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Is Sanan Preparing To Be Thai PM?


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Is Sanan preparing to be PM?

By Piyanart Srivalo

The Nation



Deputy PM's 'reconciliation' could be capitalising on Democrats' fate

It's usually not that difficult to tell when a politician is plotting something ambitious - such as planning to be the prime minister. He first will "go on tour", visiting friends and (former) foes like there is no tomorrow to promote a seemingly difficult agenda - national reform or national reconciliation, for instance. Then he will have to utter that oldest political cliche of all: "I'm not doing this for myself. I'm doing it for my country."

Therefore, it's no surprise that as Deputy Prime Minister Sanan Kachornprasart is hopping from one place to another in a whirlwind of "reconciliation" activities, all the while claiming "This is not about me," many people are visualising "Ready to be PM" taped to his back. With a court ruling coming up that could dissolve the Democrat Party and put Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva away, Sanan can't blame those questioning his motives.

The Sanan-as-new-PM speculation is also supported by simple mathematics. The Pheu Thai Party, if backed by lesser parties, can edge out the Democrats and the Bhum Jai Thai Party and form an alternative government. That would be a 271-MP government against a 204-MP (or a lot fewer depending on how many Democrats could be banned) opposition.

With the current Parliament's term ending late next year, the Sanan-led coalition would purport to do one thing and one thing only - rebuild national unity. Sanan, chief adviser of the Chart Thai Pattana Party, has visited jailed red-shirt members and met with "real leaders" of present coalition partners, namely Suwat Liptapanlop, Pairote Suwanchawee and Pinit Jarusombat. Yesterday, Sanan and Sondhi Limthongkul were photographed in a Siamese-twin pose, which in Thai context often signals that an exciting political change is coming.

Such speculation would never be complete without, of course, Thaksin Shinawatra's backing or approval. Rumours have it that the man from afar has talked to Sanan directly and urged him to create a "reconciliation plan". Some high-ranking sources within Pheu Thai have told The Nation that Thaksin was "very serious" about peace this time, and that the recent leadership turmoil at Pheu Thai was a result of the ousted leader trying to rush things too much.

The Sanan scenario, however, would depend a lot on how the Democrats prepare themselves strategically for the party-dissolution ruling. If the prime minister decides to dissolve Parliament before the Constitutional Court delivers its ruling, then Sanan would have got all dressed up for nothing. If he does aspire to become the new prime minister, he will need the court to ban Abhisit and nothing less.

Is there a chance that Sanan is doing all this for good cause? Mistrust, after all, has made the road towards reconciliation very bumpy and none of the current efforts has shown substantial progress. Doesn't Thailand need all the help it can get, even from a once-notorious power broker like Sanan?

One thing is certain - whereas the Thai public may have to give Sanan the benefit of the doubt for the sake of peace, their approval may not be needed as urgently as endorsement from the opposition party itself. In other words, even if Thaksin is seeing Sanan as the guiding light, will the light be snuffed out like Kovit Wattana before him?


-- The Nation 2010-09-23

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No man with big "Dumbo" ears like that will ever be PM. :rolleyes:

He is an old political warhorse...he knows his way around....nothing suprises but it would be a step back into the past....he was the Democrat secretary general when he was barred from politics for 5 years for under declaring his assets

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K. Sanan was found guilty of falsifying his assets declaration in 2000 and banned from holding office for five years. He paid for his sins as it were.

Does that mean he would be a good man to appoint as PM in an amnesty, reconciliatory move?

At least with 75 K. Sanan is three years younger than Gen. Chavalit ;)

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Sanan in the past was regarded as something of a''king maker," he had a hold on the tiller of power and indeed steered a number of politicians to their own personal mint, and of course acquiring favours to be called in when needed.

It is very difficult to let go of power no matter how old one is and the current bunch of political dinosaurs are threshing about in their death throes still trying for that last bite of the meal called corruption.

There is no concern for the welfare of the common man, it's all about what's in it for me. as has already been said the outcome of the current dissolution case concerning the democrat party is near and again in my view the vultures or pterodactyls of Thai politics are preparing to pick over the bones of the carcase of the government in order to find sustenance (money) with which to further their own personal fiefdoms, or should that read theifdoms one wonders?

Truth of the matter is, like most of the dinosaurs here in Thai politics. The manipulators (politicians) are as about as straight as a corkscrew and a see through value of a muddy pool.

Money, Money, Money, it's the rich man's tool.

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Sanan in the past was regarded as something of a''king maker," he had a hold on the tiller of power and indeed steered a number of politicians to their own personal mint, and of course acquiring favours to be called in when needed.

It is very difficult to let go of power no matter how old one is and the current bunch of political dinosaurs are threshing about in their death throes still trying for that last bite of the meal called corruption.

There is no concern for the welfare of the common man, it's all about what's in it for me. as has already been said the outcome of the current dissolution case concerning the democrat party is near and again in my view the vultures or pterodactyls of Thai politics are preparing to pick over the bones of the carcase of the government in order to find sustenance (money) with which to further their own personal fiefdoms, or should that read theifdoms one wonders?

Truth of the matter is, like most of the dinosaurs here in Thai politics. The manipulators (politicians) are as about as straight as a corkscrew and a see through value of a muddy pool.

Money, Money, Money, it's the rich man's tool.

siampolee, your post should be an editorial in the Bangkok papers.

You are right on the money money money!! :jap:

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God I hate politics!!! Wing nuts or not. Religion and politics, the scourge of the earth! And its all about 'CONTROL'.

Add organized crime, gangs, mobsters to the list = in Thailand same same political parties;

oh throw in corporations the faceless destroyers of economies, cultures, and environments

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Last stand of the dinos

please explain? more like sharks who have lasted several ice ages.

