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Would You Like The Option To Turn Off The Reputation Feature For You?



69 members have voted

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Jt, I have a simpler solution: do what 99 percent of us do and ignore it. I bet until you brought this up, most weren't aware of this function. Smooth move exlax ;)

The feature is there. I think it sucks. You are blaming me for putting light on something that exists? Ignorance is bliss, eh? That's not my style, sorry.

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I have a suspicion JT is in on it. 20K+ posts, 1/3 of which must be starting polls-it all smells of click click pay some more

Come on JT, come out of the TV closet and confess-george is your real name isn't it? ;)

Have you had JT on ignore for the last few years James? :o

Anyway its a classic result so far. The TV members vote to not have a choice. George is the winner and there shall be no election.

Welcome to Thailand. B)

You've completely MISUNDERSTOOD the poll!

The poll isn't asking if we want the choice. Not at all.

The poll is about IF we were offered the choice, would we USE it.

They are completely different questions! The fact that a minority would want to use the option IF it was available in no way means that most people don't want to at least have that choice!

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The feature is there. I think it sucks. You are blaming me for putting light on something that exists? Ignorance is bliss, eh? That's not my style, sorry.

Don't worry about the ignorant people, Jingthing. Even the stalkers aren't worth worrying about. Most often they make fools of themselves. I don't always agree with you but I enjoy your posts. Controversy and well thought out posts make the erudite people THINK. The fools blunder along in their own bigoted ignorance.

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I have a suspicion JT is in on it. 20K+ posts, 1/3 of which must be starting polls-it all smells of click click pay some more

Come on JT, come out of the TV closet and confess-george is your real name isn't it? ;)

Have you had JT on ignore for the last few years James? :o

Anyway its a classic result so far. The TV members vote to not have a choice. George is the winner and there shall be no election.

Welcome to Thailand. B)

You've completely MISUNDERSTOOD the poll!

The poll isn't asking if we want the choice. Not at all.

The poll is about IF we were offered the choice, would we USE it.

They are completely different questions! The fact that a minority would want to use the option IF it was available in no way means that most people don't want to at least have that choice!

You can't do ANYTHING and this poll will have NO VALUE until you get all the Iranian families visiting Pattaya signed up on the forum.

It's not about reds & greens. It's about credibility!

And get those bloody Pattaya baht buses sorted out willya? Been years on that already and bugger all improvement. Good job your not being paid for your work.

Edited by NanLaew
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I have a suspicion JT is in on it. 20K+ posts, 1/3 of which must be starting polls-it all smells of click click pay some more

Come on JT, come out of the TV closet and confess-george is your real name isn't it? ;)

Have you had JT on ignore for the last few years James? :o

Anyway its a classic result so far. The TV members vote to not have a choice. George is the winner and there shall be no election.

Welcome to Thailand. B)

You've completely MISUNDERSTOOD the poll!

The poll isn't asking if we want the choice. Not at all.

The poll is about IF we were offered the choice, would we USE it.

They are completely different questions! The fact that a minority would want to use the option IF it was available in no way means that most people don't want to at least have that choice!

You can't do ANYTHING and this poll will have NO VALUE until you get all the Iranian families visiting Pattaya signed up on the forum.

It's not about reds & greens. It's about credibility!

And get those bloody Pattaya baht buses sorted out willya? Been years on that already and bugger all improvement. Good job your not being paid for your work.

That was funny in an odd way. Do you feel better? I reckon a good rant can be as liberating as a good dump.

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The feature is there. I think it sucks. You are blaming me for putting light on something that exists? Ignorance is bliss, eh? That's not my style, sorry.

Don't worry about the ignorant people, Jingthing. Even the stalkers aren't worth worrying about. Most often they make fools of themselves. I don't always agree with you but I enjoy your posts. Controversy and well thought out posts make the erudite people THINK. The fools blunder along in their own bigoted ignorance.

If you are aiming this at someone in particular Ian, have the balls and just say it. Otherwise go FISH ;)

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Why don't you start your own forum and make sure there are no votes in there for popularity (it seems you think this is what the feature is for, when it is fact for people to decide if you are posting well or posting crap). maybe you can call it www.jingthingisgod.com and everyone that joins has to fall at the feet of the mighty jingthing and agree with all the drivel you post, at least then you can spam up your own forum and those of us who wish to post on here can continue to do so safe in the knowledge that you will not enter and spoil the thread with your narcissism and inability to accept that others have a view point.

problem solved, if you feel so strongly about it go and form some competition to this forum, or maybe you can just stop moaning like a little girl because someone voted you as not popular :lol: I really cant believe you are acting so pathetic about what some people think about you on a forum, I am actually beginnning to feel sorry for you, surely something is not right when a grown man can moan so much about this.

