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Invitation: Thaivisa Member's Party Friday July 29


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When the words 'Political correctness' are mentioned here - everyone goes crazy and gets very angry indeed.

Then some neanderthal does something a bit cheesy and a lot of blowhard chivalry emerges.

Eg Brit (licker of arse) Maveric making noises about punching those with wandering hands....even though he's thousands of miles away...(phew, lucky for neanderthal)

Sauron - Stuff it!!! I stand by my comments !!! :o

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When the words 'Political correctness' are mentioned here - everyone goes crazy and gets very angry indeed.

Then some neanderthal does something a bit cheesy and a lot of blowhard chivalry emerges.

Eg Brit (licker of arse) Maveric making noises about punching those with wandering hands....even though he's thousands of miles away...(phew, lucky for neanderthal)

Sauron - Stuff it!!! I stand by my comments !!! :D

C'mon Ladies put down the handbags , I repeat, put down the handbags!!..........


Edited by chonabot
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When the words 'Political correctness' are mentioned here - everyone goes crazy and gets very angry indeed.

Then some neanderthal does something a bit cheesy and a lot of blowhard chivalry emerges.

Eg Brit (licker of arse) Maveric making noises about punching those with wandering hands....even though he's thousands of miles away...(phew, lucky for neanderthal)

Sauron - Stuff it!!! I stand by my comments !!! :D

C'mon Ladies put down the handbags , I repeat, put down the handbags!!..........


This would make a great Monty Python Sketch..... :D:D

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Candyflip is gorgeous isn't she?

I missed her at the party, I was too busy trink02.giftrink30.giftrink26.gif

Too bad.

First I find out Candyflip is actually a real woman, now I hear she is gorgeous...

So tell me, Is she "Kesarin ( Nong Nat) Chaichalermphol" level hot?


Hmmmm..Still no answer...... :D:D

Ok, "BambinA level" hot then? :D

Uhhh...Off topic, but what exactly does the word "<deleted>" mean anyway?

I'm not very fluent in Britslang...

Every time I see that word, I think of that Sex Pistols album.....  :D

Hmmm.... No answer to this one too...With all the British people on this Forum at that... I guess I have to Google this one....

Lets see.... '<deleted>' has two basic meanings.

1) - a "bloke's" 'crown jewels'.

2) - to describe something as nonsense or rubbish.

So I wonder which meaning does LC use in her reply post to Eye of Sauron? :o:D

Hmm..I guess I should brush up on Britslang so I'll be able to talk to more of the British people ( and Thai's who want to be British :D ) at the next pissup party....

Two to memorize...

"Better not be telling porkies, or you'll be wearin' a Chelsea smile".

"Have a butcher's at the ovens on that bird!"


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I had a great time meeting alot of the Thaivisa folks last night....and a special shot out to my comrades in the quality control division(pardon the pun). We were making sure your shots met the appropriate standards before they were served to the masses. Thanks again for the party, had a great time.

I agree the Shot QC team (you, Narachon, Ilusion, and myself) did an admirable job of testing, and approving, each tray of shots prior to distribution to the room. Ilusion continually greased the barkeep to ensure we were notified each time a new shot tray was produced. To the barkeep's credit, each sample passed our rigourous tests. I stopped counting after 12 shots.

There were more than 12 shots? I must have missed two then! I stopped counting at 10!

( actually, I "accidently" dropped one shot that Lojack handed to me from the bar, but Illysion gave me an extra shot on the next round, so that kind of even things out, I think. I really can't remember much around then..... :D:D

Yeah, Pissup Party Shot Quality Control was a dirty job, but someone had to do it!


I ended up sharing a bottle of Thai whiskey with some NEP dek serves at a late night karaoke shop.  The Thai whiskey seemed to sober me up some.

So that's where you dissapeared to!

But Where did Illysiun go off to? He was pretty hammered, as I recall.... :D

And Thai whiskey would just make me more drunker...


Narachon, hope you have a pleasant trip back to the USA, and wish you a speedy return to this side of the planet.

Actually it was not pleasant. From Hong Kong to New York, I had a very spoiled Korean kid behind my seat,whining, screaming, and kicking.

For more than 20 hours.

With my hangover.

I repeatedly told the mother to tell her kid to stop it, but she only half heartedly admonished the brat.

If I was smart, I really should have changed my seat. But I stayed on principle.

It's a miracle that I did not go Total Apeshit and kill that kid..... :o

My anger is like that of a Thai's, I can accept things for a period of time, then I'll snap like crazy! :D

But I do hope to return to the Land of Smiles as soon as I can - and drink even more with you guys!


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There were more than 12 shots? I must have missed two then! I stopped counting at 10!

( actually, I "accidently" dropped one shot that Lojack handed to me from the bar, but Illysion gave me an extra shot on the next round, so that kind of even things out, I think. I really can't remember much around then......

Just one fallen soldier out of dozens, very low collateral damage. impressed that you remembered the flavors; I liked the red ones (actually all of them).

But I do hope to return to the Land of Smiles as soon as I can - and drink even more with you guys!

They better start on mixing the shots now! :o

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Good party! Even though, I didn't make many new friends..but enjoyed watching you guys. I reckon, there should be some activities or games that get people talking and playing together. Saw some sitting bored themselves.

Hope Narachon made his flight back to NY and glad to know that Ken got put into the taxi.

Good job TV management team! :D

I was gonna come and talk to you but i was talking to Narachon. Maybe next time.

Narachon was talking to tons of people last night. Which one was you? :o

Yes, Narachon was talking to tons of people that night, can't remember too much of what he was talking about ( or who he was even talking to for that matter! ). Narachon really wished that he was able to talk to you more, Thai Dye, but at that point in time, alchohol was more important to him than talking to a very pretty Thai woman! :D

As for who Jockstar is, he was the guy that sorta looked like Liam Gallagher ( without the sunglasses ) from the band Oasis - but talked like Scotty, the Starship Enterprise's Scottish Engineer character from old TV show "Star Trek"... :D

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But I do hope to return to the Land of Smiles as soon as I can - and drink even more with you guys!


Oh come off it Nara, nobody wants to hang out with you. You're a Yankees fan for Pete's sake!!!!!!!


All the more.... :D:o:D

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But I do hope to return to the Land of Smiles as soon as I can - and drink even more with you guys!


Oh come off it Nara, nobody wants to hang out with you. You're a Yankees fan for Pete's sake!!!!!!!


All the more.... :D:o:D

Yankees? Oh yeah. They're that team that used be in the World Series alot years ago. They play just a couple of hundred miles south of the World Champions now, right? :D:D


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Yankees? Oh yeah. They're that team that used be in the World Series alot years ago. They play just a couple of hundred miles south of the World Champions now, right?  :o  :D


Well, the Sox will have alot of catching up to do, I believe 25 more? :D

.....No matter, besides, it will be 2080 before they win another world series anyway, Babe willing.... :D

( BTW, I also put a curse on your Pats also...... :D:D )

This is kinda off topic you know..... :D

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