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Finnish National Arrested in Pattaya In National Child Abuse Raid

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I have lived in Asia for over twenty five years. I have seen in this time some first time tourists get into similar trouble as the age of a lot of Asian ladies is hard to guess with no experience. However if you have lived here for as long as this gentleman (hic) there is no excuse...........

If he had any doubt about the girl's age, all he had to do was to ask to see her ID. I'm sure he's capable of learning enough Thai to ask the following:

บัตรประชาชนคุณ = in Thai, say "bat bpra chaa chohn" which means "Your ID card"

ขอดูด้วย = then say "kaw do duay kap" which means "May I see (look) please?"

Then deduct 543 from whatever date is shown on the card to get her date of birth.

Love the look on his face though!

The look on his face looks like sheer shock, probably after taking very good care of the girl "and" the family, the bi--ch mother turns him in probably after an unsuccessful attempt at blackmail. The law here should be aplied to Thai men as well, then you will see some very rapid changes in the age of consent when the Thai men cant have their little Mianoys and Gigs.

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If anyone reading this now were picked up by the BIB and paraded in front of a news crew because of hearsay evidence from some mother, could you prove you were not a pedophile? You might say that you are a doctor, minister, or teacher, with a good wife and several children, and they would say that the prisons are full of pedos that fit that description. So, before we burn this guy at the stake, place yourself or a friend in his position. Hearsay evidence and witnesses are easily bought in Thailand. Evidence should consist of pictures, or video, and/or a rape check kit. Again, would you want your life dangling on the word of a greedy mother? If he is truly guilty than he should serve his time. What worries me is that if word spreads that you can extort money from any farang just by filing a report at the police station, we will all be targets.

Good point. Isn't this also the danger men face all over the world in an increasingly "activist" social milieu, where allegations can be made just to drag any man into jail, let him rot and suffer for any number of days in the glare of media hounds and greedy cops, before the courts let him out for lack of sufficient evidence ? We are all aware of several such high profile cases : many of these are carried on with mutual consent, yet they lead to complaints and harassment, the moment discontent sets in -- or when the entrapping agent decides the time is ripe for the kill. The free world, as we imagined it, will soon give way to a bizarre new world.


"officers confiscated ----- 10 pornographic DVD’s, 5 packets of Viagra and 10 condoms"

Why... cant they buy their own?

With the money those cr--ks make they could buy the DVD, Viagra & Condom factories!!!!!


There are many suspicious elements surrounding the arrest of this individual, most of which have been previously addressed. While not excusable, perhaps he did have a "consensual," sexual relationship with the girl which her mother only recently discovered. But that begs the question of why neighbors or other witnesess did not come forth earlier to report a young girl's visits to a man's home either to the mother and/or the police. With the increased international focus on child abuse, especially in those countries where egregious examples of child rape/molestation have occurred, the likelihood of an older, otherwise sane man raping or molesting a child would seem to defy all common sense and logic. Perhaps the individual in question is indeed a pedophile, perhaps not. As all men know, the little head can and does overrule the big head upon occasion. All men are susceptible to the seductive charms of "Lolita," richly described by the novelist Nabokov in his book of the same name. Regardless of the circumstances of this case, guilt by innuendo or association or outright false statements is unacceptable in any civilized society with an unbiased court of law The evidence for or against him must be clear and unassailable. The embassy involved must take pains to ensure the man's rights are preserved--guilty or not. I agree that this sordid case could happen to any innocent foreigner who got on the wrong side of someone for any reason. If his innocence is established, he should get a public apology from the police and reparations for defamation of character. While not likely to happen, this would send a strong message to the community that if you yell fire in a public place, there better be visible flames and smoke, or you risk getting jailed and/or fined or beaten up by an angry mob inconvenienced by all disregard for public safety.

Dear Mr overhere. This story by Nabokov to which you refer, involves a middle-aged man who becomes involved in a sexual relationship with a twelve-year-old girl. You claim “All men are susceptible to the seductive charms of "Lolita," richly described by the novelist Nabokov in his book of the same name”. Well. I can assure you with total confidence, that you’re quite wrong - all men are not susceptible at all, the vast majority of normal people find it totally disgusting, hence we have a law against it..! I find your opinion that the story is “richly described” rather indicative, so I can only conclude that you read the book with your ‘big head’ whilst your hand was massaging your ‘little head’. Get help.


