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Very Complicated Non B And Work Situation

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OK, I will try to give every detail possible so I can get the right answer.

So here's the situation, I arrived in Thailand with a Non-B visa, valid for one year because I was offered a job by this company. I came and the company failed to provide a work permit and visa before the 90 say stamp expired so I had to cross the Cambodia border and received a new 90 days. My job finally provided me with a work permit, but NO NEW VISA.

Then they terminated me from my job with no letter of cancellation of the visa. Currently my visa stamp from the Cambodia border is valid until Nov 5. Does this mean when I leave the country and return to Thailand that I will no longer receive a 90 day stamp as the original Non-B I received from my embassy back home is no longer valid? Or is my original Non-B still valid as my job failed to take me to immigration and give me a new visa and all they gave me was a work permit?

I am very confused and any information would help. Thanks.

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Your Multi Entry Non Imm B Visa is still valid until it expires.

Ok, thank you. That's what I believed as well until my job said this to me,

"You have to leave the country now, or else you will be fined 20,000B for overstay. It does not matter that we did not give you a new visa, that visa that you got before coming here is TIED to our company and therefore that visa is canceled."

In which my reply was, "Are you sure? Because I received this visa from my consulate back home and your company failed to issue me a new visa. you gave me a WP and never brought me to immigration."

To which they said, "You have to leave now, and you will not find another job."

Needless to say, that company was awful.

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You are right, they are not. Looks like a job I'm happy I never had. You will continue to get 90 day stamps as long as you enter Thailand before your original visa expires (even on the last day, so you can use it for a total of 15 months)

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As already posted above, your non immigrant B visa and entry stamp is still valid - you will have no problems at the border on your next 90 day run.

Extending a temporary permission to stay (current entry stamp in a passport) based on a valid non immigrant visa inside of Thailand on the basis of employment is only an option taken by some companies to eliminate the need for border runs; it is not a requirement.

So you should have no concerns regarding this particular issue.

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Extending a temporary permission to stay (current entry stamp in a passport) based on a valid non immigrant visa inside of Thailand on the basis of employment is only an option taken by some companies to eliminate the need for border runs; it is not a requirement.

Wow, that really clears things up, THANK YOU! I think that is exactly what the company was trying to use against me, threatening me with that "OPTION" that was never placed in my passport. Thanks again.

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