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Bangkok's Chatuchak Market Becomes Non Smoking Zone


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I can certainly see banning smoking from the indoors section of the market being that it is such fire hazard. The only people I've ever seen smoking in those sections are the shop owners themselves. Smoking should be restricted to outside areas only, or make a smoking section with ashtrays. This is just another way to capitalize on ripping off the tourists, and bad news travels fast. Another double standard in the making, amazing, smiles, hospitality and go home. raff out roud! :annoyed:

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Oh hel_l no.

Drop the attempts at political correctness Thailand. It doesn't suit you.

I'll respect this smoking ban about as much as I respect any smoking ban.

You selfish bastard. I remember the time when one of your kind was in the crowded, hot market that is JJ, and when my wife walked past she happened to brush past one of your stinking smoker friends, burning not just a hole in her dress, but also her leg. The perp that did this, well all he could do was walk away.

Its not just the extra added unpleasant smell that smoking adds to the mix, it is the danger of someone getting burned, or their clothes being damaged. Please dont let the fact that there are children there too, and guess what, their eyes are somewhat in the line of fire too (pun intended), to receive a cigarette to the eyes or face.

So if any one of you smokers is so callous to believe that you have a right to smoke in such a confined area as JJ, and that you have the right to wave a smoldering pseudo weapon around in such a place, then you had better not run into me!!!!!!!

The smoking ban in JJ should be reinforced with more than a 2000b fine, but for the damages that a smoker causes to another when contact is made with the cigarette itself.

Yeah I get that. But WHY the ban on beer? As another poster pointed out, after having to push your way through throngs of people for a hot couple of hours or so, you want to sit down somewhere (and there're not that many places to sit in JJ), and have a nice cold one. I don't see that anyone would choose JJ or any other market for a party. And why only JJ?

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To all smokers.

You enjoy smoking cigarettes with all the carcinogens, tars, chemicals and impurities. A by product of your smoking is that my hair and clothes stink just like you do, and you do that without my consent..

I enjoy a beer. A by product of my enjoyment is urine. Would you have any objection if I pi$$ed over your hair and clothes without your consent??

Have a think about it.


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There has always been a ban on smoking within the JJ market, you zealots. There is a designated smoking area, if not several, well away from the main area, and always has been. The issue here is simply a money grab. Will the notification of this be at the entrance? Or will they just stand around like outside Nana and mug tourists? Would there be a warning, or just a few 100 to ease their pockets... If you fools think this has anything to do with smoking or smokers, your nuts! Its entrapment pure and simple.

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Oh hel_l no.

Drop the attempts at political correctness Thailand. It doesn't suit you.

I'll respect this smoking ban about as much as I respect any smoking ban.

You selfish bastard. I remember the time when one of your kind was in the crowded, hot market that is JJ, and when my wife walked past she happened to brush past one of your stinking smoker friends, burning not just a hole in her dress, but also her leg. The perp that did this, well all he could do was walk away.

Its not just the extra added unpleasant smell that smoking adds to the mix, it is the danger of someone getting burned, or their clothes being damaged. Please dont let the fact that there are children there too, and guess what, their eyes are somewhat in the line of fire too (pun intended), to receive a cigarette to the eyes or face.

So if any one of you smokers is so callous to believe that you have a right to smoke in such a confined area as JJ, and that you have the right to wave a smoldering pseudo weapon around in such a place, then you had better not run into me!!!!!!!

The smoking ban in JJ should be reinforced with more than a 2000b fine, but for the damages that a smoker causes to another when contact is made with the cigarette itself.

having been to JJ market only once, i know that such place should be a first candidate to be made a non-smoking area.

Way to go Thailand!

Edited by EddyB
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Oh hel_l no.

Drop the attempts at political correctness Thailand. It doesn't suit you.

I'll respect this smoking ban about as much as I respect any smoking ban.

You selfish bastard. I remember the time when one of your kind was in the crowded, hot market that is JJ, and when my wife walked past she happened to brush past one of your stinking smoker friends, burning not just a hole in her dress, but also her leg. The perp that did this, well all he could do was walk away.

Its not just the extra added unpleasant smell that smoking adds to the mix, it is the danger of someone getting burned, or their clothes being damaged. Please dont let the fact that there are children there too, and guess what, their eyes are somewhat in the line of fire too (pun intended), to receive a cigarette to the eyes or face.

