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Child Porn On Sukhumvit Stirs Outrage

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I am not ignorant and not trying to argue. And no I have not gone into all your posts because some are outlandish especially if you believe there is no child porn out there so not interested into following all your comments. you seem to dismiss others statements that they have seen child porn or hard core openly displayed (as I have, hardcore that is) but get upset when your own statements are questioned. just curious as to what you can do. you assured us you can get it stopped within a week. I was hoping you could do something because I know I can't. But it you can't do anything don't make statements that you can, that's all.


i even went to complain to the tourist police, and got the response, what can we do ? , he will be arrested, fined 200 THB, and be back on the streets doing the same thing.... so they just didnt bother doing anything !!!:angry:

The Pattaya tourist police are pretty useless. I've called them on several occasions over the years and not once was able to get anyone to come. They sure look important on Walking Street though. :whistling: At best they are translators with attitudes.

There MANY MANY Thai police and officials who have a HATRED for Child porn that can be contacted.

You can contact police and organizations until you're blue in the face. It's getting them to act that's the problem. You should know by now, all of this stuff is so tied up in payoffs and face, it's a losing battle. Until THEY want to do something about it, it is here to stay. We can complain until the cows come home and it's going to go in one ear and out the other. Just like they can't keep minors from working in the bars, they are not going to stop bootlegging or the sale of child porn. Even if they makea few arrests and have an official "crackdown" it will be right back in a month, if that long.

Where there is a demand, there will always be a supply.


Word has it that Thailand is an experiment involving 60 million people to see who can be the most immoral.

Wow! What an experiment! Never have so many been winners!



I am not ignorant and not trying to argue. And no I have not gone into all your posts because some are outlandish especially if you believe there is no child porn out there so not interested into following all your comments. you seem to dismiss others statements that they have seen child porn or hard core openly displayed (as I have, hardcore that is) but get upset when your own statements are questioned. just curious as to what you can do. you assured us you can get it stopped within a week. I was hoping you could do something because I know I can't. But it you can't do anything don't make statements that you can, that's all.

Well it is ignorant to claim you have read a post and make claims of outlandish statements when there is none including your claim that I ever stated there is no child porn. It is also ignorant to continue pleading ignorance about what can be done when I have clearly stated (as others have) what can be done. No emotions here, just pointing out the facts.


i even went to complain to the tourist police, and got the response, what can we do ? , he will be arrested, fined 200 THB, and be back on the streets doing the same thing.... so they just didnt bother doing anything !!!:angry:

The Pattaya tourist police are pretty useless. I've called them on several occasions over the years and not once was able to get anyone to come. They sure look important on Walking Street though. :whistling: At best they are translators with attitudes.

There MANY MANY Thai police and officials who have a HATRED for Child porn that can be contacted.

You can contact police and organizations until you're blue in the face. It's getting them to act that's the problem. You should know by now, all of this stuff is so tied up in payoffs and face, it's a losing battle. Until THEY want to do something about it, it is here to stay. We can complain until the cows come home and it's going to go in one ear and out the other. Just like they can't keep minors from working in the bars, they are not going to stop bootlegging or the sale of child porn. Even if they makea few arrests and have an official "crackdown" it will be right back in a month, if that long.

Where there is a demand, there will always be a supply.

Your post is not worth addressing since you have taken one partial statement of my post to respond. This action has me a little suspicious of your claim to regularly see child porn displayed openly on the street to families and your have not taken ANY reasonable steps to do anything about it .... well beyond your claim of asking a mod here if you can start a thread about child porn.


Your post is not worth addressing since you have taken one partial statement of my post to respond. This action has me a little suspicious of your claim to regularly see child porn displayed openly on the street to families and your have not taken ANY reasonable steps to do anything about it .... well beyond your claim of asking a mod here if you can start a thread about child porn.

You been living in Thailand long? Because if you have, you know not to meddle in Thai business, especially when it involves illegal activity backed by mafia or the police themselves. You are only asking for trouble beyond your control. You would also know that nothing would be done about it other than it disappearing for a few days, tops. This garbage has been selling here for YEARS, right in the open for all the tourists, and right next to the police. The entire Soi 9 police station knows about it (while it often sells out front of the station), as does the Tourist Police. No one does anything, ever. What does that tell you?

