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So my thinking is this... a fantasy pub crawl with disregard for where the pubs are, or indeed whether they are still open.

Please, for e sake of brevity, add only one pub at a time...

Please include a brief description of why you think each bar should be included, for the benefit of those of us joining the crawl who may not recollect the last time we were there...

I'll start off with the Park View Square Lobby in Singapore, across from Bugis Station.

More of an office building than a pub, it allegedly has the longest span between structural columns of any office building in Singapore. Some bars have dancing on the bar; the Parkview Square has a three-piece jazz blues ensemble.

And a levitating wine fairy. And art deco statues in the gardens. And, to be fair, eye-watering beer prices, so its not for the faint-hearted...


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The Beehive - Huge Tudor style pub in the middle of Epping forrest, Essex, UK.

While only about 15 miles from the heart of London, sitting outside the pub with a pint and a ploughman's lunch was bliss.


Waxy O'Conners on Rupert street in Soho.

you can get lost in that pub, find a corner have a pint and relax from the busy London streets.


Bloody Mary's in Bora Bora.

Unparalled scenery, sand floors, cut off palm trees for stools and a good honest pour on the drinks.

Celebs known to drop by on occasion.


Bloody Mary's in Bora Bora.

Unparalled scenery, sand floors, cut off palm trees for stools and a good honest pour on the drinks.

Celebs known to drop by on occasion.

I saw Lee Brilleaux play the Preservation Hall in Edinburgh wih Dr Feelgood before he died, The Preservation Hall used to get all the great pub bands, and it had an island bar (different kind of Island Bar from Bloody Mary's, though,...). I don't recall the last time that I went to see a big-name band... i mean I've forgotten, not like I don't remember the bars on Udom Suk...



Well as its going to be a long pub crawl I suggest we kick off with a reviving dip in the sea off Maracas Bay Trinidad......let the 15 foot waves bash us around a bit then breakfast of Shark n Bake on the beach followed by a few Caribs in the hotel bar. Just be careful......the barman likes to pad the bill.....:whistling:


The Catalyst in Santa Cruz, not much for atmosphere but they draw the up and coming. Saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers there just before they hit it big.


The Catalyst in Santa Cruz, not much for atmosphere but they draw the up and coming. Saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers there just before they hit it big.

Gotta second that one.

Saw the Doobie Brothers there before they were big.

Saw the Outlaws, Huey Lewis and the News under the name The Sports Page.

Johnny winter, George Thoroughgood and too many more to name.

Where you around when the Catalyst was on Front street before moved to their current location? Was an even grater freak show than now.

Guess I'm dating myself here.


monday ! always a great day to do a sickie back in the u.k. at the turn of autumn.

fancy a couple of pints tucked away in the dark nooks and crannies of the flask on top of highgate hill in london.


The Seven Stars, Carey Street, London WC2

An old odd little pub frequented by many lawyer types, but worth a visit nevertheless.

As a kid, I remember being told that I should avoid ending up 'On Carey Street' as that was where the bankrupcy court was located (since 1840's)


Bloody Mary's in Bora Bora.

Unparalled scenery, sand floors, cut off palm trees for stools and a good honest pour on the drinks.

Celebs known to drop by on occasion.

I saw Lee Brilleaux play the Preservation Hall in Edinburgh wih Dr Feelgood before he died, The Preservation Hall used to get all the great pub bands, and it had an island bar (different kind of Island Bar from Bloody Mary's, though,...). I don't recall the last time that I went to see a big-name band... i mean I've forgotten, not like I don't remember the bars on Udom Suk...


Preservation Hall supposedly had the biggest island bar in Europe. I used to go and see Tam White and the Dexters there (local band) in my (cough) youth.


Bloody Mary's in Bora Bora.

Unparalled scenery, sand floors, cut off palm trees for stools and a good honest pour on the drinks.

Celebs known to drop by on occasion.

I saw Lee Brilleaux play the Preservation Hall in Edinburgh wih Dr Feelgood before he died, The Preservation Hall used to get all the great pub bands, and it had an island bar (different kind of Island Bar from Bloody Mary's, though,...). I don't recall the last time that I went to see a big-name band... i mean I've forgotten, not like I don't remember the bars on Udom Suk...


Preservation Hall supposedly had the biggest island bar in Europe. I used to go and see Tam White and the Dexters there (local band) in my (cough) youth.

I've seen the signs, but I can't recal having seen the man hisself. Did he used to play Lord Darnley's? Now there's a venue that would be better omitted even from a West Port pub crawl. Last time I was that way, I was between haircut and lunch, and I paused for refreshment in the Pub That Changed Its Name, and a fight broke out. Not bad for 11 am. The go-go dancers hadn't started yet...Anyway, I suggest we miss out the West Port from our fantasy pub crawl... I've spent too many worrying moments there trying to look like I was somewhere else ...