, 10 pornographic DVD’s, 5 packets of Viagra and 10 condoms at his residence in the Diana Estate Condominiums in Soi Buakao, Central Pattaya.

Police from the AHTD were tipped off to Mr. Venaeinen’s illegal dealings when the mother of his 14-year-old victim filed a complaint with the national department stating that the offender had deceived and forced her daughter, Miss Nui (alias), into a sexual relationship.

what are the forbidden things here? the porn CDs which you can buy on every market or in Sukhumvit? The VIAGRA sold in every Pharmacy or the Condoms?

Sorry but I was laughing a little bit about the complaint of her mother.....he forced her into a relationship...With what? money? Sorry but 14y.o. Thaigirls from Pattaya who got a mother involved in the bar business (?) are not stupid.

Anyway, even if he doesnt know the real age of the girl it has must ocured to him that she was much to young.

Pattaya is making headlines again we need for the farang community, THANKS - SHUT IT DOWN!


Just a suggestion: You might want to get your terminology correct. A pedophile is someone who has a sexual interest in prepubescent children (refer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)). There are many countries around the world where the age of consent is 14 years old (and some even 13): for example, see http://www.avert.org...of-consent.htm. Too many people simply throw around and use the term "pedophile" indiscriminately.

By the way, I agree with your comment about the 'heresay' issue.


If anyone reading this now were picked up by the BIB and paraded in front of a news crew because of hearsay evidence from some mother, could you prove you were not a pedophile? You might say that you are a doctor, minister, or teacher, with a good wife and several children, and they would say that the prisons are full of pedos that fit that description. So, before we burn this guy at the stake, place yourself or a friend in his position. Hearsay evidence and witnesses are easily bought in Thailand. Evidence should consist of pictures, or video, and/or a rape check kit. Again, would you want your life dangling on the word of a greedy mother? If he is truly guilty than he should serve his time. What worries me is that if word spreads that you can extort money from any farang just by filing a report at the police station, we will all be targets.


Why do the police confiscate condoms? Condoms are sold at 7-11's. What is illegal or incriminating about possessing condoms? The Viagra part I get because people often have it illegally without a scrip.


If anyone reading this now were picked up by the BIB and paraded in front of a news crew because of hearsay evidence from some mother, could you prove you were not a pedophile? You might say that you are a doctor, minister, or teacher, with a good wife and several children, and they would say that the prisons are full of pedos that fit that description. So, before we burn this guy at the stake, place yourself or a friend in his position. Hearsay evidence and witnesses are easily bought in Thailand. Evidence should consist of pictures, or video, and/or a rape check kit. Again, would you want your life dangling on the word of a greedy mother? If he is truly guilty than he should serve his time. What worries me is that if word spreads that you can extort money from any farang just by filing a report at the police station, we will all be targets.

Excellent post and to the point.

Dozens of 16 years old Mothers running around town. My S-I-L couldn't get legally married at 18 (barely), even though she had two kids. Her former 'Husband' was 10 years older, but Thai, so nobody did anything...

The number of girls with phony ID cards, in makeup and sexy dresses.... MY OH MY..!!


Anyone remotely close to 65 who has sex with a 14 year old is a pedophile, no matter how much she looks like Lolita, assuming that this really happened, of course, and that cannot be assumed. And some of these guys even like little boys! Sounds like one of the adminstrator's proteges at the meetings I had to attend at a K12 public school district. He bragged incessantly about the preachers he'd forced to watch his porn vids, and that they'd been developed to use in public (pubic?) schools. Oh, yeah, baby, he's still got a job, but I have no regrets. I have lots of wonderful friends, I do know Jesus personally and love every minute of my life. I have zero interest in pursuing anyone for sex, but anyone who lusts for young flesh must already be suffering in hel_l. What a nightmare. A 65 year old with condoms and Viagra? Why be risking a heart attack to do what doesn't come naturally? And in Thailand there's no shortage of lovelies who all make good wives. What a loser. Pathetic.


If anyone reading this now were picked up by the BIB and paraded in front of a news crew because of hearsay evidence from some mother, could you prove you were not a pedophile? You might say that you are a doctor, minister, or teacher, with a good wife and several children, and they would say that the prisons are full of pedos that fit that description. So, before we burn this guy at the stake, place yourself or a friend in his position. Hearsay evidence and witnesses are easily bought in Thailand. Evidence should consist of pictures, or video, and/or a rape check kit. Again, would you want your life dangling on the word of a greedy mother? If he is truly guilty than he should serve his time. What worries me is that if word spreads that you can extort money from any farang just by filing a report at the police station, we will all be targets.