Along with underage prostitutes, drugs, mafia, illegal guns, human trafficking, police corruption, labor and sex slavery, and all other Thai evils and wrong doings, them selling child porn is none of my business and not something I'm willing to get my head bashed in for, or worse. It is horrible and those involved should spend a life in prison or be put to death, but it is not my fight to fight.

I live and work here, so I'm not going to go toe to toe with the Pattaya police department, who clearly OKs the sale of such material. But if you want to be a hero, send me a PM and I will gladly draw you a map or even take you to these stalls myself so you can be all that you can be. This is simply not a fight I'm willing to get involved in, as you would be fighting some of the most influential people in the city, who are also probably very dangerous. Yea, it's horrible, but I'm not getting involved here just the same as I'm not going to get on a plane and try to track down those who are shooting it in Russia or other parts of the world. I'm not trying to play Rambo and take down the child porn industry. But if you think you can, have at it mate, and God speed!


I was passing though Bangkok yesterday, staying one night in Sukhumvit. I'm well aware (for years) of all those stalls that sell pirated CDs/VCDs, and openly display adult porn. So I took a walk down the road around 8pm, stopped at one of the stalls and asked (in Thai) if they had any VCDs with young girls. The stall-holder produced a folder with perhaps 50 - 100 VCDs, with photographic covers that clearly depicted pornographic material involving children. (Whether the actual VCDs contained such material is unknown - I was not about to buy one to check!!).

If you think that such child porn is not readily available in Bangkok and Pattaya, you either suffer from a visual handicap, or have your head totally in the sand.

And as Tokay said - there is absolutely nothing that us minor folk can do about it. As a few TV members may know, I have recently experienced what can happen when you cross someone who is involved in 'dubious' activities.



Simon43>> You are correct on many counts, but what some of us are in doubt about is if the CP is visually displayed in the booths and readily seen for all that pass by. I think it is not and the article to be hyperbole.

However, and this is an important thing, ofcourse it is known that you can buy it if you ask for it. In many locations. And that the sellers in many cases either pay protection money or the penalties are so minuscule that pursuing it for a foreigner might land him or her in more trouble than the actual offender suffers.


^odd thing is that usual porn stuff used to be in the books they'd show you. Now it's quite out in the open. Not sure what has changed since the old days, but seems like its not that big of a deal to most thai(s).

Thankfully never seen any of the child stuff laid out, but I do realize not a dam_n thing I can do about it. If it's there and makes you feel better then report it, but most likely going to be a wasted effort because the BIB is directly involved in the counterfeit business.



I am not ignorant and not trying to argue. And no I have not gone into all your posts because some are outlandish especially if you believe there is no child porn out there so not interested into following all your comments. you seem to dismiss others statements that they have seen child porn or hard core openly displayed (as I have, hardcore that is) but get upset when your own statements are questioned. just curious as to what you can do. you assured us you can get it stopped within a week. I was hoping you could do something because I know I can't. But it you can't do anything don't make statements that you can, that's all.

Well it is ignorant to claim you have read a post and make claims of outlandish statements when there is none including your claim that I ever stated there is no child porn. It is also ignorant to continue pleading ignorance about what can be done when I have clearly stated (as others have) what can be done. No emotions here, just pointing out the facts.

Blah Blah Blah, you're like a politician. you never answer the question. you assured us YOU can get it stopped within a week. SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? if there is no answer to that question don't bother with a reply because it's got boring now for everyone I'm sure.

Simon43>> You are correct on many counts, but what some of us are in doubt about is if the CP is visually displayed in the booths and readily seen for all that pass by. I think it is not and the article to be hyperbole.

I can not speak for Bangkok, but in Pattaya, it most certainly is open for all to see at some (not all) vending tables. It is a problem, and it is here and in your face.

Honestly, there is no reason at all to make this up. I find it absolutely disgusting and would want nothing more than to smash the face of the vendor with a hammer, but that would not solve the problem at hand.

Anyone who does not believe, PM me and I'll lead you right to it should you want to come to Pattaya and take matters into your own hands. I'll even draw you a detailed map if you don't want to meet in person. I'm sure there are many in Pattaya who would love to see this horrible stuff go away and would lead you to it as well. By all means, if anyone does have the ability to actually something about it, do something, just don't get yourself beaten, stabbed, or thrown naked off a high rise condo in the process.

One note of oddity I will add is, I only see it being sold during daylight hours. Never at night. I'm not sure if that is because the night officers won't let it happen on their watch (or don't get a cut), or for another reason, but I've never seen it selling at night.


