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Hotels In Bangkok Refuse Blacks And Indians


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Where are all the great scientific, educational and legal advances come from bringing Nigerians into Western countries?

African immigrants have the highest educational attainment of any immigrant group in the United States
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I don't know if any one else has seen it but on the Thai Budha show there is a short animated film

showing from time to time illustrating what happens to people who sell alcohol in the after life.

What happens is the guilty Thai guy gets eaten alive for all eternity by Black African Tribal guys.

I have seen Thai girls on a number of occasions get up off the seat and walk away as soon as an African guy sits down.

I don't know what the screwing Thai girls has got to do with anything, they are often racists.

Business should have the right to discriminate against people. There are lots of places I am not aloud to go to in Thailand

because I am white, like the Japanese street in Sala Daeng for instance, I am simply not welcome there. Who Cares?

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I don't know if any one else has seen it but on the Thai Budha show there is a short animated film

showing from time to time illustrating what happens to people who sell alcohol in the after life.

What happens is the guilty Thai guy gets eaten alive for all eternity by Black African Tribal guys.

I have seen Thai girls on a number of occasions get up off the seat and walk away as soon as an African guy sits down.

I don't know what the screwing Thai girls has got to do with anything, they are often racists.

Business should have the right to discriminate against people. There are lots of places I am not aloud to go to in Thailand

because I am white, like the Japanese street in Sala Daeng for instance, I am simply not welcome there. Who Cares?

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I guess it depends on what one calls racism. Growing up in West London during the 70s, I had to deal with real racism that involved literally having to fight for your life with white youths on a regular basis.

Try being white walking through certain parts of London predominantly populated by people of Afro Caribbean/ Somalian/ Pakistani origin in 2010, now that is real racism.

:lol: Real Racism to be called white trash and have a few stones thrown at you? Mate I come from that part of London, not far from Southall. yeah your right there is racism there aimed at the whites but its far from real racism! :blink:

try picking cotton for years on end IF you survive and not get paid but get regular beatings for it. taken away from your homes to work as slaves, now thats real racism. did you ever study history? come forward a few years to London during the 60s and 70s, whats that they called paki bashing! I think whatever you have tried in London 2010 is a lot less than many blacks have gone through over the course of a few hundred years.

I am shocked at the amount of racists there are on this board and yet most of you are screwing Thai girls :blink: the mind boggles.

Different races cannot be forced to live together in harmony. It's never happened anywhere in the world and the negative attitude towards West Africans is further proof of this. But their behaviour has brought it on themselves and decent hard working blacks from the UK and the USA on holiday are suffering as a consequence. Westerners can differentiate between an African accent and an American or British one, Thai people cannot.

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Look, there are criminals in every racial group. A lot of Blacks on Sukhumvit sell drugs but, as a race, they're far less likely to indulge in the truly heinous crimes taking place in Thailand like paedophilia. Those crimes, by and large, tend to be committed by the Caucasians.

A lot of the Caucasians in Thailand are on the run from law enforcement authorities in their own countries and many that aren't are involved in less than legal activities including wholesale drug smuggling, boiler room operations and blatant larceny. Just because they're less visible doesn't make them any less nefarious.

Frankly, I'd rather be a dealer selling weed than a fuggin' nonce cos I've not heard of many instances where a bloke smokes some reefer and then goes home to beat ten shades out of his wife and kids. Can't say the same for good old, legal alcohol though.

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Look, there are criminals in every racial group. A lot of Blacks on Sukhumvit sell drugs but, as a race, they're far less likely to indulge in the truly heinous crimes taking place in Thailand like paedophilia. Those crimes, by and large, tend to be committed by the Caucasians.

A lot of the Caucasians in Thailand are on the run from law enforcement authorities in their own countries and many that aren't are involved in less than legal activities including wholesale drug smuggling, boiler room operations and blatant larceny. Just because they're less visible doesn't make them any less nefarious.

Frankly, I'd rather be a dealer selling weed than a fuggin' nonce cos I've not heard of many instances where a bloke smokes some reefer and then goes home to beat ten shades out of his wife and kids. Can't say the same for good old, legal alcohol though.

