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Tot Internet Down All Day Today (11Th Sep)


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No problems with several TOT lines all day today in Bangkok. Maybe some sort of localized problem? Can you check with any neighbors? Do you have dial tone? What did TOT say when you called them? I trust you've re-started the modem? What does the router's UI say with regards to your connection, if anything?

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had i known that TOT is also the word for fart in Thai, I would have had second thoughts about signing -up for the phone and Internet service.

To be honest they have not been bad, although lately, I cannot download any videos and it is on and off every 5 minutes.

The staff are helpful and polite but I suppose they are the mercy of the shortcomings of their system.

I understand that 3BB is via a cable connection??? Is that correct? They claim 5 MB.

Anybody got it? Is it any good, fast enough for video, or, just another blind ally???

My TOT claims to be 100Mbps. However, speed test on Thai Visa was 180 download yesterday and I pay about 1400baht per month.

Reminds me of the dark and dismal days of Dial-up!!

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I live in Surat Thani and I have a 3BB 16Mb "regular" package (old indy - as they have no 16Mb premier), after switching from the Maxnet/3BB Premier 5Mb service as it had become utterly unusable - even within Thailand. 30+ hops for my packets when trying to get to Google's servers within Thailand? Thanks 3BB.

I originally saw 3BB's advertising for their 20Mb/4Mb package before I changed to 16Mb - I could really do with the increasing uploading speed. Although it was emblazoned over all their advertising they did not have the hardware in place to offer anyone that service where I live! While I was in the 3BB shop @ Tesco in Surat to change to the 16Mb package (about and hour, maybe longer) their in-house internet was not working. They had to fill out everything by form. I know, as I offered to help them fix it there and then. They declined, but it must have been so embarrassing for them. THIS IS AN INTERNET COMPANY WHOSE OWN IN-HOUSE INTERNET DOES NOT WORK! I am not joking. What do you think I was thinking, as a customer, when I left the shop? They are an utter joke.

I've had seriously problems with it from 2006 until now. Yesterday , on that very same 16Mb connection I was getting speeds both inside and outside of Thailand of a little over 1Mb, which is farcial. I was trying to get some work done and I just had to stop. It ruined my day. I don't mind a slight reduction in speed, but 1/16th is really totally unacceptable.

This was all after I had had a 3BB line technician team (over 4 people no-less) round on Wednesday and Thursday to replace the TOT shared telephone line, with one of 3BB's own. It made absolutely no difference. The service/speed is still sh*t and I'm really not a happy bunny.

I've been told that I just have to suffer in silence on a Saturday/Sunday BY THE ISP THEMSELVES!! All the kids and casual users want to use the internet at these times, and also on weeknights say from 5pm - 11pm. I really don't begrudge the user, that's their right. They probably won't even care that it's at a crawl at these times.

What I do mind is me paying well over 2,500 THB, much, MUCH more than the casual user does and being forced down to an equal level of service as the people only paying 599 THB, I'm paying the upper range for a reason. I want the very best level of service I can get. Also I really can take advantage of 16Mb WITHIN Thailand - it's not just international traffic I crave. This is also severely affected. I am very annoyed with them and have been for about 4 years as a customer.

I've said this before, but 3BB also really insulted me in my home. I got them round a couple of months ago to have a look at the lines, and while in my house, they noticed my brand new LinkSys wired AG241 router and told me having "shoddy" equipment, really could be to blame. They were blaming my top-of-the-range router! Have you seen the ridiculous Huawei piece of sh*t router they give out with their packages? I mean, please. This is one of the very few times I've been very very very annoyed by a Thai representing a company. I know connectivity, I know my life's work.

I speak Thai, I have a Thai wife, leuk krung children (grown up ones) who talk to the ISP on my behalf when I'm too angry. They have been treated equally as badly by the ISP. So it's not a "failure to communicate" thing.... they are just an awful ISP.

In summary JetSet I would really stay well clear - I've had 4 years of real hassle with them.

On a much lighter and happier note....

In my second home I also own a 16Mb True Premium connection. True have only just managed to get near to my moo ban, but not yet in it. I had to get a second house, where it's close. I didn't buy this I just rent - but have wonderfully been told by True I can take the line over when they do get to my moo ban in 5-6 months. I'm just so impressed with them. It's such a shame the new house is nowhere near as comfortable as my owned home (roaches and the like!). I just have to accept it, it's work and that comes first. True aren't far off getting their lines into my main home! HOORAY!