Also possession of pornographic material, viagra and condoms do not come close to constituting evidence of statutory rape, even if the pornography may be illegal, as is possession of viagra without a prescription. However, the police know well that they permit every pharmacy to sell viagra and other ED drugs openly. I don't know whether the guy is guilty or not but this is not the first paedophile case where the police have taken action many months after the offence allegedly took place which makes the police action appear suspicious. In fact the time lag seems to be the norm in these cases as well as highly suspicious parental involvement.


The one and only good point in the story: He seems to use condoms. I will not talk about the rest.

Officers had monitored the activities of Mr. Venaeinen for several months before a warrant was issued and activated on Wednesday morning.

They monitored him........


Anyone remotely close to 65 who has sex with a 14 year old is a pedophile, no matter how much she looks like Lolita, assuming that this really happened, of course, and that cannot be assumed. And some of these guys even like little boys! Sounds like one of the adminstrator's proteges at the meetings I had to attend at a K12 public school district. He bragged incessantly about the preachers he'd forced to watch his porn vids, and that they'd been developed to use in public (pubic?) schools. Oh, yeah, baby, he's still got a job, but I have no regrets. I have lots of wonderful friends, I do know Jesus personally and love every minute of my life. I have zero interest in pursuing anyone for sex, but anyone who lusts for young flesh must already be suffering in hel_l. What a nightmare. A 65 year old with condoms and Viagra? Why be risking a heart attack to do what doesn't come naturally? And in Thailand there's no shortage of lovelies who all make good wives. What a loser. Pathetic.

Are you for real? Talk about making huge assumptions.

1. No he is not, on the info we have, an alleged pedophile.

2. where is the mention he also had boys? Quite the jump in thought there.

One thing I do ask though, why did the police need a warrant from the court in the first place. Surely if you they get a complaint they can just go and arrest the man, then they go to court to keep him in jail or he gets bail. I'm not very up to date with criminal law in thailand but just would have thought that when the complaint is made they just go and arrest him.

With regards to the passport being held, a common occurence in my country (australia) if the court considers you a flight risk, they hold the passport, nothing sinister or odd in doing that.


If his innocence is established, he should get a public apology from the police and reparations for defamation of character. While not likely to happen, this would send a strong message to the community that if you yell fire in a public place, there better be visible flames and smoke, or you risk getting jailed and/or fined or beaten up by an angry mob inconvenienced by all disregard for public safety.

In a non loony country it's called perverting the course of justice. Lying to the police that you were raped when it has been proven to be false gets you jail time. Hopefully (in the next 100 years) Thailand will catch up.


Well I have to say that the guy certainly looks the part! :whistling:

Yeah, he's f'd - will probably have a heart attack before they get him to court, looks like he is on his last legs in that pic..........


Its absolutely unbelievable that this sort of thing goes on in Pattaya

I have to say I am truly shocked:shock1:

Crikey, an older man alleged to have had sexual relations with a minor in Pattaya of all places. Well I never. :whistling:


The look on his face looks like sheer shock, probably after taking very good care of the girl "and" the family, the bi--ch mother turns him in probably after an unsuccessful attempt at blackmail. The law here should be aplied to Thai men as well, then you will see some very rapid changes in the age of consent when the Thai men cant have their little Mianoys and Gigs.

"can't have their Mianoys and Gigs..." <deleted>?

Oh... Thai men. I see.

Phew! I thought for a horrible moment you meant I would have to give mine up as well.


Thai police arrest Finnish man on suspicion of child sex offences

On Wednesday, a 65-year-old Finnish man was arrested in Pattaya in Thailand over his alleged sexual relationship with a child.

According to the local media, the victim is a 14-year-old girl. The man denies having taken advantage of the child.

According to the local English-language newspaper Pattaya Daily News, the suspect denies all charges against him, insisting that he has had nothing to do with the alleged victim.

He explains that he had only met a woman who introduced herself as an agent providing underage girls to clients.

The man said that he has been living in Pattaya for 15 years.



Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) - September 17, 2010


Did anyone noticed the eyes of this guy? :blink:

He seems to be very upset about the situation!!! Good to see that Thailand is doing something against these criminals.

Yes, it's a brilliant shot, straight out of a 1920's movie. "Melodramatic" is the word I'm looking for.

... and

post-101696-062084000 1284697233_thumb.j


If anyone reading this now were picked up by the BIB and paraded in front of a news crew because of hearsay evidence from some mother, could you prove you were not a pedophile? You might say that you are a doctor, minister, or teacher, with a good wife and several children, and they would say that the prisons are full of pedos that fit that description. So, before we burn this guy at the stake, place yourself or a friend in his position. Hearsay evidence and witnesses are easily bought in Thailand. Evidence should consist of pictures, or video, and/or a rape check kit. Again, would you want your life dangling on the word of a greedy mother? If he is truly guilty than he should serve his time. What worries me is that if word spreads that you can extort money from any farang just by filing a report at the police station, we will all be targets.

I have to agree, it is very near impossible to prove a negative. OC


If anyone reading this now were picked up by the BIB and paraded in front of a news crew because of hearsay evidence from some mother, could you prove you were not a pedophile? You might say that you are a doctor, minister, or teacher, with a good wife and several children, and they would say that the prisons are full of pedos that fit that description. So, before we burn this guy at the stake, place yourself or a friend in his position. Hearsay evidence and witnesses are easily bought in Thailand. Evidence should consist of pictures, or video, and/or a rape check kit. Again, would you want your life dangling on the word of a greedy mother? If he is truly guilty than he should serve his time. What worries me is that if word spreads that you can extort money from any farang just by filing a report at the police station, we will all be targets.

I have to agree, it is very near impossible to prove a negative. OC


I have lived in Asia for over twenty five years. I have seen in this time some first time tourists get into similar trouble as the age of a lot of Asian ladies is hard to guess with no experience. However if you have lived here for as long as this gentleman (hic) there is no excuse...........

ohh spare me. she was 14. You are telling me you can see some one mistaking 14 year olds for 20+? I don't care how long some one was living here or not, a look at the face will surely tell the age. If the perv would stop trying to sleep with 18-19 year old women and slept with women half their age instead they would never have any mix ups...

Hang around a while and you may find some folk are not as worldly wise as you purport to be.


Just a suggestion: You might want to get your terminology correct. A pedophile is someone who has a sexual interest in prepubescent children (refer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)). There are many countries around the world where the age of consent is 14 years old (and some even 13): for example, see http://www.avert.org...of-consent.htm. Too many people simply throw around and use the term "pedophile" indiscriminately.

By the way, I agree with your comment about the 'heresay' issue.


If anyone reading this now were picked up by the BIB and paraded in front of a news crew because of hearsay evidence from some mother, could you prove you were not a pedophile? You might say that you are a doctor, minister, or teacher, with a good wife and several children, and they would say that the prisons are full of pedos that fit that description. So, before we burn this guy at the stake, place yourself or a friend in his position. Hearsay evidence and witnesses are easily bought in Thailand. Evidence should consist of pictures, or video, and/or a rape check kit. Again, would you want your life dangling on the word of a greedy mother? If he is truly guilty than he should serve his time. What worries me is that if word spreads that you can extort money from any farang just by filing a report at the police station, we will all be targets.


JJ: Thanks for the comment. I use my opening statement as a hypothetical meaning if one of us were charged as a pedophile, not that this guy was. Most of us know the meaning of the word, but people like an easy label, even though sometimes incorrect, instead of saying "farang caught having sex with a minor," which is too wordy in a statement. Maybe a new label like minorphile or teenaphile might be better than claiming everybody who has sex with any person under the legal age is a pedo.


It is sickening me how people here even pity such a low life who preys on young girls and expect to get away, as if lots of the comment here consider him "one of us"

Better keep your sides clear.


It is sickening me how people here even pity such a low life who preys on young girls and expect to get away, as if lots of the comment here consider him "one of us"

Better keep your sides clear.

You need to get it clear. If you read again, you will see that, rather than pity any low life here, the discussion has been about how vulnerable men -- maybe even women -- are to entrapment, or false charges. Irrespective of the veracity of charges here, the truth is that foreigners -- you might say as a result of their own actions -- have become sitting ducks for any woman who can easily level false charges to extract money not just for herself but leave big takings for the cops as well. The lesson from this story (never mind whether the Finnish national is innocent or guilty) is : Ignore that risk at your own peril.