Child rape has increased 400% in South Africa in the last 10 years.

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Look, there are criminals in every racial group. A lot of Blacks on Sukhumvit sell drugs but, as a race, they're far less likely to indulge in the truly heinous crimes taking place in Thailand like paedophilia. Those crimes, by and large, tend to be committed by the Caucasians.

Actually most of the vile pedo(s) happen to be thai, so please get your facts straight mate. <_<

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So this post relates directly to me I guess - I am half a Caucasian and half Black Canadian.That would make me black ( or Obama like :P ). Personally I can only speak on behalf myself because I don't represent my whole race. If I cant speak for my whole race then most certainly some of these bigots can't either. I'm just a regular guy, who works in the automotive industry and makes decent money. I "stereotypically" act white, although I really hate when bigots feel the need to classify a successful Black person as "acting white". I'm just a regular Joe, and I often forget that I am any different from anyone else until I run into another bigot (rare) or turn on my computer. I personally would feel like crap if I got denied from a Hotel based on my skin colour, when a white colleague or employee of mine would get access when we are essentially from the same culture. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between me and your average white dude at all - besides penis size of course and that is debatable ( I keed I keed :P )

Reading all of this makes me a little nervous to travel to Thailand, however there is no way that I would ever change my plans because of a group of online bigots. Although I dont agree with the Hotels race policy, I think the real issue here is the amount of bigots trying to justify it. They seem to pipe up to talk as if they know so much about black people and how they are so horrible. I feel that I can speak on this as I am a product of both races so I think I have a more balanced view. I have met Brutal COCKSUCKERS of every race, some races more and some races less, I have also met great people of all races as well. I am not perfect either, I can probably be a cocksucker to some people as well sometimes, but it doesn't have anything to do with my race.

Anyway I am rambling, and I have a bunch of prostitutes to beat up and a few banks I need to roll over on. - the exciting life of the typical Black Person. Be afraid.... be very afraid... :)

-Ben ;)

PS. So fellow Canadian / USA Blacks who are spooked (pun intended hehe :P) by this remember to not listen to online bigots who want all the fun for themselves. Come on out and have a good time and keep your head up. Anything is possible with courage and a positive attitude.

(I will be traveling through Thailand & SE Asia Solo for the next six months, pm me if you want my blog link)

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So this post relates directly to me I guess - I am half a Caucasian and half Black Canadian.That would make me black ( or Obama like :P ). Personally I can only speak on behalf myself because I don't represent my whole race. If I cant speak for my whole race then most certainly some of these bigots can't either. I'm just a regular guy, who works in the automotive industry and makes decent money. I "stereotypically" act white, although I really hate when bigots feel the need to classify a successful Black person as "acting white". I'm just a regular Joe, and I often forget that I am any different from anyone else until I run into another bigot (rare) or turn on my computer. I personally would feel like crap if I got denied from a Hotel based on my skin colour, when a white colleague or employee of mine would get access when we are essentially from the same culture. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between me and your average white dude at all - besides penis size of course and that is debatable ( I keed I keed :P )

Reading all of this makes me a little nervous to travel to Thailand, however there is no way that I would ever change my plans because of a group of online bigots. Although I dont agree with the Hotels race policy, I think the real issue here is the amount of bigots trying to justify it. They seem to pipe up to talk as if they know so much about black people and how they are so horrible. I feel that I can speak on this as I am a product of both races so I think I have a more balanced view. I have met Brutal COCKSUCKERS of every race, some races more and some races less, I have also met great people of all races as well. I am not perfect either, I can probably be a cocksucker to some people as well sometimes, but it doesn't have anything to do with my race.

Anyway I am rambling, and I have a bunch of prostitutes to beat up and a few banks I need to roll over on. - the exciting life of the typical Black Person. Be afraid.... be very afraid... :)

-Ben ;)

PS. So fellow Canadian / USA Blacks who are spooked (pun intended hehe :P) by this remember to not listen to online bigots who want all the fun for themselves. Come on out and have a good time and keep your head up. Anything is possible with courage and a positive attitude.

