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When i had mine made, 8 years ago, i lived in ao makham so took it to the government office, next to the dl office, for yearly checks. That was the place closest by. These days i live in rawai so go to a local olace. Don't know if it is legal or not, do know i pay my taxes and registration every year. I think the claim 'always to blame for an accident' is just a load of crock.

As mentioned, for certain things a samlor is easier than a pickup plus cheaper, so will keep riding it.

The other claims, only 3 people on phuket riding them, only people with 20000 baht per month riding them, are a big load of crock and tell more about your own perceptions and limitited thinking capabilities than anything else.

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Look at the picture on this side with the Farang and his sidecar, did not even bother to put light in front of the sidecar, and i see them every day/night without light on, i know we will never get rid of them and that's OK with me but dam_n do i hate to travel behind one going 30km/h using the whole road

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Legal/ Illegal, doesn't matter as if you don't have enough dosh to drive a small mazda familia, maybe you should reconsider you life's choices.

And what if you have both, a decent pickup plus a motorbike with sidecar?

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Legal/ Illegal, doesn't matter as if you don't have enough dosh to drive a small mazda familia, maybe you should reconsider you life's choices.

And what if you have both, a decent pickup plus a motorbike with sidecar?

Really I see no point in having a samlor at all, that's why I use a motorbike to go within 1 k of my house, and the car or truck to go farther. Why would I want a samlor?

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Legal/ Illegal, doesn't matter as if you don't have enough dosh to drive a small mazda familia, maybe you should reconsider you life's choices.

And what if you have both, a decent pickup plus a motorbike with sidecar?

Really I see no point in having a samlor at all, that's why I use a motorbike to go within 1 k of my house, and the car or truck to go farther. Why would I want a samlor?

If you don't want one don't get one.

But why tell others there is no point in riding one, when you really mean 'for me there is no point in riding one'.

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don't have one, but have considered one for my dogs, easy back and forth to the beach, without messing up the car. Also, probably great for local errands, dragging trash to the end of the soi, etc.

Edited by BillR
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I have never liked riding samlors, so here are my solutions

small trailer for bikes loading max 150 kg. feels safe at 60 kmh

post-81971-064978700 1286166745_thumb.jp

pickup for heavy/large loads and high speed

post-81971-085965500 1286166949_thumb.jp

there you go, someone who doesnt live off 20 000baht a month but likes his motorbike.

no need to make excuses. just say that you'Re poor at thats why you are jaming our roads with your dam_n side carts

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Let's face it. Samlor's are a pain in the arse for other road users.

99.99% are probably illegal, but, without them, life would be a lot worse.

Gas and water deliveries not to mention all the delicious road-side food would go if they weren't around.

PS. Living in Chalong, I see loads of foreigners driving them. Dive companies mainly, but, also sea canoeing. Also, there is a white couple that use one to go round the bars. He drives and she sits on a seat in the side-car. Big Thai flag waving (which I personally find rather sycophantic).

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I have never liked riding samlors, so here are my solutions

small trailer for bikes loading max 150 kg. feels safe at 60 kmh

post-81971-064978700 1286166745_thumb.jp

pickup for heavy/large loads and high speed

post-81971-085965500 1286166949_thumb.jp

there you go, someone who doesnt live off 20 000baht a month but likes his motorbike.

no need to make excuses. just say that you'Re poor at thats why you are jaming our roads with your dam_n side carts

As I said before, I don't drive a car 'cos I'm terrified of killing someone in this insane traffic.... but I love my motorbike - I can only kill myself.

I HATE driving the samlor, as its so heavy on the arms, but need it to get the 10 baht water bottles - and, my dogs love it!

Because I hate driving the damned thing so much, I'm v careful to keep out of everyone else's way - but accept that many others don't....

Its NOT OUR COUNTRY!!! The Thais have every right to drive their samlors in a way that's entirely acceptable to the other Thais - even if the farangs don't like it.

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I have never liked riding samlors, so here are my solutions

small trailer for bikes loading max 150 kg. feels safe at 60 kmh

post-81971-064978700 1286166745_thumb.jp

pickup for heavy/large loads and high speed

post-81971-085965500 1286166949_thumb.jp

there you go, someone who doesnt live off 20 000baht a month but likes his motorbike.

no need to make excuses. just say that you'Re poor at thats why you are jaming our roads with your dam_n side carts

As I said before, I don't drive a car 'cos I'm terrified of killing someone in this insane traffic.... but I love my motorbike - I can only kill myself.

I HATE driving the samlor, as its so heavy on the arms, but need it to get the 10 baht water bottles - and, my dogs love it!

Because I hate driving the damned thing so much, I'm v careful to keep out of everyone else's way - but accept that many others don't....

Its NOT OUR COUNTRY!!! The Thais have every right to drive their samlors in a way that's entirely acceptable to the other Thais - even if the farangs don't like it.

The way the thais find acceptable is to not drive it. No one is in favor of these over the small mazda pickup or a normal pickup.