,,,,,have been explaining for weeks they are getting set to have gang truce council/

back to business corruption as usual - call it democracy - rebuilding the pig trough

Thais won't know, wont care or both

mark my words

Edit ;; or read Abhisits words, he explains it


Try to look at it from the eyes of non-politicians, and ask yourself if they think that politicians are negotiating for their own profits," he said.

truth is 'non-politicians' = apathetic

don't give a FF and won't/can't stop it.

Newin and or Abhisit will have to go...

watch The Godfather

Sanan had 'talks' with Sondhi

55555 scurry here scurry there

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Last stand of the dinos

I guess K. Banharn, K. Sanan, K. Sanoh, Gen. Chavalit should come together once a month to swap stories about the bad good old days when the earth was young and a well connected man could do what he liked ;)

PS I'm too young, I may have forgotten some who would also qualify.

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Last stand of the dinos

I guess K. Banharn, K. Sanan, K. Sanoh, Gen. Chavalit should come together once a month to swap stories about the bad good old days when the earth was young and a well connected man could do what he liked ;)

PS I'm too young, I may have forgotten some who would also qualify.

There we are; Jurassic Park (Thailand)

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Sanan : No hidden agenda to be PM

By The Nation

Deputy PM says his campaign is to get all sides |to forgive one another, not to help him become the premier

Deputy Prime Minister Sanan Kachornprasart yesterday rejected speculation that his campaign for political reconciliation was influenced by his desire to become the next prime minister.

"People are fed up with the bickering these days. I want all sides concerned to turn to one another and forgive mutually, so they can overcome the conflict and guide the country towards prosperity," Sanan said.

"I am doing this without any hidden agenda ... I am not doing it in the hope of becoming prime minister," he said.

Chief adviser to the coalition Chart Thai Pattana Party, Sanan rejected speculation that his goal was to form a unity government of all remaining political parties, in case the ruling Democrat Party is dissolved by court order on charges of financial irregularities.

"There will be no national-unity government. To achieve reconciliation, you need to respect democratic principles. There must be government and opposition, or the system will become dictatorship," he said.

Sanan's campaign has taken him to meet with leaders of the red shirts being detained at the Bangkok Remand Centre and leaders of the yellow shirts, including People's Alliance for Democracy co-leader Sondhi Limthongkul. Sanan may also meet with Thaksin Shinawatra, the self-exiled patriarch of the opposition Pheu Thai Party, but he said yesterday that such a meeting would be far in the future.

The veteran politician said that after meeting with all sides concerned, he would later invite their leaders to come together for discussions. He said his effort was aimed at convening talks among the feuding parties without prior conditions. He was convinced that politicians, as well as Thaksin, were the key to solving the political conflict.

Chart Thai Pattana's patriarch Banharn Silapa-Archa voiced his support yesterday for Sanan's effort. He also dismissed as groundless media speculation that Chart Thai Pattana was pushing for a coalition government to be led by Sanan in case of a "political accident" with the Democrat Party. He said smaller coalition parties were merely discussing possible nomination of a new government head in case Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was banned from public office if his Democrat Party was disbanded.

Democrat secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban, who is also deputy prime minister, said it would "not be so easy" for Sanan to replace Abhisit as prime minister. When asked whether Sanan was suitable to become the next PM, Suthep said, "I don't need to answer that question. It [the situation] may never happen."

However, Suthep said he welcomed Sanan's effort for reconciliation between feuding political sides.

Meanwhile, Pheu Thai MP and red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan threatened to revive a red-shirt protest if the government endorses the push for an amnesty bill.

"The true intention of amnesty is to allow the murderers to go free and has absolutely no benefit for the people, be they the red shirts or yellow shirts," Jatuporn said.

He added that the key provisions drafted by the coalition Bhum Jai Thai Party were designed to help those in charge of anti-riot operations.

The red shirts will take to the streets to oppose the proposed amnesty, he said while criticising the coalition party for trying to serve its vested interests. "No one but Newin Chidchob and his Bhum Jai Thai Party will gain from the amnesty."

In a related development, Pheu Thai chairman Chavalit Yongchaiyudh said he suspected the amnesty plan was designed to pave the way for a banned politician, whose initial is S, to resume his political career and become a new Bhum Jai Thai leader ahead of the next general election.

According to Chavalit, the politician in question is one of the 111 executives of the defunct Thai Rak Thai party facing a five-year ban after the party was dissolved by court order for electoral fraud.

"I pray for the news to be wrong. We want political parties and politicians to act straightforwardly, for the genuine benefit of the country and the people," said Chavalit, a former prime minister.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24

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Sanan : No hidden agenda to be PM

By The Nation

Deputy PM says his campaign is to get all sides |to forgive one another, not to help him become the premier

Deputy Prime Minister Sanan Kachornprasart yesterday rejected speculation that his campaign for political reconciliation was influenced by his desire to become the next prime minister.


According to Chavalit, the politician in question is one of the 111 executives of the defunct Thai Rak Thai party facing a five-year ban after the party was dissolved by court order for electoral fraud.

"I pray for the news to be wrong. We want political parties and politicians to act straightforwardly, for the genuine benefit of the country and the people," said Chavalit, a former prime minister.


-- The Nation 2010-09-24

"He was convinced that politicians, as well as Thaksin, were the key to solving the political conflict." SANAN

Thaksin is the cause of the political conflict!

""I pray for the news to be wrong. We want political parties and politicians to act straightforwardly, for the genuine benefit of the country and the people," said Chavalit, a former prime minister."

Not in our lifetime. :jap:

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