The times I saw the kiddie porn stuff openly displayed were at night in Pattaya, but only sometimes, not all the time. Of course the openly displayed ADULT porn is much more commonly on view (and frankly the adult stuff doesn't bother me but I certainly don't think it should be openly displayed either). I generally never walk that stretch during the day, would walk on the beach side instead or take the bus in the day, so I can't comment on day vs. night. Also, I can't speak for very recently as I don't do the beach vendor side walk anymore, for lots of reasons.


Just can say "WOWWWWW"

Thai people you know?

whome you recognize you mean.

Lets face it....according to euro standards most of the thai people I recognize have a personality disorder.

NOT because they are born with it, but because they make there ego the most important issue in the world.This public outcry is a farce for the most part, in any "normal' functional society this sort of shit wouldnt be on public in the first place.

wake up and face Thai reality(show)

<br />
<br />There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.<br /><br />It is the nastier side of the human condition.<br /><br />I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.<br />
<br /><br />Right on;<br />This has been going on since as long as i can remmember and that goes back to the early 80's, so this is nothing new.<br />A thai has little, if any morality, when it comes to making a $$<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I have no idea about the Thai people you know or associate with but, IMO you statement is a total slur on 60+ million people. The locals I know are normal, hardworking family orientated citizens.


Sorry, I am not trying to single anyone out or say you are bad BUT I don't buy child porn is being sold openly and displayed on the sidewalks on Sukimvit or pretty much in any other metropolis in Thailand. That is the point I am making and I believe in my heart of heart if you really saw it and are against it as you say then you would have done more than try very weakly to start a topic about it on ThaiVisa.

I am not saying you are a liar about what you believe you saw but everyone has a tendency to see what they want to when it comes to issues they are passionate about.

Thailand may often not be the most logical place but there is NO logic to vendors selling this in the open. They would lose money, sell less and risk prison. And I just don't believe the 100's of thousands of people passing the stalls all take no action. Forget alerting authorities or child groups ... out of 100,000 people, I can guarantee you there is a large percentage that would take matter in their own hands if this stuff was put in front of their wives face as they walk the street as has been claimed in this thread.

I want to live in the land of logic like you also, can you point me in right direction please? It must be easy where everything is logical...

Logic says don't walk through Suvarnabhumi Airport with 3kgs Ice strapped to your body but 1 is caught every week ( from the latest reports) ...

<edit> 1 too many pleases </edit>


Tokay - which stand is it? Not too many of them so I agree it would be easy to find the questionable ones.

There are several culprits, but the the ones who have it the majority of the time are:

1) Small table directly in front of Pizza Company. As you walk up the 1 step from the street, it is on your left hand side, very small table usually under an umbrella. They only sell DVDs there in the day, at night they sell jewelry on the same table. The kiddie stuff is usually sitting right on top next to Japanese or Thai porn.

2) The table that sits on the Soi that Pizza Hut is on (Soi Post Office? - I'm bad with street names), right on the corner of Beach Road. I believe there is a weapons table there and a DVD table. It usually has kid stuff sitting out. Coincidentally, this is one of the locations where the police sit in the day time as well, overlooking a table of porn, child porn, bootlegged Hollywood features and a table full of illegal weapons. :ph34r:

If you walk by today and don't see it, give it a day and walk by again. It's there 95% of the time sitting right in the open. Can't miss it when it's there. It's appalling.

I'd go take photos of all this and post them here if it wasn't illegal material.


I'd go take photos of all this and post them here if it wasn't illegal material.

Very good point. The vendors clearly have some kind of protection or they wouldn't be doing that. Some random vigilante foreigner who takes a picture of the openly displayed kiddie porn would likely be extremely vulnerable to facing very serious legal charges for possessing kiddie porn on their person.


I'd go take photos of all this and post them here if it wasn't illegal material.

Very good point. The vendors clearly have some kind of protection or they wouldn't be doing that. Some random vigilante foreigner who takes a picture of the openly displayed kiddie porn would likely be extremely vulnerable to facing very serious legal charges for possessing kiddie porn on their person.

And knowing how things get twisted around here, YOU would be the one responsible for it selling on the streets while having to cash out all the vendors for ruining their legal business. :lol:


Cheers Tokay - pretty much where I thought they would be. I know the ones further up towards Walking Street seem to sell just the legit stuff. (movies) If you want Adult porn I think they have the usual books, but def not out on display.