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^^^^ I already had my morning dump... after coffee and with a 2 day-old B*ngk*k P*st. I save ranting for the father-in-laws bloody chooks!

Just for that, I think I will give you a green* which will be the first and last I will ever do since the whole thing is quite puerile.

Have fun.


* Changed my mind

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it could be better if the forum admins would turn on the display of the member's reputation under his avatar, together with Group, posts and join date.

Then it would be cool if the displayed reputation was only taking into account points given by own friend members.

That sounds much worse! BTW, please read my topic on IRONIC FRIENDING.

I want to point out again, this poll is NOT about whether the rep feature should be killed en masse. That ain't gonna happen. The question is IF we were given the option to TURN OFF the feature only for ourselves, would we use that option.

worse than what?

I'd be happy to be able to recognize d*ckheads right away if my friends already gave them plenty of negatives.

"Ironic friending" is nonsense for me.

It is the same as giving good marks to a skater who botched his program.

Ironic friending defeats the purpose of the friends feature and giving users the option to opt out of reputation defeats the purpose of the rep feature.

The real problem is how easy it is to setup multiple accounts.

I dont think its working right then cause I'm a <deleted> and I have more green than red so your theory is flawed :D

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Jt, I have a simpler solution: do what 99 percent of us do and ignore it. I bet until you brought this up, most weren't aware of this function. Smooth move exlax ;)

Yup, exactly so. I had no clue it was there. Now that I know it's there, I have no idea why, nor do I particularly care.

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I'd be happy to be able to recognize d*ckheads right away if my friends already gave them plenty of negatives.

"Ironic friending" is nonsense for me.

It is the same as giving good marks to a skater who botched his program.

Ironic friending defeats the purpose of the friends feature and giving users the option to opt out of reputation defeats the purpose of the rep feature.

The real problem is how easy it is to setup multiple accounts.

I dont think its working right then cause I'm a &lt;deleted&gt; and I have more green than red so your theory is flawed :D

No I"M Spartacus a &lt;deleted&gt;.

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I don't care one way or another. I don't care who likes me and who doesn't. People who really know me are my friends. I have lots of them. Why would anyone care what some ignorant stranger thinks. Ignorant people jump to conclusions and make false assumptions based on their own personal biases.

If I think someone has written a well thought out post or response to a post then I'll give them a positive vote. I don't give negative votes because I seldom respond to ignorant people. .

If it was a hot babe in lust for you, you would care. You are only writing that you don't care because the negative angry people are obnoxious obese knuckle dragging drooling midgets sticking pins in their voodoo dolls. :D

On the internet there are rules and then there are trules. The hot babe rule trumps everything else in life. Go on, admit it, you bon vivant, you.B)

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The feature is there. I think it sucks. You are blaming me for putting light on something that exists? Ignorance is bliss, eh? That's not my style, sorry.

Don't worry about the ignorant people, Jingthing. Even the stalkers aren't worth worrying about. Most often they make fools of themselves. I don't always agree with you but I enjoy your posts. Controversy and well thought out posts make the erudite people THINK. The fools blunder along in their own bigoted ignorance.

If you are aiming this at someone in particular Ian, have the balls and just say it. Otherwise go FISH ;)

Nope, nobody in particular. Just people who get nasty instead of making informative posts. There are two ways to criticize; one way is positive re-enforcement and the other makes the person on the receiving end feel bad. Making someone feel bad only creates animosity.

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The feature is there. I think it sucks. You are blaming me for putting light on something that exists? Ignorance is bliss, eh? That's not my style, sorry.

Don't worry about the ignorant people, Jingthing. Even the stalkers aren't worth worrying about. Most often they make fools of themselves. I don't always agree with you but I enjoy your posts. Controversy and well thought out posts make the erudite people THINK. The fools blunder along in their own bigoted ignorance.

If you are aiming this at someone in particular Ian, have the balls and just say it. Otherwise go FISH ;)

Nope, nobody in particular. Just people who get nasty instead of making informative posts. There are two ways to criticize; one way is positive re-enforcement and the other makes the person on the receiving end feel bad. Making someone feel bad only creates animosity.

i think you are living your life on tv too much if these little red and green dots that much of a concern to you.........................

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The only things that would improve the current system would be:

1. Comments for one-liners to go with your Green or Red. strings of one-liners next to a Red Train are glorious.

2. Judicial redress of grievance/s.

I understand jingthing's concern to be the anarchist, unregulated, primal nature of the current Reputation System on this forum. I believe his concerns are valid. To that end, I humbly tender my proud username as a prospective Reputation Judge Judy. Of sorts. All I need is a tiny sub-forum, where aggrieved parties can submit their grievances for review, the accused party has right of response (of course), I will assess the validity of both arguments and perhaps appeal to the mob for the more complex cases, before submitting a dissertation on the validity or otherwise of the complaint/s brought before Reputation Court.