This is what is sickening, some guy got arrested for abusing children and you are claiming that he is the victim because he is a foreigner ?

I guess Josef Fritzl was also a victim of the police as well

It is sickening me how people here even pity such a low life who preys on young girls and expect to get away, as if lots of the comment here consider him "one of us"

Better keep your sides clear.

You need to get it clear. If you read again, you will see that, rather than pity any low life here, the discussion has been about how vulnerable men -- maybe even women -- are to entrapment, or false charges. Irrespective of the veracity of charges here, the truth is that foreigners -- you might say as a result of their own actions -- have become sitting ducks for any woman who can easily level false charges to extract money not just for herself but leave big takings for the cops as well. The lesson from this story (never mind whether the Finnish national is innocent or guilty) is : Ignore that risk at your own peril.


Well I have to say that the guy certainly looks the part! :whistling:

Yeah, he's f'd - will probably have a heart attack before they get him to court, looks like he is on his last legs in that pic..........

You are judging a person by his looks now?


This is what is sickening, some guy got arrested for abusing children and you are claiming that he is the victim because he is a foreigner ?

I guess Josef Fritzl was also a victim of the police as well

It is sickening me how people here even pity such a low life who preys on young girls and expect to get away, as if lots of the comment here consider him "one of us"

Better keep your sides clear.

You need to get it clear. If you read again, you will see that, rather than pity any low life here, the discussion has been about how vulnerable men -- maybe even women -- are to entrapment, or false charges. Irrespective of the veracity of charges here, the truth is that foreigners -- you might say as a result of their own actions -- have become sitting ducks for any woman who can easily level false charges to extract money not just for herself but leave big takings for the cops as well. The lesson from this story (never mind whether the Finnish national is innocent or guilty) is : Ignore that risk at your own peril.

Fritzl got a fair trial and went to jail - you are judging this guy from a news article. You scare me.


Once again I see the same pattern that I've seen over and over for a year now.

Step 1: News post claiming he's guilty and making him out to be a demon- protocols not followed, the whole case is based on hearsay, and possession of condoms and Viagra are used to cement the impression that he's a deviant old pervo.

Take a look at yourself- how many of you have condoms in your belongings or property? I'm too young for viagra, but if condoms in my bedroom make me guilty, then I guess someone better lock me up! I have a lot worse than that :P - Handcuffs, bondage rope, hundreds of gigs of porn, porn mags, a gimp mask, a blow-up sheep (a gift! I swear!), not to mention home porn pics and vids.

Step 2: Thai Visa forum members jump on the white-knight bandwagon of calling him out as a criminal, congratulating the system that proved his evil ways and took him off the streets.

Step 3: Guy disappears forever.

Tell me- what actually happened here?

I'll tell you what we know based on the first page- The guy was involved in "illegal dealings" with the mother- no details on any charges being laid there- but I can bet it was either that she was whoring out her little girl or herself, and when the money stopped flowing or wouldn't flow faster, the BIB got called in as her heavies.

Anyway, unless there are charges laid for those "illegal dealings", what evidence is there that this guy is guilty? What's to say she didn't make it all up? Should any man who buys the services of a mother's affection have to consider the risk that she'll claim he raped her child? Just so that she can extort compensation or blackmail money?

If he had illegal dealings with the mother, why is she not being charged for her involvement? A plea bargain for turning him in?

I think the whole thing sounds like a kangaroo court affair. He got stitched up- guilty or not, there's a lot being swept under the carpet here, and it could happen to any of you. Guilty or not.

The mother was obviously involved- and in my opinion, anyone who pimps out their kids (I bet that's what really happened) is as guilty or more-so than the people they're pimping them to. It's like drugs- who's more guilty, the buyer or the seller? In this case it wasn't selling drugs, she was selling her own little girl then bribing him to keep her mouth shut- I can almost guarantee it. But as usual, she'll get off scott-free and he'll rot in prison.

I think the message here is clear- if you must pay for it, stick to the young ones who aren't past their prime and desperate for money, are over the legal age by at least a few years, and don't have any dependants. Take them from establishments that are well known so they wont be willing to take risks with underage girls.

I hope I haven't broken any/many rules here.

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