So if any one of you smokers is so callous to believe that you have a right to smoke in such a confined area as JJ, and that you have the right to wave a smoldering pseudo weapon around in such a place, then you had better not run into me!!!!!!!

The smoking ban in JJ should be reinforced with more than a 2000b fine, but for the damages that a smoker causes to another when contact is made with the cigarette itself.

Another Nazi who undoubtedly drives but don't care FA about the pollution he's causing that kills ppl. Hope ypuget hit and hurt by one of your own kind then come back and bitch about smokers.

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biker Bob, you'd be saying a lot more than '<deleted>' if I pi$$ed over you, I can assure you.

You managed a monosyllable in reply, but perhaps you could give me a reasonable response why smokers should continue to assault non smokers with their filthy habit.

I have no objection if you want to kill yourself, although there are much more efficient ways to do so.

Both my parents died from the effects of smoking, and I can tell you, with the greatest of authority, that it is not a pleasant way to go out; it's painful beyond belief, slow, agony for the family, and quite unnecessary.

If you're not capable of giving others a thought, and that would seem so, then think about it for yourself and your family.

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And above is another one!

Well, JJ loses another customer as have a lot of Bkk bars, but no doubt the nazis want boozing banned too.

Banning smokes in the uk seems to be killing the pub trade there, but I'm sure you also don't give a sh*t about those who lost their jobs.

Get back in your car, destroy the planet, then tell me you have a leg to stand on.

You Can't be a yank as they hail the land of the free,or is it really greed? hahaha.

Edited by Soi Sauce
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To all smokers.

You enjoy smoking cigarettes with all the carcinogens, tars, chemicals and impurities. A by product of your smoking is that my hair and clothes stink just like you do, and you do that without my consent..

I enjoy a beer. A by product of my enjoyment is urine. Would you have any objection if I pi$$ed over your hair and clothes without your consent??

Have a think about it.

I second the motion :lol:

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To all smokers.

You enjoy smoking cigarettes with all the carcinogens, tars, chemicals and impurities. A by product of your smoking is that my hair and clothes stink just like you do, and you do that without my consent..

I enjoy a beer. A by product of my enjoyment is urine. Would you have any objection if I pi$$ed over your hair and clothes without your consent??

Have a think about it.

I second the motion :lol:

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Banning cars drom certain areas would be more benficial to life in Bkk.

Haven't you noticed, they stink. Too blinkered I think.

BTW we all eat and that produces <deleted>. By your logic, you should have no objection if I shat all over you.

Finally, if you're so anti-smoke, why do you choose to live in one of the World's most polluted cities?


Edited by Soi Sauce
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I recall going back 10+ years when restaurant owners in Australia were shifting from foot to foot wondering if their restaurant should be the first to go 'non smoking' on the back on non smoking flights, which incidentally, were forced by Australian pilots and the world followed.

It was popular opinion that the first would go broke, but the owners of Nyonya (Malaysian cuisine) in Carlton took a gamble and declared their restaurant non smoking. It was booked solid for over a year and they made buckets of money until the others in the strip saw the error of their way and went down that path. Nyonya is still heavily booked, but so are the others, and us non smokers can now go there without the discomfort of selfish smokers second hand smoke.

The same was said of pubs when state governments legislated to ban smoking, but they've taken it in their stride, same if not greater patronage, and the smokers go outside or to a dedicated smoking area for a fag. It's not the big deal they thought it was. Incidentally, a couple of Australian states are preparing legislation to make smoking in any public place, even the street, an offence, and the only place a smoker will be able to light up is at home. Now that will be a great advance.

If, as you say, people lose their jobs, and I doubt it because that hasn't been the experience in Australia, then I'm sure somebody has done the economic exercise of having them on unemployment benefits versus on health benefits and enormous medical bills carried by the government, because of the effects of passive smoking, principally heart disease and cancer.

I must ask why people go to bars??? Is it to drink alcohol??? Probably, because they're called bars, traditionally places where alcohol is consumed, and not called 'smoking places'. What do those people do if they can't have a fag there??? Not go??? I doubt that.

Statistically, those who smoke, and more particularly smoke heavily, are at the lower end of the socio economic ladder, those least able to afford it, or afford the medical costs associated with smoking. If a few quit as a consequence, a ban will have been worth it.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Oh hel_l no.

Drop the attempts at political correctness Thailand. It doesn't suit you.

