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Thais Coming Back For Home Visit: - Lap Tops, Wine

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several of our thai workers are going back for home visit to thailand and want to bring back wine (they work in the vineyards here), ciggies (noblesse horrible israeli brand) and one has a spanking new second hand laptop...

whats the limit for each and will they ahve problems with the lap top?

(i dont think so, business poeple travel all the time with theirs...) and in general, do u take laptops on as carry-on or can it go in a suit case? these guys are bannork, not savvy travellers and i know that anon, the time before last, got hassled when he came in (they have to go to a special room for a special stamp as they are migrant workers here and they get questioned, and they also have to report to labour dept in their changwat before coming back....)

thanx bina



you are generally allowed to take on the plane, 1 x lap top bag and 1 x small personal bag + your suitcase

the lap top would normally go in it's own bag, and stay on your person, and not in the suitcase

i have read mixed reports about what duty free you can bring into Thailand, so I will leave that to someone else to answer. But I will be bringing into Thailand next week 1 x bottle of wine and that is it. ( plus i guess you could bring in at least 200 ciggies )


you are generally allowed to take on the plane, 1 x lap top bag and 1 x small personal bag + your suitcase

the lap top would normally go in it's own bag, and stay on your person, and not in the suitcase

i have read mixed reports about what duty free you can bring into Thailand, so I will leave that to someone else to answer. But I will be bringing into Thailand next week 1 x bottle of wine and that is it. ( plus i guess you could bring in at least 200 ciggies )

but for the wine, is it by bottle or liter; for instance if its those fourths of bottles as opposed to a regular bottle of wine; how much is 200 cigs? how many packets or is that one carton?

ill tell the guy with the lap top no prob...


you are generally allowed to take on the plane, 1 x lap top bag and 1 x small personal bag  + your suitcase

the lap top would normally go in it's own bag, and stay on your person, and not in the suitcase

i have read mixed reports about what duty free you can bring into Thailand, so I will leave that to someone else to answer.  But I will be bringing into Thailand next week 1 x bottle of wine and that is it.  ( plus i guess you could bring in at least 200 ciggies )

but for the wine, is it by bottle or liter; for instance if its those fourths of bottles as opposed to a regular bottle of wine; how much is 200 cigs? how many packets or is that one carton?

ill tell the guy with the lap top no prob...

 i think it means just one litre bottle of alcohol ( spirit or wine );  pls correct me if i am wrong.  i have read various forum posts, and i believe this to be true


as of December 2006


There are limits on the amount of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, cigars and smoking tobacco to which you may include in your duty free personal exemption as follows: No more than 200 cigarettes

No more than 500 grams* of smoking tobacco (includes cigars)

200 cigarettes and cigars or smoking tobacco each or in total must not exceed 500 grams*

1 litre of spirituous liquor


how much is 200 cigs? how many packets or is that one carton?

Don't fly via Singapore. The maximum number of ciggies you can legally have on your person is one opened packet of 20 cigarettes.


yes tigerfish... the same ugly green packet... can u believe i used to smoke those things also.? stopped smoking the day anon proposed to me.... its the thai fave here cause its soooo cheap...

anyhow: its not for me or visitors. its for thai workers coming back for a home visit... same rules apply?....

and they go thru wherever their employer books them for a flight on whatever airline. the manpower companies give the ticket for going home permanantly, usually on thai air... last time we went there were workers on home visit we went thru uzbakestan :bah:

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