PS You need to get that cough seen to, at your age. How's the cat?


Crusher's Bar, Aitutaki (Cook Islands)

Local moonshine and great food in the jungle. Crusher himself playing rock-and-roll even if you are the only one in the bar. Piglets falling asleep on your feet as you eat.


We should include a bar with a mezzanine level. I forget the name of the place opposite Sandy Bell's -it'll have changed names many times since anyway, the one that used to be a second-hand record shop, if I'm not wrong, and probably a cinema before that, for all I know...I suppose the old Top Ten would have been good on that score, before it went budget and changed its name to Top Five (you're right, I struggle to believe that now I come to tell it sober, but I think its true)... I don't recall anywhere else in Orchard Towers with a mezzanine.

A city centre beer garden would be nice - an opportunity to get away from it all... The old German brewpub (Probably called the Hoffbrauhaus) in the Kimberley Shopping Centre foyer had a beer buffet that got the night off to a fuzzy obliviate start (oblivisome? words fail me again - if in doubt, make it up...).



We should include a bar with a mezzanine level. I forget the name of the place opposite Sandy Bell's -it'll have changed names many times since anyway, the one that used to be a second-hand record shop, if I'm not wrong, and probably a cinema before that, for all I know...I suppose the old Top Ten would have been good on that score, before it went budget and changed its name to Top Five (you're right, I struggle to believe that now I come to tell it sober, but I think its true)... I don't recall anywhere else in Orchard Towers with a mezzanine.

A city centre beer garden would be nice - an opportunity to get away from it all... The old German brewpub (Probably called the Hoffbrauhaus) in the Kimberley Shopping Centre foyer had a beer buffet that got the night off to a fuzzy obliviate start (oblivisome? words fail me again - if in doubt, make it up...).


Off topic but I used to love the wee Italian restaurant next to the bar you're talking about. The music students used to play there for a free meal and tips. Cracking bloke ran the place.

Sadly I believe both venues have been amalgamated into a Filthy McNasty's kind of place.

On a brighter note and while we're in town a trip to the West End Hotel for a couple of pints.......live music but the real draw is the local flavour sprinkled with some proper Highland welcome. A rarity in the city. ;)


We should include a bar with a mezzanine level. I forget the name of the place opposite Sandy Bell's -it'll have changed names many times since anyway, the one that used to be a second-hand record shop, if I'm not wrong, and probably a cinema before that, for all I know...I suppose the old Top Ten would have been good on that score, before it went budget and changed its name to Top Five (you're right, I struggle to believe that now I come to tell it sober, but I think its true)... I don't recall anywhere else in Orchard Towers with a mezzanine.

A city centre beer garden would be nice - an opportunity to get away from it all... The old German brewpub (Probably called the Hoffbrauhaus) in the Kimberley Shopping Centre foyer had a beer buffet that got the night off to a fuzzy obliviate start (oblivisome? words fail me again - if in doubt, make it up...).


Off topic but I used to love the wee Italian restaurant next to the bar you're talking about. The music students used to play there for a free meal and tips. Cracking bloke ran the place.

Sadly I believe both venues have been amalgamated into a Filthy McNasty's kind of place.

On a brighter note and while we're in town a trip to the West End Hotel for a couple of pints.......live music but the real draw is the local flavour sprinkled with some proper Highland welcome. A rarity in the city. ;)

I suppose one of the reasons that none of us made it the Hoffbrauhaus last night (beyond it being closed these last five years or more) was that I forgot to mention it was on Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, a few corners away from the Red Dragon - or was it the Red Hart or the Red Stag? A dreadful pub I did not recollect, that I visited with a friend some years back. As we entered, he said "I haven't been in here for five years" and I can't really see why he rushed back so quickly. - Oh ! I just remembered - I got a pint of Deuchars IPA in an open-fronted place on Hart Avenue the last time I was drinking on my own in Hong Kong (TST, to be specific) - I should cross-post to the real ale thread - that's a bit more convenient than Shi Da Road for Belhaven Stout, and probably a more popular pint, as well. Anyway, they've probably got a new beer selection by now anyway...



We should add to the crawl a pleasant tropical or sub-tropical pub with good television sports on the verandah. I sat in a pub watching the British OPen from Muirfield - the sound was turned off, but you could see Tiger Woods' lips moving "For fuc_k's sake, why do you not play golf in the summer" he was whinging to the caddy, when his parka blew inside out.



