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Pound Sterling In 1968


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Although it is not going to help personal finances, resident Brits in Chiang Mai who are suffering generally from the fall of sterling, or specifically those surviving on a UK pension, might be interested to know that, as at 30th December 1968, it stood at 48 Baht to the pound, which is more or less what it is today. The US$ was 20 Baht.

This information comes courtesy of a web page at: http://www.oland.co.uk/thailand1.php courtesy of someone called Steve Abrams, wherein he describes his overland trip from the UK to Australia back in those halcyon days of travelling. Those who did that journey at that time will doubtless enjoy his description and photos on the web page of the (in)famous "Thai Song Greet Hotel" in Bangkok, where almost all the 60's backpackers either stayed or met up to exchange information about respective roads up ahead, Chiang Mai included.

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In the late 70s I was paid 30UKP/week .........

In the late 80s & 90s I was paid 350UKP/day (city of London)

In the late 2000s I survive on 800UKP/month

As a previous poster stated, you need to consider income and exchange rate together.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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I strugle to find the relevance in these arguments "In 1968 the echchange rate was THB 48 to one Pound..."

In that vein, if the baht continues to strenghten to say 35 to 40 against the Pound, its still not a big deal right? Because, currency wise, we aren't that far (UK expats) from where we were in '68.

I think Thai exporters would disagree :rolleyes:

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I was here (Thailand) in 1968 and remember well the 20 baht exchange rate for the U.S. dollar. Thing were a lot cheaper then, here are some of my expenses from 1968 (remember I was a young single guy then)

Set-up drinks at the local bars 5 bt

Short entertainment 40 bt (included the room)

Stay over entertainment 100 bt (this included room)

Massage with smile 20 bt

Other than working, that was about all I did or spent money while here for that year.

(Disclaimer) please keep in mind that I now am somewhat of an adult and since 1970 I have not partaken in any of those activities. I have not been to a bar or that kind of a massage place anywhere here or in the US for the past 30 years.

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I was here (Thailand) in 1968 and remember well the 20 baht exchange rate for the U.S. dollar. Thing were a lot cheaper then, here are some of my expenses from 1968 (remember I was a young single guy then)

Set-up drinks at the local bars 5 bt

Short entertainment 40 bt (included the room)

Stay over entertainment 100 bt (this included room)

Massage with smile 20 bt

Other than working, that was about all I did or spent money while here for that year.

(Disclaimer) please keep in mind that I now am somewhat of an adult and since 1970 I have not partaken in any of those activities. I have not been to a bar or that kind of a massage place anywhere here or in the US for the past 30 years.

Who had the smile, the masseuse or you? wink.gif

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In the late 70s I was paid 30UKP/week .........

In the late 80s & 90s I was paid 350UKP/day (city of London)

In the late 2000s I survive on 800UKP/month

As a previous poster stated, you need to consider income and exchange rate together.

Also throw in that bank interest rates were much higher in those days.

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I was here (Thailand) in 1968 and remember well the 20 baht exchange rate for the U.S. dollar. Thing were a lot cheaper then, here are some of my expenses from 1968 (remember I was a young single guy then)

Set-up drinks at the local bars 5 bt

Short entertainment 40 bt (included the room)

Stay over entertainment 100 bt (this included room)

Massage with smile 20 bt

Other than working, that was about all I did or spent money while here for that year.

(Disclaimer) please keep in mind that I now am somewhat of an adult and since 1970 I have not partaken in any of those activities. I have not been to a bar or that kind of a massage place anywhere here or in the US for the past 30 years.

Just currious, but do you remember the note and coin denominations? Were there one satang coins? Five baht notes? I used to see a few 10 baht notes on my first trip in 2001, but I don't think they are in circulation any more.

Your price list was interesting :D

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In the late 70s I was paid 30UKP/week .........

In the late 80s & 90s I was paid 350UKP/day (city of London)

In the late 2000s I survive on 800UKP/month

As a previous poster stated, you need to consider income and exchange rate together.

In the late 1970's the ex rate was 35

In the late 1990's the ex rate was over 80

In late 2010 the ex rate is 47

GBP earned income is irrelevant in the argument!

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