(I will be traveling through Thailand & SE Asia Solo for the next six months, pm me if you want my blog link)

imho canadian blacks and east oakland blacks are not kindred spirits. oboma and canadians may be alike though.

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I guess it depends on what one calls racism. Growing up in West London during the 70s, I had to deal with real racism that involved literally having to fight for your life with white youths on a regular basis.

Try being white walking through certain parts of London predominantly populated by people of Afro Caribbean/ Somalian/ Pakistani origin in 2010, now that is real racism.

:lol: Real Racism to be called white trash and have a few stones thrown at you? Mate I come from that part of London, not far from Southall. yeah your right there is racism there aimed at the whites but its far from real racism! :blink:

try picking cotton for years on end IF you survive and not get paid but get regular beatings for it. taken away from your homes to work as slaves, now thats real racism. did you ever study history? come forward a few years to London during the 60s and 70s, whats that they called paki bashing! I think whatever you have tried in London 2010 is a lot less than many blacks have gone through over the course of a few hundred years.

I am shocked at the amount of racists there are on this board and yet most of you are screwing Thai girls :blink: the mind boggles.

real racism?:blink:, racism is racism.

slavey did not start in the cotton fields in the usa. what about ancient egypt, the akkadian empire, assyria, acient greece, the moors, the vikings. shall i go on?

i see some hotels in bangkok will not accept thais???????

you need to study history:lol:.

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It's the same in Blighty, in the States, wherever . . . whites do the most kiddie fiddlin' . . . period.

Well in thailand it just happens to be thai(s), so you are indeed wrong.

Well I guess that being in the majority, that would more than likely be the case but the whites are over-represented when considering their number in this country. That says a lot. It's in their fuggin' DNA, man . . .

There you have it, folks. Racial profiling at its most positive. Rather unpleasant wouldn't you say?

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I'm sorry Thakkar but I disagree with you.

The sad reality is that these people create their own racial profile because it is culturally unnecessary for them to bath.

So even if you bury your head in the sand you can still smell them.

Life and limb are also culturally unimportant to them.

One thing you can be quite sure of is that you are going to be racial profiled by them.

Where are all the great scientific, educational and legal advances come from bringing Nigerians into Western countries?

Where are all the great scientific, educational and legal advances come from bringing you to any country? :huh:

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Well this does not suprise me in the least after all TIT(this is Thailand) .

How can anyone living and working in thailand with a Thai wife/Gf be called Racist ?

if we/they are Racisit surly they would have western wives or Gf also i agree that generaly in this so called PC world of ours it is unfortunatly the africans / blacks that tentd to cause many problems in their host countries look at all the riots some years ago in Brixton and Bristol . the gang wars your hear about e.t.c e.t.c

I have some very good friends who are Black and i would feel bad if they are treated as the unknown rapper artist above but TiT we cannot and should not try to change the Thai people because we dont like what we hear or see it is after all their county not ours.

The friends of mine who are black have told me many times that they themselves Hate the blacks because of the problems they cause and the fact it gives all the good Black people a bad Rep .

i also agree that the Hotel should refund the money .

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Hey I can't find this hotel after googling a few different ways, do they have a website, or is there a hotel booking site that shows it?

Just curious.

I haven't seen any comments about discrimination against Arabs, just kinda curious about that too.

Can anybody help/comment on these two points?


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To be honest being Black myself I have sympathy for some of those who avoid those congregated around the various sois in Sukhumvit, I avoid them too. When I ever I have walked down that street I cast my eyes to the ground. It is not a racist thing but just wanting to avoid trouble and attract the wrong kind of attention. Having lived here for then years I have rarely had a problem getting into any bar, except when my friend from England comes over, and he is of Indian descent. If that happens we just move on to the next place and spend our money there. If people have small minds leave them too it.

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Look, there are criminals in every racial group. A lot of Blacks on Sukhumvit sell drugs but, as a race, they're far less likely to indulge in the truly heinous crimes taking place in Thailand like paedophilia. Those crimes, by and large, tend to be committed by the Caucasians.