This might sound retarded. And it is. But perhaps it might be retarded Fun, potentially. I would - of course - solemnly swear to remain semi-objective at most times, taking a multi-faceted approach to conflict resolution to ensure I often take into account the validity (or otherwise) of the complaint, the quality or amusing nature of any defence arguments / pleas of mitigation, and above all, the Best Interests of the Reputation System....before handing down any rulings or applying sanction to Guilty parties.

I would require only the bare minimum of administrative powers so as not to be a - complete - joke. But I shall rule with Iron Fists of Justice. Have no fear jingthing; if a complaint brought before my court is valid, unless the accused comes up with an amusing / entertaining defence...he WILL feel the wrath of a day, or week even, without ability to dish out Rep, stripped naked of their Rep Powerz until they learn that with great power, comes great responsibility.

If they remain recalcitrant, by god I will strike the fear of Reputation into their hearts with lengthy admonishments and mild restrictions afforded me by TV mods...until he (or she) understands that Reputation is not to be trifled with and must not be treated as if it were a trifling matter.

Not in my Reputation Chambers.

Not on my Watch.

Vote 1 for Scuter. Vote 1 for Justice!

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The one thing that I do find odd about this whole rating system is this....

On this forum it is disallowed if you name & shame anything.... Even if it is a legit documented offense

Yet a system such as this is basically a name & shame system isn't it?

I do not keep track but a couple of times I saw folks get a lot of reds & clicked on their name.

It then shows you their profile & reads something like Reputation POOR And that is for just 11 reds.

So I wondered...What does it say if you have 20-30-40 reds? Does it say something even worse than that?

Is REPUTATION POOR a name & shame? Yes I think so. So folks equate Reputation with a persons honesty etc.

Seems as much a name & shame as a legitimate complaint about something someone else did. Yet that is not allowed?

As I said it is their sandbox & they make the rules but it would be nice to see less of such a double standard.

BTW...Can a Thai citizen/ forum member sue you over this? Or is that limited to businesses?

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Me think thou doth protest too much.

You keep whining about one guy giving you a few reds while your greenie count is climbing like crazy. There is no way that you are going to turn off your reputation after this prank - all in all, a pretty good scam. :lol:

You sho iz wun mitey smart man, Must be all dem books you gots to reed and stuff. Ima gonna give you a greenie, for dat.

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Where's the option to turn off the Jingthing?

:cheesy: :cheesy: You get a green for being funny.

Well, mmkay, the cat pic, helped. B)

I gave Mr. Ulysees a greenie too, because he is kind to critters. He reads books too, and not just on the potty. I bet if more people read books they'd get greenies !!!

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<br />I gave you a greenie for giving me a greenie, but I also like some of your posts <i>a lot</i>. <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

That sounds a bit fruity. Are you a friend of JT's?


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I think the reputation RED button is a great thing because -- in addition to the Ignore function -- it allows persons particularly of the right-wing libertarian persuasion to vent their frustration against anyone who happens to have the nerve to disagree with them.

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<br />
<br />That sounds a bit fruity.  Are you a friend of JT's?<br /><br />SC<br />
<br /><br /><br />If you are looking for a date, look elsewhere. <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Maybe I should take my tent down to the back of Nana Plaza


That reminds me of the joke that ends with the pope saying

"I thought I told you yesterday to pick up your sleeping bag, take down your tent and eff off out of here"

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People who are concerned about this feature should be more concerned as to why some posters get more that two votes per day

Perhaps .... are you refering to the poster that can make 6 greens a day ? I was curious about that as well, maybe a mod can explain ....... But then again perhaps all this rep talk has caused enough havoc for one day ! LOL

My opinion is that if the rep feature was shut off people could and would make any crazy nonsense post or series of them and have a rep that falsely indicated they were just a middle of the road poster of 0 ..... but perhaps that's what they want ? Who knows ?

My second opinion is that this forum with or without the rep feature will go on pretty much the same as last year or next year ........:whistling:

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People who are concerned about this feature should be more concerned as to why some posters get more that two votes per day

Thanks for "Sir" for your daily two reds, dude. May I have another? Tomorrow, I trust.

if you write two posts that warrant two reds then you will get two reds, if you don't, you won't. Luckily for me normally your fist two posts I read each day deserve them, and lets be honest here I don't even have to search for them, every thread normally contains your preening and narcissism so I don't have to waste too much time, my only regret is I only get two votes, you write 100 posts a day so that leaves me 98 short. Maybe when you add up all your votes you can add another 98 negatives from me, that will give you a truer result.

Oh I see you got another thread closed with your whinging, well done for that. <_<

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