Word has it that Thailand is an experiment involving 60 million people to see who can be the most immoral.

Wow! What an experiment! Never have so many been winners!

Rumors have it the whole Earth is an experiment. I heard this on Magrathea from Slartibartfast, a planetary coastline designer who was responsible for the fjords of Norway. As some may remember the answer is 42.

As for winners, none, blame the Vogons ;)


Sorry, I am not trying to single anyone out or say you are bad BUT I don't buy child porn is being sold openly and displayed on the sidewalks on Sukimvit or pretty much in any other metropolis in Thailand. That is the point I am making and I believe in my heart of heart if you really saw it and are against it as you say then you would have done more than try very weakly to start a topic about it on ThaiVisa.

I am not saying you are a liar about what you believe you saw but everyone has a tendency to see what they want to when it comes to issues they are passionate about.

Thailand may often not be the most logical place but there is NO logic to vendors selling this in the open. They would lose money, sell less and risk prison. And I just don't believe the 100's of thousands of people passing the stalls all take no action. Forget alerting authorities or child groups ... out of 100,000 people, I can guarantee you there is a large percentage that would take matter in their own hands if this stuff was put in front of their wives face as they walk the street as has been claimed in this thread.

I want to live in the land of logic like you also, can you point me in right direction please? It must be easy where everything is logical...

Logic says don't walk through Suvarnabhumi Airport with 3kgs Ice strapped to your body but 1 is caught every week ( from the latest reports) ...

<edit> 1 too many pleases </edit>

Yet, I have never heard one report of anyone walking through the Airport with 3kgs of Ice strapped to the outside of their clothing. ;-) This would be inline with selling child porn in the open.


Simon43>> You are correct on many counts, but what some of us are in doubt about is if the CP is visually displayed in the booths and readily seen for all that pass by. I think it is not and the article to be hyperbole.

However, and this is an important thing, ofcourse it is known that you can buy it if you ask for it. In many locations. And that the sellers in many cases either pay protection money or the penalties are so minuscule that pursuing it for a foreigner might land him or her in more trouble than the actual offender suffers.

Thank you!

The stuff is surely available as it is in almost every country. However, it is more available in developing nations such as Thailand. However, it is no openly sold for all to see, nor is it waived in the face of youngsters and women as they pass by as a number of folks here would have you believe. What is worse is the ignorance of people wanting us to believe there is nothing that can be done if it was sold so openly and waived in passer-bye's faces. This alone shows these folks are in dream land. There are just too many agencies now to deal with such open child exploitation where no investigation is needed. Forget that, just contact your embassy. If such things were truly happening so blatantly in broad daylight then I can assure you the USA Embassy would limit travel to Thailand for Tourism. The holier than tho folks who plead complete fear and ignorance to taking any kind of stand to this is ridiculous. They act as if they are the only ones who care but it seems they are the only ones seeing this so openly ... the ones who do nothing.

They claim fear of death but have no problem posting their picture here in the forum and spouting off about. I've lived on and walked Sukimvit too many times to have missed such a thing. And I highly doubt there is a stall or vendor I have not at least spent a minute at checking their wares. No doubt, just about anything is available if you ask but drugs and child porn are not openly sold in the streets or waived in front of tourist family faces.


Child Porn sold on Sukhumvit - The Evidence

After the story in Bangkok Post, that Child Porn DVD's are sold openly on Sukhumvit, a very reliable source, @RichardBarrows visited yesterday Sukhumvit and confirmed that still Child Porn DVD were openly displayed and sold, despite an announcement of the police to move in and clear it up.

Today @KristoferA and the Cat decided to check it out for ourselves. We dressed up as tourists and hid an iPhone to function as a hidden camera. We did not see any Child Porn openly displayed, the sellers probably had by now all received the warning (by the police?) to hide their goods. But at the second stall, after viewing "normal" porn DVD's, we asked the seller if he wouldn't have some movies with younger girls. He disappeared for a few minutes behind a neighboring stall and came back with a big plastic bag. When he put it on the table it contained about 50 different movies with covers showing young girls with an age between 10 to 15 years. None of the movies were in a plastic cover and of every different movie there were about 3 to 5 copies. They were probably just freshly copied. When I pointed that out, the seller, just said: No problem, I give plastic cover!

Full story: http://freakingcat.posterous.com/child-porn-sold-on-sukhumvit-the-evidence


-- 2010-10-08



I just spent four days at a hotel between Asok and Nana, and did a lot of walking each day. There was porn, but I didn't see any CP on display.

