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I use a Happy prepaid phone card. I dont use my phone much, so I have money in the account, but run out of time. When I try to call, I get a message that I have to top up again. Now I have over 300 baht in my account!! Does anyone know how to get more time, without keep topping it up? I know there is a way to do it, but I dont know how, and friends dont know either. Any suggestions?


I think there is a more easier way to get more days than top-up

Reading the manual shows there is a service called "day give-way". You pay with your credits for more phone-time.

  • You type into your phone "*113*xx*9#" and press the call/send-button.
  • Before you replace "XX" with the amount of days you want to get: 30 or 90 or 180.
  • For each 30 days you will be charged 2THB

Two restrictions:

  • minimum use before at least 3 months OR calls for more than 200THB
  • remaining validity period of 1 day BEFORE transaction AND remaining credit of minimum 10THB AFTER transaction

You wil receive a SMS stating how long you can use the SIM-card.

You can repeat transaction for a maximum period of 360 days phone time. That means you pay 24THB and you can use your SIM-card 1 year without topping up.

I am not talking so much by phone and returning often to my home country. With this option you still can use your old number after returning to Thailand.

Even you stay away for more than 1 year a prolongation is possible from abroad:

  • register your SIM-card by internet as long as you are in Thailand: http://eservice.dtac...eCodeSSO?lang=E
  • access your web-account und apply for international roaming "15: happy go inter"
  • later when validity period is running short you sign in again and by using "09: Day give-away" you can extend again the validity period again. Your phone with the SIM-Card must be switched on because you will receive a SMS with a temporary password to step on with this service.

I have done it with 2 SIM-cards without any hassle. I think 24THB is a fair fee for 1 year validity.

Full details (and other options) you can find in the manual here: http://www.happy.co....r_eng_jun10.pdf

For new buyers it is cheaper to go with SIMPLE-SIM-card: 1 year with first top-up, but after 1 year you have the same problem

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Hi, Thanks again for the info, and it works!! I have 180 days now, so it will keep until I come back from Europe. I seen there are a few other services that may come in handy sometime. I guess I should have read the service book when I got the card, but that was a long time ago.

Have a nice day!!


Does AIS / 1-2-Call do anything similar? There's quite an amount of Baht on my AIS SIM now and I never seem to be able to use it fast enough!


Yes they do. I had the same problem as you, time would run out before money got used up. I went to Telewiz office at TukCom. They changed my calling plan for 100 baht. Now when I top up, I get a lot more time, but calls cost slightly more per minute. My time is good now til Sept 16, 2011.

Again there are several other plans depending on your needs. It's forever changing, so I can't quote the plans on offer now.

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