I'll respect this smoking ban about as much as I respect any smoking ban.

Oh Hel_l yes.....

I am so happy that I can go to the market when I am in Bangkok. It feels so good when I am able to walk every inch without fearing of the smokers. It is a sign of time and Thailand....she did the Right thing......

Wow,wow and wow???

My opinion....

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Well, JJ loses another customer as have a lot of Bkk bars, but no doubt the nazis want boozing banned too.

Your valuable contributions to Thailand's market economy will be sorely missed i'm sure.

Banning smokes in the uk seems to be killing the pub trade there, but I'm sure you also don't give a sh*t about those who lost their jobs.

Rather a few jobs lost than having some yellow toothed smelly cancer bag puffing away on stink.

You Can't be a yank as they hail the land of the free,or is it really greed? hahaha.

Sounds like someone is feeling angry because their country has a seat at the children's table these days.

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I recall going back 10+ years when restaurant owners in Australia were shifting from foot to foot wondering if their restaurant should be the first to go 'non smoking' on the back on non smoking flights, which incidentally, were forced by Australian pilots and the world followed.

It was popular opinion that the first would go broke, but the owners of Nyonya (Malaysian cuisine) in Carlton took a gamble and declared their restaurant non smoking. It was booked solid for over a year and they made buckets of money until the others in the strip saw the error of their way and went down that path. Nyonya is still heavily booked, but so are the others, and us non smokers can now go there without the discomfort of selfish smokers second hand smoke.

The same was said of pubs when state governments legislated to ban smoking, but they've taken it in their stride, same if not greater patronage, and the smokers go outside or to a dedicated smoking area for a fag. It's not the big deal they thought it was. Incidentally, a couple of Australian states are preparing legislation to make smoking in any public place, even the street, an offence, and the only place a smoker will be able to light up is at home. Now that will be a great advance.

If, as you say, people lose their jobs, and I doubt it because that hasn't been the experience in Australia, then I'm sure somebody has done the economic exercise of having them on unemployment benefits versus on health benefits and enormous medical bills carried by the government, because of the effects of passive smoking, principally heart disease and cancer.

I must ask why people go to bars??? Is it to drink alcohol??? Probably, because they're called bars, traditionally places where alcohol is consumed, and not called 'smoking places'. What do those people do if they can't have a fag there??? Not go??? I doubt that.

Statistically, those who smoke, and more particularly smoke heavily, are at the lower end of the socio economic ladder, those least able to afford it, or afford the medical costs associated with smoking. If a few quit as a consequence, a ban will have been worth it.

Just had to be an australian, didn't you.

Pls explain how a sillyzen of the World's most polluting nation per head can get on his high sheep about a little smoke?

Put your own house in order first before you even have a small % of a right to bitch about others.

Biggoted, hyphocrit, and you know it.

You'll be going on about human rights next, like the right to your own country and government next, but forgetting about your mobs past and current treatment of Aborigines.

Like them you have no right to any opinion or are we expected to respect people who come from a murderously, stolen country?

Edited by Soi Sauce
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Oh hel_l no.

Drop the attempts at political correctness Thailand. It doesn't suit you.

I'll respect this smoking ban about as much as I respect any smoking ban.

You selfish bastard. I remember the time when one of your kind was in the crowded, hot market that is JJ, and when my wife walked past she happened to brush past one of your stinking smoker friends, burning not just a hole in her dress, but also her leg. The perp that did this, well all he could do was walk away.

Its not just the extra added unpleasant smell that smoking adds to the mix, it is the danger of someone getting burned, or their clothes being damaged. Please dont let the fact that there are children there too, and guess what, their eyes are somewhat in the line of fire too (pun intended), to receive a cigarette to the eyes or face.

So if any one of you smokers is so callous to believe that you have a right to smoke in such a confined area as JJ, and that you have the right to wave a smoldering pseudo weapon around in such a place, then you had better not run into me!!!!!!!

The smoking ban in JJ should be reinforced with more than a 2000b fine, but for the damages that a smoker causes to another when contact is made with the cigarette itself.

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Thrash em I reckon...<deleted> smokers deserve to be thrashed for being so smoky and burny and rubbishy...blowin their smoke around and tossing their garbage onto the ground where I'm gonna have to look at their decaying cigarette butts for the next 10,000 years.