And what you have just said just goes against anything that is accepted in the world. EVery country accepts immigrants with their culture. Thais should especially accept us and our culture. They depend on other countries to live, they are not self-sufficiant unless you think that eating 800calories per day (mostly rice) and working 12hours a day is living. They need tourism, they need to do their exports(which western countries can get from other places), they need the sexpat to fund the north etc etc.

Most higher middle class to rich thais are pretty close to farangs and the country can be run without the lower class thais who love to jam traffic and cause deaths. they can be replaced by burmese who are brought around in PICKUPS So that means that samlors are not accetapble and are only there because everyone in this country is too scared to change anything. Those stall vendors with samlors could definately convert their shit in a small pickup or a bigger, better bike.. or make their samlors go faster than 15km/h.. for god's sake they make more than 30k a month.. food vendors are richer than most farangs in thailand.

and lol @ this is not our country.. Many of the posters here have contributed more to this country than 50 family of thais(and their extended family) have in generations. All the jobs and money we bring here make us more important than the guy in his samlor that just opened the 25th corner store(next to 3 7/11) after thinking "Ohh 7/11 makes so much money, ill open the 25th store on the street that sells t he same junk and I'll be finally able to get a samlor and kill people on the road"

Go take a random thai, ask him "Do you want 10 farangs to move here, hire your brothers to build a house for ecah of them"? he'll say yes

Then tell him the price for this would be to burn every samlor he see's in the area.

He'd still say yes even in the face of the samlor drivers that dont contribute to the economic of the area that much(many people carry the water bottles/gas tanks/food stalls by pickup. There's only 3-4 in my area who use samlors instead of pickups.

Edited by ilyelol
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Go take a random thai, ask him "Do you want 10 farangs to move here, hire your brothers to build a house for ecah of them"? he'll say yes

Then tell him the price for this would be to burn every samlor he see's in the area.

:cheesy: :cheesy::cheesy:

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Its NOT OUR COUNTRY!!! The Thais have every right to drive their samlors in a way that's entirely acceptable to the other Thais - even if the farangs don't like it.

And the prize for the best comment of the day goes to...........................

I'm really wondering whether you're serious or trolling.

As scary as it is, I think he's serious :o .

Never mind, people with that attitude don't make it for the long haul. He'll soon be back home in his own country, on Thai Visa every night slagging people off for living in Phuket saying it's a crap place to live, cos he couldn't adapt to the way of life.

How many years have you lived in Phuket 'ilyelol' I'll run a sweep stake on how much longer you'll last :)

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The way the thais find acceptable is to not drive it. No one is in favor of these over the small mazda pickup or a normal pickup.

And what you have just said just goes against anything that is accepted in the world. EVery country accepts immigrants with their culture. Thais should especially accept us and our culture. They depend on other countries to live, they are not self-sufficiant unless you think that eating 800calories per day (mostly rice) and working 12hours a day is living. They need tourism, they need to do their exports(which western countries can get from other places), they need the sexpat to fund the north etc etc.

Most higher middle class to rich thais are pretty close to farangs and the country can be run without the lower class thais who love to jam traffic and cause deaths. they can be replaced by burmese who are brought around in PICKUPS So that means that samlors are not accetapble and are only there because everyone in this country is too scared to change anything. Those stall vendors with samlors could definately convert their shit in a small pickup or a bigger, better bike.. or make their samlors go faster than 15km/h.. for god's sake they make more than 30k a month.. food vendors are richer than most farangs in thailand.

and lol @ this is not our country.. Many of the posters here have contributed more to this country than 50 family of thais(and their extended family) have in generations. All the jobs and money we bring here make us more important than the guy in his samlor that just opened the 25th corner store(next to 3 7/11) after thinking "Ohh 7/11 makes so much money, ill open the 25th store on the street that sells t he same junk and I'll be finally able to get a samlor and kill people on the road"

Go take a random thai, ask him "Do you want 10 farangs to move here, hire your brothers to build a house for ecah of them"? he'll say yes

Then tell him the price for this would be to burn every samlor he see's in the area.

He'd still say yes even in the face of the samlor drivers that dont contribute to the economic of the area that much(many people carry the water bottles/gas tanks/food stalls by pickup. There's only 3-4 in my area who use samlors instead of pickups.

What complete rubbish!

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The way the thais find acceptable is to not drive it. No one is in favor of these over the small mazda pickup or a normal pickup.

And what you have just said just goes against anything that is accepted in the world. EVery country accepts immigrants with their culture. Thais should especially accept us and our culture. They depend on other countries to live, they are not self-sufficiant unless you think that eating 800calories per day (mostly rice) and working 12hours a day is living. They need tourism, they need to do their exports(which western countries can get from other places), they need the sexpat to fund the north etc etc.

