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This is great, and it's something that I've talked about with my kids: that nation-states are an artificial construct, that while nationalism unites one group of people, it easily goes over the line to divide even more people.

Despite all the divisions we see— between nations, religions, ideologies and races—the long-term trend brought about by increasingly better communications is a trend towards greater unity and understanding. The dark cloud on the horizon is the potential fight for limited resources. This is why I think that conservation, sustainability, more equitable wealth distribution are the important issues that will determine our future.

Ironically, the solution to these divisive planet-wide issues requires joint action—a tough knot to untie.

Thanks for this, I'll be showing it to my daughters.


there are a few others when you follow the link. I do not dare to post them all here.

The way of presentation is great too.

I got lost for for hours into this last night.



Sadly the answer to why we haven't developed further is lack of an external foe. You can bet your bottom dollar that the day we discover life outside earth and that life presents a threat, we will be the most empathic civilisation you could imagine.

Think of the central theme, solidarity. If there is no threat, there is no need for solidarity. Kinda why he makes the point abuot heaven. We evolve enough so that we are in a low but ever present sense of tension. We have not learned to live without tensions and maslow among others, concluded that its doubtful we ever will.

I love this kind of topic. It's the sort of reading that keeps me up at night! Thanks for the link!! :jap:

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