?


This roundabout has always been an accident black spot.

Strange how everyone is blaming the Canadian man here, I dint see in the article that he has been convicted (yet), just because he was drunk (although that is meant to be an offense here of course and he will ultimately pay dearly for it) it does not mean he caused the accident though.

This is as far as I know the only real main road roundabout in Pattaya. The Thai drivers are always totally confused when approaching it, with no one knowing who has any right of way.

The law is: "GIVE WAY TO THE TRAFFIC ON YOUR RIGHT WHEN ENTERING THE ROUNDABOUT" if that rule was applied there would be less accidents and perhaps this nasty one could have been avoided.

I would bet money that the taxi "songtaow" was coming from 2nd road and did not give way, or even slow down, the (speeding?) Canadian would have been on taxi,s right side who was probably already making his (perfectly legal) turn to the right to go to Naklua or go streight on down to beach road.

(Of course it would be interesting to know more facts rather than the PDN reporters assumptions)

The city council should install big signs at the approaches to all roundabouts, saying in Thai and English: "GIVE WAY TO TRAFFIC ON YOUR RIGHT"

The Canadian had apparently avoided the roundabout and come straight through from Naklua Road. The Canadian wouldn't have been on the baht buses right - he would have been coming straight at him head on.


People get drunk all over the world its nothing to do with it being Pattaya oh righteous ones.

That junction is very poorly designed. Clearly it was a roundabout at some time.

Baht buses drive like crazy in Pattaya. With the amount of money flooding in to the city it would be nice to see a public transport system.

I've only been to Pattaya once and never used or paid any attention to the baht buses. I would have thought they drive extremely slowly, as elsewhere, in order to pick up fares?

No, they are generally not slow. Most go as fast as they can, but within safe limits, and I would estimate about 10 percent are wild fast. Of course if restricted by traffic, which is common, they can't go faster than the traffic allows.


Oh aren't we all jumping on the righteous indignation bandwagon about the bad FARANG who was drunk and speeding and killed people?

It is most certainly deplorable and I do not defend his actions whatsoever, but come on!

If this was an accident with a drunk and speeding Thai smashing his car into another Thai and killing him/her, it would not even register in the news. And it happens every day.

<deleted>! Its a tragedy but not news.

On some level I have to agree. It is no point preaching innocent until proven guilty, because there is no level playing field.

We will never know if we have the true set of facts, upon which to make a decision.

So we might as well quit guessing and condemning.

If we are going to talk about drivers risking other peoples lives, we can look beyond the set of drunk drivers.

Last night I was on my bicycle going through an intersection on the outer ring rd, just South of the Doi Suket intersection in Chiang Mai. The intersection has no lights, and vehicles on the ring rd have right of way as the side roads have stop signs.

I am half way through when a young Thai girl on a motorcycle coming head on to me, decides she wants to make a right turn. I slam on my brakes before she even looks up. When she does look at me, all I get is a goofy smile and on she goes.

If I hadn't been looking I could have been just as dead as these other unfortunate victims. Then I wonder what the official story would have been?

I always call a spade a spade. The Thai law enforcement system condones lawlessness on the roads. My guess is anytime a Farang is involved in an accident his chance of being the victim is much smaller than it should be.


Unfortunately Pattaya Police is doing nothing against drunk driving. It is possible here to drive completely drunk, getting fined for, let me say not wearing a Helmet, stagger to the Police Station, pay your fine, go back to pick up your Motorbike and drive on.

It`s an absolute shame, but its Fun Town Pattaya, so they just let it go. Result you can see above....

A good idea to be home in bed at 4:00am. A disproportionate amount of bad things happen at that hour, given that more than 90% of the population is at home asleep.

best part of the day========you can walk around without some fuc**r tring to sell you something you dont want innit

The city council should install big signs at the approaches to all roundabouts, saying in Thai and English: "GIVE WAY TO TRAFFIC ON YOUR RIGHT"

They tried that (in Thai) at a newly installed roundabout in Khon Kaen. Might as well have been written in Hebrew.


The Canadian had apparently avoided the roundabout and come straight through from Naklua Road. The Canadian wouldn't have been on the baht buses right - he would have been coming straight at him head on.

I expect the songtow (bahtbus) swerved last second, that would give a broadside impact on the right.


What everyone seems to have overlooked is that the roundabout is not actually a roundabout. In fact its a death trap. It is not a roundabout as its not possible to go all the way around it. So its not really surprising that many people dont follow proper roundabout rules.

Even though I am from the UK and would have no problem using the roundabout the correct way round, I always have a degree of uncertainty when approaching that junction.

There is no excuse if he was drunk of course but the lesson should be re-design that junction. Nothing will happen of course.

I do find it really annoying when posters here call Pattaya a "sewer" etc when this kind of thing happens. They have obvously never been to any of the Spanish resorts where Brits go on holiday. In terms of drunkenness, Pattaya is a monastery by comparison.

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oops 40,000 THB for the killed lady and 400,000 for the police. It is time that drunken drivers (which by the way are almost always Thai drivers) will be dealt with. However, this will not really happen. The kickbacks are simply too good.


Oh aren't we all jumping on the righteous indignation bandwagon about the bad FARANG who was drunk and speeding and killed people?

It is most certainly deplorable and I do not defend his actions whatsoever, but come on!

If this was an accident with a drunk and speeding Thai smashing his car into another Thai and killing him/her, it would not even register in the news. And it happens every day.

<deleted>! Its a tragedy but not news.

Exactly. I have been to several parties where government officials here in Phuket have gotten so drunk on whiskey that other drunks helped sit them in the seats of their cars behind the steering wheel so that they could drive home. Anybody that thinks farangs are the drunks in Thailand either doesn't get out of the house are is blind or fooling themselves. Just last week I watched two of the drunkest Thai men I have ever seen helped behind the steering wheels of their Mercedes to drive home @ 2 a.m. Six of them drank two fifths of Johnnie Walker & a few beers. I know they lived because I saw one at the golf course and the other at the driving range within three days. Gambling and getting drunk every night is not just for poor Thais drinking Hong Thong but the rich Thai men drinking Johnnie Walker.


Drunk driver causing an accident, how unexpected.

I have been all over the world and a lots of rowdy places. Pattaya was the only place I ever been and saw at 11 AM patrons falling off barstools on a regular basis.

This has to be the Sewer in the world not how it looks like but the people that hang out there.

Agreed, Pattaya is the true "Brown Eye" of Thailand.

YES i would like to say please all stay away from Pattaya - dont come here and find a better place

I would also like to add that every morning at 7am I walk beach road and see both farang and Thai drinking heavy spirits and then driving off to never never land - truly amazing.

The worst ones are the Thais that get onto the beach and turn up their car stereos at 2 or 3 am and get drunk and drive off, the police are scared of them as theyre drunk and have weapons. Get with it people no one cares about fellow man. Noise drink driving noisy neighbours its all part and parcel of living here.

Just out of curiousity I would like to know what the baht bus driver had in his system and was he tested for substances. As my experience with baht bus drivers is like the Doors song "killer on the road his brain is squirming like a toad". THey drive like kids not looking speeding overtaking double yellow line suddenly stopping no indicators etc. Hard to predict their moves.

Although I dont know the people involved I offer my sympathy to those effected by this event.


why is that guy pushing that womans ribs in and out clearly several inches from where her heart is

or am i wrong again

Sorry not a television show were they give fake cpr. I had to certify every year for 20 years and at each class they explained that when cpr given correctly ribs will be broken

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