Bastards I say...set em on fire...nail them to the nearest cross and...and...okay, okay...this is an emotional issue.

It's funny that in actual terms, a right is something that is outlined in a piece of legislation somewhere, yet smokers the world over commonly offer the trite retort "I have a right to smoke" While I am just expected to swallow the suggestion that there is a legal tool in place protecting their determination to produce smoke, to significantly impose upon a biological need of mine, I am considered a pain in the arse when I ask to be directed to the source of this right to smoke.

Life is conditional my smokey friends...It is conditional upon many things in a web of hierarchies...at the top are things we need to do...breathe, eat, blink, sleep, tell others where to go...these things don't need legal tools such as rights, they cannot be chosen or preferred or disregarded...rights are created toward things we have autonomy over - this is why the principle of responsibility is so important in rights/legal arguments...if you have mens rea then take your smoking habeus corpus and pollute areas where others are not affected.

Yeah, I think I am ready for youse smokers to retort your phlemy bile all over me...

Let me make one final point. People have sometimes replied to my posts saying they cannot understand a syllable I post...your admission of not being able to understand is not evidence that my diatribes do not make sense...your admission is information about your cognitive functioning, not my post...

While you smoke and be damned, I write and be damned...actually, I will not be damned because I live in a Goddessless world and there ain't no damnation that I know of, other than smokey market-places.

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The issue is not that anyone objects to smokers killing themselves just as they don't object to extremely obese people stuffing their faces with snack foods and also killing themselves in the process. hel_l kill yourself whichever way you want. The problem is that while the fat people overeat they are not affecting those around them (if you exclude the passing of gas which some of them seem to do with wild abandon). However, some people strongly dislike the smell of smoke and are terrified of second hand smoke. Thus, they claim, rightly I believe, that you have no right to inflict your posion on them. Now if cigarettes were smokeless, this would be a non-issue just like obese people and snack food.

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Banning cars drom certain areas would be more benficial to life in Bkk.

Haven't you noticed, they stink. Too blinkered I think.

BTW we all eat and that produces <deleted>. By your logic, you should have no objection if I shat all over you.

Finally, if you're so anti-smoke, why do you choose to live in one of the World's most polluted cities?


If you're addressing me Soi Sauce, and you may be, of course I would have an objection to any of your by products being put my way. Didn't you understand that???

What I was saying was that if you think it your right to make my clothes and person stink like you do, without my consent, then I should have equal rights and be able to pi$$ over you, or worse.

Soi Sauce gets a bit of stick so resorts to personal insults. I don't condone or even suggest anything/everything the Australian government/s have done is all OK, nor could any citizen of any country, but your rather illogical attack is infantile in the extreme.

You have rather foolishly made the assumption that I am a native born Australian (I am not) living in one of Australia's most polluted cities (I do not). I live in the country, 30 Kms west of Melbourne, Australia, where the air is about as pure as it can be. So, your silly little tirade has fallen flat.

You're welcome to come back for another shot if you wish, but please don't make yourself look such a fool next time.

You won't change opinion that smoking is a filthy habit, imposed on others by arrogant, selfish people, and any moves to ban the practice in Thailand or anywhere else in the world, can't be a bad thing.

Well put GarryP.

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The issue is not that anyone objects to smokers killing themselves just as they don't object to extremely obese people stuffing their faces with snack foods and also killing themselves in the process. hel_l kill yourself whichever way you want. The problem is that while the fat people overeat they are not affecting those around them (if you exclude the passing of gas which some of them seem to do with wild abandon). However, some people strongly dislike the smell of smoke and are terrified of second hand smoke. Thus, they claim, rightly I believe, that you have no right to inflict your posion on them. Now if cigarettes were smokeless, this would be a non-issue just like obese people and snack food.

Absolutely. I'm a smoker, but I totally understand the point of view of the anti-smoking brigade. If someone objects to me smoking, or I'm in a no-smoking place, I'll wait till I go home for a cigarette. I don't want to ruin someone's day by insisting that I light up. I mean, I'm not a child. I've got a bit of willpower and I get that life isn't just about satisfying your own needs above everyone elses. It's a wee bit embarrassing when people start slinging words like "Nazi" around. I think we can all agree that smoke does a pretty good job of stinking up clothes and hair, and if someone doesn't want that, fair enough. It's common courtesy.

And writing this post has really made me want a cigarette. ermm.gif

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