A lot of the Caucasians in Thailand are on the run from law enforcement authorities in their own countries and many that aren't are involved in less than legal activities including wholesale drug smuggling, boiler room operations and blatant larceny. Just because they're less visible doesn't make them any less nefarious.

Frankly, I'd rather be a dealer selling weed than a fuggin' nonce cos I've not heard of many instances where a bloke smokes some reefer and then goes home to beat ten shades out of his wife and kids. Can't say the same for good old, legal alcohol though.

Child rape has increased 400% in South Africa in the last 10 years.

I still work with the SAPS and the reason being for the very high numbers of child rapes and white women rapes is, because blacks believe if you rape a child or a white women, you will not contract AIDS / HIV. Come right boyo, the figures are up 4000 %. One rape every 8 minutes. Do not quote sh one Tee ok !

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I am a newcomer to this forum, and to this particular discussion, but it seems to me that most posters are expressing their own prejudices rather than commenting on racism in Thailand, which was the point of the original post. Thailand has long been a comfortably multi-racial culture. Many of the GIs stationed here during the Vietnam Was years were African-American, and a number of them married Thai wives without incident. I am a little shocked by the equation of blacks with drug dealers. There are black drug dealers in Thailand, sure, but most drug dealers in Thailand are -- duh -- Thai.

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I guess it depends on what one calls racism. Growing up in West London during the 70s, I had to deal with real racism that involved literally having to fight for your life with white youths on a regular basis.

Try being white walking through certain parts of London predominantly populated by people of Afro Caribbean/ Somalian/ Pakistani origin in 2010, now that is real racism.

:lol: Real Racism to be called white trash and have a few stones thrown at you? Mate I come from that part of London, not far from Southall. yeah your right there is racism there aimed at the whites but its far from real racism! :blink:

try picking cotton for years on end IF you survive and not get paid but get regular beatings for it. taken away from your homes to work as slaves, now thats real racism. did you ever study history? come forward a few years to London during the 60s and 70s, whats that they called paki bashing! I think whatever you have tried in London 2010 is a lot less than many blacks have gone through over the course of a few hundred years.

I am shocked at the amount of racists there are on this board and yet most of you are screwing Thai girls :blink: the mind boggles.

But ive already shown you to be a liar and fantasist on another thread, with your own quotes so lets take what you write with a pinch of salt.

Do these stats prove real racism for you? come on please answer this question.


And no im not here to screw Thai girls, im here to see and raise my child you ignorant bar crawling whoremonger.

Edited by Englander
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I'm sorry Thakkar but I disagree with you.

The sad reality is that these people create their own racial profile because it is culturally unnecessary for them to bath.

So even if you bury your head in the sand you can still smell them.

Life and limb are also culturally unimportant to them.

One thing you can be quite sure of is that you are going to be racial profiled by them.

Where are all the great scientific, educational and legal advances come from bringing Nigerians into Western countries?

Right off the top of my head: Booker-prize-winning author, Ben Okri. Born and brought up in Nigeria of Nigerian parents. Went to uni in UK, where he and my brother became good friends. Ben published his first novel before age 20.

But I don't think it would make any difference to you even if I gave you a two-page list. In any case, a person's worth is intrinsic.

An entire race does not create its own stereotype. Others, based on examples they may have witnessed or heard about and lacking any other knowledge, tend to create stereotypes.

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<br />Who in the right mind would want to share a hotel with Africans?<br /><br />Now i make sure when i check in that no Africans are staying, if the hotel does have a African staying I will just WALK OUT, it's just not worth the HIV risk staying in the same hotel.<br /><br />Thank God the Thais can stand up to the savages.<br /><br />THAILAND DOES NOT WANT COCAINE DEALING SCAM AIDS RIDDEN SCUM LIVING HERE<br /><br />This is my personal choice and I know plenty of higher class farang such as myself who hold the same views.<br /><br />Although I  only stay in  5* hotels I might have to check this Nava hotel out.<br /><br />And I am suprised a African teacher is on this fred, can i ask do you have to take a AIDS test before you work with thai children?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />One would like to think of the HIV risk<br />
<br /><br /><br />

You describe yourself as high class and you are, a high class bigot.

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