I got this just over a month ago and it's been a real life-saver. All of my work is internet based and a stable connection is of the utmost importance. It has failed only once since I got the connection and moreover, any time of day I try to use it I get fantastic speeds. Downloading at well over 1500kbps on a Saturday and Sunday and page load times, FTP transfers, p2p downloading, and general use, is NEVER interrupted and good enough that if I was in the UK, I'd be equally as pleased to have them as an ISP. They are a shining beacon in a rather depressing and bleak lanscape of ISPs in Thailand, not only that their 16Mb Premium is even cheaper than 3BB's 16Mb "normal/indy" after tax!

The fact is I should NOT really have to be doing all of this. The wasted time and money I'd really rather not have lost. Although thanks to True I can work with much more ease, so it's been a very productive exercise and I'm very glad I went to the trouble of getting it.

I personally cannot speak for TOT as I've never tried them, but they appear to be as shambolic as the ridiculous 3BB from the numeours threads here saying just the same thing. Rarely do I see threads like this referring to True. With good reason.

If you're in an area where you can get a True line in - for your sanity you have to get it. They do have sporadic coverage in the cities they do cater for outside of Krung Thep, and it can be hit and miss whether they are in your moo ban or apartment block. I had to specifically get my second house in an area they cover, but it's taken all my headaches away.

Lastly, if you were to look at all the ISPs and say which of them was taking the most massive strides as a business, it would have to be True. The 50Mb lines in Krung Thep, which I can see filtering all over the country in the coming years. I also say that True will be the first to introduce 100Mb lines to Thailand, and good luck to them. IMO they are everything an ISP should be. Not only this, they speak fantastic English, have a bi-lingual website and come out to you when they say they will.

I've made several posts just like this, you'll probably notice, as it's really the only way I have to voice and vent my frustration in my own language and it's cathartic for me. Sorry you have all listen to my rants, but I think I have to say it. I definitely need to say it! I hope it serves as a warning for others.

In summary JetSet, I strongly urge you to get True, if it's possible.

Edited by ManInSurat
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ToT has become increasingly worse over the past two months. The (admitted) problem is over subscription and they continue to sell packages in high traffic areas. If you have a business connection (high speed) you are still sharing this with kids and gamers. I have had enough and have changed to a 10Mb service from True from the so called 3Mb I had with ToT and it is still half the price of ToT.

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Manin, I've had True DSL ever since I've had a home in BKK, and they're the only ISP I've ever used here, I guess, because they've provided satisfactory, not great, but satisfactory service for a reasonable price.

FYI, True has just reduced their package prices pretty much across-the-board, and have now done away with their so-called Premium packages, which I also used to have. Now, there is no distinction with True between regular and premium, and both carry supposed 1 Mbit upload speeds for most packages, as opposed to their older 512 Kbits rating for regular packages.

The good things about them are that they do make weekend service calls, they do have a proficiently staffed English speaking call center, and at least in central BKK, their service rarely goes totally dead. However, on the flip side, they do suffer network congestion particularly in the local evening primetime hours, though I usually do better than 1/16th of my package's rated speed for international. In the evenings, I can usually get somewhere between 1 and 2 Mbits international to the U.S. on my rated 8 Mbit package.

I can't say I admire their business practices, however. Lately, I noticed they were advertising a new reduced price on my 8 Mbit package for new customers... And so I called them to inquire about my package and its status. And I was promptly told I had their 10 Mbit package for 1,199 baht per month, which had been my price for their former 8 Mbit Premium package that is no longer being offered.

In other words, instead of reducing my bill and service to the new 899 baht price for their 8 Mbit package (the one I already had and had selected a year or so back), they supposedly upped my connection to 10 Mbit to keep my bill at 1,199 baht -- all without ever asking me or telling me about this. I gently gave the True CSR a hard time about that over the phone, asking her, when did I ever ask to have my package changed and when did I ever agree to the change. The answer of course was I hadn't...

So now I'm going to be paying 899 a month for an 8 Mbit package that previously was costing me 1,199 per month, although they also appear to have deleted the include True Wifi hours that previously had been part of their Premium offering. But I wasn't inclined to be paying an extra 300 baht a month for the supposed increase from 8 Mbit to 10 Mbit, which in reality, probably was likely to be almost meaningless for my use.

So while I wouldn't say they're good, they may be among the best of a generally bad lot... And PS - there are tons of threads here on TV with members complaining about True's Internet service, no shortage of those.

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No shortage of complaints against many ISPs. Location, location, location seems to be a major factor. In some locations the ISP has good, local internet circuits/capacity; in other locations the ISP doesn't. This seems to be reflected in why some folks praise ISP XYZ while other folks curse ISP XYZ. It seems to be a crap shoot sometimes as to how good (or bad) your ISP is in your area. It can definitely be frustrating.