The Athletic Arms (generally known as Diggers for an obvious reason) would be my fantasy pub for a post match pint. In the good old days, it was the only pub I knew that closed on a Saturday afternoon, but you could leave the ground promptly at full time and be queing at the door for 5 pm opening. "Lager Tops, please" "Its not a bloody cocktail bar. Ye can have Heavy. I've poured it"

(not a strictly accurate quote, but close enough for narrative purposes)



The George And Dragon on Acton High Street run and managed by Dougie(RIP) and James 2 Scottish guys. Though through the back it was known as the Shebeen. Sunday afternoons rocking out to Tony James and the FBI playing anything from the Blues Brothers soundtrack to Madness. Great times. Off our tits. Many Mondays off.This was 96 to about 1999. Then the Russians took it over and it went downhill fast. :bah:


The Athletic Arms (generally known as Diggers for an obvious reason) would be my fantasy pub for a post match pint. In the good old days, it was the only pub I knew that closed on a Saturday afternoon, but you could leave the ground promptly at full time and be queing at the door for 5 pm opening. "Lager Tops, please" "Its not a bloody cocktail bar. Ye can have Heavy. I've poured it"

(not a strictly accurate quote, but close enough for narrative purposes)


Ha Ha - Saturday afternoon drinking! Shortly after all-day opening was introduced in England, we went to the Brewery Tap in Strangeways - "Open 11 - 11!"

'Sorry lads, we close at 3 pm on a Saturday...'; the one day of the week when we could drink all day...

We never went back. I doubt I ever will.

I'd probably go to a Thwaites' pub, if they're still in business; you know, I can't even remember if it was THwaites or not. Anyway, it was a good six shillings cheaper than anything else, and the pubs were not rough as dogs either. Still can't remember if it was Thwaites, though. I remember I did drink it out the tin (Daniel Thwaites Lancashire Bitter from the supermarket - obviously, draught in the pub), and, like Export, the tins were ironic rather than aluminic.



I suppose one of the reasons that none of us made it the Hoffbrauhaus last night (beyond it being closed these last five years or more) was that I forgot to mention it was on Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, a few corners away from the Red Dragon - or was it the Red Hart or the Red Stag? A dreadful pub I did not recollect, that I visited with a friend some years back. As we entered, he said "I haven't been in here for five years" and I can't really see why he rushed back so quickly. - ....


LION - not dragon, not hart or stag, the RED LION on the east side of Nathan Road somewhere; not the pub of the same name in Chiang Mai...

Red Lion, TST, one to leave off the Fantasy Pub Crawl.



There are lots of nice little pubs in the south of England. Because I'm a fly fisherman I tend to gravitate to the pubs along trout streams. There is a nice little pub in Dunbridge on a pretty little chalk stream. The locals come back after a day on the stream and discuss their success... or lack of it. They welcomed me with open arms. They didn't even complain when I took a coupld of pounds off them at the pool table.




There are lots of nice little pubs in the south of England. Because I'm a fly fisherman I tend to gravitate to the pubs along trout streams. There is a nice little pub in Dunbridge on a pretty little chalk stream. The locals come back after a day on the stream and discuss their success... or lack of it. They welcomed me with open arms. They didn't even complain when I took a coupld of pounds off them at the pool table.



that place looks so much like a little pub a few friends and i came across whilst travelling around ireland. on a road trip between galway and limerick, we stopped in at a petrol station on a cold winter sunday afternoon and asked if there were any pubs in the local area that did a fine pint of the black and some traditional irish fare. the lady behind the counter directed us to a beautiful place off the beaten track that sold the most amazing fresh fish courses that could be ordered from the menu written on blackboards around the pub. the oysters, mussels, cockles, prawns and the catch of the day fish options were to die for !

an experience i will never forget, log fire the warmest of welcomes from all the local regulars, live traditional irish music and of course a good time had by all getting quietly drunk on a sunday afternoon.

unfortunately, never remembered the name of the place, as if i were ever to go back to the emerald isle before i die, it would most certainly be a place a would want go back to.

one of those things i think i would put on my bucket list.


So I think that there is a consensus that our crawl should include a beach bar and a british (as in isles, not crown) country pub. But which one? Perhaps we could suggest a pub on the West Coast of Ireland, or remote Cornwall, or the Outer Hebrides, that could provide inclement, hearth-warming weather, rich real ales, idyllic sandy beaches and top surf?


Perhaps we should also look to the world of fiction as well; I suggest perhaps we include the bar in the first star-wars film, and miss out all the pubs in Trainspotting...


The George And Dragon on Acton High Street run and managed by Dougie(RIP) and James 2 Scottish guys. Though through the back it was known as the Shebeen. Sunday afternoons rocking out to Tony James and the FBI playing anything from the Blues Brothers soundtrack to Madness. Great times. Off our tits. Many Mondays off.This was 96 to about 1999. Then the Russians took it over and it went downhill fast. :bah:

Forgot to say that the George and Dragon was one the last pubs that some seen before they were hung all those years ago. I believe its the oldest pub in Acton Town.

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