It's no defense of the enterprise to say one has to ask for it, but I think that is probably the case. It's no different in any black market in any major city.

The city doesn't have to be "major," as I suspect from the goods on public display one can purchase forbidden fruit in Chiang Rai's Day Market.

When I asked a local why such things were openly displayed in CR, and if it wasn't illegal, she just looked incredulous and asked me why I'd think so.


Child Porn sold on Sukhumvit - The Evidence

After the story in Bangkok Post, that Child Porn DVD's are sold openly on Sukhumvit, a very reliable source, @RichardBarrows visited yesterday Sukhumvit and confirmed that still Child Porn DVD were openly displayed and sold, despite an announcement of the police to move in and clear it up.

Today @KristoferA and the Cat decided to check it out for ourselves. We dressed up as tourists and hid an iPhone to function as a hidden camera. We did not see any Child Porn openly displayed, the sellers probably had by now all received the warning (by the police?) to hide their goods. But at the second stall, after viewing "normal" porn DVD's, we asked the seller if he wouldn't have some movies with younger girls. He disappeared for a few minutes behind a neighboring stall and came back with a big plastic bag. When he put it on the table it contained about 50 different movies with covers showing young girls with an age between 10 to 15 years. None of the movies were in a plastic cover and of every different movie there were about 3 to 5 copies. They were probably just freshly copied. When I pointed that out, the seller, just said: No problem, I give plastic cover!

Full story: http://freakingcat.p...it-the-evidence


-- 2010-10-08


Wonder what makes @RichardBarrows so credible. I checked his blog during the Red Shirt uprise a couple times and then never again because it wasn't reliable. I'm sure it was unintentional but like many other looking to break news, much was unreliable. I also just check his tweets and they have a number of comments about CP but I either missed the one that says he went out and confirmed it or it isn't there. Also, find it interesting if he did confirm it that it was gone the next day but not gone after the BKK News reported it.

Edit: How does one dress up as a tourist? Put on socks and sneakers as opposed to sandles?


Its obviously some sort of gangsters that control this. Although I find it very hard to understand why the average Thai or perhaps more self righteous gansgter doesnt do something about it, the "none of my business" attitude seems to be part of this society. Whats contradicting is that Thai people are so bloody nosey. Have you ever experienced a thai collegue or service person reading your mail or payslip or something...? Before it is passed to you they always read it. I have always said that Thai society is spineless and just proves my point again.

Just out of interest are their contact details for parts of the government or NGO' s or even the police force that deal with this...? Or not really...


Its obviously some sort of gangsters that control this. Although I find it very hard to understand why the average Thai or perhaps more self righteous gansgter doesnt do something about it, the "none of my business" attitude seems to be part of this society. Whats contradicting is that Thai people are so bloody nosey. Have you ever experienced a thai collegue or service person reading your mail or payslip or something...? Before it is passed to you they always read it. I have always said that Thai society is spineless and just proves my point again.

Just out of interest are their contact details for parts of the government or NGO' s or even the police force that deal with this...? Or not really...

Many Thais do have a look the other way attitude because most Thais also try to keep a low profile when they are up to no good. Make no mistake about it, Child Porn is easy to get on the street but it is NOT as a practice displayed openly. This would just make no sense what so ever. Too many customers buying the normal porn stuff would not deal with these vendors and anybody looking for it knows to ask and certainly doesn't want to be seen in public buying the stuff .. especially as a non-Thai (these folks here are making the claim it is sold openly on display and waived in pedestrian's faces as they walk by in tourist areas such as Sukimvit & Beach Rd. in Pattaya). Not only that, there are too many people from every country who would not think twice about ringing somebody's neck openly displaying stuff to anyone let alone women and kids. The cops are given very little from each vendor to look the other way for small infractions but even most cops are going to be sickened by this crap and not allow it to happen for 1 or 2 hundred (tops) a day bribe. These vendors are already paying to sell the standard porn stuff and they just don't make that much extra selling the kiddy stuff to be paying the cops large enough sums to make it worthwhile ... especially when it comes to child porn and being SO MANY groups out there who they have to contend with in terms of making HUGE issues for them and Thailand.


As I don't think I ever saw CP along Sukhumvit a few years ago, I still wonder why this popped up and who the majority of buyers are. Is it really a coincidence that over the last few years we've seen a shift in 'type of foreigner' walking there ?

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