Edited by Pib
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Manin, I've had True DSL ever since I've had a home in BKK, and they're the only ISP I've ever used here, I guess, because they've provided satisfactory, not great, but satisfactory service for a reasonable price.....

No shortage of complaints against many ISPs. Location, location, location seems to be a major factor. In some locations the ISP has good, local internet circuits/capacity; in other locations the ISP doesn't. This seems to be reflected in why some folks praise ISP XYZ while other folks curse ISP XYZ. It seems to be a crap shoot sometimes as to how good (or bad) your ISP is in your area. It can definitely be frustrating.

You both make excellent points and forgive me for being rash or unreasonable with my earlier post. As I said at the bottom of it, I needed to vent!

I agree that there have been posts/threads here that criticize True, it's just that there seems to be less of them in my opinion and I definitely do not see the other mainstream ISP alternatives (3BB/TOT) ever getting any praise for any reason. They are villified all the more.

I've mentioned this on another thread and I think some of us fall foul of expecting the level of service consistency we get back in our respective countries of origin, not withstanding the fact that in those countries we can really give our ISPs an earful if they are not doing what we like. Here, coming down hard on anyone in business is very counter-productive. We choose to live here, ultimately and we should know what to expect as a result. It's just very very frustrating as you say Pib. Lost internet connectivity basically means lost money to me. I don't think it's much to ask for, even in Thailand, some connection consistency. They can even take it down a level or two, it doesn't have to be 16Mb, I'd take half of that for a nice stable connection. I'm dreaming though.

I do agree with your statement that location makes a big difference, and I would also say the distance that is inbetween your house/connection and the main ISP exchange in the area. I have been told this by True themselves. Sometimes though, you can't dictate where exactly you'll be living or working.

Overall, like you say jfc, True appear to be the best of a really dire selection.

P.S. Re changing over your contract without your prior approval - 3BB (when they were Maxnet) did exactly the same thing with me. They did away with some ridiculously named service they had, bumped me up to an increased speed on a completely different program, and all without my prior consent. Sufficed to say, I gave them an earful, much like you did. I would argue that nearly every business in Thailand think that if they can get away with it (as most Thais won't complain) they'll definitely do it. I feel sorry for the CSR people that have to suffer the barrage from us. I'd love to get one of their suits on the phone to hear what I have to say. Fat (cat) chance!

Best of luck to you all with your ISP woes. We live in hope! I feel much better for getting this all off my chest though :)

Edited by ManInSurat
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Thank you all for some fascinating reading. I won't quote any text as there was so much to read!

I've just managed to get back on again today, Sunday, after having the same problem today, although I didn't get back in the house until about 5:30, so I can say only that it was down from then until about 9:00 pm.

I called and complained again at about 7pm and got the same rather gorgeous sounding lady. But all she said was that I was still on the engineers list of customers to sort out.

My torrents were still coming down, albeit very slowly (5-10 kBps), but most sites I browsed were virtually uncontactable - just the first line or two, or logo, would appear and then nothing, including Google.

The PPP LED on my ADSL modem would sometimes go out and the connection speed shown in the Status page in the modem was sometimes as low as 4 mbps. The uplink was always what it should be - 1 mbps. (I just checked - it is still at 4 mbps down.:()

With regard to True, I agree with ManinSurat that recently, and in Phuket where I am, there have been some dramatic developments in their service. Some people in Patong are actually getting nearly 10 mbps international download speed on their 10 mbps service. Almost heart stopping!

So I will definitely check out the True options tomorrow. The reason I was thinking of 3BB was because I always had good international speeds with Maxnet Indy - 3.5 mbps from San Fran. on my 5 mbps service - but I think I was lucky, in a place where no one else was in contention with me.

Thanks for all the replies - I'll let you know how I get on.


I just reset the modem - it's now connected at 7794 kbps down, 1022 up.

Edited by JetsetBkk
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Amazing Thailand. :rolleyes:

Last night, after making the above post, it all went crap again and stayed that way until the morning.

This morning I got a call from the TOT engineer. He said he would check outside and after about 10 minutes the modem ADSL and PPP LEDs went out and came back again it all started working.

He called back just as I was getting used to having the Internet again and asked me how it was. I told him and asked him what did he do - "I reset the DSLAM" was his answer! He asked me to do a speed check and amazingly I got 2.5 mbps from San Francisco. If only I knew where the DSLAM was and how to reset it...

He then appeared outside the house in his TOT pickup and asked if all was OK. I thanked him and off he went.

The amazing thing is, even Thaivisa - a notoriously slow web site for me - was loading almost instantly. Quite amazing.

I'll still look at True as an option though. Can't get too complacent. Clearly, if the DSLAM got screwed up it'll get screwed up again - it's only a matter of time, unless they replace it.

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