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Taking Thai Fiance Abroad

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First off Cheers in Advance for assistance..I've found heaps of good information here in the past.

Well I've come to the point where I am ready to take my Thai fiance abroad-(back home to England) knowing past Thai Govt workings-I'm quite sure this is probably a headache. Anyways if someone here would be able to explain the process and how to go about doing this I would appreciate it.

Cheers again!


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Ta for the reply. Yes she is a Thai Citizen, but since we are not married yet, there is some conflicting information I have received.

Here is the scenario I would like to play out....

Book a ticket for her and have her fly out to the UK to meet me. However I have heard that she needs to prove she has sufficient funds in her bank book prior to obtaining a visa. I can see the logic since they want to make sure a Thai citizen is not stranded abroad. Only other option I can think of is traveling with her in order to nip this in the bud, but not sure if this would do much good since as a fiance I don't really have any say as of yet.

Anyways if anyone out there has been through the process, please provide details.

Cheers again,


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If you don’t live in Bangkok, make sure you can stay at least a couple of days and can arrange internet communication with home (try Malaysia Hotel – not too expensive – has Internet).

You fiancée will need to fill out this form http://www.fco.gov.uk/Files/kfile/VAF1_2003_Eng,0.pdf

It is advisable to discuss with an embassy official the other required documentation. You will most likely have to prove you can support her during her stay in the UK. This in most cases will include you producing bank statements, proof of employment and wage slips.

I know what I am talking about as I have just obtained a visa for my wife. However there can always be circumstances that make every case unique, therefore:

• Arrange for a couple of days in Bangkok

• Visit the British Embassy (consular section) and discuss your case with an official.

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