Most higher middle class to rich thais are pretty close to farangs and the country can be run without the lower class thais who love to jam traffic and cause deaths. they can be replaced by burmese who are brought around in PICKUPS So that means that samlors are not accetapble and are only there because everyone in this country is too scared to change anything. Those stall vendors with samlors could definately convert their shit in a small pickup or a bigger, better bike.. or make their samlors go faster than 15km/h.. for god's sake they make more than 30k a month.. food vendors are richer than most farangs in thailand.

and lol @ this is not our country.. Many of the posters here have contributed more to this country than 50 family of thais(and their extended family) have in generations. All the jobs and money we bring here make us more important than the guy in his samlor that just opened the 25th corner store(next to 3 7/11) after thinking "Ohh 7/11 makes so much money, ill open the 25th store on the street that sells t he same junk and I'll be finally able to get a samlor and kill people on the road"

Go take a random thai, ask him "Do you want 10 farangs to move here, hire your brothers to build a house for ecah of them"? he'll say yes

Then tell him the price for this would be to burn every samlor he see's in the area.

He'd still say yes even in the face of the samlor drivers that dont contribute to the economic of the area that much(many people carry the water bottles/gas tanks/food stalls by pickup. There's only 3-4 in my area who use samlors instead of pickups.

What complete rubbish!

I agree. This should go into a really weird posting category.

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Don't know if it is legal or not

Simple answer.. Was it taken to bangkok and inspected and passed by the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) ??

I am betting no.. In which case its illegal. Same as the other 99.9% of them on the roads.

Cant say they bother me too much, as others say they are just part of the local scene. Plus I tend to separate poor driving from the vehicle they are driving.

A friend of a friend was killed by one, the saleang was on the 'wrong' side of the bike !! Without lights... The guy was on a big bike, at night, saw the bike headlight at side of the road and over took a car.. End of rider.

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looking at one you can not decide if its legal or illegal, neither can police, reg book needs to be checked.

Of the 27 I spotted the other morning, my rough guess is that they were all illegal. The Highway Police or Phuket

Provincial Land Transport Office should be able to answer that question without even checking their records.

I wonder if there is even one that is legally registered here in Phuket and I'm not talking about professional sidecars

with brakes i.e. HDs etc.

And how did you come to the conclusion they are all illegal? I am wondering, what is illegal about them? Mine gets a new sticker every year plus insurance, is it still illegal?


“Yes, it is. There is no Thai law that allows a motorcycle with a sidecar to be legally registered. This means they cannot be legitimately insured.

Therefore, all motorcycles with sidecars are illegal. Motorcycles are the only two-wheel vehicles that may be legally registered and be legitimately insured.”

Monday, April 23, 2001 Somjit Boonchaoy, Phuket Provincial Transportation Office.

I dont agree with the answer, I believe if the right passes are done, like tiger do, you can get a legalized sidecar.

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Its NOT OUR COUNTRY!!! The Thais have every right to drive their samlors in a way that's entirely acceptable to the other Thais - even if the farangs don't like it.

Totally agree...

The aspect I find comical is having a law to make them illegal.. While then ignoring the law.

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“Yes, it is. There is no Thai law that allows a motorcycle with a sidecar to be legally registered. This means they cannot be legitimately insured.

Therefore, all motorcycles with sidecars are illegal. Motorcycles are the only two-wheel vehicles that may be legally registered and be legitimately insured.”

Monday, April 23, 2001 Somjit Boonchaoy, Phuket Provincial Transportation Office.

I dont agree with the answer, I believe if the right passes are done, like tiger do, you can get a legalized sidecar.

Thank you, that answers one question.
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"Yes, it is. There is no Thai law that allows a motorcycle with a sidecar to be legally registered. This means they cannot be legitimately insured.

Therefore, all motorcycles with sidecars are illegal. Motorcycles are the only two-wheel vehicles that may be legally registered and be legitimately insured."

Monday, April 23, 2001 Somjit Boonchaoy, Phuket Provincial Transportation Office.

I dont agree with the answer, I believe if the right passes are done, like tiger do, you can get a legalized sidecar.

Thank you, that answers one question.

10 years ago it was called PP Transportation office, and Somjit Boonchaoy may have been right

Today its called PP Department of Landtransport. Samlors can be legalized, and some have done it

Samlors/sidecars/salaengs can be LEGAL

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If they annoy you tough t1tty. Learn to live with them like all the other stuff you moaning minnies have to put up with.

I have just had one built onto my bike with a ramp and I sit in my wheelchair strapped in it while my carer drives me about. Without it i wouldn't be able to get around.

As for them being illegal...we went through a police check yesterday where they were pulling all the bikes over...copper waved us through and smiled.

Edited by phuketrex
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If they annoy you tough t1tty. Learn to live with them like all the other stuff you moaning minnies have to put up with.

I have just had one built onto my bike with a ramp and I sit in my wheelchair strapped in it while my carer drives me about. Without it i wouldn't be able to get around.

As for them being illegal...we went through a police check yesterday where they were pulling all the bikes over...copper waved us through and smiled.

The cops ignored you !? They must be legal then.....<_<

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If they annoy you tough t1tty. Learn to live with them like all the other stuff you moaning minnies have to put up with.

I have just had one built onto my bike with a ramp and I sit in my wheelchair strapped in it while my carer drives me about. Without it i wouldn't be able to get around.

As for them being illegal...we went through a police check yesterday where they were pulling all the bikes over...copper waved us through and smiled.

Good story & great to see you have this extra & cheap mobility.

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