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What it boils down to is that a lot of western expats come here and expect to find "little Britain", "little Australia", or "little America" where the brown people are in awe of them like it's the 19th century colonial Raj. Instead what they see are jaded locals so they end up hanging around with Thailand's equivalent of "white trash" and grow angry and disillusioned at this paradise they have built up in their mind. Then some find out that even economically speaking there are locals who make way more than they do and in fact look down on them. All this comes at a tremendous shock to the ego and world view. It all eventually comes tumbling down in rapid succession once they start hanging out with "fellow" expats and build up this pity poor me circle jerk to commiserate in at the finest beer dives in Thailand.

Not just Western expats, some Indian and Chinese ones as well. Their complaints tend to be different though—circle jerks, but with smaller penises.

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Well sillyman , if it will make you feel any happier or more content , I did leave , but not for many of the reasons you expound , I enjoyed my years spent in Thailand but attitudes were on the move , some I did not appreciate , in my older(ancient) years I did not need to be surounded with an aura of discontent .Where I now reside , I am surrounded by mostly happy people who are too busy making a living to be too concerned about the colour of my skin or what I am up to , no hastles reneweing my yearly visa or anything else for that matter , not once have I been told I need to learn the language , in fact many use me to practise thier English for which they are proud , even most of the young vendors have reasonable English . You see the difference in one of the 'Attitudes ' , I am not expected to learn the local language to purchase 'Thier ' goods , they want to learn to communicate with 'Thier' customers to sell thier goods , makes more sense to me . At Angor-watt , some of the tuk-tuk guides have even learned to speak Spanish , amongst other languages , it is called "Making an effort to please and accomodate ".

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In response to the OP:


After 14 years in Thailand, I left about 4 years ago. Best decision I'd made in over a decade.

To those who complain: You're right. That stuff that doesn't make any sense in Thailand really doesn't make sense. What drives you mad is trying to go along with the notion that indeed it does makes sense, just your ability to understand is somehow flawed. Utter rubbish.

Policemen murdering tourists actually is as bad as it seems, etc, etc (you don't need the full list which could stretch to volumes).

With the benefit of some time and distance I can give this balanced assessment: The place is nuts and you're nuts to stay there (as was I). Luckily I gathered my wits and strength and got out before it was completely too late.


In response to the OP:


After 14 years in Thailand, I left about 4 years ago. Best decision I'd made in over a decade.

To those who complain: You're right. That stuff that doesn't make any sense in Thailand really doesn't make sense. What drives you mad is trying to go along with the notion that indeed it does makes sense, just your ability to understand is somehow flawed. Utter rubbish.

What exactly about Thailand is so completely bizarre that it just blows your mind? This isn't a country full of space aliens they are regular people with normal aspirations hampered by stuff like corruption and economics. It's not a mystery.


... hampered by stuff like corruption and economics. It's not a mystery.

Hampered by corruption of their own making. Throw in ignorance, arrogance and sleezy values while you're at it.

No mystery for me. Unlike what many Thai people would have you believe, the place and it's "system" are not mysterious at all. A lot of it is just broad, garden variety venality.

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... hampered by stuff like corruption and economics. It's not a mystery.

Hampered by corruption of their own making. Throw in ignorance, arrogance and sleezy values while you're at it.

The problems they have are not uniquely Thai though. It's developing world issues. If you think it's bad here try running a business in Eastern Europe or South America.

No mystery for me. Unlike what many Thai people would have you believe, the place and it's "system" are not mysterious at all. A lot of it is just broad, garden variety venality.

I just don't believe a lot of these traits are characteristically Thai in anyway. Whenever you have a situation where there's a big gap between rich and poor you'll have people scrambling to take advantage whether it be selling out their own people or scamming foreigners.


... hampered by stuff like corruption and economics. It's not a mystery.

Hampered by corruption of their own making. Throw in ignorance, arrogance and sleezy values while you're at it.

No mystery for me. Unlike what many Thai people would have you believe, the place and it's "system" are not mysterious at all. A lot of it is just broad, garden variety venality.

I like you. No homo.


... hampered by stuff like corruption and economics. It's not a mystery.

Hampered by corruption of their own making. Throw in ignorance, arrogance and sleezy values while you're at it.

The problems they have are not uniquely Thai though. It's developing world issues. If you think it's bad here try running a business in Eastern Europe or South America.

No mystery for me. Unlike what many Thai people would have you believe, the place and it's "system" are not mysterious at all. A lot of it is just broad, garden variety venality.

I just don't believe a lot of these traits are characteristically Thai in anyway. Whenever you have a situation where there's a big gap between rich and poor you'll have people scrambling to take advantage whether it be selling out their own people or scamming foreigners.

I agree on both points, but this being a Thailand based forum the discussion will of course be Thailand based. These problems exist in abundance in Thailand and not in abundance in the home country of most Thailand based expats.


The land bit does not bother me, its in my wifes name. and why shouldnt it be. I mean I married her because I love and trust her. and ayway, if it did go tits up, so what, its for my son at the end of the day. so that does not make me want to leave!

If I had a problem with a Thai or a Farang, why leave coz of that. I have had bigger problems before elsewhere!

Visas, again, thats normal crap to deal with, do it right and then one does not have a problem!

Now, driving on the other hand, that could send me over the top and make me leave!!!:D :D

I agree with the "I've had bigger problems elsewhere" line. I mean, it's not like anyone has driven a fork lift truck through a Danish warehouse wall or anything...haha :jap:

I told you that in confidence! :D

I think the poor bugger who got the blame is still paying for it! :ph34r:


I agree on both points, but this being a Thailand based forum the discussion will of course be Thailand based. These problems exist in abundance in Thailand and not in abundance in the home country of most Thailand based expats.

Agreed but what people should still take into account is that Thailand is not developed. It's pointless to set these first world standards and expect them to live up to it.

It's a "middle income" country and has all the problems that are typical of that category.


I agree on both points, but this being a Thailand based forum the discussion will of course be Thailand based. These problems exist in abundance in Thailand and not in abundance in the home country of most Thailand based expats.

Agreed but what people should still take into account is that Thailand is not developed. It's pointless to set these first world standards and expect them to live up to it.

It's a "middle income" country and has all the problems that are typical of that category.

Agreed, but don't dismiss the part 'Social Dialogue' has in creating the conditions for change - An idea can be unacceptable one day, while on another the 'Social Dialogue' might very well have brought that idea into wider public acceptance.

Social Dialogue and it's product the Zeitgeist are powerful tools of change - Hence the efforts by some nations to do all they can to prevent open discussion.

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